3: The Value of Reflection

Those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.


OVER THE YEARS I’ve been privileged to have a few people consistently speak into my life. At the same time, I have spoken into theirs. I always come away the richer.

Every so often one of these mentors asks me a question or two that causes me to stop in my tracks and to ponder, a process which spreads over some weeks.

This happened again a few weeks ago. I was having coffee with a man who is a few years older than me and yet owns and operates a very active and vibrant consulting firm. He and I make it a point to encourage each other in our professional and spiritual leadership.

On this occasion he put his coffee down, looked intently into my eyes, and said, “Bruce, I have five questions for you.”

I grabbed my journal and said, “Shoot.”

Pondering these questions helped me to reflect, to focus, and to be honest with myself. It was both freeing and challenging.

Life is short. I want God’s best for myself and for you as well. Self-reflection can give you the insight you need to adjust your thinking and your actions so that your life is focused in the right direction. Setting your mind on the things of the Spirit means being influenced by the Spirit who lives inside of you. It means aligning yourself with the Spirit.

I leave the same five questions for you to reflect on.


  1. What are you doing well that you can leverage?
  2. What isn’t working that you need to change?
  3. What is missing that you need to add?
  4. What is confusing that you need to clarify?
  5. How can you be influenced by the Spirit? What would this look like, practically, in your life?