Some deaths are hard and painful, while other deaths are easy and pain-free. The pain that death brings to the living is wrenching and debilitating, but at times death brings relief and joy because we know that our deceased loved one is no longer suffering. My sense is that we dread death because we don’t talk about it, we don’t understand it, and we have a lot of religious misconceptions that keep us from knowing the truth about it. We also have the incorrect idea that it is final.
I hope that this book has helped you see death in a different light. Yes, it’s hard and it sucks (that’s right — I said “sucks”), but we can get through it and we do carry on when we lose a loved one.
If you are the one about to make your journey home to the other side, I want to remind you that there is a reason why you are leaving and your loved ones are staying here. They will find a way to live without you. Losing you is part of their life plan, just as finishing up things here and heading home is part of your life plan.
And if you are the one left here on earth, mourning the loss of a loved one, know that the pain from loss fades a little bit as each day passes — if you let it. Go through your grieving process and remind yourself daily that there are reasons why you are meant to live without this person. Look for the good. It makes me smile to think that my mom died while I was finishing up this book. It’s as though she wanted to help me by giving me the experience of losing her and the understanding that our continued communication has given me.
Ask the universe to help you see the bigger picture. Don’t pull on the energy of the person you’ve lost, because they are going through a transition just as you are and aren’t in a position to comfort you. Instead, reach out to friends, family, and your higher power. If you’re asking for the right things — direction, guidance, comfort, and help — your answers and support will come.
I wish you nothing but the best that life — and death — has to offer as you travel down your path.
God bless,