Photo of Atasha Fyfe

Atasha Fyfe graduated with a BA (Hons) degree, taught high-school history and English and then entered the world of journalism. She knew in her heart, however, that these experiences were in many ways a preparation for her true calling.

Her deepest interest was spiritually centred psychology, and to develop this she studied widely and took courses in Rogerian Counselling, Hypnotherapy and Transpersonal Psychology. She then felt inspired to move from London to Glastonbury, where she discovered that her clients were primarily interested in finding out about their past lives.

Realizing this was life’s special gift to her, Atasha embraced the subject wholeheartedly. An experienced shaman gave her private tuition in past-life regression, and she researched everything she could on the subject. At the same time, she regularly began to publish articles in New Age and esoteric magazines.

A fascinating journey unfolded, during which she built up a large data bank of case studies and made many exciting discoveries about the greater awareness and potentials that are available to us all.

If you’d like to share your own past-life experiences and insights, you’re welcome to contact Atasha through her website.
