


abilities, past-life see talents, skills and abilities, past-life

abundance 155–64

and disillusionment 156–8

enhancing your abundance 163

and fears 161–2

and religious beliefs 158–61

acupuncture 139

affirmations 120

alchemists 8

allegiances 69–70

alpha brainwaves/state of consciousness 23

angels 194

anniversary syndrome 74–5

anorexia nervosa 142

apatite 113

apophylite 114

armouring 104

asthma 146–7

astrology 111–13

Athens, University of 7

Atlanteans 177–8

Augustine of Hippo 6


bags, as symbols 116

Baigent, Michael and Leigh, Richard: The Elixir and the Stone 16

base chakra 149

Bernstein, Morey: The Search for Bridey Murphy 8–9

beta brainwaves/state of consciousness 22–3

Bible 5–6

birth charts 111–13

birth marks 16, 102–3

birthdays 74

Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna 8

Bloxham, Arnall 54, 193

bodily effects, past-life 16, 99–106

birth marks 16, 102–3

and the chakras 148–53

dealing with the past-life cause of a physical problem 99, 105–6, 135–53

dowsing the body for 109

gestures 100–101

mannerisms 16, 100–101

movement 104–5

physical reminders through actions 101–2

posture 16, 100–101

body armouring 104

books, as triggers of past-life memories 92–5

boots, as symbols 116

brainwaves 22–3


deep breathing exercises 119, 139, 146

problems 145–7

Bromfield, Louis 53–4

brooches 38

brow chakra 150

Buddha 128

bulimia 142, 143


cabalists 8

candles 120

Cathars 72–3, 74, 159

Cayce, Edgar 81, 136, 177–8

cerussite 114

chakras 148–50

clearing exercise 150–53

children 41–52

birth marks 16, 102–3

child prodigies 45–6

games of 44

getting past-life clues from your childhood memories exercise 50–51

and mothers’ dreams 48–50

past-life clues of childhood 44–5

past-life memories of 41–5

and their past-life homes 42–3

Christian Gnostics 6, 159

Christianity 5–6, 159

see also Church Church 5, 6, 7

and the Cathars 72, 74

Church fathers 6

clogs, as symbols 116

clothes 34–7

footware 116

cloud, as a soul journey vehicle 121–2

Cockell, Jenny: Yesterday’s Children 49–50

completing unfinished business 54–6


and brainwaves 22–3

levels/stages of 22–3

new global expansion of 4

and regression 21, 22–3

your higher consciousness 194 see also spirit bodies

crown chakra 150

crystals 113–14, 120

dowsing with 108


Dalai Lama 132

dance 105

Dark Ages, beginning of 6–7

De Felitta, Raymond 46

death 130, 146

déjà vu experiences 53, 54

delta brainwaves/state of consciousness 23

disillusionment 156–8

dowsing 107–10

the body 109

maps 109

pictures/photographs 110

possessions 109

dreams 3, 15, 23, 33, 114–16, 183, 195

and free association 116

going back into the dream 115

incubating a dream 115–16

keeping a dream diary 115

learning the language of 116

lucid dreaming 23

mothers’ dreams of their children 48–50

and movement 104–5

and places 54

recurring nightmares 72–3, 74

set in historical periods 67–9, 72–3

dress see clothes


eating problems 139–44

EEGs (electroencephalograms) 22, 23

Egyptian Therapeutae 6

electroencephalograms (EEGs) 22, 23

emotional suffocation 146

Essenes 6, 159


Faulkner, William 67

fears 161–2

Ferdinand of Naples 135

films, as triggers of past-life memories 89–92

Fiore, Edith 26, 99, 140

Fisher, Joe 5–6, 46, 128

Ford, Henry 81, 132

forgiveness 156

forgiving your past self 29

free association 116


games 44

genius 45–6, 81


places see places

and reincarnation 53–65

gestures, as past-life bodily effects 100–101

Gnostics, Christian 6, 159

Goldberg, Bruce 142

Past Lives, Future Lives 96

Grant, Joan 70

group reincarnations 176–9

guided visualization 117

and self-regression 117–22

Guirdham, Arthur 72–3, 74, 137


healing negative effects

breathing problems 145–7

and the chakras 148–53

dealing with the past-life cause of a physical problem 99, 105–6, 135–53

old insecurities 173–5

places for 57–60

resolving old problems 171–3

skin problems 144–5

therapy for see past-life therapy

weight and eating problems 139–44

heart chakra 149

herkimer diamond 114

higher guidance 10

see also spirit guides Hinduism 133

holidays 74

Holy Inquisition 7

homes 32

secret past-life clues around the house 31–9

and their past-life homes 42–3

hope, messages of 183–6

hypnotism 135–6


incubating a dream 115–16

Inquisition 7

insecurities 173–5

intention 117, 118

introspection 16

intuition 15, 183

J, K

jewellery 37–9

Jung, Carl Gustav 130

Justinian 6, 7

karma 20, 130


labyrinths 63

Lafontaine, Charles 135


of the body, concerning past lives see bodily effects, past-life

of dreams 116, 123

of symbols 116, 117, 123

listening 120

lucid dreaming 23


magic carpet, as a soul journey vehicle 121

magnets, healing 139

mandalas 120

mannerisms, as past-life bodily effects 16, 100–101

mantras 120

map dowsing 109

marigold 86

massage 139

materialism 133

mazes 63

meaningfulness 130

messages of purpose 189–91

Medici, Cosimo de 7

meditation 15, 183

and the alpha state 23

and self-regression 117–22

mementoes, past-life 16

memories, past-life 16–17, 24–6

the body’s holding of see bodily effects, past-life

of children see children

déjà vu experiences 53, 54

handling difficult memories during regression 28

healthy influence of happy memories 31

key questions to ask when memories arise 194–6

messages from see messages from past-life memories

triggers of see triggers of past-life memories

see also regression; self-regression

messages from past-life memories 183–91

of hope 183–6

of purpose 189–91

of self-worth 186–9

Minoans 47–8, 71–2, 176–7

moldavite 114

money 155–63

mothers’ dreams of their children 48–50


as a past-life bodily effect 104–5

and self-regression 119

movies, as triggers of past-life memories 89–92

music 120

mystics 8

N, O

Nazarenes 6

negative past-life experiences 20

forgiving your past self and moving on 28–9

handling difficult memories during regression 28

places to heal negative effects 57–60

therapy for see past-life therapy; regression

Netherton, Morris 26, 130, 136–7, 165

nightmares 72–3, 74

north nodes 112

occultists 8


past-life awareness 2–4

and abundance 155–63

benefits to the world from belief in reincarnation 131–4

finding your ways to 193–4

frequency of famous past-life beliefs 26–8

and health see healing negative effects; past-life therapy inner ways to 15–16 see also dreams; meditation; regression; self-regression and knowing why we are here 129

memories of past-life experiences see memories, past-life

outer ways to 16–17

personal benefits of 129–31 see also healing negative effects

and relationships see relationships over lifetimes

and self-identity 127–8

through astrology 111–13

through crystals 113–14

through dowsing 107–11

through dreams see dreams through guided visualization 117–32

through regression see regression; self-regression

through the body see bodily effects, past-life

through triggers see triggers of past-life memories

past-life experiences

held in the body see bodily effects, past-life

memories of see memories, past-life

negative see negative past-life experiences

places to strengthen positive effects 60–63

and relationships see relationships over lifetimes

past-life therapists 28

past-life therapy

birth of 9–10

with breathing problems 145–7

dealing with the past-life cause of a physical problem 99, 105–6, 135–53

expanding frontiers of 10

forgiving your past self and moving on 28–9

regression in see regression; self-regression

and relationships see relationships over lifetimes

with skin problems 144–5

with weight and eating problems 139–44

wide scope of 1

working with the chakras 148–53

peace 132–3

pendulums 107, 108–11

Petulengro, Lee 167–8

Pharisees 6

photograph dowsing 110

physical experiences, as past-life reminders 101–2

Pickingill, George 177


dowsing 110

as triggers of past-life memories 95–8

pilgrimage 62–3

Pius IX, Pope 135

places 53–65

for completing unfinished business 54–6

discovering your special past-life places 64

dowsing a map 109

geography and reincarnation 53–65

to heal negative effects 57–60

imagining relaxing in a beautiful place 120

and pilgrimage 62–3

spiral pathways 63

to strengthen positive effects 60–63

visiting favourite places 17

and wartime effects 55–6

play 44

Pollack, Michael 138


abundance 155–63

dowsing 109

secret past-life clues around the house 31–9

posture, as a past-life bodily effect 16, 100–101

poverty 159–61

priestesses 177

prodigies, child 45–6

psychiatrists 9

psychology 9, 20

psychotherapists 9

purpose, messages of 189–91


regression 15, 19–30

in Bernstein’s The Search for Bridey Murphy 8–9

blockages to 24

and breathing 146 see also breathing

case example accounts 20–21, 36–7, 57–60, 61–2, 71–3, 76–7, 82–6, 91–5, 96, 97, 140–41, 142–3, 144–5, 157–8, 159–62, 171–5, 179, 184–9

conventional psychology’s use of 9, 20

emotional and physical effects of 26

and famous past-life beliefs 26–8

FAQs about 24–9

and higher guidance 10

reasons for seeking past-life regressions 24

relaxation techniques for see relaxation techniques

self-regression see self-regression

and the soul journey 121–2

and the stages of consciousness 22–3

validity of past-life regression 9–10, 25–6, 73

the way it works 21–3

Reich, Wilhelm 104

reincarnation 5–11

and awareness of past lives see past-life awareness

benefits to the world from belief in 131–4

and the Cathars 72–3, 74

and the early Church 5–7

groups that reincarnate together 176–9

healing effects of belief in 130–31 see also healing negative effects

made a heresy by Justinian 7

and places 53–65 see also places

and relationships see relationships over lifetimes

tolerance and belief in 132

validity of 9–10, 25–6, 73

world peace and belief in 132–3

relationships over lifetimes 16, 165–82

brief encounters 169–70

groups that reincarnate together 176–9

healing old insecurities 173–5

meeting someone from a past life in the maze exercise 180–81

positive past-life connections 166–8

resolving old problems 171–3

relaxation techniques 21–2

with affirmations 120

with breathing 119

focusing on an object 120

with mantras 120

with movement 119

with music 120

and self-regression 117, 118–22

with sound 120

with toning 119

with visualization 120

religious beliefs 158–61

resilience 130

retail therapy 32

retrograde planets 112–13

rings 38

Roman Empire 6–7

root chakra 149

Rosicrucians 8

round tables 196–7


sacral chakra 149

sandals, as symbols 116

Santayana, George 131

self-identity 127–8

self-regression 117–22

and intention 117, 118

and relaxation 117, 118–22

and the soul journey 121–2

and trust 117

self-worth 133–4

messages of 186–9

serpentine 114

shoes, as symbols 116

skills, past-life see talents, skills and abilities, past-life

skin problems 144–5

Socrates 45

solar plexus chakra 149

soul groups 176–9

soul journeys 121–2

sound 120

south nodes 112

space bubble, as a soul journey vehicle 122

special messages see messages from past-life memories

spiral pathways 63

spirit bodies 99, 127–8

spirit guides 27, 57–8, 61, 85, 118, 147, 174, 178, 185, 188, 194

Steiner, Rudolf 8

Stevenson, Ian 10, 42–3, 100, 103, 138

stilling the mind 120

Stonehenge 59–60

Sufi centres 7

Sutratma 133

symbols, language of 116, 117, 123

synchronicities 27, 62, 83, 85–6, 169, 183, 194, 195


tables, as symbols 116

round tables 196–7

talents, skills and abilities, past-life 16, 19–20, 81–7

and child prodigies 45–6

signs of your abilities from a past life 87

technology, Atlantean and modern 177–8

Theosophical Society 8

theosophy 8

Therapeutae, Egyptian 6

theta brainwaves/state of consciousness 23

third eye chakra 150

Thoth 189–90

throat chakra 149

time 67–78

anniversary syndrome 74–5

birthdays 74

dreams set in historical periods 67–9, 72–3

holidays 74

north node as the future to grow towards 112

and old allegiances 69–70

south node as the past to be left behind 112

tracking your past-life clues through time 78

working with the past 70–73

tolerance 132

toning 119

trance 23

triggers of past-life memories 16–17, 89–98

in the body see bodily effects, past-life

books 92–5

getting past-life clues from your childhood memories exercise 50–51

movies 89–92

physical reminders through actions 101–2

pictures 95–8

secret clues around the house 31–9

trust 117, 185–6

twins 47–8


unfinished business 54–6


Virgilius, Pope 7

visionary experiences 23


clearing your chakras exercise 150–53

guided see guided visualization


Wambach, Helen 137–8, 139, 171

wartime effects 55–6

wealth 155–8

see also abundance weight problems 139–44

Woolger, Roger 56, 138–9, 142, 145–6

world peace 132–3

wulfenite 114