
Episode 6: Reaching Higher available for purchase now!



Walker Wildcats Year 1

Episode 6: Reaching Higher

MS. DAWSON WATCHED while the entire class settled into their school work. Slowly the excited chatter died down, and chairs stopped bumping into the desks. Cassie glanced at the assignment on the board and pulled out her notebook. Around her, her classmates did the same until silence filled the classroom.

Ms. Dawson cleared her throat. “If I could have everyone’s attention, please.”

Cassie looked up from her work. Her teacher held up a lined sheet of computer paper. “Ms. King is putting on a talent show at the end of the month. Any one who wants to participate needs to sign up. Make sure you write down your talent.”

A talent show! Cassie straightened up, excited. She’d heard rumors about this already. She loved talent shows. She always participated. But usually she sang, and this time, Cassie felt like doing something different. She tapped her pencil to her lips. What else could she do? A few weeks ago she’d thought she wanted to be a comedian, but she couldn’t think of anything funny at the moment. What else was there?

She smiled as an idea came to her. She waited until the sign up sheet stopped at her desk, then she carefully penciled in her name. “Cassandra Jones. Clarinet.” She beamed down at the sign-up sheet. Band practices with her dad had been going extremely well. He’d be so pleased with her desire to play the clarinet in the show.

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