- 'Abbasids, in Egypt, 74–76, 98, 116–17
- 'Abd al-Hamīd II, 119
- 'Abd al-Malik, 78–79
- Aden, 126
- Afghanistan, xi, xii, 6, 7, 31, 50, 55, 61, 64, 146
- aggression, by Syria/Iran, 24, 29–30
- agriculture, in Middle East, 45, 47
- Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 25, 42, 152
- Ajami, Fouad, ix–xiii, xvii–xxvi
- Alawis, 34. See also
- Algeria, 11, 13, 48–49
- 'Alī Pasha, Muhammad, 94
- Allah, as Islamic God, x, xxi, 11, 25
- Al-Nahār
(newspaper), 80
- anti-Semitism, 155, 158, 161–70
- Arab Human Development Report (2009)
- (United Nations Development Program), 47–48
- Arab League, 20, 166, 170–71
- Arab states
- aid/donations to, 50–51
- anti-Semitism in, 170
- economies of, 29, 32
- expansionism by, 30–32, 44
- exports of, 48
- investment in, 43, 48, 61
- merger of, 32
- oil/gas resources of, 12, 30, 33, 41–44, 59
- Palestinians and, 23
- population of, 48, 128
- radicalism against, ix–x, xi, xxi, 7–8
- reform of, xxii, 6–7
- regulation in, 48
- subsidies by, 43
- transfer of funds in, 51–52
- U.S. aid to, 50–51
- Arab-Israel conflict, 6, 22–23, 26–28, 56–59
- Al-Arabiya (television), 116
- Arafat, Yasser, 24
- Armenia, 3, 50, 81, 92, 96, 118, 126–27, 158
- Arnold, Thomas, xxv
- Aryan, languages, 140, 161
- al-Asad, Bashaar, 29–30, 34
- al-Asad, Hafiz, 29–30, 34
- Atatürk, Kemal, xi, 10–11, 16
- The Atlantic
(magazine), xviii
- authority
- in Middle East, xi, 124–26
- propaganda against, 124–26
- axis of evil, 8
- Azzam Pasha, Abdul Rahman, 166
- Ba'ath Party, 35, 49, 169
- Bahrain, 31
- Balkans, xii
- Al-Bashīr
(newspaper), 96
- benign neglect, by U.S., 6
- Berlin Wall, ix, 4
- bin Laden, Osama, xxi, 7–8
- blood libel, 161, 166–67, 170
- Bonaparte, Napoleon, 1, 9, 71, 72, 94
- Bosnia, 61
- broadcasting, development of, 112–13
- Busbecq, Ogier Ghiselin de, xix–xx
- Bush, George H.W., 2
- Bush, George W., xxii–xxiii
- caliphate, Islamic, x, 74–75
- cartoon, as propaganda, 119
- ''The Changing East'' (Lawrence), 57
- Chavez, Hugo, 42
- Cheney, Dick, xxii
- China, 3, 42, 63–66, 91–92
- Christianity
- anti-Semitism, 166
- in Armenia/Georgia, 3
- attacks on, 13
- Crusades by, xix, 13, 21–22, 59
- God of, xx–xxi
- Islam v., xviii–xix, 13
- Jesus and, xx
- messianism and, 143
- pacifism by, 13
- tolerance by, 163–64
- triumphalism/militancy of, 13
- Zoroastrianism and, 143
- Churchill, William, 96
- cinema, for propaganda, 122–24
- civilizations, clash of, xix
- Cold War, ix, 3, 23, 61, 83–84, 130, 148
- College of Propaganda, 69, 73
- commerce, globalism and, xviii–xix, xx
- communication
- through mosques, 10, 110–11
- paper/printing for, 91–97
- propaganda for, 129
- conflict
- between Arabs/Israelis, 6, 22–23, 26–28, 56–59
- cooperation v.,
21, 46, 57
- for dictatorships, 58
- in politics, 20–21
- conscription, 71–72, 86–87
- conspiracy theories, in Middle East, 5–6, 82
- constitutions, as propaganda, 101
- cooperation
- barriers to, 58
- conflict v., 21, 46, 57
- in Middle East, 21, 28, 44, 57
- for peace, 57
- Copts, in Egypt, 60
- Crusades, xix, 13, 21–22, 59
- culture, Western, exposure to, xxiv, 2, 5, 8–9
- Cultures in Conflict: Christians, Muslims, and Jews in the Age of Discovery
(Lewis), xxiv
- Cyprus, 61, 126
- Cyrus, Jews and, 142–43, 149
- democracy
- disadvantages of, 10–11, 13–14
- elections under, 8, 14, 19, 52, 85, 169
- in Israel, 18–19
- in Lebanon, 33–34, 38
- in Middle East, xi, 10–11, 15, 16, 18–19, 33–34, 38, 55, 67
- propaganda under, 13–14
- strength/weaknesses of, 14
- in Turkey, xi, 10–11, 15, 16, 55, 67
- desalination, for water, 46–47
- dictatorships, in Middle East, xi, 2, 8, 23, 31, 35, 36, 58–59, 62, 66, 67
- Dome of the Rock, 78–79
- Dreyfus Affair, 167
- Druze, 34
- economy
- of Arab states, 29, 44–45, 48–49
- exploitation of, 32
- of Israel, 44
- as oil dependent, 42–43
- of U.S., 50
- education, in Middle East, x, 44, 45, 49, 50–51, 76, 85, 174
- Egypt
- 'Abbasids/Fāṭimids in, 74–76, 98, 116–17
- Bonaparte in, 1
- in Byzantine empire, 149–50
- Cairo caliphs in, 74–75
- Copts in, 60
- economy of, 48–49
- as enabler regime, xi
- France in, xx, 1, 94
- fundamentalism in, xxiii–xxiv, 11
- G.N.P. of, 58
- Great Britain in, 1, 96
- as Islamic power, 1
- Libya and, 31–32
- Muslim Brotherhood in, xxiii–xxiv
- nationhood in, 37–38
- newspaper in, 94
- Sudan and, 31–32
- Sunni v.
Shi'a in, 147
- U.S. aid to, 50–51
- elections, democracy for, 8, 14, 19, 52, 85, 169
- eloquence, for persuasion, 110
- energy, alternative, oil/gas v.,
- Erbakan, Necmettin, 15
- Erdogan, Recep Tayyip, 15
- ethnicity
- for fragmentation, 38
- in Iran, 40
- in Iraq, 34–35, 38
- nationality v.,
- self-determination for, 38–39
- Europe
- donations from, 50–51
- exploration by, xix–xx
- imperialism of, xx, 1, 2, 61, 94, 96, 126
- Islam in, xi–xii, xix
- Israel and, 18
- labor migration to, 49
- Middle East investment by, 43, 48, 61
- Muslim women in, 55
- oil for, 42
- paper/printing in, 91–92
- standard of living in, 49
- technology of, 59
- terrorism operations in, xx, 51
- exit strategy, 6
- expansionism, by Arab states, 30–32, 44
- Falsehood in Wartime
(Ponsonby), 77
- Fāṭimids, 98, 104, 106, 116–17
- federalism, in Iraq, 38–39
- flusterpropaganda,
78. See also
- Foreign Affairs
(magazine), xxi
- fragmentation
- ethnicity/sectarianism for, 38
- in Middle East, 33, 35–38, 40–41
- of Yugoslavia, 59
- France
- in Algeria, 51
- conscription by, 71
- in Egypt, xx, 1, 94
- Gazette Française de Constantinople
by, 93–94
- Islam in, xix
- printing by, 93–94
- propaganda by, 81, 93
- revolution in, 70, 93
- freedom
- from imperialism, 125
- independence v.,
- of Jews, 15, 18
- terrorism and, 67–68
- fundamentalism
- advantages/effects of, 10, 12
- in Algeria, 11
- compromise and, 21–22
- in Egypt, xxiii–xxiv, 11
- elections under, 14, 149
- God and, 14
- as ideology, 9
- Islam and, 11, 12–13
- in Israel, 18–19
- jihad and, x, xix, 13, 21–22, 59, 71, 106–7
- Justice and Development Party for, 15, 55
- Khomeinism as, 10, 55, 151–52
- power through, 14
- religion and, 11
- repression under, 11, 17
- in Saudi Arabia, 36
- shari'a
and, 11
- in Sudan, 11
- terrorism and, ix, xi, xxii, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12, 17–18
- in Turkey, 15–17
- Wahhabi order and, 36
- war for, 12
- weakness of, 14
- al-Gailani, Rashid Ali, 168
- Gazette Française de Constantinople
(newspaper), 93–94
- Georgia, Christianity in, 3
- Germany, 27, 73, 78, 140, 167–69
- Gibb, Sir Hamilton, xxv
- Gibbon, Edward, xxiv
- globalism, commerce and, xviii–xix, xx
- G.N.P. See
gross national product
- God
- of Christianity, xx–xxi
- fundamentalism and, 14
- of Islam, x, xxi, 11, 25
- law of, 14
- Goebbels, Joseph, 73
- Golan Heights, 29–30
- Goldziher, Ignaz, xxv
- Gorbachev, Mikhail, 2
- Great Britain, 1, 96
- Greater Palestine. See
- Greece, lobby against Turkey by, 158
- Gross, Walter, 168
- gross national product (G.N.P.), of Middle East, 58
- Gulf States, economy of, 48–49
- Gulf War (1990–1991), 2, 23, 31, 36, 80
- Haman, Jews and, 150–51
- Hamas, in Gaza, 146
- Herbert and Jane Dwight Working Group
- on Islamism and the International
- Order, ix–x, xi, xii–xiii, 179
- Hezbollah, 147
- historiography, as propaganda, 101, 105–7, 135–36
- Hitler, Adolf, 66, 167
- holy war. See
- Hoover Institution, ix
- House of Saud, 36. See also
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- human welfare, in Middle East, xii–xiii
- humiliation, legacy of, x
- Huntington, Samuel, xix
- Hurgronje, Christiaan Snouck, xxv
- Hussein, Saddam, xi, 2, 8, 23, 31, 35, 66, 67
- Ibn Hāni', 104
- ideology
- fundamentalism as, 9
- Kemalism as, xi, 10–11, 16
- Khomeinism as, 10, 55, 151–52
- imperialism
- by Europe, xx, 1, 2, 61, 94, 96, 126
- freedom from, 125
- terrorism against, 126
- of U.S., 6, 8
- after WW II, 129
- India, 63–65, 151, 172
- Inquisition, 175
- Intifada, 22–23, 36, 66
- investment, in Arab states, 43, 48, 61
- Iran. See
Islamic Republic of Iran
- Iranian Revolution, 30, 51, 84, 145–48. See also
Islamic Republic of Iran
- Iraq
- Ba'ath Party in, 35, 49, 169
- as Babylonia, 149–50
- dictatorship in, xi, 2, 8, 23, 31, 35, 66, 67
- ethnicity in, 34–35, 38
- federalism in, 38–39
- Hussein in, xi, 2
- Iran and, 146
- Kurds in, 35
- Kuwait and, 2, 23, 31
- from Ottoman Empire, 34–35
- Saudi Arabia and, 2
- social division in, 35
- Sunnis v.
Shi'a in, 35, 105, 137
- Syria and, 33–34
- terrorism in, 61
- U.S. intervention in, xii, 6, 33, 35, 41, 61
- Islam
- Allah and, x, xxi, 11, 25
- caliphate by, x, 74–75
- Christendom v.,
xviii–xix, 13
- commerce and, xx
- compromise in, 14–15
- Egypt and, 1
- enlightenment of, xviii
- in Europe, xi–xii, xix
- extremes of, 14
- fundamentalism v., 11, 12–13
- history of, 88, 106
- images/symbols in, 116
- jihad for, x, xix, 13, 21–22, 59, 71, 106–7
- madrasa
for, 76
- martyrdom under, 25, 26
- nature of, 13
- order v.
chaos under, ix
- passion of, xix, xxiv
- power loss by, xx
- Qur'ān and, 9, 17, 164
- radicalism in, ix–x, xi, xxi, 7–8
- religion/politics in, xx, 20–21
- Sunnis v.
Shi'a in, 17, 35, 105, 137
- terrorism and, x
- threat of, 13
- Islamic Government
(Khomeini), 146
- Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran)
- Afghanistan and, 31
- aggression by, 30
- Ahmadinejad in, 25, 42, 152
- Christians in, 13
- ethnicity in, 40
- Europe and, 61–62
- European operations by, 51
- expansionism by, 44
- fragmentation of, 40–41
- Iranian Revolution in, 30, 51, 84, 145–48
- Iraq and, 146
- Islam in, 137–39
- Israel and, 22, 25–26, 152
- Jews and, 151, 152
- Khomeini in, 9, 10, 51, 55, 84, 145–46, 151–52
- Khomeinism in, 10, 55, 151–52
- Kurds in, 40
- Lebanon and, 146
- as Middle East power, 9–10
- military solution for, 153
- monarchy in, 144
- national identity of, 136–37
- nuclear development in, 30
- Office of Islamic Revivals in, 51
- oil/gas in, 12, 30, 43–44
- Orientalism and, xvii, 143
- patriotism in, 133–34, 152–53
- as Persian, 3, 31, 38, 40, 93, 97, 113, 134–35, 140
- pre-Islamic heritage of, 140–41
- printing in, 97
- propaganda by, 88
- Radio Iran for, 113
- Safavid monarchy in, 138–39
- Shah of, 51, 84, 100, 138, 144
- Shi'ism in, 137, 139
- Syria and, 146
- Tajikistan and, 31
- theocracy of, xi, 10
- threat from, 152
- Turkey v.,
- 2009 election in, 149
- U.S. and, 25, 148–49, 151–52
- WMD for, 24
- Zoroastrians in, 136, 141–43, 149. See
Islamic Republic of Iran
- Israel
- Arab refugees from, 171–72
- Arab-Israel peace process for, 6, 22–23, 26–28, 56–59
- broadcasting by, 115
- cooperation with, by Arab states, 21, 28, 44, 57
- deterrent by, 25–26
- economy of, 44
- education in, 44
- elections in, 19
- Europe and, 18
- extremism in, 28
- G.N.P. of, 58
- Golan Heights and, 29–30
- Hezbollah v., 147
- Intifada for, 22–23, 36, 66
- Iran and, 22, 25–26, 152
- as Little Satan, 148
- Middle East and, 5, 18–20, 57
- 1967 war by, 170, 174
- Palestinians in, 20
- politics in, xxii, 18–19, 24
- Rabin and, 24
- recognition of, 172
- Russia and, 63
- security for, 23
- technology and, 57
- Turkey's relations with, xxii
- U.S. aid to, 50–51
- Istanbul
(newspaper), 119
- Ja'far Khan Returns from the West
(Nōrūz), 122
- Al-Jawā'ib
(newspaper), 96
- Al-Jazira (television), 116
- Jesus, xx
- Jews
- conspiracy theories about, 5
- conversion of, 69–70, 160, 175
- Cyrus and, 142–43, 149
- demonization of, 159–60
- donations to, 50
- freedom/faith of, 15, 18
- Haman and, 150–51
- historical treatment of, 151
- Iran and, 151, 152
- Israeli politics for, xxii, 18–19, 24
- lobby by, in U.S., 157–58
- massacre of, 150
- as nijis,
- in Ottoman Empire, 164–65
- prejudice against, 158–62, 164–65
- printing by, 92
- propaganda for, 26–27, 87
- Qur'ān and, 164
- religion of, 141
- Resh-Galuta
of, 149–50
- from Russia, 62
- in Spain, 92, 160–61, 162, 164–65, 175
- as terrorists, 126
- theater by, 121
- Zionism and, 60, 155
- jihad (holy war), x, xix, 13, 21–22, 59, 71, 106–7
- Jordan, 30, 44–45, 50, 58, 173–74
- journalism, profession of, 97–98
- Judaism, Zoroastrianism and, 142–43
- Justice and Development Party, in Turkey, 15, 55
- Kafur, 103–4
- Kemal, Namik, 121
- Kemalism, as ideology, xi, 10–11, 16
- Khomeini, Ayatollah, 9, 10, 51, 55, 84, 145–46, 151–52
- Khomeinism, as ideology, 10, 55, 151–52
- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Saudi Arabia)
- as enabler regime, xi
- fragmentation of, 35
- fundamentalism in, 36
- Gulf War for, 2, 23, 31, 36
- homogeneity of, 35
- House of Saud in, 36
- Iraq and, 2
- religion in, 36
- size of, 37
- Sunni/Shi'a in, 35, 105
- U.S. relations with, 2, 36
- Wahhabi order in, 36
- wealth of, 36
- Kurds, 35, 38–39, 40
- Kuwait, 2, 23, 31, 147
- labor, migration of, 43–44, 48–52
- land, degradation of, 43
- Lawrence, T. E., 57
- Lawrence of Arabia. See
Lawrence, T.E.
- Lebanon
- civil war in, 32–33, 37, 59
- democracy in, 33–34, 38
- fragmentation of, 33
- G.N.P. of, 58
- Iran and, 146
- printing in, 92
- Syria and, 29–30, 32, 33–34
- U.S. in, 7, 31
- Lenin, Nikolai, 72, 163
- Lewis, Bernard, xvii, xxii–xxiii, xxv–xxvi
- Liberia, civil war in, 42
- Libya, Egypt and, 31–32
- ''A License to Kill'' (Lewis), xxi
- literature, Arab in, 26–27
- Lûtfi, 95
- Marcellinus, Ammianus, 159
- martyrdom, for Muslims, 25, 26
- Massignon, Louis, xxv
- Mecca/Medina, pilgrimage to, 109, 173
- MeinKampf
(Hitler), 169
- messianism, 143
- Middle East
- 'Abbasids v. Fāṭimids in, 74–76, 98
- agriculture in, 45, 47
- Arab-Israel peace process for, 6, 22–23, 26–28, 56–59
- authority in, xi, 124–26
- benign neglect of, 6
- broadcasting in, 113
- China in, 63, 65–66
- compromise in, 14–15, 21–22, 35, 39, 66
- conspiracy theories about, 5–6, 82
- cooperation for peace in, 21, 28, 44, 57
- democracy in, xi, 10–11, 15, 16, 18–19, 33–34, 38, 55, 67
- demographics of, x
- dictatorships in, xi, 2, 8, 23, 31, 35, 36, 58–59, 62, 66, 67
- education in, x, 44, 45, 49, 50–51, 76, 85, 174
- enemies of, 5
- exit strategy from, 6
- financial markets in, 48
- foreign domination in, 2
- fragmentation in, 33, 35–38, 40–41
- future of, 67–68
- G.N.P. of, 58
- history of, xviii, xxii, xxiv, 1, 2, 3, 27, 32–33, 57, 62, 65, 66, 67, 88, 100, 106
- housing in, 45
- human welfare in, xii–xiii
- imperialism in, 2, 131
- India and, 63–65, 151, 172
- infrastructure in, 48
- investment in, 43, 48, 61
- Israel and, 5, 18–20, 57
- labor migration and, 43–44, 48–52
- land degradation in, 43
- literature in, 26–27
- madrasa
in, 76
- modernization of, ix, x, xii, 53
- nationalism in, 28, 34, 60, 127–29, 134, 136–37
- newspapers in, xxi, 80, 93–94, 96, 119
- oil in, 12, 30, 33, 41–44, 59
- Ottoman Empire in, x, xix, 15, 16, 34–35, 65, 92, 93–94, 96, 106–7, 117, 164–65
- paper/printing in, xxi, 91–98, 119
- photography in, 118–20
- poetry in, 101–5, 110
- privatization in, 48
- productivity of, 52
- propaganda for, 69, 113
- al-Qaeda in, 8, 149
- racism in, 89
- reform in, xxii, 6–7
- revolution in, 8, 9, 10, 30–32, 51, 54, 55, 84, 100, 138, 144–48, 151–52
- rivalry in, 2
- Russia in, 62–63, 65–66
- socialism in, 127–28
- Soviet Union and, 2, 3
- Sunni/Shi'a in, 35, 105
- telegraphy in, 108–10, 112
- terrorism from, 61
- titulature in, 98–101
- tolerance in, 13, 66, 163–64
- tourism in, 52
- transformation of, 54
- transit routes of, 59
- U.S. in, ix, xii, 2, 7, 31, 60–61
- water resources in, 43, 45–47
- western culture and, xxiv, 2, 5, 8–9
- women in, x, 9, 45, 49, 54–55. See also
Arab states
- Middle East Studies Association, xxiv
- Miller, Max, 161
- modernization, in Middle East, ix, x, xii, 53
- Moniteur Ottoman
(journal), 94–95
- Morocco, 38, 44–45, 48–49
- mosques, for communication, 10, 110–11
- Muhammad, as Prophet, xx, 11, 79–80, 102, 164
- Munich Conference, 167–68
- Murad II, 117
- Muslim Brotherhood, xxiii–xxiv
- Muslims
- in Balkans, xii
- in China, 3, 64
- in Europe, 55
- in Soviet Union, 3
- tolerance by, 13, 66, 163–64
- triumphalism/militancy of, 13
- in U.S., 55
- al-Mutanabbi, 103–4
- Napoleon. See
Bonaparte, Napoleon
- Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 28
- national socialism, 127–28
- nationalism, in Middle East, 28, 34, 60, 127–29, 134, 136–37
- Nazi Party. See
- Nelson, Horatio, 1
- newspapers
- cartoon in, 119
- in Middle East, xxi, 80, 93–94, 96, 119
- photography for, 118–19
- propaganda through, 93–98
- nijis
(unclean), Jews as, 151
- 9/11. See
September 11, 2001
- Nōrūz, Ali, 122
- OAS. See
Organization of American States
- OAU. See
Organization of African Unity
- oil/gas
- alternative energy v.,
- in Arab states, 12, 30, 33, 41–44, 59
- dependence upon, 41–43
- foreign governments/corporation and, 12
- revenue from, 12
- Organization of African Unity (OAU), 20
- Organization of American States (OAS), 20
- Orientalism, xvii, 143
- Osama bin Laden, xxi, 7–8
- Ottoman Empire, x, xix, 15, 16, 34–35, 65, 92, 93–94, 96, 106–7, 117, 125, 164–65
- Pakistan, 50, 64, 146
- Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 23
- Palestine Mandate, 126
- Palestine/Palestinians
- Arab refugees from, 173–74
- Arab states and, 23
- Arab-Israel peace process and, 6, 22–23, 26–28, 56–59
- Arafat and, 24
- in Byzantine empire, 149–50
- during Cold War, 23
- during Gulf War, 23
- Hamas for, 146
- Intifada for, 22–23, 36, 66
- in Israel, 20
- Jewish refugees from, 171–72
- Palestine Mandate for, 126
- PLO for, 23
- protests by, 56–57
- Syria and, 30
- U.N. resolution for, 170–71
- in WW II, 23
- paper/printing, in Middle East, xxi, 91–98, 119
- passion play, Shiite, 122
- Persepolis, 135–36, 144
- Persian, language, 3, 31, 38, 40, 93, 97, 113, 134–35, 140
- photography, for propaganda, 118–20
- PLO. See
Palestine Liberation Organization
- poetry, as propaganda, 101–5
- politics, religion v., xx, 20–21
- Ponsonby, Arthur, 77
- power
- through fundamentalism, 14
- Islamic loss of, xx
- in Middle East, 9–10, 55–56
- propaganda
- as audiovisual, 117–18
- against authority, 124–26
- broadcasting as, for Middle East, 69, 112–116
- cartoon as, 119
- by Christians, 69
- cinema for, 122–24
- for communication, 129
- for conscripted armies, 86–87
- conspiracy theories as, 5–6, 82
- constitutions as, 101
- under democracy, 13–14
- disinformation as, 78
- espionage and, 81–82
- flusterpropaganda
as, 78
- by France, 81, 93
- by Germans, 73, 140
- by governments, 85–86
- for Gulf War, 80
- hadīth
as, 79–80
- historiography as, 101, 105–7, 135–36
- history of, 87–90
- by Iran, 88
- for Jews, 26–27, 87
- for jihad, 106–7
- justification through, 72, 85, 114, 125
- for loyalty, 71–72
- Mecca pilgrimage for, 109
- for Middle East, 69, 113
- mosques for, 10, 110–11
- newspaper for, 93–98
- origins of, 69–76
- passion play as, 122
- photography for, 118–20
- poetry as, 101–5
- prediction as, 80–81
- The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
as, 81
- purpose of, 76–77
- racism for, 89
- as religious, 87–89
- slogan/chanting as, 124
- by Syria, 114
- Talāt Pasha telegrams as, 80–81
- technology and, 83–85, 90–91, 108
- terrorism and, 86, 126–27
- theater for, 120–22
- by Third Reich, 169
- titulature as, 98–101
- truth in, 82–83
- as verbal, 89–93
- victory letter as, 107–8
- as visual, 116–22
- during wartime, 70–72, 107–8, 115
- as written, 90–91
- Prophet, biography of, xx, 11, 79–80, 102, 164. See also
Muhammad, as Prophet
- The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,
- al-Qaeda, 8, 149
- Qalqashandi, 104
- Qatar, broadcasting from, 116
- Al-Quds al-'Arab
ī (newspaper), xxi
- Qur'ān, 9, 17, 164
- Rabin, Yitzhak, 24
- Race Policy Office, of Nazi Party, 168–69
- racism, in Middle East, 89
- radicalism, Islamic, ix–x, xi, xxi, 7–8
- Radio Iran, 113
- al-Rashīd, Hārūn, 91
- Reconquest. See
- Refah (Welfare) party, in Turkey, 15
- Reich Ministry of Propaganda, 73
- religion, fundamentalism v.,
- repression, under fundamentalism, 11, 17
- resettlement, in China, 64
- Resh-Galuta
(head of Jewish community), 149–50
- ''The Return of Islam'' (Lewis), xxvi
- revolution, in Middle East, 8, 9, 10, 30–32, 51, 54, 55, 84, 100, 138, 144–48, 151–52
- Rida, Rashid, 167
- rivers, political/technical problems of, 45–47
- ''The Roots of Muslim Rage'' (Lewis), xviii
- Russia, 62–66
- Sadat, Anwar, 147
- Safavid monarchy, 138–39
- Saladin, 106–7
- Sanū'a, Ya'qūb, 122
- Satan
- in Qur'ān, 9
- U.S. as, 9, 148
- in Zoroastrianism, 141–42
- Saudi Arabia. See
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Sayf al-Dawla of Aleppo, 103
- sectarianism, for fragmentation, 38
- security
- for Israel, 23
- for tourism, 52
- for U.S., 6, 33–34, 61
- self-determination, by ethnicity, 38–39
- self-pity, legacy of, x
- semitic, as linguistic, 161
- September 11, 2001, ix, xi, xxii, 4, 6, 8
- shari'a,
law of, 11, 71
- al-Shidyāq, Ahmad Fāris, 96
- Somalia, 7, 32–33, 42
- Soviet Union, ix, 2, 3, 4, 7, 23, 58, 61, 78, 83–84, 128, 130, 148
- Spain, Jews in, 92, 160–61, 162, 164–65, 175
- Stalin, Joseph, 30, 44, 66, 145
- states, Islamic. See
Arab states; Middle East
- subsidies, in Arab states, 43
- Sudan, 11, 13, 31–33, 176
- Suleyman the Magnificent, xix, 106–7
- Syria
- aggression by, 24, 29–30
- Alawis in, 34
- Ba'ath Party in, 49
- in Byzantine empire, 149–50
- Druze in, 34
- expansionism by, 30–31
- G.N.P. of, 58
- Golan Heights and, 29–30
- Iran and, 146
- Iraq and, 33–34
- Jordan and, 30
- Lebanon and, 29–30, 32, 33–34
- nationalism v.
secession in, 34
- propaganda broadcasting in, 114
- Turkey and, 30
- U.S. and, 33–34
- during WW II, 168
- Tajikistan, Iran and, 31
- Talāt Pasha, telegrams of, 80–81
- Taliban, in Afghanistan, 55
- Al-Tankīt wa'l tabkīt
(newspaper), 119
- Tarih
(journal), 95
- technology
- control v., 83–84
- of Europe, 59
- Israel and, 57
- modernization through, 53
- poetry and, 105
- of printing, 91–93, 96, 108
- for propaganda, 83–85, 90–91, 108
- telegraphy, in Middle East, 108–10, 112
- terrorism
- from Afghanistan, 61
- against civilians, 17–18, 25
- freedom and, 67–68
- fundamentalism and, ix, xi, xxii, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12, 17–18
- against imperialism, 126
- in Iraq, 61
- Islam and, x, 17
- propaganda and, 86, 126–27
- U.S. and, ix, xi, xii, xxi, xxii, 4, 6, 8, 61
- theater, for propaganda, 120–22
- Third Reich, in Germany, 27, 73, 78, 140, 167–69
- titulature, 98–101
- tolerance, by Islamic states, 13, 66, 163–64
- tourism, in Middle East, 52
- Tricon, Charles, 95
- Tunisia, 44–45, 48–49
- Turkey
- Armenian lobby against, 158
- Atatürk in, 16
- democracy in, xi, 10–11, 15, 16, 55, 67
- economy of, 44
- elections in, 52
- fundamentalism in, 15–17
- Greek lobby against, 158
- Iran v.,
- Israel's relations with, xxii
- Justice and Development Party in, 15, 55
- Kurds in, 39
- labor migration from, 51
- as Middle East power, 9–10, 55–56
- military in, 15
- naming of, 100, 139
- Ottoman Empire in, x, xix, 15, 16, 34–35, 65, 125
- printing in, 94–96
- Refah party in, 15
- as secular, xi–xii, 10
- Syria and, 30
- theocracy for, 56
- U.S. aid to, 50–51
- water use in, 46
- U.N. See
United Nations
- UNDP. See
United Nations Development Program
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
- United Nations (U.N.), 47–48, 170–72, 174
- United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 47–48
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 174
- United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), 174
- United States (U.S.)
- in Afghanistan, xii, 6, 61
- aid by, 50–51
- benign neglect by, 6
- bin Laden's view of, 7
- Cold War and, ix, 3, 23, 61, 83–84, 130, 148
- culture of, 8–9
- economy of, 50
- elections in, 8
- as Great Satan, 9, 148
- imperialism by, 6, 8
- investment by, 61
- Iran and, 25, 148–49, 151–52
- in Iraq, xii, 6, 33, 35, 41, 61
- Islamic radicalism against, ix–x, xi, xxi, 7–8
- Israel and, 50–51
- Jewish lobby in, 157–58
- in Lebanon, 7, 31
- Lewis' alleged policy influence on, xxii–xxiii
- Muslims in, 55
- 9/11 attack on, ix, xxii, 4, 6
- role of, in Middle East, ix, xii, 2, 7, 31, 60–61
- Saudi Arabia and, 2, 36
- security of, 6, 33–34, 61
- terrorism and, ix, xi, xii, xxi, xxii, 4, 6, 8, 61
- UNRWA. See
United Nations Relief and Works Agency
- U.S. See
United States
- Uyghurs, in China, 3, 64
- Vakanüvis,
office of (historiography), 106
- Vatan yahut Silistre
(play), 121
- violence, by fundamentalism, ix, xi, xxii, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12, 17–18
- Wahhabi order, 36
- war
- Arab-Israel peace process and, 6, 22–23, 26–28, 56–59
- against axis of evil, 8
- conscription for, 71–72, 86–87
- through fundamentalism, 12
- Israel's 1967 war as, 170, 174
- jihad for, x, xix, 13, 21–22, 59, 71, 106–7
- in Lebanon, 32–33, 37, 59
- in Liberia, 42
- propaganda during, 70–72, 107–8, 115
- on terror, ix, xi, xii, xxi, xxii, 4, 6, 8, 61
- WW I as, x, 34, 112
- WW II as, xxiii, 23, 27, 78, 115, 123, 129, 167, 168
- water, demand for, 43, 45–47
- weapons of mass destruction (WMD), 24
- What Went Wrong?
(Lewis), xxii
- WMD. See
weapons of mass destruction
- Wolff, Heinrich, 167
- women, Islamic
- Arab transformation by, 54–55
- education for, 45, 49
- emancipation of, 66–67
- European influence on, 55
- revolution by, 54
- strictures on, x, 54
- in Tunisia, 45, 49
- western culture and, 9
- World War I (WW I), x, 34, 112
- World War II (WW II), xxiii, 23, 27, 78, 115, 123, 129, 167, 168
- Yemen, xi, 38
- Young Ottomans, 125
- Young Turks, 109, 125
- Yugoslavia, 32–33, 59
- Zionism, 60, 155. See also
imperialism; Jews
- Zoroastrianism, 136, 141–43, 149