Many of the writings associated with this Working Group will be published by the Hoover Institution. Materials published to date, or in production, are listed below.
Saudi Arabia and the New Strategic Landscape
Joshua Teitelbaum
Islamism and the Future of the Christians of the Middle East
Habib C. Malik
Syria through Jihadist Eyes: A Perfect Enemy
Nibras Kazimi
The Ideological Struggle for Pakistan
Ziad Haider
Freedom or Terror: Europe Faces Jihad
Russell A. Berman
The Myth of the Great Satan: A New Look at America's Relations with Iran
Abbas Milani
Torn Country: Turkey between Secularism and Islamism
Zeyno Baran
Islamic Extremism and the War of Ideas: Lessons from Indonesia
John Hughes
Crosswinds: The Way of Saudi Arabia
Fouad Ajami
The End of Modern History in the Middle East
Bernard Lewis
The Wave: Man, God, and the Ballot Box in the Middle East
Reuel Marc Gerecht
Trial of a Thousand Years: World Order and Islamism
Charles Hill
Jihad in the Arabian Sea
Camille Pecastaing