Further Reading

Ruck, R. Gordon Wasson, and Albert Hofmann, The Road to Eleusis: Unveiling the Secret of the Mysteries (1978, 1998, 2008)

Ruck, R. Gordon Wasson, Stella Kramrisch, and Jonathan Ott, Persephone’s Quest: Entheogens and the Origins of Religion (Yale, 1986)

Ruck and Danny (Blaise) Staples, The World of Classical Myth: Gods and Goddesses, Heroines and Heroes (Carolina Academic Press, 1994)

Ruck, Blaise Staples, and Clark Heinrich, The Apples of Apollo: Pagan and Christian Mysteries of the Eucharist (Carolina Academic Press, 2000)

Ruck, Sacred Mushrooms of the Goddess: Secrets of Eleusis (Ronin, 2006)

Ruck, Staples, Hoffman, and José Alfredo González Celdrán, The Hidden World: Survival of Pagan Shamanic Themes in European Fairytales (Carolina Academic Press, 2007)

Ruck, Brian Akers, Juan Francisco Ruiz, and Alan Piper, “A Prehistoric Mural in Spain Depicting Neurotropic Psilocybe Mushrooms?”: 1-8 in Economic Botany, vol. 20, no. 10, 2011

Ruck, Hoffman, and González Celdrán, Mushrooms, Myth & Mithras: The Drug Cult that Civilized Europe (City Lights Books, 2011)

Ruck and Hoffman, The Effluents of Deity: Alchemy and Psychoactive Sacraments in Medieval and Renaissance Art (Carolina Academic Press, 2012)

Ruck, and Robert Larner, “Virgil’s Edible Tables,” in John Rush, Entheogens and the Development of Culture: An Anthology and Neurobiology of Ecstatic Experience (North Atlantic Books, 2013)

Ruck, “Democracy and the Dionysian Agenda,” in John Rush, Entheogens and the Development of Culture: An Anthology and Neurobiology of Ecstatic Experience (North Atlantic Books, 2013)