MY FIRST BOOK IS DEDICATED TO MY FATHER, WHO WAS my first storyteller, and to my mother, who was my first reader. Thank you both for supporting me, in all senses of the word, since birth. Please stop paying my phone bill.
Thanks to my wonderful, obsessive brothers. To Dani, who put up with many prolonged, shaky-voiced phone calls. To Oscar, who taught us to follow our dreams (albeit a little grumpily).
To Kent D. Wolf, whose commitment to this book (and to its author) is so unwavering it’s frankly alarming. Mrs. March would only exist in a drawer if it weren’t for sharp, hilarious, incredible Kent, who, incidentally, can also pull off a zebra print.
To my delightful editors: Gina Iaquinta, who soothingly coaxed the best out of me, and Helen Garnons-Williams, who always encouraged the maggots. Our three-way conversations in the margins are some of the most fun I’ve had with this book.
To the rascally bunch at Liveright, who fought for me from day one; I felt immediately comfortable in your midst. To Anna Kelly and 4th Estate. To María Fasce at Lumen for her passion, kindness, and enthusiasm. To Teresa, who touchingly always laughs at my jokes. To Lizzie and Lindsey for championing Mrs. March and for giving me the chance to envision this story from a different angle. To Mr. McNally, reader and critic since I was fifteen, who “graded” the very first draft. To Charles Cumming, who always offered to help (even though I’d already helped myself).
To Moni, who sent the flowers, and Pacheco, who opened the champagne.
Por encima de todo gracias, Lucas. Todo es por y para ti.