First published in Great Britain in 2002 by Osprey Publishing,

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Print ISBN: 978 1 84176 512 9

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Series Editor: Lee Johnson

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Readers may care to note the original paintings from which the color plates in this book were prepared are available for private sale. All reproduction copyright whatsoever is retained by the publisher. Enquiries should be addressed to:

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AA antiaircraft
amtrac amphibian tractor (see LVT)
AT antitank
BAR Browning automatic rifle
CINCPOA Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Ocean Area
CO Commanding Officer
CT [Regimental] Combat Team (USMC)
DUKW 21/2-ton amphibious truck
FMF Fleet Marine Force
HQ Headquarters
H&S Headquarters and Service
IIIAC III Amphibious Corps
IMB Independent Mixed Brigade (IJA)
Inf. Div. Infantry Division (US Army)
IJA Imperial Japanese Army
IJN Imperial Japanese Navy
LCI Landing Craft, Infantry
LCVPs Landing Craft, Vehicle and Personnel
LVT Landing Vehicle, Tracked (“amtrac”)
LVT(A) Landing Vehicle, Tracked (Armored)
Mar. Div. Marine Division
MP Military Police
NCO non-commissioned officer
RCT Regimental Combat Team (US Army)
RDF radio direction finder
TF Task Force
TG Task Group
UDT Underwater Demolition Team
US United States
USA United States Army
USMC United States Marine Corps
(–) Reduced – elements detached from parent unit


US Marine and Army Officer Ranks
2dLt 2nd Lieutenant
1stLt 1st Lieutenant
Capt Captain
Maj Major
LtCol Lieutenant Colonel
Col Colonel
BrigGen Brigadier General (“one-star”)
MajGen Major General (“two-star”)
LtGen Lieutenant General (“three-star”)
Gen General
Japanese Army Officer Ranks
SubLt Sub-Lieutenant
Lt Lieutenant
Capt Captain
Maj Major
LtCol Lieutenant-Colonel
Col Colonel
MajGen Major-General
LtGen Lieutenant-General
Gen General

Battalions organic to US Marine and Army regiments are designated with the battalion and regimental number, for example: 1/5 or 2/321. Companies and batteries are designated, for example D/1/5 – Company D, 1st Battalion, 5th Marines.

The Japanese place the surname first and the personal name second. Contemporary and post-war writings usually reverse the two. This book follows the Japanese practice.

