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Bowersock, G. W. (Glen Warren), 1936–

The Throne of Adulis : Red Sea wars on the eve of Islam / G. W. Bowersock.

p. cm.—(Emblems of antiquity)

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 978-0-19-973932-5

1. Himyar (Yemen)—History—6th century. 2. Jews—Yemen (Republic)—Himyar—History—
6th century. 3. Arabian Peninsula—History—To 622. 4. Aksum (Kingdom)—History 6th century.
5. Red Sea Region—History—6th century. 6. Judaism—Relations—Christianity—History—6th century. 7. Christianity and other religions—Judaism—History—6th century. I. Title.

II. Series: Emblems of antiquity.

DS231.B69   2013

939.49—dc23     2012023593

1 3 5 7 9 8 6 4 2