Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Kacer, Kathy, 1954-
The underground reporters / Kathy Kacer.

(The Holocaust remembrance series for young readers)
ISBN 1-896764-85-1

1. Jewish children—Czech Republic—Ceské Budejovice—
Juvenile literature. 2. Underground newspapers—Czech Republic—
Ceské Budejovice—Juvenile literature. 3. Reporters and reporting—
Czech Republic—Ceské Budejovice—Juvenile literature. 4. Ceské
Budejovice (Czech republic)—History—Juvenile literature. 5. Jewish
ghettos--Czechoslovakia—Juvenile literature. 6. World War, 1939–1945—
Czech republic—Ceské Budejovice—Juvenile literature. I. Title.
II. Series: Holocaust remembrance book for young readers

DS135.C97A14 2004    j940.53’18543713    C2004-905265-9

The photographs used in this book were contributed by the following people: Kathy Kacer, John Freund, Jirka Kende, Hana Kende, and Frances Nassau. The photographs of Klepy are from the Jewish Museum in Prague. The photograph of Adolf Hitler reviewing his troops, as well as the three maps
of Czechoslovakia, are from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Printed and bound in Canada

Second Story Press gratefully acknowledges the support of the Ontario Arts Council and the Canada Council for the Arts for our publishing program. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program, and the Government of Ontario through the Ontario Media Development Corporation’s Ontario Book Initiative.


Published by
Second Story Press
20 Maud Street, Suite 401
Toronto, ON
M5V 2M5