
Cover Photo Copyright 2013 O’Neil De Noux



O’Neil De Noux

Copyright 1992 O’Neil De Noux

Smashwords Edition

FOR Vincent

CRESCENT CITY KILLS is a work of fiction. The incidents and characters described herein are a product of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, without the written permission of the copyright holder.

Author Web Site:

Twitter: ONeilDeNoux


First Printing 1992

Second Printing 2013


“She may be called Big Easy, but there was nothing easy about New Orleans, especially her whores.”

from The Big Kiss

by the author



1. Lower Coast

2. Rosa Park

3. Baronne Street

4. Camp Street

5. Lower Garden District

6. Terpsichore Street

7. St. Thomas Project

8. Nuns Street

9. The Batture

10. Constance Street

11. Melpomene Street

12. Conery Street

13. Euterpe Street

14. South Broad

15. Erato Street

16. South Saratoga

17. Simon Bolivar Avenue

18. Hollywood Walk


New Orleans is an island with Lake Pontchartrain to the north, the Mississippi River to the south, the Rigolets narrows and Lake Borgne to the east and the Bonnet Carre Spillway to the west, it is completely surrounded by water. It is also the only major American city that is mostly below sea level. Therefore, it is encircled by a system of levees. With seasonal rainfall affecting water levels, a portion of land usually exists between the levees and the water’s edge. This land is called a batture. It is pronounced ‘bat-chur’, with the emphasis on the first syllable. Batture means ‘sandbar’ in French.

This is New Orleans