I finally dragged myself out of bed just before noon and we went down to sit by the pool. Sophie made trips to the buffet every twenty minutes and returned with trays of fruits or chocolates and pastries. When I saw her eating Jell-O, taquitos, and baby shrimps all off the same plate, my stomach churned painfully. “That’s disgusting,” I moaned.

“You’re missing out. It’s such a waste to be at an all-you-can-eat-and-drink resort and not feel like eating or drinking.”

“Even if I didn’t drink too much last night I wouldn’t be eating that combination.”

She shrugged and popped a shrimp into her mouth. “Are you up for a salsa lesson?”


“Water aerobics?”

“No. You go ahead. I’ll just stay here and try to get some reading done.”

She stood and pulled her linen cover-up off over her head. I watched as she strutted over to the other side of the pool deck for the salsa lesson. Three guys who had been sitting near the dance instructor jumped up and joined the class when they saw Sophie. They did more ass-watching than salsa dancing.

I struggled through a section of psychology without actually retaining much information on monkeys and attachment disorders. My head hurt and I couldn’t even take my sunglasses off to apply sunscreen because the sunlight felt like sabres through my eyeballs.

“Can I get you a drink?” a male voice asked from over my shoulder.

I turned to see if he was talking to me. He was a short guy with massive muscles and a nearly life-sized gold crucifix hanging around his neck. He slid his sunglasses down and peered over them at me. “Oh. No thanks. I’m nursing a hangover.” I turned my head back to start reading again.

“What’s your name?”

I glanced at him as he moved to sit on Sophie’s lounge chair. “Derian.”

“Gino.” He held his hand out to shake mine. Then he pushed his sunglasses back into place and took a sip of his mojito. It felt as if he was staring at my body. “You’re beautiful.”

“Thank you.” I glanced over to see if I could make eye contact with Sophie. The dance lesson was over and I couldn’t see where she went. I scanned the pool deck, but didn’t see her anywhere.

“What are you reading?”


“You should take a break.” He pointed over his shoulder at the pool. “Let’s go for a swim.”

“No thanks. I should finish this.”

He took my textbook from me and closed it. “That’s boring. You’re in Mexico and you only live once. Would you like to go for a walk? There are some cool caves just down the beach. I would love to show them to you.”

“No thanks.” I grabbed my book back.

“You’re getting a little burnt. Pass me the sunscreen. I’ll do your back.”

I looked over at the bar to see if Sophie was getting a drink. I couldn’t see her. “I already have sunscreen on. Thanks.”

“My friends and I are staying in the presidential penthouse suite. Do you want to come up and party?”

I pointed to my textbook. “I don’t mean to be rude, but I should really get back to reading. Nice meeting you.”

He flexed his bloated pecs as if he thought that would mesmerize me into being interested in him. It didn’t impress me. I turned my head to see if Sophie was maybe on her way back from the buffet. She was standing right beside me. She smiled and leaned over to kiss me on the lips. “Hey, babe. Did you miss me?” she asked.

I glanced at Gino. His mouth was frozen in a crooked smile, but his eyebrows were angled in a frown.

“You’re on my seat,” Sophie said to him. He stood and stared at Sophie as she did a sexy crawl onto the lounge chair. She rolled over and extended her arm over to rest her hand on mine.

Gino tilted his head in a cocky way. “I could be into that.”

“No. You couldn’t,” Sophie snarled. “Go away. You’re in my sun.”

He shook his head as if he thought she was a bitch, then walked away.

I lifted an eyebrow at her. “Was that necessary?”

“Apparently. I watched you trying your sweet method for like fifteen minutes and he wasn’t even close to getting the hint.”

“Do you think, when we’re forty, you’ll still be a menace?”

“Definitely.” She stood. “I’m going for a swim. If the vultures start circling, try to be less nice.”

She dove in and swam underwater to the other end of the pool. She kicked off the wall and then backstroked towards me. Liam and his friends came running from somewhere behind me and did cannon balls into the pool. They almost landed on Sophie. Ben picked her up and acted as if he was going to launch her, which was an error. She did something to him under the water that made him groan and disappear below the surface. They all laughed.

Liam turned and swam to the edge near where I was. He flattened his hands on the deck and did a push-up to heave himself out of the pool, streaming water over his tanned and fit body. He really was cute. He stood over me to purposely let water drip off his lean muscles onto me. “How are you feeling after last night?”

I pushed his thigh to make him back away and stop dripping on me. “A little better. I won’t be doing that again.”

“Too bad. It was fun.”

“Was it? I don’t really recall.”

“I didn’t leave a lasting impression? Ouch, that hurts.” He sat down on Sophie’s lounge chair. “Maybe tonight we can hang out again. You can try to show some restraint around the booze and I’ll do some charming things that you’ll actually remember.”

“I have a boyfriend, remember?”

“It’s just dancing.”

“Right. Just dancing.”

“That kiss Sophie gave you to get rid of that guide was kind of hot. It left me with an interesting mental image.”

“Keep dreaming.”

He stood up abruptly to slide one arm under my knees and one around my back. I squirmed and screamed as he picked me up, took a couple long strides, and leapt into the pool with me in his arms. We hit the water and I heard the splash through the muted watery sound in my ears. I made vicious eye contact with him for a second while we were submerged; he was smiling. I broke the surface before he did and waited for him. As soon as he appeared, I splashed his face, then pushed all my weight down on his head to dunk him. After I held him down long enough to make a point, I swam back to the edge of the pool and got out. The water actually felt great, but I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that. I twisted my hair to wring it out, then rubbed a towel across my skin. When I turned back toward the pool, Liam held up my sunglasses, which he had obviously retrieved from the bottom.

“Do you want these?”

“Yes. My retinas are burning.”

“Come and get them,” he teased.

I walked to the edge and crouched so my chest was in line with his face. “You come here,” I said seductively and fluttered my eyelashes.

He frantically treaded closer and his attitude turned serious at the hope that I was flirting with him. He glanced at my chest for a second, then looked back at my face and handed me the glasses. It was so easy.

“Good boy.” I patted him on the top of his head and then walked away.

His friends laughed at him. He didn’t seem to mind—he shouldn’t have minded since he got a close-up peek out of it. Sophie got out of the pool and ran her fingers through her hair. The guys all stood in the pool gawking up at her gorgeous figure. She knew they were drooling, so she bent over and slowly ran the towel up one leg. Then she reached her arms up and twisted her hair into a knot. “Bye, boys,” she said before she leaned over to toss her stuff into her bag. I grabbed my bag and followed her.

“Meet us at the club tonight,” Liam shouted after us.

We smiled and kept walking. It was fun to mess with them, but they were just goofy boys. I missed Trevor.

My appetite had returned, so I grabbed a plate of fruit from the buffet on the way back up to the room. “How’s Doug’s tour going?” I asked as I scarfed the food off the plate and she pulled clothes out of the closet.

Sophie glanced at me, then laid out her outfit on the bed. “I don’t know.”

“I thought you checked your emails earlier.”

“I did.” She glanced at me again and sighed before she sat on the bed. “I blocked Doug’s emails.”

“What? Why?”

“Don’t freak out, but I broke up with him.”

“What?” I bolted up, almost choked on a tortilla-chip shard, and stared at her in complete shock. “When? Why? How come you didn’t tell me?”

“Last week. Because we are on completely different paths. You were busy with school and planning the party.” She stood and undressed to have a shower. I followed her into the bathroom. She closed the curtain and the water turned on.

“I don’t understand. You guys lived on different sides of the continent for six months. Why would you break up with him right before you were supposed to move in with him?”

“He went on a world tour with a band that has hard-core groupies. I’m not cool with being cheated on, so I let him go. Pass me the shampoo from my bag, please.”

I handed her the bottle. “How did Doug react?”

“I don’t know. I told him right before he got on the plane. He sent me a bunch of messages that I didn’t read and then I blocked him.”


She turned the water off and reached out to grab a towel off the rack. I was still standing with my mouth gaped open when she opened the curtain and stepped out. “It was going to end soon anyway. I don’t want to talk about it and ruin our holiday. Okay?”

I blinked a few times, trying to process everything. “Yeah. Okay.”