Despite what I may have told our children a few times, I don’t know everything. Neither, surprisingly, does Google. So I needed advice on any number of technical questions—and fortunately, people were willing to help out. Aaron Pickarski convinced me a tunnel-boring machine could do the job. Josh Larson explained how to surreptitiously tap high-voltage power lines. Pete Horstmann helped steal all those cars. Michael Mathison described dubious Wall Street maneuvers. Claudia Ramirez got some wording right. Joel Johnson shared all kinds of inside information about vault security.
Lynne Heitman, Kim Ablon Whitney, and Samantha Cameron were unfailingly supportive, and back when our writers’ group actually talked about, you know, writing, provided ever useful feedback. My sisters, Sophie Littlefield and Kristen Wiecek, continue to offer advice, encouragement, and first-reader services. I couldn’t have done it without all of you.
Of course, nothing would have seen the light of day without the hard work of Janet Reid. Super thanks to Otto Penzler, Rob Hart, and the team at Mysterious Press for knocking the manuscript into form—not to mention establishing the contest in the first place.
Finally, Lisa, Sonia, and Elliot: This wouldn’t have been any fun at all without you.