Where do we start with the shapeshifters? We’ve tangled with them twice—three times if you count the rakshasa—and none of ’em were exactly a day at the park. Especially the part where we had an entire SWAT team on our ass while we were hunting the thing in a bank full of panicked hostages.
The skinwalker is the type we’re most familiar with. It doesn’t change into a wolf or a monster or anything else nonhuman. What it does is kill people and assume their shapes. When it does this, it has to shed its current skin. Skinwalkers die just like people, but the problem is, you never know for sure that you’re capping off the right person. That kind of uncertainty wears on you after a while.
The one way we know to recognize them is that their eyes give off a strange luminescence when they’re viewed on security cameras or other video devices. We don’t think they know this, but you can never be too careful.
What sets skinwalkers apart is just how boring they are when you get right down to it. If you could change shape, would you use that ability to get rich? That’s what the one in the bank did. Not exactly the most original idea, considering the crazy (and way more fun) options open to you if you can switch faces with anyone you want. Anyway, we ran across this little gem from Dad’s journal, which kind of says it all.
Thomas Aquinas: OMNES ANGELI, BONI ET MALI, EX VIRTUTE NATURALI HABENT POTESTATEM TRANSMUTANDI CORPORA NOSTRA. All angels, good and bad, have the power of transforming our bodies.
And usually those transformations are into other forms, but there are some varieties of this critter that can raise hell in human form, too.