Other Revenants

Here are samples of some of the other walking dead, mostly taken from Dad’s journal:


Unconsecrated burial, returns either to murder people in the graveyard or cause problems in the house it left. Sometimes appears as human, other times as a sort of werewolf (although in some versions, the VRYKOLAKAS is destroyed by being dug up and eaten by a wolf). Can drain the life force of the sleeper, similar to succubus/incubus or Mara.

Stories vary widely, often incorporating elements of the poltergeist. Sometimes the VRYKOLAKAS attacks and kills people; other times it plagues their sleep; other times only children die; other times it is only waiting to be dispatched by its surviving family members’ fulfillment of a promise. Much overlap between VRYKOLAKAS lore and that of vampires. Not sure if one is a subspecies of the other, or if confusion in the lore has obscured the real differences.


Hostile spirits, will animate corpses—their own or others’—to move around. Haunt cemeteries and creation grounds. Will attack in cemeteries; can also drive people mad. Will kill children, possibly to eat, and are known to induce miscarriages. Trapped between the material world and the afterlife, can be dispelled by the performance of funeral rites.

Note: Exorcism will not work on a VETALA. They aren’t demons in the sense of the Judeo-Christian ritual. If caught in the right mood, a VETALA might tell you the past and future; for this reason they’re much sought-after by sorcerers—mostly resulting in fatal mishaps for those sorcerers, since if caught in the wrong mood, a VETALA is lethal before you know it’s there. Best idea is to get on with the funeral rites and send them on their way.



“Hopping corpse.” Reanimated corpses out of Chinese lore that kill living creatures to feed on SPIRITUS VITAE (qi). Possible that they are restricted to roadways, but I’m working from a story Bobby told me here. Never seen one. Hope I don’t.

And there are more. There are always more.