The leszy is a Slavic forest spirit that can appear as any animal or plant. One of his preferred shapes is a talking mushroom, which is funny until you know that the leszy is more than capable of killing people whom it considers to be abusing its woodlands. Sometimes it settles for playing pranks, such as making people nauseous or hiding lumberjacks’ axes, but when it’s in a lethal mood, the leszy has been known to tickle people to death. Not a way we’d want to go—not that we particularly want to go at all. Still, tickling!?
Some of the leszy’s other common shapes are a tall tree or a human with a beard of vines. Occasionally he sports hooves and horns. He can command wolves and bears. When in regular human form, his only telltale signs are glowing eyes and—if you can look away from his eyes—shoes worn backward.