{ 11 }
Date 8: Maid’s a sulking
It’s almost the middle of December! How can it be this hard to find a presentable, successful rich guy by Christmas?
I’m finished my article on cirrhosis of the liver. It’s left me feeling like I need to do something healthy, so when Josh calls and asks if I want to go for a hike, I say yes.
As we slog up the hill I tell him, between gasps, about Emilio.
He turns to me. He’s kind of hazy through the sweat dripping in my eyes, but even through salt water I can see he looks stern.
“You two have a lot in common,” he says. He’s barely huffing so I can hear him perfectly.
“I’m not gay.” What the hell?
“No. But you are both living fake lives to please other people. Lucy? What’s the point?”
I stomp up the rest of the hill using lack of oxygen as an excellent excuse not to talk to him.
When Emilio calls and asks me to have dinner with him, I agree immediately. Maybe we’re both fakes and we can never be more than friends, but Emilio is easy company. He doesn’t challenge me or make me feel like a worm.