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Accidental Admiral, The (Stavridis), 254–55

Aegis combat detection systems, 248

Afghan War, 283–84

Agamemnon, HMS, 123

Agent Orange, 197, 205, 214

Aiken, Howard, 233, 234, 236, 237

Allen, John, 254, 255, 273

Al Qaeda, 275

ambition, of Nelson, 93

Andrić, Ivo, 49

anger, 188–91, 245

Anglo-Egyptian War of 1882, 127

Aquinas, Thomas, 106

arrogance, 273, 274

self-confidence versus, 20–21

Themistocles and, 20–21, 273

Artaxerxes, 16

Asquith, H. H., 133

Atalanta, HMS, 127


abandoning of, and burning by Persians, 11–12

fleet built by, 8–10

port of Piraeus commissioned by Themistocles, 7–8

Second Persian War and, 9–16

Themistocles exiled from, 16

Atomic Energy Commission, 176–77

attention spans, xii–xiii

Babel, Isaac, 97

Baker, James, 181

balance in life, 274–76

Barry, USS, 41, 77, 211–12, 273, 281–83, 285

battle cruisers, 132

Battles. See specific Battle

Bauer, Hermann, 174

Bednowicz, Eleonore, 183

Belgium, 102

belief in oneself. See subhead: self-confidence

Beresford, Charles, 132, 135

big-gun battleships, 132

bin Laden, Osama, 262, 265–66, 275–76

Bismarck, Otto von, 126

blind loyalty, dangers of, 246

Bloch, Richard Milton, 235, 236, 237

boldness, 70–72

of Drake, 70–71

of Navy SEALs, 72

post 9/11 ideas for restructuring Navy and, 71–72, 138, 270–71

Bolivar, Simón, 286–87

Bolt, Robert, 114

Bridge on the Drina, The (Andrić), 49

Broken April (Kadare), 49

Brooks, David, 286

bugs, computer, 236

Burke, Arleigh, 99

Byrd, Harry F., 213

calculated risk principle, 165

Calcutta, HMS, 123

calm demeanor, learning, 163–64

Cape St. Vincent, Battle of, 81–82

Captain, HMS, 81, 82

Captain Phillips (film), 58

Chafee, John, 207

character, xi–xix

ability to see oneself clearly and, xviii–xix

anger and, 188–91

balance in life and, 274–76

balancing being right with being a leader and, 21–22

compassion and, 219–20

courage, building, 65–67

creativity and (See creativity and innovation)

curiosity and, 141–42

decisiveness and (See decisiveness)

discretion and (See discretion)

empathy and, 45–46, 277–79

energy and, 139–40

failure, accepting, 22–23

honesty and, 276–77

humility and, 273–74

independence versus checking with command, finding balance between, 47–48

innovation and (See creativity and innovation)

inspire, ability to (See inspire, ability to)

justice, sense of, 279–80

leadership, distinguished, xv–xvi

loss of privacy and, xiii

loyalty and (See loyalty)

optimism and (See optimism)

organizational skills and (See organizational skills)

patriotism and (See patriotism)

perseverance and (See perseverance)

perspective and, 44, 284–86

resilience and (See resilience)

self-confidence and (See self-confidence)

self-examination and, 287

slow death of, xii–xiii

storytelling abilities and, xiv

team building skills and (See team building)

test of, xvii–xviii

tolerance and (See tolerance)

vision and (See vision)

work ethic and (See work ethic)

Chen Zuyi, 37

Chesapeake, HMS, 124


bureaucratic opposition to missions of Zheng He, 38–40

during Ming dynasty, 31–40

South China Sea, historical claims to, 30, 36, 40

See also Zheng He

Churchill, Winston, 16, 122, 129, 132–34, 268, 280, 283

Clark, Vern, 270

Clark, Wes, 278

Clinton, Bill, 214, 275

COBOL, 228, 238

Collingwood, Cuthbert, 82

Columbus, Christopher, 36

command and control, Nelson’s simplification of, 91–92

Command of the Seas (Lehman), 179

communication skills

Drake’s “strategic communications,” 71

signal system, of Nelson, 91

teaching and, 113–14

Themistocles and, 5, 7, 19–20

Zumwalt and, 218–19


Gates and, 220

Zumwalt and, 219–20

Constitution, USS, 79, 240

Copenhagen, Battle of, 84–85, 91–92

Corbett, Julian, 71

Coromandel, HMS, 124

courage, 64–67

of Drake, 64–65

of Lockhart, 67

moral, 65

of Nelson, 84–85

ways to develop, 65–67

Crane, Stephen, 268

creativity and innovation, 22–23, 137–39

fear of failure and, 22–23

Fisher and, 137–39

flexibility of judgment and, 22

Nimitz and, 153–54

post 9/11 ideas for restructuring Navy and, 71–72, 138, 270–71

Stavridis and, 269–72

Themistocles and, 22, 23

Zumwalt and, 213

Cruel Sea, The (Monsarrat), 268

curiosity, 141–42

Danzig, Richard, 29, 48, 195, 198, 216–17

da Vinci, Leonardo, 141

Dean, Howard, 218

decisiveness, 280–83

Stavridis and, 281–83

Themistocles and, 23–24

Deep Blue think tank, 71–72, 265, 270–71

delegation of responsibility

by Nimitz, 153, 162–63

self-confidence and, 162

determination. See perseverance

Dewey, USS, 202

diplomatic skills, 48–50

discipline, 67–69

Drake and, 67–68

self-discipline, 68


Nimitz and, 150–52, 164–65

Stavridis and, 165–66

diversity, 44–45

Doughty, Thomas, 60

Drake, Francis, 53–73

birth and early life of, 57–58

boldness of, 70–71

commands own ship, 59

commissioned by Queen Elizabeth, 59–60, 61

courage of, 64–65

cruelty in legacy of, 55–57, 61–62, 72–73

death of, 64

defeats Spanish at Cádiz, 63

determination of, 283

executes business partner, 60

final Caribbean voyage of, 64

harsh disciplinary methods of, 67–68

in Hawkins fleet, 57–59

knighting of, 61

learning and improving from failures, 69

in Parliament, 63

personal branding of, 70–71

raids and plunders in first three-year voyage around world, 60–61

raids Spanish shipping in Caribbean, 1580s, 61–62

self-discipline of, 68

Spanish defeat, role in, 62–64

Dreadnought, HMS, 132

Duty (Gates), 220

Eckert, J. Presper, 237

Economist, The, 187–88

Elizabeth, Queen, 59

embassy bombings of 1998, 275

empathy, 45–46, 277–79

energy, 139–40

building higher levels of, 139–40

of Fisher, 139

of Zumwalt, 221–22


commissions Drake’s voyages, 59–60, 61

defeat of Spanish armada, 62–64

mercantilism and, 102

Napoleonic Wars, 81–86

See also Drake, Francis; Nelson, Horatio

eulogy virtues, 286

Excellent, HMS, 82

failure, learning and improving from, 69–70

fear of failure, 22–23

First Persian War, 4, 8

Fisher, Frederic, 135

Fisher, John Arbuthnot, 119–42

in Anglo-Egyptian War of 1882, 127

big-gun battleships and battle cruisers championed by, 132

birth and early life of, 122–23

Churchill and, 132–34

curiosity of, 141–42

death of, 134–35

determination of, 136–37, 283

early naval career of, 122–25

energy of, 139–40

as first sea lord, 131–32

in First World War, 132–35

Gallipoli campaign opposed by, 133–35

as innovator, 137–39

naval weaponry, impact on evolution of, 126, 127–30, 132, 137

optimism of, 140–41

personality of, 121

promoted to full captain, 126–27

as second sea lord, 131

as third sea lord, 129

tours of duty at Portsmouth, 125–26

training methods of, 130–31

as vice admiral in command of Mediterranean Fleet, 130–31

Fisher, Kitty, 134–35

Fisher, Sophie, 123

Fisher, William, 122–23

Fisher’s Face (Morris), 123

Ford, Gerald B., 160, 165

Forrestal, USS, 210–11

Fortran, 238


mercantilism and, 102

Napoleonic Wars, 81–86

Franklin, Benjamin, 141

Freud, Sigmund, xvi

Friedman, George, 187–88

Frobisher, Martin, 62

Furious, HMS, 124–25

Gallipoli campaign, 133–35

Gates, Robert, 186, 220, 244

Gates of Fire (Pressfield), 268

Germany, 102

Gingrich, Newt, 141, 271

Grayling, USS, 156

Great Britain. See England

Great White Fleet, 107–8

Halsey, William, 150, 152, 159, 161, 162

Hamilton, Emma, 78, 84, 92

Hamilton, William, 84

Hardy, Thomas, 86

Hawkins, John, 59

Hawkins family, 57–58

Hearst, William Randolph, 276

Hemingway, Ernest, 65

Henrikson, Alan, 121–22

Henry V (Shakespeare), 80

Herodotus, 6, 19

heroes, virtues of, 286–87

Hewitt, USS, 69–70, 163–64

Highflyer, HMS, 124

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, xix

Homer, 4, 268

honesty, 276–77

Hopper, Grace, 111, 225–49

activated and continues work, 239–40

advanced systems stemming from vision of, 248

birth and early life of, 231

“bugs” term first used by, 236

change, devotion to, 249

COBOL development and, 238

computer science as mandatory coursework for Brigade of Midshipmen, encouragement of, 238

computer techniques and technologies pioneered by, 238–39

computer use on ships at sea, advocates for, 238–39

death of, 241

fleet-wide system for sharing tactical data with submarines, development of, 240

joins US Navy after attack on Pearl Harbor, 233

loyalty of, 246–47

marriage and divorce of, 231–32

medals and awards received by, 241

mentorship and, 243–44

at Naval Data Automation Headquarters, 240

at Naval Reserve, 236–39

at Navy Computational Lab, 236

patriotism of, 241–42

personality of, 244–47

post-retirement activities of, 240–41

as programmers for world’s first computer (IBM Mark I), 234–36

as Programming Language Group director, 238

promotions received by, 239–40

retirement of, 240

on taking chances, 227–28

technological changes during lifetime of, 229–31

UNIVAC computers, work on, 237–38

vision of, 185, 247, 248

in WAVES, 233–36

Hopper, USS, 241

Hopper, Vincent, 231, 232–33

Howard, Charles, 63

Howard, Michelle, 256–61

“firsts” achieved by, 257, 260–61

jealousy and resentment faced by, 258–59

organizes Navy response to MV Maersk Alabama capture, 260–61

public scrutiny of performance of, 259

resilience of, 261, 266–68, 273

wins Captain Winifred Quick Collins Award, 258

humility, 273–74

Hyman G. Rickover, USS, 183

IBM Mark I computer, 234–36


of Danzig, 216–17

of Rumsfeld, 217

of Zumwalt, 215–16

independence, 46–48

Nelson and, 80–82

of Zheng He, 46–47

Inflexible, HMS, 127

Influence of Sea Power upon History, The (Mahan), 101–2, 106–8, 113

innovation. See creativity and innovation

inspire, ability to

boldness and, 71, 72

of Themistocles, 5, 7, 19–20

internet, 239

Invincible, HMS, 132

Isaacson, Walter, 141

Isaiah 40:31, 266–67

Japan, 102

Jervis, John, 81, 82

Jobs, Steve, 115, 141, 239

John XXIII, Pope, 208–9

Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), 265–66

Jones, Clevon, 210–11

Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), 57

justice, sense of, 279–80

Kadare, Ismail, 49

Kazantzakis, Nikos, 43–44, 285

Kennedy, John F., 279

Kimmel, Husband, 151–52, 155, 156

King, Ernest, 21–22, 99, 150, 152, 158, 159, 161, 164

Kitchener, Herbert, 133–34

Knox, Frank, 155

La Vallette, USS, 173

“Laws of the Navy” (Hopwood), 165–66

leadership, xv–xvii

balancing being right with being a leader, 21–22

character, distinguished, xv–xvi

communication skills and (See communication skills)

compassion and, 219–20

courage and, 64–67

creativity and innovation and (See creativity and innovation, of leaders)

decisiveness (See decisiveness)

failure, learning and improving from, 69–70

independence and, 46–48

personality and (See personality)

reputation, distinguished, xv–xvi

self-confidence versus arrogance and, 20–21

team building skills and (See team building)

Leahy, William, 240

Lehman, John, 179, 180–82

Leonidas I, 10–11

Leyte Gulf, Battle of, 199, 200

Lockhart, Ted, 67

Lockwood, Charles, 160

Log, The, 98


blind, dangers of, 246

Drake’s Machiavellian means for inspiring, 67

of Hopper, 246–47

to larger values of organization or nation, 246–47

Nelson’s inspiring of, through team building, 80–81

of Zheng He, 34

Zumwalt’s loyalty to subordinates, 219

Luce, Stephen B., 100

Luke 12:48, 254

MacArthur, Douglas, 152, 159

Mack, Bill, 172

McCarthy, Cormac, 268

McChrystal, Stan, 254–55, 273, 284

McRaven, Bill, 262–66

as leader of Operation Neptune Spear (bin Laden killing), 262, 265–66

leukemia, battle with, 264

parachute accident and injuries of, 264

post-9/11 counterterrorism role of, 264–65

resilience of, 263–64, 273

Trump’s criticism of, 262–63

Maersk Alabama, MV, 260–61

Magellan, Ferdinand, 61, 65

Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 8, 38, 95–116, 198–99, 200

early career of, 104–5

global network of bases for Navy, advocates for, 103–4

as historian, scholar and intellectual, 97–98, 100, 109–11

Influence of Sea Power upon History, The, 101–2, 106–8, 113

naval history research of, 100–101

naval power, theories on, 102–3

navy’s purpose, understanding of, 108–9, 111

perseverance of, 109, 111, 115–16

personality of, 104–6, 108, 110–11, 114–15

religious beliefs of, 105–6

as teacher, 113–14

vision of, 111–12, 115–16

Mahan, USS, 110

Ma He. See Zheng He

Maine, USS, 103, 276–77

management skills

of Drake, 67–68

of Nimitz, 158–59, 161, 162–63

of Zheng He, 34–35, 48, 49–50

Man for All Seasons, A (Bolt), 114

manifest destiny, 102

Marathon, Battle of, 4, 8

Mark I computer, 234–36

Marshall, George, 286–87

Masters, Ruth, 183

Mauchly, John, 237

meditation, 140

Memories (Fisher), 136–37, 139

mentorship, 243–44

mercantilism, 101–2

mesothelioma, 197

Ming Dynasty, 31–40

Monsarrat, Nicholas, 268

moral courage, 65

Morris, Jan, 123

Mullen, Mike, 241, 244

Napoleonic Wars, 81–86

National Institute of Standards and Technology, 239

National Strategy for Combating Terrorism, 2006, 265


Afghan War, determination in prosecuting, 283–84

empathy in commanding, 278–79

Nautilus, USS, 176

Naval Data Automation Headquarters, 240

Naval Reactors, 175, 178–79

Naval Reserve, 236–39

Naval War College, 98

Navy Computational Lab, 236

Navy SEALs, 72

Nelson, Horatio, 68, 75–93, 185

adulterous affair of, 78, 84, 92

ambition of, 93

Battle of Cape St. Vincent and, 81–82

Battle of Copenhagen and, 84–85, 91–92

Battle of Nile and, 83–84, 89, 91

Battle of Trafalgar and, 85, 91

birth and early life of, 79–80

courage of, 84–85

death of, 85–86

independent action and, 80–82

loses arm at Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 83

in Napoleonic Wars, 81–82

patriotism of, 86–88, 93

personal failures of, 86, 92–93

resilience of, 272–73

tactical approach of, evolution of, 91–92

team, caring for, 90–91

team building skills of, 80–81, 86, 88–89


Battle of Copenhagen and, 84–85, 91–92

mercantilism and, 102

Nevada, USS, 173

Next 100 Years, The (Friedman), 187–88

Nile, Battle of Nile, 83–84, 89, 91

Nimitz, Chester, 31, 40, 145–67, 176, 198–99, 209, 240

birth and early life of, 149–50

as Bureau of Navigation chief, 154

calculated risk principle of, 165

as chief of naval operations (CNO), 159

death of, 160

delegation of responsibility by, 153, 162–63

discretion and compassion of, 150–52, 164–65

innovations of, 153–54

management of war effort by, 158–59, 161, 162–63

optimism of, 166–67

personality of, 163–67

post-retirement advocacy for Navy, 159–60

promoted to CINCPAC and takes command at Pearl Harbor, 155–58

responsibility and experience, drive to acquire, 152–53

as strategist for Pacific War, 158, 160–62

Nimitz, Chester, Jr., 154

Nimitz, Steve, 147

Nimitz, USS, 147, 160

9/11 terrorist attacks, 276

Nitze, Paul, 196–97, 203, 222

Nixon, Richard, 207

Norman, William, 212, 219

Northampton, HMS, 127

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 175–76

Obama, Barack, 281

O’Brian, Patrick, 87

Ocean, HMS, 126

Odyssey (Homer), 268

On Watch (Zumwalt), 197

Operation Eagle Claw, 265

Operation Neptune Spear, 262, 265–66


of Fisher, 140–41

of Nimitz, 166–67

organizational skills, 40–42

tools to help with, 42

of Zheng He, 40–41

Panetta, Leon, 244

Parker, Edward, 90–91


development and nurturing of, 242

of Hopper, 241–42

of Nelson, 86–88, 93

service, value of, 242–43

Pearl Harbor, attack on, 151–52, 154–55, 156, 157–58, 167

perseverance, 283–84

Churchill and, 283, 284

of Drake, 283

of Fisher, 136–37, 283

of Mahan, 109, 111, 115–16

of Rickover, 283

of Stavridis, 60–70, 283–84

of Themistocles, 283

Persian Empire, 9–10

First Persian War, 4, 8

Second Persian War, 9–16

personal branding, of Drake, 70–71


of Fisher, 121

of Hopper, 244–47

of Mahan, 104–6, 108, 110–11, 114–15

of Nimitz, 163–67

of Zumwalt, 217–19

perspective, 44, 284–86

Petraeus, David, 254, 255, 273

Philip II, King, 59

Phillips, Richard, 260–61


English, in 1500s, 58

Themistocles’ arguments for navy based on threat of, 9

Zheng He neutralizes Chen’s piracy network, 37

Pirates of the Caribbean (film), 58

Pol Pot, xv

Portugal, 102

Potter, E. B., 160

Powell, Colin, 141, 244

power, 254

Pressfield, Steven, 268

Proceedings, 98, 99, 154

racism, 201–2

Z-Gram Z-66, 212

Zumwalt’s reforms addressing, 208, 209, 210–13, 259

reading, xii–xiii

Reagan, Ronald, 180–82

Red Badge of Courage, The (Crane), 268

reputation, xv–xvi

resilience, 42–44, 253–68

Allen and, 255, 273

books inspiring sense of, 268

developing, 268

Howard and, 261, 266–68, 273

inner conversation refusing to be victim and, 268

McChrystal and, 254–55, 273

of McRaven, Bill, 273

McRaven and, 263–64, 266–68

Nelson and, 272–73

peers and, 268

perspective and, 44

Petraeus and, 255, 273

Stavridis and, 255, 272–73

stoicism and, 43–44

Zheng He and, 34, 42–43, 272

résumé virtues, 286

rhetorical skills of leaders. See communication skills of leaders

Rice, Condoleezza, 286–87

Rickover, Hyman, 169–91, 240, 245

anger and, 188–89, 190, 191

birth and early life of, 173

death of, 183

at dedication of Rickover Hall, 171–73

determination of, 283

early naval career and graduate school in electrical engineering, 173–74

as engineering duty officer, 174–75

ethical missteps of, 182–83

interviewing style of, 177–78

Medals awarded to, 183

meeting with Reagan and Lehman over retirement, 180–82

as minesweeper commander, 174

at Naval Reactors, 175, 178–79

nuclear propulsion program, work on, 175–79

on responsibility, 177

retirement of, 179–82

as STEM supporter, 174

submarine service of, 174

translates Das Unterseeboot, 174

vision of, 185–86, 187, 188

work ethic of, 183–84

World War II service of, 175

risk taking, and Themistocles, 23

Road, The (McCarthy), 268

Road to Character, The (Brooks), 286

Roberts, Ed, 239

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, xv, 155

Roosevelt, Theodore, 101, 103, 107–8, 276

Rose, George, 85

Rumsfeld, Donald, 185, 217, 271

Rushmore, USS, 260

Salamis, Battle of, 4–5, 12–16, 19, 23

Sampson-Schley controversy, 150–51

Santos, Juan Manuel, 286–87

Sea Power: The History and Geopolitics of the World’s Oceans (Stavridis), xi

Second Persian War, 9–16


arrogance versus, 20–21

delegate, ability to, 162

of Themistocles, 20

of Zumwalt, 221–22

self-control, 280

self-examination, 287

servant leadership, 90–91

service, value of, 242–43

sexism, 201–2

Danzig’s work on allowing women to serve in submarines, 216–17

Z-Gram Z-116, 212–13

Zumwalt’s reforms addressing, 208, 209, 210–13, 259

Shakespeare, William, 57, 80

Shipmate, 98

60 Minutes (tv show), 239–40

Smith, Leighton W., 148

Socrates, 287

South China Sea, 30, 36, 40


mercantilism and, 102

Spanish-American War, 103–4, 276–77

Spanish-American War, 103–4, 276–77

Spruance, Raymond, 150, 160, 161, 162

spy ring scandal, 222

Stark, USS, 66

Stavridis, James

balance in life and, 274–76

calm demeanor, learning, 163–64

decisiveness and, 281–83

Deep Blue and, 71–72, 265, 270–71

determination and, 283–84

diplomatic skills and, 48–49

discretion and, 165–66

empathy and, 278–79

energy level and, 139–40

heroes of, 286–87

humility and, 273–74

independence versus checking with command, finding balance between, 47–48

innovation and, 269–72

mentors of, 244

perseverance and, 69–70

perspective and, 285–86

resilience and, 255, 272–73

sense of justice and, 279–80

team building and, 89–90

travel violation accusations and, 255

on USS Nimitz, 147–49

vision for U.S. Southern Command of, 186–87, 271–72

work ethic, developing, 185

Zumwalt’s reforms addressing racism and sexism, experience with, 210–12

Stockdale, James, 99

stoicism, 43–44

Submarine, The (Bauer, tr. Rickover), 174


Fisher and, 129, 130, 132

Hopper’s development of fleet-wide system for sharing tactical data with, 240

Nimitz and, 153–54

Rickover serves on, 174

Rickover’s nuclear propulsion work and, 175–77

women in, 216–17

Sullivan, John, 176

tactical approach

of Drake, 56, 62

of Nelson, 91–92

of Themistocles, 11–16

team, Nelson’s caring for, 90–91

team building, 88–90

of Nelson, 80–81, 86, 88–89

with peers, 89

with subordinates, 89–90

Themistocles, 1–24

as archon of Athens, 7–8

arrogance and, 20–21, 273

Athens abandoned and burned by Persians, 11–12

balancing being right with being a leader, 21–22

Battle of Marathon and, 8

Battle of Salamis and, 4–5, 12–16, 19, 23

birth and early life of, 6–7

character of, 8, 9, 11–12, 14, 15–16

commissions building of port of Piraeus, 7–8

communication skills of, 5, 7, 19–20

convinces Athenians to build fleet, 8–10

creativity and innovation displayed by, 22

determination of, 283

flees Greece and pledges loyalty to Persia, 16–17

flexibility of judgment and, 9, 22

Herodotus on, 6, 19

inspire, ability to, 5, 7, 19–20

political downfall of, 16

predictive skill of, 18

refusal to be swept up in mood of the moment, 18

sea power, advocacy of, 8–9

self-confidence of, 20

tactical approach of, 11–16

Thucydides on, 6

vision of, 7, 8, 9, 17–19, 185

Theodore Roosevelt, USS, 103

Thermopylae, Battle of, 4, 10–11

“This Is Water” (Wallace), 45–46, 277–78, 279

Thucydides, 6

Tocqueville, Alexis de, xiv

tolerance, of Zheng He, 44–46

Tomb, Paul, 177–78

torpedoes, 126, 129–30

Trafalgar, Battle of, 85, 91

Trump, Donald, 262–63

Turner, Kelly, 160

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Verne), 176

Twitter, xii–xiii

Unterseeboot, Das (The Submarine) (Bauer, tr. Rickover), 174

United States

embassy bombings of 1998, 275

manifest destiny and, 102

mercantilism and, 102

Pearl Harbor, attack on, 151–52, 154–55, 156, 157–58, 167

Spanish-American War, 103–4, 276–77

territories gained in Spanish-American War, 103–4

See also Hopper, Grace; Howard, Michelle; Mahan, Alfred Thayer; McRaven, Bill; Nimitz, Chester; Stavridis, James; Zumwalt, Elmo R., Jr.

UNIVAC computers, 237–38

US Naval Institute, 98–99

Valley Forge, USS, 66

Vatican II, 209

Verne, Jules, 176

Victory, HMS, 77–79, 131

vision, 17–19, 111–13, 247–48

challenging your vision, 188

developing and cultivating, 187–88

of Hopper, 185, 247, 248

of Mahan, 111–12, 115–16

of Nelson, 185

of Rickover, 185–86, 187, 188

of Stavridis, 186–87

strategic patience necessary for, 187

of Themistocles, 8, 9, 17–19, 185

of Zumwalt, 185

Wallace, David Foster, 45–46, 277–78, 279

Warner, John, 171

Warrior, HMS, 126

Washington, George, 102

WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service), 233

Weinberger, Caspar, 181

Wilde, Oscar, 17

Wilhelm I, 126

Wilhelm II, 108

Wooden, John, xv–xvi

work ethic, 183–85

developing character with, 184–85

of Rickover, 183–84

of Zumwalt, 221

World War I, 132–35, 230

Wozniak, Steve, 239

Xerxes I, 9–10

Z-Gram messages, 210, 212–13, 222

Zheng He, 27–50

birth of, 32

build’s China’s first deep-ocean fleet, 33–35

bureaucratic opposition to missions of, 38–40

diplomatic skills of, 49

early life and castration of, 32

independence of, 46–47

loyalty of, 34

military career of, 32–33

organizational skills of, 40–41

piracy fought by, 37

resilience of, 34, 42–43, 272

South China Sea historical claims of China based on voyages of, 30, 36, 40

Sri Lankan dilemma of, 47

tolerance cultivated by, 44–46

voyages of, 35–39

Zhu Di, 32–33

Zinni, Tony, 275

Zumwalt, Elmo, III, 197, 201, 205, 214

Zumwalt, Elmo, IV, 214

Zumwalt, Elmo R., Jr., 111, 178, 193–223, 240

Agent Orange spraying ordered by, 197, 205, 214

at Bureau of Personnel, 201–2

charisma of, 218–19

as chief of naval operations (CNO), 202, 206–14

as commander of Cruiser-Destroyer Flotilla Seven, 204

as commander of naval forces in Vietnam, 204–6

commands USS Dewey, 202

compassion of, 219

death of, 197–98, 214

as director of systems analysis in office of CNO, 204

early command positions of, 201

energy of, 221–22

as executive assistant to Secretary of Navy, 196–97

iconoclasm of, 215–16

innovations of, 213

loses son to cancer, 197, 201

loyalty to subordinates of, 219

marriage of, 200–201

at National War College, 202–3

at Naval Academy, 199–200

Nitze and, 203

personality of, 217–19

post-retirement activities of, 213–14

racism and sexism in Navy, reforms aimed at changing, 208, 209, 210–13, 259

reforms of, 207–13

retirement of, 213

self-confidence of, 221–22

spy ring scandal and, 222

Vietnamese refugees, advocates for resettlement of, 214

vision of, 185

work ethic of, 221

in World War II, 199, 200

Z-Gram messages of, 210, 212–13, 222

Zumwalt, Mouza, 200–201, 214

Zumwalt, USS, 198, 21415