
Sweetie Belle didn’t suspect anything when Rarity invited the Cutie Mark Crusaders to Twilight’s castle for dinner that night. But as soon as she walked in and saw that Starlight Glimmer, Spike, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy were there, Sweetie Belle knew what was really going on. It was a sisterly advice ambush.

Sweetie Belle glanced at Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. From the sour looks on their faces, it seemed as if they had come to the same conclusion.

“Rarity…” Sweetie Belle hissed. “I thought you said this was just a fun dinner.…”

“And it is, darling,” Rarity said, batting her eyelashes innocently. “It’s simply that… Well, we’ve been worried about you three. You haven’t been keeping the—how shall I say this?—safest company.”

Sweetie Belle stomped her front hoof and opened her mouth to remind Rarity that honesty was one of the elements of friendship, but Twilight smoothly cut in.

“I’m glad you’re all here. After speaking to Blue Moon, Lumi Nation, and Auntie Eclipse, I’m a little concerned that they’re involved in some dangerous magic. They might not even realize it! But until I get some answers, I think it’s best for everypony if we all give the Moon family some space.”

“Whaddya mean?” Apple Bloom asked.

“She means we don’t want you fillies hangin’ around with Ambermoon and Lilymoon anymore. Sorry, sugarcube,” Applejack told her little sister.

“What about loyalty?” Sweetie Belle burst out. “And kindness?” The older ponies looked at her in surprise. She glared at them. “It’s not very generous to turn our backs on our new friends!”

Ooh, ooh, do my element!” Pinkie Pie said, bouncing in place.

“Um… it’s really hard to share laughter when you’re not allowed to talk to somepony?” Sweetie Belle shrugged.

“I understand, and you make a good point,” Twilight told Sweetie Belle sincerely. “But the element I’m worried about is magic. And the way things have been going, I’m afraid being friends with Lilymoon and Ambermoon puts you at a greater risk.”

“But that’s not fair!” Scootaloo protested.

“We’re trying to protect you!” Rainbow Dash asserted. “Weird things keep happening! And we don’t want them happening to you! Who knows what’ll be next?”

“I think we’re about to find out,” Spike said drily as a frantic Granny Smith raced into the dining room.

“It was horrible!” Granny panted. “The worst thing I ever saw since the frost beetles ate three quarters of the orchard!”

“Slow down, Granny. Take a deep breath. Now. What was horrible?” Applejack said, putting a hoof on Granny’s shoulder.

“Quit jabberin’ and listen!” Granny scowled, knocking Applejack’s hoof away. “I ain’t a frail flower to be coddled and swaddled. I had just tucked down fer my nap. It was nice ’n’ dark, and I had my fav’rite pillow, the one cousin Tart Pippin gave me for Hearth’s Warming.” Granny closed her eyes, miming snuggling into a pillow.

After a few moments, Sweetie Belle wondered if Granny had really fallen asleep. She jumped when Granny’s eyes flew open!

“That’s when I saw it! A huuuuuge beast, movin’ in the shadows! And it kept makin’ this horrible ringin’ noise I could feel all the way down to my teeth!” Granny took out her dentures and shook them to illustrate.

“Ew,” whispered Scootaloo.

“Uh, Granny? Ya don’t suppose that was just yer alarm clock?” Applejack said with a patience that made Sweetie Belle think they’d had this conversation before.

“Of course it was my alarm clock!” Granny retorted. “Alarmin’ me to get outta there before that beastie took a bite of Apple!”

“We’ll look into it, Granny,” Twilight reassured her. “Applejack, why don’t you take her home and make sure everything’s safe on the farm?” Applejack nodded and hustled Granny to the door.

Hmph. I know a shadow creature when I see one!” Granny huffed as Applejack escorted her out. “You can tell ’cause-a their eyes. Like white fires a-burrrrrnin’ in their sockets!”

Sweetie Belle frowned. That sounded familiar. Like something she’d once seen in a dream…

“Plus they smell like corn custard!” Granny’s voice went on as she left.

“We were makin’ corn custard yesterday,” Apple Bloom whispered to her friends. “The whole farmhouse smells like it now. I think Granny just had a nightmare.”

The older ponies turned back to the CMCs. Sweetie Belle could tell that more lectures were on the menu before dinner.

“Look, you know Twilight believes in giving ponies second chances,” Starlight Glimmer said with a half smile that made Sweetie Belle realize the Unicorn was talking about herself. “Just take a little break from Lilymoon and Ambermoon until we can figure out what’s going on.”

“Uh, Twilight?” Applejack walked back in with Granny. Sweetie Belle thought both ponies had a strange look on their faces. “You probably should see this.”

Twilight curiously trotted over to a window, the others following her.

Sweetie Belle peered over Rarity’s shoulder to see. Outside the castle, a small group of ponies had formed, and they were yelling and hammering on the front door.

“A huge creature attacked me!”

“Something’s terrorizing Ponyville!”

“We’re doooooomed!”