The following transcript, taken from the Sun Air Flight SAJ678 Cockpit Voice Recorder, was first published on the National Transportation Safety Board��s website on 20 March 2012.


FO–First Officer

ATC–Air Traffic Control

Transcript commences at 21h44 (fourteen minutes after take-off from Narita airport).

FO: Passing flight level three three zero, captain, that’s a thousand foot to go. Looks like it should be nice and smooth at three four zero, not much CAT forecast.

CAPT: Good.

FO: Do you have—

[A loud bang. Depressurisation alarm sounds.]

CAPT: Mask! Put on your mask!

FO: Mask on!

CAPT: We’re losing the cabin, can you control it?

FO: The cabin is at 14,000 already!

CAPT: Go to manual and close the outflow valve. Looks like we’ve got a decompression.

FO: Ah, Captain, we need to get down!

CAPT: Try again.

FO: The valve is fully closed, it’s no use–I can’t control it!

CAPT: Have you closed the outflow valve?

FO: Affirmative!

CAPT: Okay, understood. Tell ATC we are starting an emergency descent.

FO: Mayday, mayday, mayday–SAJ678 commencing emergency descent. We’ve had an explosive decompression.

ATC: Copy that. Mayday SAJ678, you can descend, there is no other traffic to affect you. Standing by.

CAPT: I have control. What is our grid mora?

FO: Level 140.

CAPT: Disconnecting the auto-throttle, dial in flight level 140.

FO: Flight level 140 set.

[Captain is on the intercom.]

CAPT: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We are starting an emergency descent. Please put on your oxygen masks and follow the cabin crew’s instructions.

CAPT: Commencing emergency descent. Closing thrust levers, deploying speed brake. Read the emergency descent checklist.

FO: Thrust lever closed, speed brake down, heading selected, lower level selected, start switches to continuous, seat belt signs on, pax oxygen switch on, squawking 7700, ATC notified.

CAPT: Can’t control the heading–she’s yawing to the right. I can’t get the wings level!

FO: [expletive] Rudder or aileron?

CAPT: I’ve got full left aileron, but she’s not responding!

FO: Master caution hydraulics. I am cancelling the light. We’ve lost all hydraulics, we’ve got system A, and system B low pressure lights on! I’ll get the QRH and read the hydraulic checklist.

CAPT: Get me some hydraulics back!

FO: [expletive]

CAPT: I’m going to take some more thrust on three and four engines.

FO: It looks like the standby system is gone too. The hydraulic quantities are all empty!

CAPT: Keep trying.

FO: We’ve got 2000 feet to level off.

FO: 1000 feet to level off!

[Sound of altitude warning horn.]

CAPT: I’m stowing the speed brake and taking some more thrust on numbers one and two.

FO: The nose is dropping–pull up!

CAPT: She’s not responding! More thrust to slow the descent.

CAPT: Okay. She’s levelling off–still can’t control the heading. Keeps going to the right.

FO: Try and take more thrust on three and four.

CAPT: Okay. More thrust on three and four…

CAPT: It’s still not helping–she’s still rolling to the right!

ATC: Mayday SAJ678, what is your heading?

FO: Mayday SAJ678 we’ve lost all hydraulics, we will come back to you.

CAPT: We’ve got no rudder!

FO: We are going to have to go to manual reversion!

CAPT: [expletive] Feels like we’re in manual reversion already! I am struggling to control. Let’s see if we can get some of the speed off–300 knots.

FO: The nose is dropping again!

CAPT: Is there an airfield close to us?

FO: The—

CAPT: Give me more thrust on three and four!

[Sound of GPWS, whoop whoop, pull up, whoop whoop, pull up, too low terrain, too low terrain, whoop whoop, pull up, whoop whoop, pull up, too low terrain.]

CAPT: Full thrust all four… pull up! Pull up!

FO: [expletive]

CAPT: Pull up! Pull up!

[Recording ends.]