


Some angels are well known to us, in particular those mentioned in religious texts, fables and legions. There is almost an ‘Archangel Top 10’, although there are many more archangels than these. The reason we know about this select group is that they are the protectors of the planet Earth. Other realms and planets have their own archangels.

According to The Hierarchy of the Blessed Angels (Thomas Heywood 1635) the Archangels Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Uriel have particular authority and guardianship over the planet earth. Jewish traditions suggest there are seven archangels with this role: Admael, Arciciah, Ariel, Tabbashael, Azriel, Arhiel and Horabael.

‘Every visible thing in this world is put in charge of an angel.’



The archangels are said to be a separate choir in the order of angels (or angel hierarchy), but they are also said to stand above many of the other ranks. Sometimes they appear to be part of many different levels, or perhaps they are able to move up and down through the ranks.

The most important of these archangels (traditionally numbered as seven) fulfil many different roles and are often called ‘The Princes of the Seven Heavens’. The Third Book of Enoch says that these archangels are each attended by 496,000 myriads of ministering angels. (A myriad denotes vast numbers of angels or sometimes ‘ten thousand’.) This number is also supported in Revelations (8:2) and the book of Tobit (12:15).

You have probably heard of Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel, but who are the other archangels? Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Ariel (or Uriel – some list Ariel and Uriel as one angel and other sources suggest that they are two different beings) appear in many sources. Other suggestions include Raguel, Zadkiel, Metatron, Sandalphon and others.

Islam recognizes four archangels (Asrael, Gabriel, Israfel and Michael), although some sources say twelve! However, the Koran names only two – Djibril (Gabriel) and Michael.

In some of the tables of information relating to the archangels, we have included a smaller number, because we are unaware of all the talents and skills of the less well-known archangels.


As you will see by the many references to the archangels in this book, it is almost impossible to clarify! Here are the most commonly mentioned archangels (with the names taken from places such as the Bible, the First Book of Enoch, the Koran and the list of Dionysius the Areopagite).

Archangel Ariel – Overseer of Nature

Archangel Ariel is often confused with Archangel Uriel. Ariel is said to work with Raphael in healing the animals of the world, and watches over wild animals, fish and birds. He looks over the fairy kingdoms and nature spirits and keeps water clean and pure.

Ariel is often called in divine magic and spirit releasement. He is usually associated with Lions and is said to have the head of a lion. Ariel is usually pictured carrying a scroll.

Archangel Azrael – Angel of Death

Azrael is saddled with the unpleasant title the ‘Angel of Death’, and as foreboding as it sounds, the title indicates his role as the recorder of life and death. His appearance is said to be particularly unpleasant, with as many eyes and tongues as there are people upon the earth, and 4,000 wings. I can imagine that he would appear very scary!

Azrael is called upon by fishermen of the world, and is associated with water and ‘going with the flow’. He also helps with blockages of a spiritual nature.

Archangel Chamuel – Gatekeeper to the World

Archangel Chamuel is in charge of world peace, and is very concerned with protection. He is like an angelic bouncer! Like Archangel Michael, Chamuel is a warrior who represents justice.

He has another side and some see him as a loving, kind and gentle angel who helps to recover lost items, helps us to find our soul mates and is concerned with such things as beauty, joy and happiness.

Archangel Gabriel – Heavenly Communicator

Gabriel is another of the top-ranking angels and is best known for communication skills, being the messenger who brought the word of the impending birth of Jesus to the Virgin Mary. Gabriel is usually shown holding a lily, with an inkwell and pen and dressed in blue.

Many see Gabriel as a female angel or an angel of feminine energy and one who sits to the left-hand side of the Lord. Gabriel is known as the angel who dictated the Koran to Mohammed. Gabriel is known as ‘Djibril’ in Arabic.

Archangel Haniel – Angel of the Moon

Haniel is usually credited with the role of Chief of the orders of Principalities and Virtues, and is most well known for escorting Enoch to the spiritual realms.

Haniel is sometimes given feminine qualities and is said to be associated with the moon and strong psychic and mystical energies. She recovers lost healing secrets and harnesses the moon’s energy in crystals and potions relating to healing and health.

Archangel Jeremiel – Overseer of Souls

Jeremiel is the angel who looks after souls waiting to reincarnate, dealing with ‘past life reviews’ in particular. Whilst souls are in their earthly bodies, he helps with psychic dreams and clairvoyance.

In Judaic texts he is named as one of the seven archangels. His energy is said to be kind, loving, protective and compassionate. He is called to help with life changes.

Archangel Jophiel – Angel of Paradise

Jophiel is the Prince of the angelic choir of the order of Cherubim and another angel who is associated with feminine energy. Jophiel is most famous for watching over Noah’s sons.

Call Jophiel if you are working in creative endeavours. Jophiel inspires creative thought, and helps you to find your inner light and move forward on your spiritual path.

Archangel Metatron – Angel of the Presence

Metatron (formerly the human Enoch) is the keeper of the Akashic Records (the Book of Life). He is the first angel who was created from a human being (and the twin of Sandalphon). To many he is the most powerful of all the archangels.

If you need help with relationships, careers, children and spiritual gifts, then Metatron can help you. He is usually pictured in luxurious clothing and holding a pen and book.

Archangel Michael – Commander in Chief of the Heavenly Armies

Michael is the most well known of all the Archangels and the one that appears most regularly (he is included in the Christian, Judaic and Islamic faiths). He is usually pictured with his flaming sword and shown as a handsome, strong and powerful male angel. He is sometimes pictured as a slayer of dragons.

His primary role is of protector and he is the angel of Judgment Day. In Islam he is ‘Mikhail’ and is called St Michael by the Christians. One of his roles is said to be the ‘weigher of souls’.

Archangel Raguel – Angel of Earth

Raguel is one of the seven archangels who are listed in the great Book of Enoch. One of his roles is to keep other angels in order. Raguel is most well known for his role in lifting Enoch (the human made into an angel) up to heaven, and is usually placed in the order of the Principalities.

Raguel is primarily involved with resolving disagreements and creating harmony. He acts as a defender of the people and has ‘empowering’ qualities. He is the archangel of fairness and justice.

Archangel Raphael – Guardian of the Tree of Life/Divine Healer

Raphael is best known for his work as a healer. He is usually pictured walking with a staff or caduceus entwined with a snake. He has his right forefinger pointing toward heaven (a sign of encouragement and hope).

Raphael works closely with healers, health professionals and therapists. Raphael is also the patron of travellers.

Archangel Raziel – Angel of Mysteries

Archangel Raziel works closely with the creator. He has understanding of all the higher sciences like quantum physics and sacred geometry, and is associated with serious levels of psychic study, magical abilities and esoteric materials.

He is most well known for The Book of Raziel, which is said to contain the secrets of the universe. He handed Adam the book of guidance after Adam was evicted from the Garden of Eden (these secrets were also given to Enoch before his ascension).

Archangel Sandalphon – The Tall Angel/Prayer Gatherer

Archangel Sandalphon (formerly the human prophet Elijah) is known as one of the tallest angels in heaven and said to be the twin brother (or twin flame) of Metatron. Like the human Enoch, Sandalphon was lifted to the heavens and made into an angel for his good works as a human man whilst on the earth. He was lifted up into heaven by a fiery chariot pulled by two horses (recorded in 2 Kings in the Bible).

His role is to carry the prayers of humans up to God, and he helps with unborn babies and protecting the unborn child.

Archangel Sariel – Presiding Angel of the Sun/Prince of Presence

Archangel Sariel is a lesser known ‘watcher angel’, or one who ‘keeps watch’, and has been given guardianship of the spirits of ‘children’ of humankind and angels who have sinned whilst in the heavenly realms (apparently!). Sariel is also in the unfortunate position of being known as a fallen angel according to some traditions, although recognized as an angel of healing in others.

Sariel has guardianship of the path of the Moon and is said to be a teacher of that knowledge. This was once undisclosed information of a secret nature.

Archangel Uriel – Angel of the Presence/Regent of the Sun

Uriel works most closely with the Earth and earth healing. He is the angel who orchestrates transformation of the planet following natural disasters such as floods, fires and earthquakes. God sent Uriel to Noah to warn him of the Flood.

Traditionally, Uriel is the angel who is credited with giving Adam a book of medicinal herbs and is said to have the power of manifestation.

Archangel Zadkiel – Archangel of Mercy and Benevolence

Zadkiel helps you to feel forgiveness and kindness towards yourself and others. Archangel Zadkiel is said to be one of the most gentle of archangels and has the energy of comfort and prayer.

He is a Throne angel (standing in the presence of God), and is most famous for stopping Abraham from sacrificing his son Isaac as an offering to God.


Names have varied with each religion and culture and many changes to spellings have occurred around the world. The following list will help with which archangel is which. You can see with the similarity between spellings of similar angels how people get confused between the names! It took weeks of research to create this list with names being added and sometimes deleted along the way.

Just when I thought I had the list completed another name would appear, only to never be seen anywhere else!

Abdiel Adabriel; Adabiel; Arcade
Abruel Gabriel; Jibril; Jiburili; Serafili
Abruel Gabriel; Jibril (Muslim); Jiburili; Serafili; Jibraiil; Djibril; Gavriel; Jibra’il; Cambiel
Adabiel Abdiel; Adabriel; Arcade
Adabriel Abdiel; Adabiel; Arcade
Akrasiel Raguel; Raguil; Rasuil; Rufael; Suryan
Anael Haniel; Aniel; Hamiel; Omoel; Hamael; Hanael
Aniel Haniel; Anael; Hamiel; Omoel; Hamael; Hanael
Arael Ariel; Ariael; Ariella
Arcade Abdiel; Adabriel; Adabiel
Ariael Arael; Ariel; Ariella
Ariel Arael; Ariael; Ariella
Ariella Ariel; Arael; Ariael
Asariel Azrael; Azrail; Ashriel; Azriel; Azaril (also seen as Raphael)
Ashriel Azrael; Azrail; Azriel; Azaril (also seen as Raphael); Asariel
Azaril (also seen as Raphael) Azrael; Azrail; Ashriel; Azriel; Asariel
Azrael Azrail; Ashriel; Azriel; Azaril (also seen as Raphael); Asariel
Azrail Azrael; Ashriel; Azriel; Azaril (also seen as Raphael); Asariel
Azriel Azrael; Azrail; Ashriel; Azaril (also seen as Raphael); Asariel
Beshter Michael; Mika’il; Sabbathiel; St Michael
Camael Chamuel; Camiel; Camiul; Camniel; Cancel; Jahoel; Kemuel; Khamael; Seraphiel; Shemuel; Shemael; Qemuel
Cambiel Gabriel; Abruel; Jibril (Muslim); Jiburili; Serafili; Jibraiil; Djibril; Gavriel; Jibra’il
Camiel Chamuel; Camael; Camiul; Camniel; Cancel; Jahoel; Kemuel; Khamael; Seraphiel; Shemuel; Shemael; Qemuel
Camiul Chamuel; Camael; Camiel; Camniel; Cancel; Jahoel; Kemuel; Khamael; Seraphiel; Shemuel; Shemael; Qemuel
Camniel Chamuel; Camael; Camiel; Camiul; Cancel; Jahoel; Kemuel; Khamael; Seraphiel; Shemuel; Shemael; Qemuel
Cancel Chamuel; Camael; Camiel; Camiul; Camniel; Jahoel; Kemuel; Khamael; Seraphiel; Shemuel; Shemael; Qemuel
Chamuel Camael; Camiel; Camiul; Camniel; Cancel; Jahoel; Kemuel; Khamael; Seraphiel; Shemuel; Shemael; Qemuel
Djibril Gabriel; Abruel; Jibril (Muslim); Jiburili; Serafili; Jibraiil; Gavriel; Jibra’il; Cambiel
Gabriel Abruel; Jibril; Jiburili; Serafili
Gabriel Abruel; Jibril (Muslim); Jiburili; Serafili; Jibraiil; Djibril; Gavriel; Jibra’il; Cambiel
Gavriel Gabriel; Abruel; Jibril (Muslim); Jiburili; Serafili; Jibraiil; Djibril; Jibra’il; Cambiel
Hamael Haniel; Anael; Aniel; Hamiel; Omoel; Hanael
Hamiel Haniel; Anael; Aniel; Omoel; Hamael; Hanael
Hanael Haniel; Anael; Aniel; Hamiel; Omoel; Hamael
Haniel Anael; Aniel; Hamiel; Omoel; Hamael; Hanael
Iofiel Jophiel; Iophiel; Jofiel; Zophiel
Iophiel Jophiel; Iofiel; Jofiel; Zophiel
Jahoel Chamuel; Camael; Camiel; Camiul; Camniel; Cancel; Kemuel; Khamael; Seraphiel; Shemuel; Shemael; Qemuel
Jeremiel Ramiel (also seen as Raphael); Remiel; Rhamiel; Ramaela
Jibraiil Gabriel; Abruel; Jibril (Muslim); Jiburili; Serafili; Djibril; Gavriel; Jibra’il; Cambiel
Jibra’il Gabriel; Abruel; Jibril (Muslim); Jiburili; Serafili; Jibraiil; Djibril; Gavriel; Cambiel
Jibril Gabriel; Abruel; Jiburili; Serafili
Jibril (Muslim) Gabriel; Abruel; Jiburili; Serafili; Jibraiil; Djibril; Gavriel; Jibra’il; Cambiel
Jiburili Gabriel; Abruel; Jibril; Serafili
Jiburili Gabriel; Abruel; Jibril (Muslim); Serafili; Jibraiil; Djibril; Gavriel; Jibra’il; Cambiel
Jofiel Jophiel; Iofiel; Iophiel; Zophiel
Jophiel Iofiel; Iophiel; Jofiel; Zophiel
Kemuel Chamuel; Camael; Camiel; Camiul; Camniel; Cancel; Jahoel; Khamael; Seraphiel; Shemuel; Shemael; Qemuel
Khamael Chamuel; Camael; Camiel; Camiul; Camniel; Cancel; Jahoel; Kemuel; Seraphiel; Shemuel; Shemael; Qemuel
Labbiel Raphael; Ramiel (also seen as Jeremiel; Azrael); Tzaphiel
Meditron Metatron (human name, Enoch); Shekinah; Metatetron; Merraton; Metaraon; Mittron; Metataon
Merraton Metatron (human name, Enoch); Shekinah; Metatetron; Metaraon; Mittron; Metataon; Meditron
Metaraon Metatron (human name, Enoch); Shekinah; Metatetron; Merraton; Mittron; Metataon; Meditron
Metataon Metatron (human name, Enoch); Shekinah; Metatetron; Merraton; Metaraon; Mittron; Meditron
Metatetron Metatron (human name, Enoch); Shekinah; Merraton; Metaraon; Mittron; Metataon; Meditron
Metatron (human name, Enoch) Shekinah; Metatetron; Merraton; Metaraon; Mittron; Metataon; Meditron
Michael Beshter; Mika’il; Sabbathiel; St Michael
Mika’il Michael; Beshter; Sabbathiel; St Michael
Mittron Metatron (human name, Enoch); Shekinah; Metatetron; Merraton; Metaraon; Metataon; Meditron
Omoel Haniel; Anael; Aniel; Hamiel; Hamael; Hanael
Qemuel Chamuel; Camael; Camiel; Camiul; Camniel; Cancel; Jahoel; Kemuel; Khamael; Seraphiel; Shemuel; Shemael
Raguel Akrasiel; Raguil; Rasuil; Rufael; Suryan
Raguil Raguel; Akrasiel; Rasuil; Rufael; Suryan
Ramaela Jeremiel; Ramiel (also seen as Raphael); Remiel; Rhamiel
Ramiel (also seen as Jeremiel and Azrael) Raphael; Labbiel; Tzaphiel
Ramiel (also seen as Raphael) Jeremiel; Remiel; Rhamiel; Ramaela
Raphael Labbiel; Ramiel (also seen as Jeremiel and Azrael) Tzaphiel;
Rasuil Raguel; Akrasiel; Raguil; Rufael; Suryan
Ratziel Raziel; Suriel; Suruel; Suriyel
Raziel Ratziel; Suriel; Suruel; Suriyel
Remiel Jeremiel; Ramiel (also seen as Raphael); Rhamiel; Ramaela
Rhamiel Jeremiel; Ramiel (also seen as Raphael); Remiel; Ramaela
Rufael Raguel; Akrasiel; Raguil; Rasuil; Suryan
Sabbathiel Michael; Beshter; Mika’il; St Michael
Sahaqiel Sariel; Sarakiel; Saraguel; Saraqael; Saraqel; Zerachiel
Sandalphon (human name, Elijah) Sandolphon; Sandolfon
Sandolfon Sandalphon (human name, Elijah); Sandolphon
Sandolphon Sandalphon (human name, Elijah); Sandolfon
Saraguel Sariel; Sarakiel; Saraqael; Saraqel; Zerachiel; Sahaqiel
Sarakiel Sariel; Saraguel; Saraqael; Saraqel; Zerachiel; Sahaqiel
Saraqael Sariel; Sarakiel; Saraguel; Saraqel; Zerachiel; Sahaqiel
Saraqel Sariel; Sarakiel; Saraguel; Saraqael; Zerachiel; Sahaqiel
Sariel Sarakiel; Saraguel; Saraqael; Saraqel; Zerachiel; Sahaqiel
Satqiel Zadkiel; Tzadkiel; Zadakiel; Zidekiel
Satqiel Zadkiel; Tzadkiel; Zadakiel; Zidekiel; Tzadiqel; Tsadkiel; Zachiel
Serafili Gabriel; Abruel; Jibril; Jiburili
Serafili Gabriel; Abruel; Jibril (Muslim); Jiburili; Jibraiil; Djibril; Gavriel; Jibra’il; Cambiel
Seraphiel Chamuel; Camael; Camiel; Camiul; Camniel; Cancel; Jahoel; Kemuel; Khamael; Shemuel; Shemael; Qemuel
Shekinah Metatron (human name, Enoch); Metatetron; Merraton; Metaraon; Mittron; Metataon; Meditron
Shemael Chamuel; Camael; Camiel; Camiul; Camniel; Cancel; Jahoel; Kemuel; Khamael; Seraphiel; Shemuel; Qemuel
Shemuel Chamuel; Camael; Camiel; Camiul; Camniel; Cancel; Jahoel; Kemuel; Khamael; Seraphiel; Shemael; Qemuel
St Michael Michael; Beshter; Mika’il; Sabbathiel
Suriel Raziel; Ratziel; Suruel; Suriyel
Suriyel Raziel; Ratziel; Suriel; Suruel
Suruel Raziel; Ratziel; Suriel; Suriyel
Suryan Raguel; Akrasiel; Raguil; Rasuil; Rufael
Tsadkiel Zadkiel; Satqiel; Tzadkiel; Zadakiel; Zidekiel; Tzadiqel; Zachiel
Tzadiqel Zadkiel; Satqiel; Tzadkiel; Zadakiel; Zidekiel; Tsadkiel; Zachiel
Tzadkiel Zadkiel; Satqiel; Zadakiel; Zidekiel
Tzadkiel Zadkiel; Satqiel; Zadakiel; Zidekiel; Tzadiqel; Tsadkiel; Zachiel
Tzaphiel Raphael; Labbiel; Ramiel (also seen as Jeremiel and Azrael)
Urian Urjan, Uryan, Uriel
Uriel Urian, Urjan, Uryan
Urjan Urian, Uryan, Uriel
Uryan Urian, Urian, Uriel
Zachiel Zadkiel; Satqiel; Tzadkiel; Zadakiel; Zidekiel; Tzadiqel; Tsadkiel
Zadakiel Zadkiel; Satqiel; Tzadkiel; Zidekiel
Zadakiel Zadkiel; Satqiel; Tzadkiel; Zidekiel; Tzadiqel; Tsadkiel; Zachiel
Zadkiel Satqiel; Tzadkiel; Zadakiel; Zidekiel
Zadkiel Satqiel; Tzadkiel; Zadakiel; Zidekiel; Tzadiqel; Tsadkiel; Zachiel
Zerachiel Sariel; Sarakiel; Saraguel; Saraqael; Saraqel; Sahaqiel
Zidekiel Zadkiel; Satqiel; Tzadkiel; Zadakiel
Zidekiel Zadkiel; Satqiel; Tzadkiel; Zadakiel; Tzadiqel; Tsadkiel; Zachiel
Zophiel Jophiel; Iofiel; Iophiel; Jofiel


If you are looking for a more detailed list of archangel roles then this may be useful for you. This list uses traditional roles as a guide but if you feel that a different angel will help your purpose more, then go with your own gut instinct. You will know – trust yourself.

This list just uses archangels. Some of the many thousands of angels hold similar roles.

Acting Gabriel
Adoption Gabriel
Alternative Healers Raphael
Ambition Michael
Arguments (Resolving) Raguel
Armed Forces Personnel Michael
Art Gabriel
Artists Jophiel
Awareness Jophiel
Balance Haniel
Beauty Jophiel, Chamuel, Haniel, Gabriel
Birds Ariel
Bouncers Chamuel
Careers Metatron, Chamuel
Charity Metatron
Child Healing Ariel
Childbirth Gabriel
Children, Spirits Sariel
Children’s Spiritual Gifts Metatron
Clairvoyance Jeremiel
Comforting Raphael
Company Haniel
Compassion Zadkiel, Jeremiel
Conception Gabriel
Confidence Zadkiel
Conflicts (Resolving) Raguel
Contentment Chamuel
Counsellors Raphael
Courage Michael
Creative Endeavours Jophiel
Creative Insight Uriel
Creativity Gabriel, Uriel
Crossing Over Azrael
Crystals Haniel
Cures Raphael
Dancing Gabriel
Death Azrael, Sariel
Decorating Jophiel
Defending Raguel
Design Jophiel
Dieting Metatron
Dignity Haniel
Direction Michael
Disasters Uriel
Divine Guidance Raziel
Divine Magic Ariel
Doctors Raphael
Dream Interpretation Gabriel
Dreams Ariel
Dying Azrael
Earth Healing Raphael, Uriel
Ecology Uriel
Effort Metatron
Empathy Jeremiel
Empowering Raguel
Enlightenment Jophiel
Esoteric Materials Raziel
Fairy Kingdoms Ariel
Faith Zadkiel
Fire Uriel
Fish Ariel
Fixing Michael
Floods Uriel
Flowers Gabriel
Forgiveness Zadkiel
Freedom Metatron
Freedom Of Thought Jophiel
Friends Haniel
Gatekeeper Chamuel
Gender Determination Sandalphon
Gifted Children Metatron
Good Causes Metatron
Grace Raphael
Gratitude Chamuel
Grief Counselling Azrael
Grieving Azrael
Guidance Zadkiel, Michael
Habits Metatron
Happiness Chamuel
Harmony Raguel, Haniel
Healing Ariel, Zadkiel, Metatron, Raphael, Sariel
Healing Animals Ariel
Healing Knowledge Uriel
Healing Remedies Haniel
Health Haniel, Raphael
Heavenly Armies Gabriel
Hunters Michael
Hygiene Sariel
Ideas Uriel
Individuality Gabriel
Injustice Michael
Inner Child Gabriel
Inner Voice Gabriel
Inspiration Metatron
Inspiring Gabriel
Intellectual Information Uriel
Intelligence Raziel
Intervention Chamuel
Interviews Haniel
Journalism Gabriel
Joy Chamuel, Raphael
Judge Michael
Judgement Release Zadkiel
Justice Gabriel
Kabbalah Sandalphon
Karma Uriel
Kindness Jeremiel
Knowledge Raphael
Leadership Michael
Liberation Metatron
Libraries Metatron
Life Haniel
Life Changes Jeremiel
Life Guidance Raziel
Life Purpose Chamuel
Light Work Raphael
Light/Spiritual Workers Michael
Lions Ariel
Loneliness Michael
Lost Items Chamuel
Love Gabriel, Raphael, Jeremiel
Magistrates Michael
Manifestation Raziel, Uriel
Memory Zadkiel
Mending Michael
Mercy Michael, Jeremiel
Messenger Gabriel
Midwives Raphael, Sandalphon
Miracles Gabriel, Michael, Raphael
Modelling Gabriel
Moon Gabriel
Moon Energy Haniel
Moon Movement Sariel
Motivating Gabriel, Michael
Music Gabriel, Sandalphon, Uriel
Mysteries Gabriel
Natural Disasters Uriel
Nature Ariel
Nature Spirits Ariel
Negativity Michael
Nurses Raphael
Open Mindedness Jophiel
Organizations Raguel
Passion Haniel
Past Lives Jeremiel
Patience Michael
Peace Chamuel
Peacemaking Gabriel
Performing Haniel
Persistence Haniel
Police Michael
Possessions Chamuel
Spiritual Wisdom Haniel
Students Uriel
Studies Uriel
Supportive Michael
Teachers Uriel
Teaching Gabriel
Telecommunications Gabriel
Television Gabriel
Tenderness Gabriel
Tests Uriel
Therapists Raphael
Third Eye Raphael
Thunder Uriel
Transformation Uriel
Travellers/Travelling Raphael
Truth Gabriel, Michael
Unborn Babies Sandalphon
Unconditional Love Gabriel, Michael
Universal Mysteries Raziel
Uplifting Michael
Visions Ariel, Gabriel
Visually Impaired Raphael
Water Ariel
Weather Uriel
Wholeness Raphael
Wild Animals Ariel, Raphael
Witness Metatron
World Events Chamuel
World Peace Chamuel
Writing Gabriel, Uriel
Young Children Gabriel