Are you looking for ways of communicating with your angels? Here are a few ideas to help you.
Our angels are watching over us all the time, it is only that we are not aware of them. Communicating with your angels can be fun. Making contact with your angel can be a life-changing experience.
In modern times, angels want to make their presence known and invite communication with humankind. Each person must follow their own intuition and inner guidance as to how this communication might work for them. To show careful judgement with unseen guidance goes without saying.
Are you communicating with an angel? Check, check and check again. Does the energy feel right? Is the guidance relevant and favourable? Angel communication will be loving and non-judgemental. Angels do not tell us what to do but they may shine a light on suitable paths. The choice is always ours. We are always born with free will. Trust your own feelings and senses.
Before starting your angel communication, imagine the loving guidance of God. Remember that the angels are His own gift to the world, and all worlds. He sends his angels to help us. Breathe in the love of this universal energy, imagine it surrounding you and filling your inner being. Take time to relax and prepare for contact with your own angel guides. When you are ready to begin, look at some of the suggestions that follow.
Some of the things listed below will make you feel excited. Are you a creative person? Do you like to make things and work with your hands? Then follow the suggestions for crafting objects. Do you prefer something more physical? Then read the ideas relating to dance and see how that might work for you. Eventually you will come across your own ideas or the angels will inspire you. Write them in your angel journal!
What is an angel affirmation? Affirmations are a form of reinforcement of a ‘positive thought’. We know that angels love to help us and only need our permission to do so. We can ask the angels to help us with our own goals and aid us in our motivation to make our wishes and dreams to come true.
It is useful to understand the role of our angels so that we know what they can and cannot do. An angel cannot live our life for us or take away our life challenges. What an angel can do is to help us to ‘get through’ life’s problems by giving us the strength to do so, and by bringing useful people into our life. Think of your angels as working the way that a good friend might. A friend is a ‘shoulder to cry on’ when you fall out with your partner; someone who recommends a plumber when the kitchen sink springs a leak; someone who celebrates your successes and commiserates with you when things go wrong. Think of your angels as your very best friends.
What goals do you want to achieve? What plans do you have in your life? Let the angels help you. Do you need to loose weight? Do you want to make new friends? Would you like to study for a new career? The angels can help you with any of these things and many more. There is one ‘rule’ though: your affirmation has to be about you and how the angels can help you change your life.
It would be wrong to ask your angels to get your teenage son to help more around the house, or to make your neighbour suddenly find you more attractive. This is about your own ‘free will’ and not about manipulating anyone else’s life to your ends. However, you could ask your angels to bring you ideas on how to improve your relationships with your son, or help you be more confident when talking with your neighbour.
Then you need to decide exactly what you want from your future self; write it down in as much detail as you can:
‘…I am fit and healthy. I am happy with my life path. My body is the perfect weight for my size and build. My skin is clear and fresh. I look after my body and ensure that I eat healthy and perfectly balanced food every day. I always take regular exercise so that I retain my body in its peak condition…My angels work with me to achieve my goals.’
Feel the goal happening, imagine it as if it had already happened to you, and always write in the here and now
Keep your statements positive. Say ‘I am fit and healthy’, rather than ‘I wish I wasn’t so fat!’ Your higher self will hear you say ‘fat’ and will work with that! Not your intention at all.
Organize your goal and wish-list into a series of little sentences. If you are creative, you could use phrases which will fit your favourite tune:
♥ ‘I am always calm and at peace with the world. My angels are working alongside me.’
♥ ‘I always reflect perfect confidence, knowing my angels are at my side in difficult situations.’
♥ ‘My angels have assisted me in achieving my maths certificate.’
♥ ‘I have a beautiful garden. My dream has been achieved with the help of my spiritual guardians.’
Or use short snappy statements:
♥ For the stressed – ‘Calm inside equals calm outside.’
♥ For the shy – ‘Confidence is as confidence does.’
♥ For the student – ‘I am a grade A student.’
♥ For the gardener – ‘Perfect plants will come to me!’
Or rhyming pairs:
♥ ‘Peace reflects the inner me – I’m as calm, as calm can be…’
♥ ‘The world will see my happy face – my mind is in a confident place…’
♥ ‘Passing tests is easily done – my maths certificate is easily won…’
♥ ‘The perfect garden comes my way – and beautiful plants will arrive today…’
OK, OK so I’m not a great poet! Sometimes if your poems are funny, it works even better! You are more likely to remember. Giggle whilst you work!
So how do you use these positive angel affirmations? Here are some suggestions:
♥ Write your affirmation down on a slip of paper – place it under your pillow and say it every morning and evening. Remember to thank your angels for their help, as if your goal had already been achieved.
♥ Type out your affirmation. Use attractive colours and fonts, and print it onto lightweight card or certificate paper. Frame and hang your affirmation in a prominent place where you will see it daily (over your desk, near to the kettle or hanging in the bathroom for example!).
♥ If you know how to do calligraphy (beautiful, traditional handwriting) then write your sayings and frame them. Maybe now is a good time to learn?
♥ Write your slogans into your diary or journal so that you reflect on them regularly.
♥ Years ago, women would embroider sayings onto pillows, tablecloths and bedding. Many households had framed ‘cross-stitch’ pictures on the wall with the family motto happily surrounded by flowers or other decoration. Sayings such as ‘Bless this House’ were popular, but you must create your own version, obviously.
♥ How about having it engraved onto something, or, if your affirmations are long ones, perhaps just the initials of your affirmation added to the inside of a ring. ‘AAA’ might mean ‘Angels Always Around’ to you, or perhaps ‘HAH’ could be your way of remembering you are ‘Healthy and Happy’. Again, remember that humour helps!
♥ My local stationers sell ‘self-laminating cards’ the size of a credit card or room pass key. Your affirmations can be reproduced onto a card and then covered or protected with plastic. Your card will be the perfect size to carry around in a wallet or pop into the back pocket of your jeans.
♥ Rather than make your own angelic affirmations you might find something suitable that you could use at home. Fridge magnets are a useful source of fun and positive sayings. Check out your local card shop or search the Internet for something you can frame which inspires your goals. Keyrings, too, can be useful. My husband carries his car keys on a keychain which reminds him to ‘Never drive faster than your angels can fly.’
♥ When your sayings and affirmations no longer have the same impact, or you stop noticing them, look at ways of rephrasing them so that the ideas remain fresh in your mind. Keep your goals alive and always moving forward.
Remember that you are the driver of the bus that carries you and your needs, aspirations, hopes, fears and achievements. Your angels are the bus conductors who are there to help get you to the right destination. Take a step down that road, and your angels are right there beside you, holding your hand. Angels won’t live your life, but they will help you to live it yourself! Take control, take charge and make things happen for you. You are the writer of your own story and your angels are the crowd, cheering you on!
Angel altars work in much the same way that any altar might, and are easily assembled: gather together a collection of items with special significance to you, and place them within an altar space. Ideas for an altar space include:
♥ A corner of your garden, maybe under a tree, or a private space under an archway or slightly hidden from the house.
♥ A shelf in your bedroom.
♥ A small coffee table.
♥ A mantelpiece over a fireplace.
♥ The top of a chest of drawers.
If you really don’t have space for a permanent angel altar you can collect your special items together in a pretty box and arrange them on a tray (or on the top of the box) when you are ready to meditate or want to talk to the angels.
An angel altar can include many things and is only limited by your imagination. You might want to use some or all of the following:
♥ A representative or two of what an angel is to you. This might be an angel figurine, an angel pin, an angel coin or token, a postcard or a picture of an angel. You could use several if you have them.
♥ A candle, traditionally used to bring in the light. You could choose candles scented with natural aromatherapy oils or pick candles with colours associated with the energy of a specific archangel (see page 257).
♥ Angel cards in an open bowl so that you can easily pick one or two each day.
♥ A crystal or a stone which appeals to you (for more on angels and crystals, see page 262).
♥ White feathers (an angel ‘symbol’) – perhaps some that you have found yourself.
♥ Scented oils or natural herbs.
♥ Incense sticks.
♥ Fresh flowers or a flowering pot plant (angels are said to appear on the scent of flowers).
♥ Your angel journal or notebook containing your positive affirmations or healing experiences.
♥ Pretty photograph frames with pictures of your loved ones or images of people to whom you wish the angels send help and healing.
♥ Angel books.
♥ Scented sachets or packets.
♥ Rose petals or flower heads floating in a glass or attractive china bowl of water.
♥ Angel sprinkles or ‘confetti’, as it is often called.
♥ Items decorated with butterflies (as a representation of spirit).
♥ Small trinket boxes – maybe those decorated with angel or cherubs.
♥ A small photo clip – useful for displaying inspirational messages.
Your angel altar can be displayed on a silk scarf (I have one with gold angels printed on!) or an old-fashioned lace table or tray cloth – or anything else which inspires you. Remember that there are no rules here. If you feel inspired and uplifted by your display then it is right for you! It is important, however, to keep your flowers fresh and your area ‘dust free’ by dusting or changing it around regularly. An angel altar is a point of focus for your angel prayers and meditations. Given time this space will gather energy of its own. Prayers and positive affirmations will form a blanket of loving power within this space and you will feel uplifted just by walking into this area. The altar is not for the worship of angels but for you to create your own point of energy or prayer or meditation for your own insights and ideas.
People with no previous ability to draw seem to be able to draw angels. The angels appear to ‘channel’ the images through the human instrument (our bodies), producing beautiful portraits of the angels themselves. Angels have many different looks – over the years the way angels are portrayed in artworks has changed, sometimes dramatically! What does an angel look like to you?
If you want to have a go at this you need no particular skill, just some suitable equipment: paper, pens and inks, paints and paintbrushes, pencils, crayons, chalks – whatever inspires you.
To gather inspiration, you may want to start with a prayer. You could write down your request to the angels, to help you. Play some inspirational or relaxing music, or light a candle (stand it on a table away from your paper for safety).
Become totally relaxed and just ‘go with the flow’. Don’t worry too much about what you actually produce on the paper. Do not judge the final result. When you have finished, tidy away your work and put it all together in a safe place until you feel inspired to try again.
Over time, your angels will learn how to work with you, and you with them. Images may appear to ‘improve’ to your own artistic eye. There is no right or wrong technique, just your way.
Enjoy the experience.
What is an angel atmosphere? I sometimes hold angel workshops and one of the most important things is to create an angel atmosphere – to lift the energy of the room to one where the angels can come closely into our own energy field.
Angels are often associated with the strong smell of flowers, particularly roses, gardenias and lilacs. Burning high-quality incense which uses the natural essence of these flowers, I believe, helps to create a higher vibrational energy within the room. For communication with the angels, use natural frankincense aromatherapy oil (three drops in water, on the top of an oil burner – follow the manufacturer’s instructions if available).
Rooms for angel work should always be cleansed – and literally cleaned – before you begin. You wouldn’t invite visitors into your personal space without dusting and vacuuming first would you? Make sure everything in the room sparkles – windows (a reflection of your ‘view of the world’), fabrics and furnishings, rugs and floorings and any decoration. Clean and fresh.
Next you can energize the space. Use a drum (if you are lucky enough to own one) and bang it in rhythm, particularly into the corners and hard-to-reach spaces. Stir up that still energy! If you don’t have a drum, you can clap into the corners or even ring a bell.
I like to take a natural incense stick and move the smoke around the room – all the while asking for the loving energy of the angels to come into the space. I do not ‘invoke’ the angels; I invite them.
Next, I play relaxing music. There are several beautiful CDs that have been created especially to work with angels as ‘angel music’ (an Internet search would probably bring up several companies that do these). Sometimes, I even dance around the room (but don’t tell anyone!).
I always dedicate a white candle to the angels. Those little tea-lights, or ‘night-lights’ as we called them when I was a little girl, are perfect.
Then you are ready to begin. Always thank the angels for their presence, and remember to blow out your candle afterwards.
Yes really! In spiritual terms, bathing is a very cleansing and uplifting experience. Angels can communicate more easily with us when we are in a relaxed state, so talking to the angels whilst you bathe actually makes a lot of sense.
♥ Fill the bathroom with scented candles and dim the lights – create the atmosphere for an ‘angel-chat’.
♥ Run a warm bath and add a few drops of your favourite essential oil. Rose is perfect. The pure and traditional scent uplifts the mood. Any strong scented flower oil or vanilla (another angel favourite) would be fine.
♥ Drop a few rose petals in the bath (pop them in a muslin bag or tack two cotton hankies together, if you don’t want a mushy mess!).
♥ Spoil yourself with fluffy towels and a beautiful bathrobe – lift your spirits.
Relax in the warm water and talk to your angel friends-just know that they are there and can hear you. Remember that their words are kind and loving. Expect your answers as positive thoughts or feelings, ideas or inspiration.
Rozalynd wrote to kindly share her own ‘bath story’, while at the same time telling me ‘…I have never written a letter like this before.’ People always feel a little embarrassed at sharing these stories, but this little story is typical of the ones I receive on angel experiences while people are bathing! So it doesn’t seem so strange to me.
‘I was reading an article in a magazine about Angels, and how to communicate with them. The article said to find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. As I have six children the only place I get “undisturbed” is in the bath!
I lit a white candle, closed my eyes for a while, and then I felt like I was floating, dreaming, just like the feeling you get under anaesthetic before you go completely under. I can’t put it into words properly, but it felt so peaceful. My head went back and to the side, as if resting on a shoulder, and I wanted to stay there.
I remember asking, “If you ‘re really there please show me a sign.” My son called me at that moment, so I opened my eyes and reached for the candle to blow it out. Some of the wax dropped accidentally into the bath and the wax made the shape of a perfect, white, fluffy set of angel’s wings!
Placing the candle back in the holder, I stepped out of the bath, and leant over the bath to cup the wax into my hands and carefully lift it out. After I was dressed I lit the candle again. This time I deliberately dropped wax into the bath water, but however often I did it I never managed to repeat the same pattern.
Nothing like this has ever happened to me before, but I hope it will happen again, the feeling was one of such peace.’
Calling cards? Now that’s a lovely old-fashioned idea. Ladies would call at a friend’s (often spontaneously) and if they were not ‘at home’ (which sometimes just meant they were not receiving visitors that day, even if they were in the house), the caller would leave their card (by passing it to the maid or butler to leave on a silver tray, or just by posting it through the door).
What fun to leave your calling card! Using your angel symbol (draw something of your own) and your name (and maybe a phone number if you wish), carry your angel calling cards around in a purse or pocket. When calling on friends, especially if they have been unwell or particularly wanted to see you, you can leave your card if they are out. What a great way to let people know you cared enough to call. Let the angels help you communicate your message of caring – you could even add a little note on the back:
‘Sorry you were out when I called. Hope you are feeling better…’
Do you have friends who are interested in angels? Why not create your own group or ‘circle’ to study and work with angels?
♥ Take it in turns to have get-togethers at each other’s houses – make your meetings on the same date or day every month or week so that people remember.
♥ Each member could bring a small token gift to the person hosting the circle.
♥ Swap angel stories with each other. Do you have miracle stories of healing or love in your family? Angel stories are meant for sharing – spread the joy.
♥ Angel books are very uplifting. How about creating a ‘swap library’ of any you may have finished with. Perhaps a small donation to charity could be made to borrow a book? Place one person in charge of tracking books and making sure they are returned safely!
♥ Pick out angel divination cards and do readings for yourselves and others in the group.
♥ Take the opportunity to play angel CDs and review each other’s collections of celestial sounds.
♥ Play guided angel meditation CDs and all meditate together. Swap notes afterwards.
♥ Try some of the ideas in this chapter – writing with your angels or perhaps making collages.
♥ Work on your angel journals together.
♥ Work as a group to ask the angels for healing for those in need. Bring newspaper cuttings on world situations and troubled spots, and photographs of family and friends in need of healing. One person could be placed in charge of keeping a healing book. Pray to the angels together to assist those in need.
♥ Share ideas of more ways in which you can connect with your own angels.
You do not have to live close together to form an angel circle, if this is a problem. Internet groups work very well and there will never be any lack of support.
A collage is the ultimate in re-cycling. Starting with a large piece of card or stiff paper, you collect together pretty scraps and stick them together to create one new image. You can frame it afterwards. I have done this several times to create a positive vision of things I wanted in my life – it works every time! Try it and see if it can work for you.
Ideas for items to add to your angel collage:
♥ Pictures of angels cut from wrapping paper.
♥ Stickers illustrated with angels, flowers, fairies and butterflies.
♥ Dried, pressed flowers and leaves.
♥ Christmas and birthday cards are a great source of images.
♥ Scan images from books and other suitable pictures (check they are copyright free).
♥ Photographs of a loved one – or loved ones on the ‘other-side’.
♥ Angel glitter.
♥ Images from the Internet.
♥ Inspirational poems and angel sayings. You can type these up or write them out using gold and silver pens.
♥ Pictures of pets.
♥ How about including lists of ‘wish’ words – things or qualities that you would like in your life.
♥ You could stick on images which represent your dreams and hopes for the future.
♥ You can write your name using stick-on or rub-down letters, or print words and phrases using a computer with a script lettering (or trace the letters below). This font is called Zapf Chancery.
Most important of all – Have Fun!
I realize that angels don’t actually eat, but we do! Communicating with your angels is about feeling good inside and nothing makes you feel better than good cooking. My daughter always makes those ‘fairy cakes’ (tiny cupcakes in paper cases), and you may find a recipe for ‘angel cake’. Cake is nice and comforting to many people. I prefer something which is a little less fattening but if you’ve ever heard the saying ‘a little of what you fancy does you good’, then you’ll know exactly what I mean.
If salad is sumptuous for you, then make that. If bread is bliss for you, bake bread, and if pasta is perfect for your pleasure, prepare that. Create a meal for fun and, even better, lay the table for two people. It could be just you and a friend, or you and your angel. Create some ‘food for thought’. ‘Take care of your body’ and other similar messages appear on many angel divination cards.
Cooking (and maybe more often, ‘baking’) gives you the opportunity to ‘be an angel’. Making a fruit cake? Bake one for your elderly neighbour who lives on her own. Creating a casserole for one? Double up the portions and take it round to your friend who has just given birth, or maybe recently come out of hospital. Spread love and friendship – it’s contagious. Sharing food that you have created yourself is like sharing your energy with others, and passing on a little practical love. Prepare a meal for someone you love today and ask the angels to bless the meal for you. Go on, be an angel.
OK, so I know you can’t actually ‘see’ your angels, and I can imagine it might not be easy to join them in the last waltz, but let me explain further…
People in ancient cultures would regularly dance themselves into trance states to enable them to talk to the spirit realms. Whirling and twirling, round and round, following the beat…how easy it is to ‘loose yourself in the music…to get carried away by the rhythm?
Dancing is like continuous exercise in which a person can get ‘high’. You can feel an adrenaline rush! This is the understanding behind dancing with your angels, but I’m not asking you to do this. Dancing is a way of both releasing and reaching emotions. Dancing is something that people do when they are in love. Dancing is something that small children do spontaneously in fun, and what teenagers do for energy release.
Dancing, more than any other way, can relax the body so that the angels can communicate with you. You are not so much ‘dancing with angels’, as they are dancing with you.
OK, so what are the techniques? Dancing is best when it is done instinctively. You do not have to please anyone but yourself. Dance alone or with friends. Technique is unimportant. The dancing is about how it makes you ‘feel’.
Setting the scene:
♥ If you are inside you may prefer to lock the door so you won’t be disturbed.
♥ Take the phone off the hook and switch off your mobile.
♥ You will be more comfortable if it is at least half an hour after you have eaten and not so long after you have eaten that you will be distracted by feeling hungry.
♥ Dance barefoot if the flooring is comfortable. Otherwise, wear something simple and lightweight like ballet pumps.
♥ Turn up the heating or turn it down (bearing in mind that dancing can make you hot), so that your body is at a comfortable temperature.
♥ Have a drink of water nearby so that you can refresh yourself without having to break your movements.
♥ Choose your music in advance by selecting tracks that suit your mood. Classical or ‘angel music’ both work well. You may prefer something slower or something with a beat. Have a selection ready so that you can change the mood as you go.
♥ Consider using an instrument while you dance – a drum, or something to shake out a rhythm. (An old tin or jar filled with dried peas or rice works well.)
Here are a few things to try.
Receiving love: Dress in simple clothing which will not restrict your movement in any way, then close the curtains. Lock the door if it will make you feel less inhibited and, when you are ready, sway gently to the rhythm. Do not feel embarrassed as no one can see you. Rock gently from side to side. Imagine you are being cradled in your angel’s wings. Try to continue for at least a whole track to gain the full benefit of this movement.
Creating positive change: Dress in clothing which reflects the person you want to be. Would you like your angels to help you to bring more humour into your life? Then wear clown make-up! Want to appear more mysterious? Wear dark glasses! Have fun with this, and come up with some of your own suggestions.
Look for items that will indicate your chosen change. Dance with pictures cut from magazines, or wear a pin or brooch with positive sayings and affirmations (write them on to cardboard and tape a safety pin on the back). Play music with an up-beat rhythm. Say or sing your message while you dance like crazy! Play music with appropriate lyrics – ‘I want to be free’, or ‘I’m going to wash that man right out of my hair’! Or select a song with the word ‘angel’ in the lyrics (there are hundreds of these). Sing very loudly – especially useful to remove aggression!
Protection and energizing: Play a series of songs where the beat gets progressively faster. Or one track where the song gets faster towards the end (Ravel’s Bolero is a good example and was once used by the iceskating champions Torvel and Dean in their Olympic performance).
As you reach the faster speeds, ask for your angels to come close to you – feel this happening. To start with it will feel like butterflies fluttering as the sense will be gentle. As your heart begins to beat faster you will notice a change in your energy field. Lift your heart and let in this positive energy. Imagine your body filling with and surrounded by positive white light. Build this energy in your mind. Imagine this light as a protection from the angels. Remember that ‘imagination’ is a powerful force and that all creation starts as an ‘idea’ before it becomes lodged in ‘our reality’. Something moves from the ‘astral realms of thought’ into our earth plane or ‘material plane’.
When you are ready, start to slow your movements down. Take your time, and slow down your heart rate a little at a time.
Create some movements and a dance of your own. Just consider a few safety tips. Dancing is a type of exercise. With all forms of exercise, make sure that you check with your doctor first – particularly if you plan to get energetic and you don’t normally. Make sure you do not flail your arms around where you might knock or break something (be it an ornament or your arm!), and don’t spin round so fast that you make yourself dizzy and crash into something (not in the house anyway). Some movements are better outside on safe, bouncy grass!
Dancing is fun with friends – choose a large open space or work in a large hall. If you’re switching the phone off for a few hours, then do let someone know. You don’t want to start an international panic because you suddenly become unavailable for any length of time.
Oh, and did I say ‘have fun?’ Those all-important words again.
Sometimes angels want to play music back. Kimber from the United States writes that she has welcomed angels into her life and they have lots of fun ways of making their presence known.
Once, Kimber was watching a television show with a woman who was talking about angels. Suddenly, her stereo popped on by itself. Kimber knew it was her own angel saying hello.
She began to talk to her angels, and would feel what she calls ‘prickles’, which let her know they were around her. Sometimes she’ll feel the prickles on her arm or on the top of her head. But it always gets her attention.
Kimber has a music box on her desk that plays when you wind it up and then open the top. She hadn’t wound it or played it for months and months. One day, she walked into her room and heard the music box playing. It stopped after a few notes. She sat down at her computer, and after about ten minutes she asked if anyone was there. The music box played a few more notes, and Kimber said, ‘Hello! Thanks!’
She also thinks her angels sound the windchimes in her kitchen. They tinkle even without a breeze. Kimber feels the more she opens up to her angels, the more they present themselves to her.
Anyone can read angel divination cards and you don’t have to be psychic to do so. Angel divination cards are kind of oracles in the form of loving words, phrases or sentences laid out on individual cards (like playing cards), which you can dip into for inspirational and comforting messages.
We all have the ability to understand what these messages mean to us, and the same card pulled out several days in a row would probably mean different things each time – even when chosen by the same person.
Let’s use an example. A card with a plant illustration and the word ‘FLOWERS’ printed on the front…what might that mean? The first day you choose the card, you might immediately think, ‘I must spend some time tidying up the garden and making it look pretty for the spring.’ The same card, the following day might bring to mind something entirely different: ‘Perhaps I’ll go and buy a plant for Aunty Marge who is in hospital.’
Divination cards, with their simple messages, enable us to tap into our ‘inner knowing’ or ‘our inner guidance’ – your angel helpers! There are many beautiful angel divination cards on the market or you can easily make your own.
Start with some thin card. You can use old Christmas or birthday cards (using the images of angels on the back!). An old credit card makes a good template. Then just hand-write your words or phrases on the back. Stationers sell lovely gold and silver pens which are perfect for this!
If you have access to a computer, you can use light card or a ‘business card’ template and type up your words in a nice italic or scroll-type lettering with a printed illustration on the reverse.
Alternatively you can use Christmas wrapping paper or angel stickers to decorate your cards. There is something very special about making your own angel divination cards. It gives you the opportunity to use words that have important meanings for you. You’ll need around 36–44 cards to have a regular turnover of messages.
Here are some of my own inspirational phrases to start you off:
Many angel divination cards come with an instruction book. Forget the book of instructions! (Well go on, read it if you must!) You don’t need instructions, because there is no right or wrong way to use divination cards. Just follow your instincts. Here are a few ideas to inspire you.
♥ Pick one card a day. Prop it up where you will see it regularly. I like to use those clips for holding a single photograph, and stand it by my computer.
♥Choose three cards together and ‘read’ all the phrases as a single message for yourself.
♥ Pick a card each time you have a question or need inspiration.
♥ Keep them in a pretty open dish or bowl and hand them around when friends pop over – it’s a great conversation starter!
♥ Use your cards to do a Past, Present and Future reading. Lay out your cards in a simple ‘spread’. Lay out three cards. Place the first card furthest away from you (this card indicates your past). Place the second card just in front of that (this card indicates your present situation). Lay the third card at the front (this card indicates your future).
Remember that all angel divination cards contain loving and positive messages. If you read something negative, look to your own self! Our angels do not judge us in any way whatsoever! It is simply not within their ability or role.
I received a letter from Charlotte about her own angel divination cards. She felt that they had helped her a lot.
She told me that for a long time she had felt ‘different and gifted’, and felt inspired to go to a healing mass. She said that the experience was fantastic and she felt like she should ask to be able to heal and help people.
Charlotte explained how she felt that she was blessed and found herself surrounded by a blinding white light, and felt great love. Shortly afterwards, she found some angel divination cards for sale in a magazine and sent off for them. Charlotte felt that she had found the tool she had been looking for.
She told me, ‘My life is not the same. I read the cards for friends and I am amazed by what comes from my mouth and feelings that I see or pick up. I have been told that I am surrounded by angels.’
Charlotte feels the loving messages are coming from the angels themselves.
Angel divination cards are not a miracle communication tool, but I do feel that they are a gentle and loving way for us to pick up on loving contact and messages. We all have some natural, psychic ability and sometimes with a tool such as this, we feel confident in ‘reading the message’, which we could possibly have picked up anyway…if only we had the confidence to say what we feel!
Remember that each card can be read in many different ways, so you naturally use your own intuition to read the card anyway. You will get more confident with practice.
Give them a go and see if they will work for you.
Angels love to work with us in outdoor places. They find it easy to reach us when we are ‘at one’ with nature. This can be in a garden, a park, or perhaps somewhere in the mountains or by a lake.
Imagine walking along miles of beach…There is a long stretch of sand in Cornwall, England called Gwithian beach. As I step down onto the beach it is like finding the angels already waiting for me. The feeling you can create after many hours of deep meditation, an inner peace? I always find it here. Listening to the sound of the sea moving in and out; listening to the seagulls overhead and the soft whisper of the breeze. This is what I find when I am beside the sea – and particularly at Gwithian.
We found another place with a similar ‘feel’ about it when we went to the island of Fuerteventura. This island is part of the Canaries in the Atlantic off the west coast of Africa. Much of the island is old volcanic rocks and mountains, but hidden in little coves are beautiful beaches. The island is famous for them. On a family holiday we came across the most amazing place here too…and it was a lot warmer than Gwithian beach as well! You will find your own beaches, because for everyone these places must be of our own making.
You can recreate the sound of the sea with a tape recording. Make your own, or you can actually buy CDs with sea sounds on them. I have one at home. Sitting in a warm room with my eyes closed and the sound of the ‘sea’ playing in the background helps to take me to my relaxing ‘angel beaches’.
I feel that the angels can reach us in places where we find our own perfect peace…a place where we reach our own inner meditation. For you this might be on a beach but it could just as easily be by a lake – or even on a lake. Water seems to help with the transferring of information. (Think of those inspirational thoughts that occur when we are in the bath!)
Do you find ‘yourself when you sit on the banks of a river? Do you love to watch the ducks go by, or are you one of the many fishermen (and woman) who ‘fish’ purely for the peace and not for the catch of the day! Some of them confess that they don’t mind if they catch anything or not…but don’t say I gave away their secret!
Do you own a dog? Are you one of the many people who feel a walk doesn’t seem right without a dog? Dogs are full of joy, and love nothing better than to run around in big open spaces. They love exploring and sniffing out new smells. Some of that joy and adventure can rub off on us. Who wants to go out in the rain and cold? Your dog does! And once we’ve braved the weather, don’t we always feel better afterwards?
Take a toddler to the park and you see everything through their eyes. Every pretty stone is a magical tool, every daisy a work of art, every feather an angel’s wing. Perhaps it is. Children see everything as an adventure. When I was a little girl I would love to go on a ‘nature walk’. That inevitably meant taking a carrier bag or a basket (which is more ‘romantic’) and collecting things to take home. Acorns, conkers and fir cones came top of the list. Pretty stones with holes in them (in some cultures these holes are believed to be gateways to other worlds), or pebbles with ‘sparkly bits’ came a very close second.
We loved to search out branches with berries on and wild mushrooms growing under trees. Having scant knowledge of which of these were poisonous and which were safe we just looked at everything and picked none! Lovely gnarled old trees were magical too. Could there be whole communities of nature spirits, gnomes and fairies living in the branches? If there are fairies, then there must be angels too!
‘Always leave room in your garden for the Angels to dance.’
The magic of these places can be recreated at home. You do not have to own a garden – a window box or a plant pot will do. Just work on a smaller scale. Groups of pot plants surrounding the chair you use for meditation and contemplation are a pleasure. Gather your own ‘nature table’, or place your angel figurines in your plant pots! No room for something like that? How about pots of home-grown herbs on your kitchen window sill? Bring yourself closer to nature and bring the angels closer to you.
Have you ever noticed how many beautiful angel gifts are available in the shops and on the Internet? Angel products seem to be appropriate on any occasion. The little angel pins can be worn on a jacket collar or on the lapel of your coat. They are very small and distinct. I like to think they invite the angels to help and protect us.
I know many people who carry around those little angel coins and tokens. They are small enough to carry around in your pocket or wallet, or to put in the coin tray in your car.
Angel gifts are especially nice around religious holidays, and particularly appropriate for people in hospital. It brings a gentle reminder that the angels are close, and thinking about angels brings them closer still.
I have angels all around my working space. My own preference is for the little gold or white cherubs. I have them on cushions, pictures, frames and photo clips; I have them sitting on shelves and the top of cupboards and they even decorate candles and candlesticks. Don’t worry – they are very discrete – most people do not notice them straight away!
I have a beautiful stained glass angel hanging in the window in front of my desk and a crystal etched with an angel also hangs in the window in front of me. Angels decorate notebooks and photograph albums and bookends! I like angels a lot. Even though I know that angels probably don’t look the way that we portray them, it doesn’t matter to the angels one bit.
Lots of companies send me angel products to review (lucky me!). A lovely gift box with glass angels arrived one day with a message from the manufacturer. These boxes of angels were ‘winging’ their way to the bedsides of people who were sick and in hospital – a lovely idea I thought!
The angel sprinkles or ‘foil confetti’ is lovely to pop into greetings cards and parcels. I even add them to my invoice envelopes! They do have a tendency to ‘spill out’ of your package! People have told me that they carry these little angels around in their purses. They are charming when added to cards for any celebration and anniversary – and adorable tucked into a greeting for a new-born baby. They are also perfect for sad occasions too, and make a nice comforting surprise for someone in grief – just pop a few inside a personal letter.
Angel stickers and papers are more readily available at Christmas – I like to buy items in the sales and keep them to use all year round.
People see angels in different ways, so always choose what feels right for you – or make things of your own. You will have the added advantage that your own creative energy is mixed with that of the angels. A gift of an angel symbol is a special gift indeed.
We often daydream when we clean the house or wash the car. Repetitive and often-repeated chores lead our mind to stroll to more interesting subjects. With our minds in this relaxed and open place we raise ourselves spiritually to a state between waking and sleeping. Communication with our unseen spiritual helpers is just a thought away.
Angels place ideas into our minds rather than words (although you may hear words occasionally too). Having a two-way conversation is easy and the trick is to keep on working! The more boring the task, the easier it is for the mind to drift away. Just ask a question in your head. The answer will come. The answer is not always what you expect, but give some thought to the suggestions. Take the opportunity to look at the problem from a different perspective, a different point of view.
An angel’s role is not to tell us what to do or solve every problem. Part of our task here on Earth is to learn and grow from our experiences, even (especially?) from our mistakes. Doing things wrong is often the best way to learn to do it right, or the right way for us. However, angels are perfectly placed to give us a clue. Their guidance is always sent with the intent of assisting our highest spiritual wellbeing.
Oh – and if your biggest worry is finding someone to help with the housework, then they can help with that too. Just ask. You might be surprised.
An angel journal is a private and personal record of your own. You can use it for many things:
♥ To keep a daily record of all the positive things that have happened each day in your life, like the gift of a compliment, seeing old friends, watching the birds visit your garden bird table, or the giggling of a child.
♥ To record the paranormal or magical things which have happened to you, your family and your friends.
♥ To record loving message, sayings, phrases or poems which inspire you.
♥ To stick letters, notes and cards received from friends and lovers.
♥ To list your hopes, dreams and desires.
♥ To keep cuttings from magazines and newspapers which have made you feel good.
♥ To record your angel information.
♥ To record your dreams and visions.
Not everyone has time to write in a journal every day but try and find time to fill in your journal several times a week if you can, or perhaps just put aside one special time every week for you and your angel journal.
Treat this as a sacred time for your creation.
♥ Make or buy something especially for the purpose of keeping your angel journal. Buy a pretty hard-backed notebook, or you could create your angel journal in a sparkly ring binder. Some people write their angel journal using a computer.
♥ Illustrate the pages as you feel inspired with drawings, sketches, stickers or cuttings.
♥ Choose a special pen especially for your journal.
♥ Find a private and safe place to keep your records. You could wrap it the traditional way using a piece of silk or velvet – and tie it closed with a length of ribbon or soft cord. If you enjoy sewing you could make and decorate a drawstring bag or place it in a special box. Perhaps the best place for you is in your bedroom in a drawer or cupboard.
♥ As with other angel rituals, you can light a candle and dedicate the book with a prayer.
♥ Sometimes the magic and miracles which happen in real life tend to get forgotten. By using this opportunity to record these special times, we are keeping the memories alive. There is a belief that if you acknowledge the enchantment in your everyday world you encourage more such experiences. I firmly believe this is true. Remember to record the magic in your life.
Did you know you can write to your angels? You can use a notebook to record your letters but you can also write individual letters and place them under your pillow. Save them as you would special love letters and tie them together with pretty ribbon.
As with your angel journal you can set aside a special and private time to write your angels a letter. Do not expect the angels to pick up a pen and move it spookily through the air to reply, though, it doesn’t quite work that way! You don’t suddenly get taken over by a spirit! But you will feel their love.
If you are unsure that this will happen for you, write down your questions and answers as if it were actually working. Add your replies in such a way that ‘if your angels were writing to you, what might they say?’ Soon, the answers become automatic for you. You’ll just know what to write, because you’ll tune into their vibration. Never worry that you are making things up. Our creative imagination is the way we reach these inner worlds.
‘Without this playing with fantasy no creative work has ever yet come to birth. The debt we owe to the play of the imagination is incalculable.’
Before you begin, prepare as you would for other communications. Light a special candle and say a prayer.
Write your letter as you would to any special friend. Angels like beautiful words, but do not worry about spelling – it is of little importance. Begin with a special salutation:
‘My Dearest angel of God…
How I wish, to write with you on this special day, and I look forward to receiving any individual messages you may have for me in return. I bless your loving wisdom and would love to share some personal experiences with you and ask tnat you bring me words of comfort and joy…’
You may choose to start off in a similar way to the note above. You can ask your angel as many questions as you wish.
‘I Wave been struggling with my work and wondered if you were around me during this time? I often feel alone and would like to invite you to draw close to me…’
Then continue with the pen as if you were aware of the thoughts and feelings your angels are sending you in return. Write down what you feel.
You may not hear words but usually pick up feelings from your angels. Just write what you feel in reply.
We, your angels, are with you always at your side, bringing you guidance and our whispered words of love. Know that we support you always in your hopes and dreams and are here for you always…’
Don’t worry about doing it wrong. No one is going to see this. You are just practising, and may be surprised at the results you receive! Don’t stop too long or deliberate over your words-just write, remembering that the angels’ messages are always supportive and kind.
When you feel your questions have come to an end, remember to thank your angels for their support. You may say a prayer to close your communication session if you wish. Then blow out your candle at the end. Date your letter and put it away somewhere safe.
Thank you, angels, for your loving words…’
Read it in a couple of days’ time. You may be surprised at what you see.
Practice makes perfect and many people communicate with their angels in this way. Each message should become stronger and clearer.
Angels ‘are’ magic! Magic, in that ‘the rules that govern our world, do not relate to the angels’. Their rules defy our natural laws but, of course, they are natural rules for the angels! Their world in the angelic realms is more fluid than that of our earthly plane. We see things as solid. However the objects and living beings in our world only ‘seem’ solid! In reality, they are not solid at all, but are made up of a moving mass of atoms and molecules.
By working with angels in our dreams we can move around more easily in this fluid world. Our angels can reach down into a middle space – we may not always remember however! Before drifting off to sleep, ask your angels for help. Take this time to communicate with your angels and guides and ask that they work with you in these magical realms.
I’ve had amazing inspiration and assistance whilst ‘asleep’! I’ve woken up with the answer to problems, and the angels have even given me the name for a book I am working on! Tchaikovsky was a famous dreamer. He often woke with an idea for a composition. Many modern-day composers, such as Billy Joel, Paul McCartney and Sting, amongst others, credit dreams as an important source of creative inspiration. The tune for Paul McCartney’s song ‘Yesterday’ (possibly the most frequently played song of all time), came directly from a dream! Where does this inspiration come from? I believe it’s the angels themselves!
Have you ever heard the phrase ‘Why don’t you sleep on it?’ with reference to a problem? Now you know why!
Angels don’t really need names but it is human to name things. Many people feel more comfortable giving their own angels a name, and the angels are quite happy about this.
Some angels work with modern-day names like Angela or James, whereas others seem to fit a more ‘traditional-sounding’ angel name like Taramiel or Joshuel. Angels don’t seem to mind what they are called; they are just happy to be recognized and acknowledged.
There are many ways to find your angel’s name:
♥ You can just pick a name which ‘sounds right’, and call your angel that.
♥ Sit in quiet meditation or contemplation and ask for a name to be given you – take the first name that comes to you.
♥ Write down your request before you go to sleep at night. Your angel name may appear as part of a dream or vision, or you may wake up in the morning with the name in your mind.
♥ Or try the angel meditation exercise on page 245.
What if you don’t like the name you receive? Remember that angels do not mind what they are called! Change it to something that feels right to you.
Make the angel your symbol. You can use it on letterheads and notecards for friends and relations. Try making your own stationery. You don’t have to be a great artist – a simple sketch will work. Alternatively, work on an angel image and when you are happy with it scan it into a computer (or ask someone else to) and add your own personal touch to the top of your letterheads.
Keeping in contact with people can be hard work. In our modern life we are always busy and following the tradition of letter writing can be difficult to keep up. Not everyone has access to computers (or would be able to use one even if they did) and there is nothing nicer and more individual than a personal letter arriving on your doormat.
Use your angel stationery to keep up-to-date with friends and relations. If you are short of time, send a notebook with angel sayings or quotes inside. Your thoughts will be much appreciated. Check out postcards with angel statues and angel figures in cities with beautiful churches or lovely paintings. Buy a selection and keep them in stock with the stamps already stuck on. Make keeping-in-touch easy.
Don’t forget to use your notes for people who live closer, too. An angel note on top of a pillow or slipped into a pocket or bag will remind people that you care.
Do you have images of loved ones lying around in a drawer? You can buy or make your own angel frames to put them in. Make a visual request to literally ‘surround your friends and relations with angels’, asking your angels to protect and take care of them for you.
♥ Use frames that already have angel images and figures around the outside.
♥ Use plain frames and paint or draw images of angels around the frame.
♥ Cut out images of angels from wrapping paper and paste them around the edge. When it’s dry, protect with a layer of spray varnish.
♥ Lay the image of your loves ones – or several together – on a piece of light card. Glue the images down. Surround the edges with angels and frame the whole thing under glass.
♥ Add a special saying to the frame such as ‘Aunty Mary – protected by angels’, or your favourite angel saying or quote.
If you prefer your photographs in books, mount your photographs on light card as above, surround them with images of angels and then slide them into ordinary plastic-sleeved angel photograph albums.
Angels are creative beings who inspire many people to write. Following the notes suggested for writing with your angels, request that your angels express themselves through poetry with you.
At first your words may seem awkward and disjointed. As with all angel work, practice makes perfect and you only need to ‘want’ to do this to be able to learn. Select a special angel notebook to record your musings.
Prayers are like music of love to angels. It is right to pray to and with the angels, as they are directly linked with the source (or God-essence). Angels often need our requests to work with us efficiently. They long for us to ask for their help.
How do you pray to an angel? Any way you want! Traditionally you might get down on your knees and pray. You can ask for help and also take the opportunity to say thank you for your blessings. We all have many blessings in our lives, even when we are not aware of them or appreciate them all the time.
How about making a list of your blessings? What could you thank the angels for in your life? The love of your family and friends? Do you always get a smile from your neighbour or a friendly word from the lady at the post office? The home in which you live? Do you have somewhere safe to sleep at night or a dry place to eat? How about the animals in your life? Do you own fish, or cats? Do you ride horses or feed the birds each day? Do you enjoy watching the antics of squirrels or seeing sheep graze in the fields?
Maybe you have other things that mean a lot to you. These things can be material objects which bring you joy. It is OK to enjoy the abundance which the angels can help us to achieve. Remember to be thankful in your angel prayers. The angels can take your messages right to God.
Your prayers go something like this:
‘Angels, I thank you for your help. I appreciated your closeness when Sandra was ill and I am thankful for your comfort when Billy had to go to the vet. I enjoyed it so much when Dad managed a smile today and I loved it when Jacob was finally able to take off his plastercast. Thank you for helping me with my garden. I love the new car and I am grateful for all of your support and protection over my family each day.’
Your prayers can be very personal to you and you can use the words which feel right and fit your own life. After you have finished your prayers you can end with the words ‘thank you’, or with a phrase which fits your religious beliefs. Remember that angels are not about religion but about love. So use your prayers as a way of asking for help and counting your blessings.
You can say your prayers when you are alone or pray with a group of people. You may wish to pray after every meal or every morning and evening. Your way is the right way for you.
If you feel inspired you can just make something up as you go along or, if your prefer, write down your prayers. Write them in your journal, or cut them out and stick them into your scrapbook!
The archangels each have special roles and tasks. You can make your own angel prayer cards by taking the attributes of each angel and creating a prayer to each in turn. Every card can have a phrase of praise in honour of the archangel, to address them and request their particular talents and abilities into your life.
Your phrase might be something like this:
‘Archangel Michael, I send you blessings and thank you for your loving protection. I ask your help with caring for my children whilst I am at work, and thank you for your guidance. Amen.’
You can make your prayer card for a specific purpose. Decorate it and place it where you can see it on a regular basis.
‘Archangel Gabriel, God’s holy messenger, I would like to request your loving assistance in sending positive thoughts to my son [add name here] who is currently serving in the army and is out of family contact I ask this in God’s love. Amen.’
This would work well with the words actually written on the back of a photograph of the person. As with all of these ideas, the cards act as another ‘point of focus’, which gives more energy to your request.
A lot of studies are currently being carried out on the power of prayer. Blind studies (which include two groups: one group of people who were prayed for and another that were not) have proved that the group who received the positive prayer work were healed more successfully than those who did not. Prayer works. Prayer, like music, is often called the voice of the angels.
Angel scrapbooks are a little like angel journals – but with pictures and cuttings! If you want, your angel journal can ‘be’ a scrapbook as well, but you will probably want to keep that a little neater.
You can buy a book specifically for the purpose or make your own by stapling together large stiff paper of different colours. If you are a crafty person you may already have discovered websites and craft shops that supply stickers, special shaped scissors and other odds-and-ends for prettying up your book.
What can you stick in your scrapbook?
♥ Poems you’ve copied or written yourself. Anything that inspires you. Write or type them out on pretty paper and then mount them in your book. Decorate with images around the edges.
♥ Cut out phrases or notes from magazines and newspapers which you find uplifting.
♥ Angel stories – your own or others.
♥ Postcards with angel figures from museums and galleries from around the world. How about asking people to post them to you?
♥ Miraculous life-saving stories.
♥ Beautiful images from Christmas cards
♥ Photographs of breathtaking views of special places which have made you feel ‘close to the angels’.
♥ Photographs of people who have changed your life.
♥ Letters from special ‘earth angel’ friends.
♥ Pressed flowers from riverbanks or hill walks where you have felt your angels with you.
Making an angel scrapbook is a way of recording your blissful moments. It’s about reminding yourself that life is special and that every day is a miracle. Often those moments will be recreated in your mind when you create your book.
When you are feeling low, open your angel scrapbook and remember those special times.
Communicating with angels is about having fun and connecting with love. Angels are around us all the time just waiting for the word. They long to inspire us. Be inspired!