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abundance 316

abuse 217–19

accountants 48

accounts clerks 50

actors 48

adult literacy 48

advertising 48

aerobics 40

aerospace 48

affirmations 284–7, 289, 299

agents 48

agriculture 48

air traffic controllers 48

aircraft spotting 40

Akashic Records 152

altars 275, 288–9

alternative health 40

amber 262

ambulance drivers 49

amethyst 262

anaesthesiologists 49

angel wing agate 263

angelica 267

Angelico, Fra 176

angelite 263


age 22–3

appearance 10–11, 201–5, 223

assistance 36–9

astrology 272–3

becoming 23–4

choosing 28

colours 257–62

creation 15

culture 173–80

days of week 71

definition 4, 13

eternal 22

fallen 142, 167–72, 188

hearing 195–7

helping 6–7, 21,25–6, 29, 206–7, 221–30, 289, 313, 316

hierarchy 141–6, 272

hobbies 40–7

hours of day 277

inter–dimensional beings 22,32

of Mons 207

names 19–20, 75–132, 135–8,253,262,313–14

numbers 16

occupations 48–67

partners 17–18

presence 27

punishment 69

purpose 28–9

relationships 17–18

roles 35, 185–6,284,303, 308

seasons 70

seeing 20, 197–200

sensing 193–5

winds 72

Zodiac 73, 274–5

angling 40

animals 40, 49, 237, 271, 316

animators 60

anthropologists 49

antiques 41

Apostles 186

appearance 10–11, 201–5

Aquarius 272–4

Aquinas, St Thomas 141–3, 188

archaeologists 49


assistance 207

astrology 272–3

colours 258–60

days of week 71

definition 13, 135

healing 241

hierarchy 143–4

hobbies 40–7

names 135–6, 150–5

number 150

planets 68

prayer cards 317

religions 188, 190

roles 35, 38–9, 149, 160–6, 317

architects 49, 60

Ariel 151

Aries 272–4

arts 41, 49, 56, 175–6

artwork 290

astrology 49, 269–80

astronomy 40, 49

athletes 49

atmosphere 291

auditors 48

authors 67

automotive repairers 49

autosport 41

Autumn 70

Azrael 151, 175

backgammon 41

bailiffs 50

bakers 50

baking 297

Barachiel 188

barbers 50

bartenders 50, 54

baseball 41

baths 292–3, 305

beaches 305

beauticians 57

bellhops 50

Bene Elim 12

beryl 262

Bible 185–6

bicycle repairers 50

biking 41–2, 45

biochemists/physicists 50

birds 41

birth 31, 38

birth signs 275–6

black 258

Blake, William 176

blue 259

board games 41

boating 41

boats 45

bodhisattvas 188

bookbinders 50

bookkeepers 50

books 41, 294

Boreanaz, David 179

Boucher, François 176

bowling 41

Bowney, Roma 177

brickmasons 50

bridge 41

broadcast technicians 50

brokerage clerks 50

brown 259

Buddhism 17, 188

budget analysts 50

buildings inspectors 52

bus drivers 50

butchers 50

butterflies 41, 289

buyers 67

Cage, Nicolas 178

caledonite 264

calligraphy 286

calling cards 293

camera operators 51

campaigning 41

Cancer 273–4

candles 257–62, 288, 290–2, 307,311–12

canoeing 42

Capricorn 273, 275

captains 51

card games 42

cardiovascular technicians 51


calling 293

divination 263, 288, 294, 301–4

prayer 317–18

scrapbooks 318

trading 47

careers 48–67, 152, 259, 284

carpenters 51

carpet installers 51

cars 42

cartographers 51

case studies

animals 237

appearance 193–205

assistance 36–7, 206–7

baths 292–3

children 211–20

danger 224–30

divination cards 303–4

dreams 205–6

grandparents 5

healing 239–44

helping angels 234–7

music 180, 301

cashiers 51

Catholicism 188

cave paintings 32

caving 42

celebrities 176

celestite 263

Chaldeans 271

Chamuel 151

channeling 290

chefs 51

Cherubim 184,272

cherubs 144–5,201,289

chess 42

chief executives 51

children 13, 31,38, 51, 209–20

archangels 152, 154, 161, 166

colours 258–9

communication 306

prayer 317

religions 186

chiropractors 51

choreographers 51

chores 308

Christianity 183–6, 188–9

cinema 42

circles 294–5

civil engineers 51

Civil Rights movement 184

cleaners 51, 58

clergy 52

clerks 61

climbing 45

clubs 42

coaches 52

coins 42

collage 295–6

collecting 42

colours 21, 257–62

comic books 42

communication 24, 26–7, 281–4

affirmations 284–7

altars 288–9

archangels 151–2

artwork 290

astrology 275–6

atmosphere 291

bath 292–3

calling cards 293

candles 261

chores 308

circles 294–5

collage 295–6

cooking 297

crystals 265–6

dancing 298–301

divination cards 301–4

dreams 312–13

frankincense 291

gifts 307–8

hierarchy 142

journals 309–10

Kabbalah 187

letters 310–12

mediums 28

modes 32, 38

music 298–301

names 313–14

notes 314

outdoors 305–6

photographs 315

poetry 315–16

prayer 316–18

scrapbooks 318–19

compensation specialists 52

computers 42, 52

concerts 42

concierges 52

confetti 289, 307

confidence 39, 285–6

conservation 52

constellations 272–3

cooking 42, 51,53, 297

Cooper, Diana 195

cost estimators 53

countryside 42

couriers 53

courts 53

crafts 41–2

crane operators 53

creativity 38, 161,311,313

credit analysts 53

crochet 42

cross stitch 42

crosswords 43

crucifixion 186

crystals 262–6, 288, 307

culture 173–80

curators 49

customer services 53

cycling 43

daemons 137, 172

dancing 43, 53, 291, 298–301

danger 221–30

Dante 172

days of week 71, 278–9

death 12,31,38, 151, 161, 175, 242

dental workers 54

derrick operators 54

designers 52

desk clerks 58

desktop publishers 54

detectives 54, 63

devas 17, 188–9

dharmapalas 188

dieticians 54

dining 43

directors 63

disagreements 38

dishwashers 54

divas 17, 188–9

divers 52

divination cards 263, 288, 294, 301–4

DIY 43

dogs 43

dolls 43

dominoes 43

Dommartin, Solveig 178

drawing 43

dreams 205–6, 224, 243, 275, 309, 312–13

dressmakers 65

drilling operators 54

dry cleaning 59

dusting 289, 291

dying 12, 38, 144, 162

Earth 14, 23, 149, 153–4, 177, 223, 259

East 71

economists 54

editors 54, 56

education 54

electronics 43

Elijah 24, 154

embalmers 55

embroidery 43, 287

emergencies 7, 55, 221–30

Emerson, Ralph Waldo 180

energy 32

engineers 55

engraving 55, 287

Enoch 23, 152, 154

entertaining 43

Ephron, Nora 179

escorts 66

etchers 55

exams 39

explosives workers 55

extra–terrestrial beings 22

faith 39, 218

Falk, Peter 178

fallen angels 142, 167–72, 188

family 43

fantasy sports 43

farming 38, 55

fashion 55

feathers 27, 30, 289, 306

films 43, 177–9

finance 39, 50, 56, 62

Finnigan, Judy 195

fire fighters 56

fish 43, 55–6

fitness 43, 56

flight attendants 56

flowers 289, 291–2, 295, 301–2, 319

food 19, 44, 52–4, 56–7, 297

football 44

forestry 55–6

frames 315

frankincense 267, 291

frequently–asked questions 3–32

Friday 70

fridge magnets 287

funeral directors 56

Gabriel 23, 35, 151–2, 186

art 175–6

assistance 207

hours of day 277

Koran 183

religions 188–90

game wardens 56

games 44, 46–7

Ganz, Bruno 178

gardening 38, 44–5, 285–6, 305–6

Gemini 273–4

gender 18

genealogy 44

general practitioners 55

get–togethers 294

ghosts 6

gifts 253, 294, 307–8

glaziers 57

gliding 44

goals 7, 284–7

goethite 263

gold 258

golf 44

grandchildren 44

grandparents 4–5

Grant, Cary 178

graphic designers 57

green 259

grounding 250, 254, 266

guardian angels 9–10, 13, 141–2

astrology 272

children 213–16, 218–19

danger 227, 230

hierarchy 144

meeting 251–4

religions 189

guidance 283, 308, 312

guided meditation 245–54, 294

gynaecologists 61

hairdressers 57

halos 17, 175–6

Haniel 152

healing 39, 153–4, 163,259

altars 289

circles 294–5

stories 239–44

health 40, 44, 57, 60–1, 153

Hell 171–2

helping 6–7, 21,25–6, 29

altars 289

belief 206–7

dreams 313

human role 221–38

prayers 316

herald angels 12

herbs 266–8, 289, 306

hi–fi 44

hierarchy 141–6, 272

hiking 44

Hinduism 17, 189

history 44, 57

hobbies 40–7

home brewing 44

homes 39, 44

horse riding 44

hours of day 277–9

housekeepers 59

housework 308

human resources 58

hunting 44

Hutriel 69

insurance 58

intent 285

interior designers 58

Internet 44, 287, 291,295, 307, 323

interpreters 58

interviews 39

Islam 183,272

Izrafil 189

Izra’il 189

Jabra’il 189

jailers 53

janitors 58

jasper 262

Jehudiel 188

Jeremiel 152, 188

jewellers 58

jigsaws 44

jinn 189

jobs 48–67

Jophiel 152

journals 284, 287, 289, 294, 309–10, 317–18

Judaism 17, 183–7, 190

judges 48, 58

Jupiter 68, 271,275

Kabbalah 24, 163, 186–7

Karma 29, 163

keychains 287

King, Martin Luther Jr. 184

kit–cars 44

kites 44

knitting 45

Koran 189

Kushiel 69

labourers 59

Lahatiel 69

Landon, Michael 177

landscaping 59

languages 45

lapis lazuli 263–4

laundry 59

Leo 272–4

lepidocrocite 264

lessons 7, 31, 217, 223

letterheads 314

letters 310–12, 319

Libra 273, 275

librarians 59

life plan 7, 25–6, 31, 164, 223, 243, 284

literature 45

lock tenders 50

lost items 39, 164

loving energy meditation 249–50

Lucifer 169–70, 172, 187

machinists 59

Madeley, Richard 195

magic 310,312–13

magistrates 58

maids 59

Makatiel 69

make–up artists 59

Mal’ach 185

malachim 17

management 59

manicurists 60

market research 60

marketing 60

Mars 68, 271–2, 274

meaning of names 135–8

media 49, 60

mediators 49

meditations 245–54, 260, 314

altars 288–9

candles 261–2

circles 294

crystals 263, 265–6

Moon 276

names 313

outdoors 305

plants 306

Zodiac 275

mediums 28

memory 39

mending 38

mental health 60

Mercury 68, 271,274–5

metal workers 58, 60

Metatron 23–4, 152–3, 175, 187, 212

meter readers 60

Michael 23, 36, 48, 153

art 175–6

assistance 207

dreams 206

films 179

hours of day 277

Mons 207

prayer cards 317

religions 188–90

microbiologists 60

Mika’il 189

Milton, John 172

mining 59

missing items 39

model building 45

modelling 45, 60

Monday 70

money 39

Mons 207

Montandon, Pat 176

Moon 68, 152, 154, 164

astrology 271, 274, 276–7

colour 258

Mormonism 24, 180, 190

Moroni 190

Munkar 189

music 11–12, 45–6, 49, 61

archangels 164

communication 290–1, 298–301, 316

culture 180

meditation 248, 261, 265

stories 196, 199–200

Nakir 189


archangels 150–5

cross–references 155–60

finding 313–14

guardian angels 253

index 75–132

meaning 135–8

translation 137–8

nature 45, 151, 164,235

colours 259

communication 306

energy 264

needlecraft 45

Neptune 68, 274, 277

New Testament 185–6

night 280

Niven, David 178

North 71

notes 314

nuclear technicians 61

nursing 61

nutritionists 54

obsidian 262

obstetricians 61

occupational therapists 61

occupations 48–67

opticians 61

orange 259

ordnance 55

Orthodox Christianity 188

outdoors 45, 305–6

packagers 62

paediatricians 62

pagans 189

painting 45, 52, 62

panic attacks 243–4

parenting 45

parks 306

patchwork 45

pedicurists 60

permission 7–8

personal development 45

pest control 62

pesticides 62

petalite 264

petroleum 62

pets 39, 45, 296

pharmacists 62

photography 46, 62, 315, 319

physicists 63

pictures 9

pilots 49

Pisces 273–4, 276

planets 15, 32, 68, 149, 271–2, 274–80

plasterers 63

plumbers 63

Pluto 68, 275, 277

poetry 315–16, 318

police 63

portraits 290

positive thinking 284–5

postal workers 63

postcards 46

power plant workers 63

prayer 289–90, 295, 310–12

cards 317–18

communication 316–18

pre–birth plan 7, 25–6

pregnancy 38, 154

printing machine operators 63

probation officers 63

producers 63

projectionists 60

promotion 53

proofreaders 63

protection 39, 300, 316–17

Protestants 189

psychiatric workers 63

psychic development 39, 260, 304

psychologists 52

public relations 64

punishment angels 69

Pusiel/Puriel 69

puzzles 46

quartz 262–4

quilting 46

rabbis 185,266

radio 40, 64

rafting 46

Raguel 153

railways 64

Raphael 23, 175, 188, 190

healing 241

prayer cards 317

role 153

Raziel 154

reading 46

receptionists 64

recordkeeping 67

recruitment specialists 55

recycling 295

red 258

Reese, Delia 177

referees 66

refuse collectors 64

Reiki 243

relationships 39, 152

religions 17, 54, 181–90, 317

reporters 61

robotics 46

Rogziel 69

role–playing games 46

romance 39

roofers 64

rose 267, 292

rose quartz 262, 264

rugby 46

running 46

Ryan, Meg 178

safety 39, 300

sage 267–8

Sagittarius 273, 275

sailors 46, 64

St Thomas Aquinas 141–3, 188

saints 23–4

sales people 54, 64

Sandalphon 24, 154

Sariel 154

Satan 169–70, 187–8

Saturday 70

Saturn 68, 271, 274–5

scents 289

Scorpio 272–3, 275–6

scrapbooks 46, 317–19

sculpture 46

seasons 70

secretaries 55, 64

security 39

Sedna 68

Sefirot 187

Selaphiel 188

Seraphim 141, 144

service station attendants 64

sewing 46, 64

Shaitan 189

shampooers 64

sheet metal workers 64

shipping workers 65

shoe repairers 65

Shoftiel 69

shopping 46

signs 27, 30, 272–3, 293

silver 258

singing 46

skin–care specialists 65

slaughterers 65

sleep 39, 275, 312–13

slimming 46

Smith, Joseph 190

smudge sticks 268

social services 52

social workers 51, 65

sodalite 262

sound engineers 65

South 71

space cleaning 291

spirit guides 28

spiritual development 39, 152

sports 46, 49, 65

Spring 70

stained glass 46

stamp collecting 46

stationery 314

statisticians 65

statues 9

Stewart, James 177

stone masons 65

strangers 27, 202–5, 233–4

study 39, 165

Summa Theologiae 142

Summer 70

Sun 68, 274, 277

Sunday 70

swap libraries 294

swimming 46

switchboard operators 65

symbolism 9, 289, 308, 314

tailors 65

Taurus 272–4

taxi drivers 65

taxidermists 65

teachers 62, 66

telecommunications 35, 66, 165

telemarketers 66

telephone operators 66

television 47, 177–9

textile workers 66

thanks 8–9, 261–2, 312, 316–17

theatre 47

therapists 60, 62

Thursday 70

Torah 184

tour guides 66

toy making 47

traffic wardens 62

train spotting 47

translation 58, 137–8

trauma 217–19

travel 39, 47, 66, 153, 165

Travolta, John 179

tree surgeons 66

trucks 47, 66

Tuesday 70

umpires 66

undertakers 66

upholsterers 66

Uranus 68, 274, 277

Uriel 23, 154, 175, 188, 190

ushers 66

vanilla 267, 292

Venus 68, 271,274–5

veterinary workers 67

videos 47

violets 267

Virgo 273, 275

vision 295, 309, 313

waiters/waitresses 67

walking 47

watch repairers 67

websites 318, 323

Wednesday 70

welders 67

West 71

white 257–8, 261, 291

wildlife 47

winds 72

wines 43

wings 14, 175–6, 207, 243, 293, 306

Winter 70

woodwork 47, 67

workshops 291

world peace 39, 151, 166

writers 67

writing 47

yellow 259

yoga 47

Young, Loretta 178

Zadkiel 155

Zodiac 73, 271–2, 274–6

zoologists 67