From the Yannatok Tide: “Stolen Plane Crashed in Woods,” February 10, 2010

YANNATOK—A Cessna 182 was stolen from North County Airport early last night and crash-landed in the woods near Highway 41 on Yannatok Island sometime before dawn Tuesday morning.

The plane is owned by Gary Stanton of Overlook Township.

“I heard a loud crash around two, two fifteen,” Conrad Porter of Portland reported to local authorities. “I’m just glad no one got hurt.”

Porter owns a vacation home near the crash site.

No other witnesses have come forward, but physical evidence left at the scene, including vomit found in the cockpit, is being investigated.

“Drug cartels are often behind the theft of smaller planes,” Sheriff Holt of the Yannatok Sheriff’s Department commented. “We are looking into every possibility, and that includes heroin running into Seattle. But the way the plane was left doesn’t fit that pattern. This would be the work of a very inexperienced drug runner.”

He added, “The trees are so dense out here, it’s lucky no one was killed.”

Sheriff Holt encouraged the community to report any suspicious activity witnessed in the area near the scene.