Chapter Sixteen


The meeting went very well. Lord Arlington was excited about William’s plans. Lord Arlington agreed to think it over and give William an answer in two days. Excitement pounded in his heart, and yet, through the excitement, guilt ate away at his. He’d soon have to confess to Mercedes, and he prayed she’d understand and forgive him.

Shadows played with his vision while he traveled home, especially when he spotted a couple atop a horse in a lover’s embrace. He narrowed his eyes, not believing what he saw. His heart dropped, shattering as it hit the ground. What was Mercedes doing with Captain Wilkes?

He tightened his grip on the reins and his jaw hardened. They kept their conversation low, but it was the way the Captain’s arms wrapped around her in a possessive manner that made pain, cold as steel, slice through William’s heart. Then she leaned over and bestowed a light kiss on his lips.

William neared, and she quickly broke away from the soldier, swinging her head toward him. The moonlight peeked through the trees, lighting her wide eyes. Although the pain in his heart caused his chest to tighten, he still held his head high as he rode straight to the couple. She pushed away from the soldier and dropped to the ground. Wringing her hands against her stomach, she hurried to him.

“William,” she cried softly.

“Hold your tongue, woman.” He swallowed the bile rising to his throat. “We will not air our quarrel in front of others.” He gestured to her horse. “Mount and follow me home.”

She inhaled sharply, her hand flew to her mouth. Tears swam in her eyes, but it didn’t matter. His body closed off all feelings but anger, his hands itching to shred something to pieces as his heart was doing this exact moment.

Captain Wilkes didn’t speak, but his self-assured grin said enough. The arrogant man lifted his chin, kicked his horse into a gallop and rode away. When his wife grabbed the reins, her hands shook and there was a slight quiver to her chin. Good. Let her worry about the consequences.

William kicked the horse’s belly, and let out a yell, urging the animal into a run. Wind blew against his face. Each mile closer to home made his chest tighter, threatening to suffocate him. He couldn’t understand why she had done this. She’d charmed him into loving her and he fell fast for her antics. This was the same Kat he’d married, not someone he’d dreamed up.

Reaching his estate, he pulled his steed to a stop and jumped off, throwing the reins to Hyrum. “Mrs. Braxton is not far behind. Assist her.”

He strode to the house, not looking back to see exactly where his wife was. Entering the hall, his heavy footsteps echoed on the floor, and the clamor he made as he ran up the stairs brought most of the servants out of the rooms in haste. He hurried into his room and slammed the door behind him.

Yanking off his cape, he flung it to the floor. Anger guided his hands as he removed his vest, not caring that buttons flew in all directions. He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled off his boots.

His breath came fast as if he’d run for miles. He stood and paced the floor, raking his fingers through his hair. Unanswered questions swam in his head. Why, had he been so gullible? Why did he allow her to break his heart—again?

The door swung open and his legs rooted to the ground, instantly stopping him. His wife stood still, silhouetted by the moon shining through the window. She wore a servant’s black blouse and black breeches, but her cloak was missing. She held a single candle that gave enough light to see her tear-streaked face. Her bottom lip quivered. Her hand shook, making the flame flicker.

“William,” she whispered, a sob tearing from her throat. “It’s not what it looked like.”

He threw back his head and released a bitter laugh. Once he contained his mirth, he sneered, “If you remember correctly, that is the very phrase you used the first time I caught you in another man’s arms.”

She stepped inside the room and closed the door behind her. After setting the candle on the nearby table, she walked toward him. “I’m not that woman.”

“Indeed? It certainly appeared that way a little while ago.”

She stopped in front of him, crossing her arms over her bosom. Her brows drawn, her lips pursed. Deep lines of anger marked her forehead.

“And looks can be deceiving,” she tried to reason.

“Yes, you have definitely proven that theory.”

“William, will you allow me to explain?”

“Explain what, my dear?” He shrugged. “There is nothing to explain when I can see perfectly with my own eyes.”

“What you saw was a woman pretending—”

“Yes, just like you have clearly pretended with me.”

She huffed. “Will you stop interrupting so I can explain?”

He sighed and folded his arms.

“As I was saying, you saw a woman pretending...pretending to be her sister to protect the man she loves more than life itself.” A tear ran down her face.

He scratched the throb booming in his forehead. “Pretending to be her sister? What are you talking about?”

She took a deep, shaky breath, her hands wringing against her stomach. “I’m not the woman who stood beside you at your wedding. I am her sister, Mercedes.”

He chuckled, although humor was still not the emotion running amok through him. “The woman I married was named Mercedes, my dear. Or have you forgotten?”

“I’m the twin sister of the woman you thought you married.” She licked her lips. “In my father’s confused state of mind, he absently arranged for you to marry his good, obedient daughter, Mercedes, forgetting I wasn’t living at home but mourning my deceased husband. The rebellious and not so innocent daughter, Katherine, stood in my place as a proxy when we were supposed to marry. Kat was living a lie, William. She wasn’t your wife. I am!”

Through the ache spreading through his body, his mind pieced together what she was saying. He’d wondered if the woman who’d returned from Preston not too long ago was the sister instead of the woman he’d married. Apparently, he had been correct after all.

She wiped at the tears streaking her cheeks. “William, you know I’m different from the woman you thought you had married. You have told me that several times. Would the woman you married have loved your children as much as I? Could the woman you married have been able to make you fall in love with her?”

Good heavens, she made sense. But... No. It was too impossible to believe. Yet he did want to believe her. He wanted to know he’d fallen in love with a different woman than the one who’d betrayed his trust a mere month after exchanging vows. “You are telling me we are really married?”

“Yes. I spoke to a Priest not too long ago, and asked him if proxy marriages are legal. He said they were. Kat knew my name was on the marriage certificate, but she went ahead and married you, knowing full well what she was doing.”

“What about that kiss I just witnessed between you and Captain Wilkes?”

She sniffed. “I was protecting you.”

“Protecting me?” He lifted a brow in skepticism. “From what, pray?”

“From Captain Wilkes. He caught me coming back from your secret meeting, and I had to do something to distract him.”

William’s heart lodged in his throat again, and he caught his breath. “Secret meeting?”

“The secret meeting you had at the Lion’s Paw Inn.”

He scowled. “How do you know about that?”

“I followed you.”

“Why did you follow me?”

“Because my husband didn’t trust me enough to confide his whereabouts this evening.”

He swallowed hard. “And the Captain knew about the meeting?”

“No. At least he didn’t say he did. Because of the way I’m dressed, he thought I was out trying to find him. Apparently, Kat had been meeting him secretly for some time before she traveled to Preston. I couldn’t let him think differently and suspect there was more to my midnight tryst. I explained I was on my way home, and I was being followed. He would not let me go.” More tears streamed from her eyes. “The only way I could get him to release me was to give him a kiss.” She sniffed and wiped her eyes. “I’m truly sorry you had to witness that, but I was acting. Nothing more.” Her shoulders drooped and she placed her trembling hand on his chest. “You are the man I love—the man I will love until I die. Me, not the woman who deceived you on your wedding day. I’m not my sister. I would never hurt you like she did.”

Tears stung his eyes and his throat dried from the sob of relief he held back. She seemed truthful. Dare he hope? During their stay at the Burwell’s, he’d wanted her to be a different woman—the woman of his dreams. Could this be real?

“Who is in the asylum?”

“Kat, the woman you thought you had married was in the asylum.”

“What do you mean?”

“She died before I traveled here.” Her voice broke. “William, I planned on coming here to beg for your help. I did not have the funds to pay for Kat’s stay at the asylum, nor her burial. Since you were her husband, I thought it was only right you pay for it.” She took a deep breath. “But when everyone mistook me for my sister, that was when I decided to play along. Then when I saw my name on the marriage certificate, I knew what had really happened.”

She stared at him with huge watery eyes. He said nothing, trying to absorb her confession. The pain on her face told him what he needed to know. Kat would have never been this saddened by being caught in another man’s arms.

“William, if you don’t believe my story or my true identity, I can take you to London and have you meet my aunts and uncles. They know the difference between Kat and myself. They can tell you I’m Mercedes Maxwell who had married an earl. Even my servant, Timothy, knows the truth.”

William continued to stare at her in silence. He couldn’t react. The shock was still too real. Mercedes covered her face with her hands and sobbed. Her whole body shook. Seeing her like this tore at his heart. Definitely Mercedes wasn’t her sister. The woman he’d married never would plead for forgiveness. The woman he married never had any kind of feelings. Mercedes did.

His heart soared with relief. Mercedes was a different woman! But, he’d been so quick to judge, and now the woman he loved was in pain because of him.

He gathered her in his arms and pressed her face against his chest. He squeezed his eyes closed and breathed in her flowery scent. He’d been a fool. Why hadn’t he had more faith in her? Then again, he hadn’t known the truth. Now he did, and he’d make up for his horrid treatment.

“Oh, Mercy, forgive me.” His voice broke as he held her tight. He buried his face in her hair, his eyes filling with tears. Without holding them back, they slid down his cheeks. “I love you so much. I’m so grateful you aren’t Kat. I want you and none other.”

“You shall always have me,” she muttered into his shirt.

Her warm breath brushed his skin, stirring awareness inside him once again. “Mercy, forgive me.” He kissed the side of her face and she turned and met his mouth with her lips. Holding her head, he devoured her mouth, hoping his love would show with every touch. She clutched his shirt, pressing against him. He picked her up and carried her to the bed. He ravished her mouth, trailed his lips over her tear-streaked face and down her neck.

He pulled away and gazed deep into her eyes. “Are you truly my wife? Are we indeed married?”

She nodded. “My name is on the marriage certificate. The man of God confirmed my belief, that proxy marriages are legal.”

“Please, Mercedes...let me love you the only way a husband can. Now.”

She held him closer. Love burst in his chest, and hope for a new beginning was finally within grasp.

“Yes, my darling husband. Make me your wife.”

Tenderly, he lifted her in his arms and carried her to the bed. Taking great care, he placed her on the mattress. Tears still glistened her eyes, but it was the love shining on her face that made his heart swell with happiness.

Before joining her on the bed, he shrugged out of his shirt and cravat. Her gaze moved slowly over his chest. An erratic rhythm took over the beat of his heart. Never had a woman looked at him with such longing as anticipation danced in her eyes.

He crawled next to her and cupped her face. “I love you, Mercedes. I don’t ever want to stop telling you that.”

The corners of her mouth widened. “I don’t ever want you to stop saying it.”

He pressed his mouth against hers for a kiss, situating them on the bed a little more comfortable. One arm moved behind her back and the other wrapped around her waist, bringing her up against his body.

The kiss was slow and meaningful. She participated fully, running her hand over his chest before moving it up his neck. Her touch sent heat surging throughout his body. This was not surprising since he’d always enjoyed the way she touched him so adoringly.

Breaking the kiss, he moved his mouth to her earlobe, suckling it gently. He shifted his hand to the top button on her shirt. Strange, but he’d never had to undress a woman wearing men’s clothes before. Yet, he wasn’t repulsed. Instead, more excitement grew inside of him, knowing these clothes would come off a lot quicker.

He flicked open the first button, and then the second. Trailing kisses down her neck, she tilted her head back to give him better access. Once the third button came apart, he had more room to slip his hand inside.

A low, croon came from her throat. He lifted his head to see the affect it had on her. Her eyes flickered open, greener than he’d ever seen them before. Skin, so soft, so silky, he couldn’t stop from wanting to feel all of her.

He’d recalled she’d once mentioned being married, but her husband had died. Although this wasn’t the time to ask about him, William wondered if she had loved that man. And yet, if she had, she wouldn’t have loved William so quickly. His heart became enlarged again. Without knowing anything about this other man, William vowed to make his wife blissfully—and passionately—happy tonight…and every night for the rest of their lives.


* * * *


Brandon Kennedy stalked across the office floor, his hands bunched into fists at his side. He kicked his chair from under the desk and it toppled and landed on the floor. Yanking off his overcoat, he cursed. He tossed it toward the coat rack, missed the mark, and it slid to the ground. Kennedy exploded with another set of curses as he marched over, picked it up and latched it on a hook.

William leaned back in his chair, holding back the grin that threatened to sneak across his mouth. He was dying to know what had his partner in a dither. When the grin threatened to make its debut, William quickly rubbed his hand over his mouth, trying to wipe off his smirk. Now was not the time to gloat. “What ails you, Kennedy?”

Kennedy spun around, his eyes dark with fury. “You recall me telling you about Lord Arlington yesterday, and how his estate would bring us a lot of money?”

William’s heart stilled. “Yes.”

“It appears,” Kennedy fisted his hands, “that someone else has beaten me to it.” He slammed his fist on the wall.

“What? Are you certain?” William tried to lift his voice in irritation, playing the part of someone who was upset over this news.

“Most certain.” Kennedy moved behind his desk and dropped into his chair. “I’d heard the man was in town, so this morning I looked for him. When I finally was able to speak with him, he told me he decided to go with someone else.”

“No,” William said, rising to his feet, hoping to appear upset. “He didn’t even give you a chance to tell him about our company?”

“Not one minute of his time.” Growling, Kennedy pushed his fingers through his hair. “I wish I knew who could have gotten to him first. Mr. Clarkston really isn’t that astute. I don’t see him sneaking behind our backs to try and win Arlington’s contract.”

Inwardly, William boiled. The man usually paid people to steal from William, instead. “I agree. That’s not Clarkston’s personality at all.” He moved to another table and retrieved a drawing, bringing it back to his desk.

Although Arlington hadn’t officially said he was hiring William, the lord did hint strongly of the possibility. The only other man in town who could do the job was Clarkston, and William doubted the man would have been so forward in his pursuit to win Arlington contract.

Silence lasted for only thirty minutes before Kennedy growled and pushed away from his desk. He stormed over to the window, leaning his shoulder against the side. The man’s mouth pulled tight, his eyes dark in anger.

William wanted to laugh over his partner’s misfortune, but didn’t. He prayed that within a few months, he would have enough clients on his own that he’d be able to start his own business again. William felt he was getting closer to proving Kennedy and Wilkes were the ones stealing the drawings. When Gabe had followed Kennedy last night, as the woman’s note instructed, Gabe did witness the two men bent over a table, discussing something very secretive while sharing a bottle of whiskey at one of the taverns down the street. William suspected that keeping an eye on Kennedy would soon prove victorious. Within time, William would be able to turn his proof over to the constable and have Kennedy arrested.

A rumble of laughter from his partner snapped him to awareness, and he turned to see what Kennedy found so amusing. The man wore a knowing grin, his arms folded across his shaking chest as he chuckled.

“What is so humorous?” William asked.

“Oh, just what is going on down the street.”

“And what is it?”

Kennedy glanced his way and scratched his chin. “It seems your wife has become bored with her latest interest and has gone back to spending time with Captain Wilkes.”

William’s body stiffened, his jaw hardened. But then he recalled what had happened before when he jumped to conclusions, and he relaxed. Kat was dead. Mercedes was his wife now. He couldn’t allow Kennedy to know he was affected or that he even cared.

Last night’s lovemaking was so wonderful, it was hard for him to leave her this morning. Never had he felt loved as he had last night, before, during, and after their night of passion. Without a doubt, Mercedes would always be faithful to him.

William pushed himself away from his desk and stood. Taking deliberate slow steps, he made his way to the window. As Kennedy stated, Mercedes stood in front of a shop with a basket hooked over her elbow. Chatting with her was Captain Wilkes.

Without being able to help it, a stab of pain tore through William’s heart. When his wife laughed, the invisible knife in William’s chest twisted. He breathed slow, calming his heart. Mercedes needed to act this way. They must not make the captain suspicious, especially now.

William forced a laugh. “It doesn’t appear she has gone back to Captain Wilkes. It looks like she is having a friendly conversation.”

“If you keep telling yourself that, perhaps you will believe it.”

William fisted his hands, feeling the urge to punch his business partner in the face. “I must say, Kennedy, the green monster of jealousy has taken hold of you again.” He shook his head. “You must learn to control that beast before it ruins your life.”

William walked back to his desk. Seeing Mercedes with Captain Wilkes was difficult, but it needed to be done. If only he could find a way to keep the doubt from twisting in his gut every time he saw her with another man. After all, she was portraying her sister. Yet, why hadn’t she done so until lately? She’d never acted like Kat until after they’d returned from the Burwell’s estate.

In frustration, he raked his fingers through his hair, wishing he wouldn’t be so suspicious. He had no right. She loved him, and he loved her. That should be the end of the subject.

So why wasn’t it?