How You Can Help

The Road Back Foundation was formed as a not-for-profit, 501(c)3 corporation in 1993 by grateful patients, their families, and supporters, to continue the pioneering work of Thomas McPherson Brown, M.D. The Foundation supports studies and clinical trials of antibiotics in connective tissue disease, and provides the latest comprehensive information on these diseases free of charge to patients and doctors around the world.

The Harvard Medical School study of minocycline in scleroderma, described in this book and subsequently reported in The Lancet, was sponsored primarily by The Road Back Foundation, and secondarily by the National Institutes of Health. Other present or pending Road Back Foundation–sponsored research projects include Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, fibromyalgia, and a statistical analysis of minocycline in scleroderma based on a significantly larger patient sampling.

In addition, the Foundation maintains a popular, informative web site, publishes a newsletter to patients and physicians, sponsors physician conferences, and maintains a fast-growing network of patient support groups throughout the United States, Canada, and abroad.

The Road Back Foundation’s only source of income is gifts and contributions. Its only expenditures are in support of laboratory and clinical research, and for education of patients and physicians.

Send your 100-percent tax deductible contribution to:

The Road Back Foundation

P.O. Box 447

Orleans, MA 02653

Write to ask about tax-deductible contribution for a Thomas McPherson Brown Research Endowment in Rheumatology, in explicit affiliation with Harvard Medical School.

For the address and phone number of the support group nearest to you write to the above address or visit the Road Back Foundataion’s web site at