Chapter 24

Slowly, she lowered herself down, using her feet to push off against the glacier wall.

“Kendal,” her father said when she was just a few feet away.

“Don’t move,” she repeated. There was only a few feet of slack in the rope, so she had to unharness herself in order to reach her dad.

“Are you hurt?” she said to her father.

“My leg,” he said.

She saw the pain in his face and guessed his leg was broken. “We need to get you out of here.”

“You should leave. Go down the mountain and get help.”

It was icy cold in the crevice, like entering a deep freeze. If she left, her father would freeze to death.

“What about Jeremy?” her father asked.

“I don’t know,” she said.

She crawled over to Jeremy and was happy when she saw him move, try to sit up. For a second she thought that maybe he was okay. That’s when she saw the blood on the top of his head.