
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below


“A. G.” (unknown), A Lucky Striker

Album Californiano (Tipos Californianos), 12 Realizacion. Selling Off (Ferran)

allegory, in Gold Rush art

Alta California (newspaper)

see also Daily Alta California

American Academy of Fine Arts (New York)

American Art Union (New York)

American River



collaboration among

as a community

services offered by


Artist’s Gold Mining Camp (Burgess)

art union, in San Francisco

A Scene in Montgomery Street in 1851 (Eastman)

Audubon, John Woodhouse

biography of

Hawkin’s Bar

Murphy’s New Diggings (Oak of the Hills)

Sacramento City

San Francisco

Twenty-five Miles West of Jesus Maria

Avery, Benjamin Parke

Ayres, Thomas A.

biography of

Bay of San Francisco, View from Telegraph Hill Looking Toward Saucelito

Camp Lonely from the North . . . by Moonlight

North Beach: San Francisco from Off Meigs’ Wharf

San Francisco Bay

Sunrise at Camp Lonely from the South, Looking North


Bacon, Henry

biography of

The Luck of Roaring Camp

Bartlett, Washington A.

Baturone, José

Bay of San Francisco, View from Telegraph Hill Looking Toward Saucelito (Ayres)

Beale, Edwin F.

Bierstadt, Albert

Bigler, John

Blessing of the Enrequita Mine (Edouart)

Boaters Rowing to Shore at Chagres (C. C. Nahl)

Borneo and the Indian Archipelago (Marryat)

Borthwick, John David

Boy Fishing (Martin)

Brannan, Samuel

Britton and Rey (lithographers)

Brookes, Samuel Marsden

Browere, A. D. O.

biography of

style of

Canonicus and the Governor of Plymouth

Catskill, New York

Crossing the Isthmus


Jamestown or D. O. Mills’ Mill

John C. Duchow, Jr.

Miners of Placerville

Miner’s Return

Mokelumne Hill

Prospectors in the Sierra

Rip Van Winkle

South of Tuolumne City


The Lone Prospector

The Trail of the ’49ers

View of Stockton

Burgess, Charles

Burgess, Edward

Burgess, George Henry

biography of

in Hawaii

lithography by

as a portrait painter

Artist’s Gold Mining Camp

Hunters in the Gold Country

Miners Working Beside a Stream

Mining at Tunnel Hill, Amador County, California

Mother Lode Inn

Port of Honolulu

San Francisco in July

Untitled (man crossing a stream)

View of San Francisco in 1850

Burgess, Hubert

Butman, Frederick A.

biography of

Chinese Fishing Village

Hunter’s Point

Surveyor’s Camp


California, routes to

California News (Mount)

California School of Design

California Star, The (newspaper)

Camp Lonely from the North . . . by Moonlight (Ayres)

Camp of a U.S. Geodetic Survey Party, The (C. C. Nahl and Arthur Nahl)

Canonicus and the Governor of Plymouth (Browere)

Captain Ned Wakeman (Jewett)

Captain Washington A. Bartlett, U.S.N. (Jewett)

Card Players, The (Wright)

Castle of San Juan d’Ulloa (Martin)

Catskill, New York (Browere)

Century Magazine

Chagres (Panama)

Chagres River Scene (Crossing the Chagres) (C. C. Nahl)


Chinese Fishing Village (Butman)


Claude Lorrain

Cogswell, William

Cole, Thomas, The Voyage of Life: Youth

collaboration, among artists

Coloma (California)

Colonel Collier (Jewett)

Columbia (California)

Columbia Gazette (newspaper)


Cook, Elisha

Cota de Temple, Rafaela

Crocker, Judge Edwin Bryant, as a patron

Crossing the Isthmus (Browere)

Crossing the Plains (C. C. and A. Nahl)



Daily Alta California (newspaper)

see also Alta California

Davis, Solomon

Dead Miner (C. C. Nahl)

Deas, Charles

Delacroix, Eugène

Denny, Gideon Jacques

Duchow, John C. Jr.

Dunnel (Dunnell), John Henry

biography of

Sutter’s Mill at Coloma


Eastman, Harrison

biography of

A Scene in Montgomery Street in 1851

Lombard, North Point and Greenwich Docks, San Francisco

Miner’s Ten Commandments, The

Saint Francis Hotel, Cor. Clay and Dupont Sts.

Edouart, Alexander

biography of

portraits by

Blessing of the Enrequita Mine

Eldridge family

environment, effect of gold mining on

exhibitions, of art

in New York

in San Francisco

see also Mechanics’ Institute



Ladies Christian Commission

State, art exhibitions at

Fandango (C. C. Nahl)

Feather River

fees, for commissions

Ferran, Augusto

biography of

Album Californiano (Tipos Californianos)

12. Realizacion. Selling Off

San Francisco: View from the Hills to the Northwest

Vista de San Francisco

fire, prevalence of

Fire in Sacramento, The (Arthur Nahl)

Fire in San Francisco Bay (C. C. Nahl and A. Nahl)

Flood, James Clair

Forest Burial (C. C. Nahl, attrib.)

Forty-Niner, The (Narjot)

Foster’s Bar

France, miners from

Frémont, John C.

French Gold-Seekers in California (Narjot)

Friend, Washington F.

biography of

Placer Mining


General John A. Sutter (Osgood)

genre. See painting, genre

Georgetown (California)

Géricault, Théodore

Godchaux, E.

biography of

Vue de San-Francisco en 1851

gold, discovery of

Goldminers (Browere)


Grayson, Andrew Jackson, commission from, for Jewett

Green Springs (California)

Greenwell, Captain W. E.


Hangtown. See Placerville

Harper’s Weekly

Harte, Bret


Hawkin’s Bar (Audubon)

Heilbron, Fred

He Rastled with My Finger (Remington)

Hill, Thomas

History of Napoleon (Laurent)

Hittell, John S.

Hock Farm (A View of the Butte Mountains from Feather River, California) (Jewett)

Hock Farm (Jewett)

Hotchkiss Hill (California)

Hunters in the Gold Country (Burgess)

Hunter’s Point (Butman)

Hutchings, James Mason


Illustrated California News

Illustrated Notes of an Expedition through Mexico and California (Audubon)

Illustrated Placer Times and Transcript (newspaper)

Incident on the Chagres River (C. C.Nahl)

Ingres, Jean-August-Dominique

Madame Moitessier

Oedipus and the Sphinx


Jack, Six-Fingered

Jackson (California)

Jamestown or D. O. Mills’ Mill (Browere)

J. E. Murdoch as Hamlet (Jewett)

Jewett, William Smith

biography of

landscape painting by

success of

Captain Ned Wakeman

Captain Washington A. Bartlett, U.S.N.

Colonel Collier

Hock Farm

Hock Farm (A View of the Butte Mountains from Feather River, California)

J. E. Murdoch as Hamlet

Portrait of General John A. Sutter (1855)

Portrait of General John A. Sutter (1856)


The Light of the Cross

The Promised Land—The Grayson Family

Yosemite Falls

Joaquin Murietta (C. C.Nahl)

John C. Duchow, Jr. (Browere)

Johnson, Captain

Johnson, Jane Eliza Steen


Keith, William

Kunath, Oscar, The Luck of Roaring Camp



exhibitions of

with figures


mining sites and

Laurent, Matthieu

letter sheets

Leutze, Emanuel

Light of the Cross, The (Jewett)


paintings for

Little, John T.

Little Miss San Francisco (C. C. Nahl)

llustrated Place Times and Transcript (newspaper)

Lombard, North Point and Greenwich Docks, San Francisco (Eastman), Harrison

Lone Prospector, The (Browere)

long tom. See sluice box

Love Chase, The (C. C.Nahl)

Luck of Roaring Camp, The (Bacon)

Luck of Roaring Camp, The (Harte)

Luck of Roaring Camp, The (Kunath)

Lucky Striker, A (“A. G.” [unknown])


McIlvaine, William

biography of

Panning Gold, California

Prairie, California

Sketches of Scenery and Notes of Personal Adventures in California and Mexico

McMurtrie, William Birch

biography of

View of Telegraph Hill and City, North on Montgomery Street

Madame Moitessier (Ingres)

Marine View (Martin)

Marryat, Francis Samuel

biography of

San Francisco Fire of 17 September 1850

Marshall, James

Martin, E. Hall

biography of

Boy Fishing

Castle of San Juan d’Ulloa

Marine View

Mountain Jack

Mountain Jack and a Wandering Miner

The Prospector

Wreck of the U.S. Brig Somers

Marysville (California)

Mason, Richard

Mechanic’s Institute

First Industrial Exhibition

Miner Prospecting, A (C. C. Nahl and August Wenderoth)

Miners: A Moment at Rest (Gold Camp) (Narjot)

Miner’s Cabin, Result of the Day (C.C. Nahl and August Wenderoth)

Miners of Placerville (Browere)

Miner’s Return (Browere)

Miners in the Sierra (C. C. Nahl and August Wenderoth)

Miner’s Ten Commandments, The (Eastman)

Miners Working Beside a Stream (Burgess)


mining, technology

Mining at Tunnel Hill, Amador County, California (Burgess)

Mining in California

Mining Scene: Diverting a River

Mokelumne Hill (Browere)

Morse, Dr. John Frederick

Mother Lode Inn (Burgess)

Mountain Jack (Martin)

Mountain Jack and a Wandering Miner (Martin)

Mountains and Molehills (Marryat)

Mount, William Sidney, California News

Murphy’s New Diggings (Oak of the Hills) (Audubon)


Nahl, Laura

Nahl, Charles Christian

biography of

and lithography

palette of

portraits by

themes of

as a trained artist

trilogy by, of Romans and the Sabine women

Boaters Rowing to Shore at Chagres

Chagres River Scene (Crossing the Chagres)

Dead Miner


Forest Burial

Incident on the Chagres River

Joaquin Murietta

Little Miss San Francisco

Portrait of Jane Eliza Steen Johnson

Sunday in the California Diggings

Sunday Morning in the Mines, cover

The Love Chase

The Patriotic Race

and Frederick August Wenderoth

A Miner Prospecting

Miner’s Cabin, Result of the Day

Miners in the Sierra

and Hugo Wilhelm Arthur Nahl

Crossing the Plains

Fire in San Francisco Bay

Saturday Night at the Mines

The Camp of a U.S. Geodetic Survey Party

Nahl, Hugo Wilhelm Arthur

biography of

and lithography

The Fire in Sacramento

Narjot, Ernest

biography of

style of

French Gold-Seekers in California

Miners: A Moment at Rest (Gold Camp)

Placer Operations at Foster’s Bar

The Forty-Niner

National Academy of Design (New York)

Native Americans, as subjects

New Almaden (California)

North Beach: San Francisco from Off Meigs’ Wharf (Ayres)

nostalgia, for the Gold Rush


Oedipus and the Sphinx (Ingres)

Osgood, Samuel Stillman

biography of

General John A. Sutter

Overland Monthly, The (periodical)



Düsseldorf school


about mining

by Charles Christian Nahl

by Narjot


Hudson River school

Panama, depictions of

Panning Gold, California (McIlvaine)

panorama, of western landscapes

Panorama of California (Tirrell)

Parisian Art and Artists (Bacon)

Parisian Year, A (Bacon)

Patriotic Race, The (C. C. Nahl)


and preferences for European art

see also commissions



see also daguerreotypes

Placer Mining (Friend)

Placer Operations at Foster’s Bar (Narjot)

Placerville (Hangtown)

Plain Language from Truthful James (The Heathen Chinee) (Harte)

Polk, James K.


Port of Honolulu (Burgess)

Portrait of General John A. Sutter (1855) (Jewett)

Portrait of General John A. Sutter (1856) (Jewett)

Portrait of Jane Eliza Steen Johnson (C. C. Nahl)

Portrait of a Man (Wenderoth)


see also Jewett, William Smith; Nahl, Charles Christian

Poussin, Nicolas

Prairie, California (McIlvaine)

Prendergast, John

biography of

San Francisco after Fire

prints, from the Gold Rush

Promised Land, The—The Grayson Family (Jewett)

Prospectors in the Sierra (Browere)

Prospector, The (Martin)

Pursued (Jewett)


quicksilver mining


Remington, Federic, He Rastled with My Finger

Reynolds, A.

Rip Van Winkle (Browere)

Rix, Julian

Rough and Ready (Calfornia)

Ryan, William Redmond


Sacramento (California)

depictions of

Sacramento City (Audubon)

Sacramento Daily Bee (newspaper)

Sacramento River

Sacramento Union (newspaper)

Saint Francis Hotel, Cor. Clay and Dupont Sts. (Eastman)

San Francisco: View from the Hills to the Northwest (Ferran)

San Francisco

as an art center

depictions of

growth of

San Francisco after Fire (Prendergast)

San Francisco Art Association

San Francisco (Audubon)

San Francisco Bay (Ayres)

San Francisco Fire of 17 September 1850 (Marryat)

San Francisco in July, 1849 (Burgess)

San Joaquin River

Sarony and Major (lithographers)

Sartain, John

Saturday Night at the Mines (C. C. and A. Nahl)

Sketches of Scenery and Notes of Personal Adventures in California and Mexico (McIlvaine)

sluice box (long tom)

Smith, Thomas A.

Sonora (California)

South of Tuolumne City (Browere)

speaking trumpet

Steam Gold Dredger Ascending the Sacramento (Taber)

Stevenson, Colonel Jonathan D.

Stockton (Browere)

Stockton (California)

Sunday in the California Diggings (C. C. Nahl)

Sunday Morning in the Mines (C. C. Nahl), cover

Sunrise at Camp Lonely from the South, Looking North (Ayres)

Surveyor’s Camp (Butman)

Sutter, John

Sutter’s Fort

Sutter’s Mill

Sutter’s Mill at Coloma (Dunnel)


Taber, W.

biography of

Steam Gold Dredger Ascending the Sacramento

Tait, W. F.

Temple, Don Juan

Tipos Californianos. See Album Californiano

Tirrell, George

biography of

Panorama of California

View of Sacramento, California, from Across the Sacramento River

Trail of the ’49ers, The (Browere)

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo


Martin’s Forty-niner

Nahl’s Romans and the Sabine women

triptych, McMurtrie’s

Tuolumne Courier (newspaper)

Twain, Mark

Twenty-five Miles West of Jesus Maria (Audubon)


Untitled (man crossing a stream) (Burgess)


Vernet, Horace

View of Sacramento, California, from Across the Sacramento River (Tirrell)

View of San Francisco in 1850 (Burgess)

View of Stockton (Browere)

View of Telegraph Hill and City, North on Montgomery Street (McMurtrie)

Vista de San Francisco (Ferran)

Voyage of Life, The: Youth (Cole)

Vue de San-Francisco en 1851 (Godchaux)


Wandesford, Juan Buckingham

War, Mexican


en grisaille

on ivory

see also gouache

Watkins, Commodore James Thomas

Webb, Colonel Henry L.

Wenderoth, Frederick August

biography of

Portrait of a Man

Williams, Virgil

Winter in the Mines (poem)

Wool, General

Wreck of the U.S. Brig Somers (Martin)

Wright, Rufus

biography of

The Card Players


xenophobia, in the gold fields


Yosemite Falls (Jewett)

Yosemite Valley, artists in