“You like the guys who founded the town, right? You respect them?” Amalie asked gently.
Billy nodded. “They’re all fine men, and their leader is a genius.”
“And I assume, they wouldn’t make alliances with just anybody. So, the Clan must have something on the ball if those men you respect found common ground enough to forge an alliance,” she offered, eyeing him closely to see how her words would be received.
He took a deep breath and let it out on a gusty sigh. “I can see you’re right. And my attitudes have been undergoing a change of late between meeting the father and son on Long Island and learning about the alliance with the bears, but old habits die hard, I guess. We’ve thought all our lives that the Clan was to be avoided at all costs.”
“That was your parents’ way of thinking. Who knows what might have happened if they had lived? They might have reconciled with the Clan, or even your mother’s family. You might have been raised with cousins and extended familial relationships you can’t even begin to fathom. As it is, you only had your brothers and your limited knowledge of your parents’ backgrounds and the evident problems they had with their own families.” She deliberately cultivated a calm tone, hoping to help this kind man she’d only just met. He just seemed like such a decent guy. She wanted him—and even his brothers—to find peace with their pasts. “I think you should do some research. Maybe a little investigation, of sorts. Find out more about your father’s Clan and your mother’s people too, if you can. Really learn where you come from. Until you do, I think you’re always going to have this sore spot, and I don’t want that for you, Billy.”
His gaze narrowed as he looked at her more closely. “Why does it matter to you?”
She sat back in her chair. “I’m not really sure, but I guess I hate to see a good man at odds with his family. From the things you’ve told me you’ve learned about the Kinkaids recently, they seem to be people worth knowing. I just think you should investigate more and find out for certain. But you’re right. I’m being a bit too nosy and opinionated. Just chalk it up to witchy interference. Heaven knows, the old ladies in the coven love to stick their noses into everyone else’s lives. They mean well, but it does get on my nerves at times.”
“Which is why you struck out on your own, I’m guessing.”
“Got it in one.” She raised her coffee cup to him in a toast, finishing off the last bit of her after-dinner brew.
When she put her cup back down, he seemed to realize it was empty, as was his. He moved to gather up some of the dishes strewn around the table.
“Let me help you clean up these dishes,” he said as he rose, lifting Mr. Humblebee off his lap and depositing the lazy cat on a nearby chair. Billy started gather plates in his big hands.
“You don’t have to,” she said, but didn’t object too hard.
She didn’t mind the help. She didn’t mind anything that would prolong their time together, and she’d gotten to know him well enough that she didn’t mind him inside her house.
Now, that was a big step for her. She never let anyone inside her domain. Not unless she absolutely had to. She’d picked this house because it had seemed secure to her and clean of any previous magic. Once she’d moved in, she’d started in right away applying protective magics to every window and door. She’d even warded the walls once she’d finished with the obvious ways in. She might have decided to live in the mortal world for a while, but she wasn’t stupid. She knew there were those who might see her as a target if they realized what she was. She knew she had to protect herself.
Which was why she seldom let anyone into her house. But the wards passed Billy without even a flicker, which said something about him and his pure heart. He bussed the dishes right through her kitchen door and into the sink. He even made a start at loading the dishwasher, which was incredibly polite, she thought. Every interaction with him only made her like him more.
Who was she kidding? She was in total lust with the man and had been for months. Ever since he’d first appeared in her dreams. Getting to know him in real life had only enhanced the desire that rode her every time they were together. He’d lived up to his dream image…and then some.
Billy was the total package. A strong man with a soft side. A protector who was willing to work with her, rather than expecting her to sit idly by while the big, strong man took care of her. He seemed fine with being a partner and even a teacher, at times, when he’d been showing her how to get the most out of the equipment they’d installed.
She’d enjoyed her time with him, short as it had been. But always in the back of her mind was the dreams she’d had of him. The dreams where they’d done more than just talk. The dreams where she’d seduced him and vice versa. Over and over again.
She paused at the kitchen sink, trying to calm her racing pulse when Billy came in with the last of the dishes. He headed for the sink, and all she could do was stare. He seemed to become aware of her scrutiny as he neared, slowing his pace to a catlike slink that did nothing to calm her down. In fact, it made her even more ready to jump his bones.
Down, girl.
But she wasn’t listening to the voice of reason inside her head. No, the femme fatale was in charge—as she had been a lot of the time in her dreams of Billy. As he came within touching distance, she couldn’t help herself. She reached out.
Her hand touched his arm, and he froze, his gaze zeroing in on hers. She couldn’t quite decipher the meaning in his eyes, but he looked both questioning and serious. Dangerous, even. Like the lion inside him was evaluating whether or not she was prey or playmate.
A little part of her wanted to quiver like a mouse before a cat, but the other part of her soul recognized the strength of him and answered with her own. She was no meek mouse. She was a mage with a very secret, very intense power. She wouldn’t quiver and quake in the presence of a mere lion. Even one whose mind and body spoke to hers on every level.
“Let me take those,” she said, reaching for the dishes he held.
He remained in place while she took the last of the dishes from his hands and turned to place them in the sink. She turned right back to him and stepped closer. Again, she raised her hands and touched his arms, running her fingertips lightly up the outsides of his biceps until she reached his broad shoulders. When he didn’t move, she edged a little closer and then looked up to meet his gaze.
His eyes smoldered. That was really the only word for it. He seemed on board with what she had in mind, though he still wasn’t moving.
“Do you want to stay in the house tonight?” she asked him, feeling bold and daring. He didn’t reply, so she clarified, “With me, I mean.”
If he didn’t give her some sort of response soon, she was going to turn him into a newt. Either that or die of embarrassment right here on the spot.
“Have you thought this through?” he said finally. She was glad of his response, but she wasn’t really sure what he meant.
And, to be honest, she hadn’t really thought about the reality of having him in her bed. It was almost dreamlike. The fantasy she’d been living night after night coming to life before her eyes. Had she thought about how it would be to get involved with him in the real world? Not really. Not beyond feeling the reality of his lovemaking and wanting to know if it would be as devastating in truth as it was in dreams. Or—and this was asking a lot—if it would be even better.
She really wanted to know.
But beyond that, she hadn’t thought much about having him around outside of the bedroom. Or any man, for that matter. It had been a long time since she’d been a dewy-eyed adolescent dreaming about the perfect man, and the perfect wedding, and being swept off her feet by a prince.
That hadn’t happened and likely never would. She’d experimented with men in college but had never found anyone who could light her up like her dream lover. And here he was. In her kitchen.
“Do you know what could happen when you make love to a shifter?”
He seemed to rephrase his question when she didn’t reply right away, and she was intrigued by the new wording. What was so special about being with a shifter? She’d never heard much about them, other than knowing they existed. Did they do weird things in bed? Now, she was even more intrigued.
“I don’t know a lot about shifters,” she admitted. “What could happen?”
“It’s a long shot,” he said, his voice dropping into sexy low tones. “But if we turn out to be mates, that would be forever. Shifters mate for life.”
“I didn’t know that,” she whispered, entranced as he moved closer. Finally! His mouth neared hers, and she felt the heat of his breath against her lips as he spoke again.
“I’m really attracted to you, Amalie. If you were my mate, I’d never let you go.”
Then, his lips touched hers, and time stood still as her magic sparked off his for a microsecond, then meshed. Oh, she liked that. Their magic liked each other, that much was clear. Now. she wanted desperately to know about the rest of it. Would it be as good as her dreams? Or better?
And that little growl in his voice when he’d declared himself just now sent exciting little vibrations through her body. What if they were mates? What would it be like to have this amazing man in her life on a long-term basis?
No. She shouldn’t go there. Not even in speculation. Thinking about him like that might lead to an even deeper infatuation, and if they weren’t mates, she would be devastated. Better to keep this as light as possible since he’d already said it would be highly unlikely that they were meant for each other. She’d given up on finding her prince. She would have to settle for Mr. Right Now.
But this Mr. Right Now was like none other she’d ever known. Not that she’d been with that many men. She had very particular standards in men, and most didn’t even come close to meeting them. Her standards weren’t based on looks—though Billy had handsome down pat. It was more about the inner man. The intangibles. Honor, loyalty, honesty, intelligence and the like. Even in the short time they’d known each other, she’d seen many of those qualities in Billy and had been attracted more and more with each moment they spent together.
And those dreams! They’d primed her curiosity and revved her engines. She wasn’t about to let him leave without finding out if there was any truth behind the dreams. So far, his kiss was pure dynamite, singeing her senses with the heat of him.
His hands went to her hips, and she felt the kitchen counter against her butt. She was trapped by his arms, and she didn’t want to be anyplace else in the world at that moment. She realized she wasn’t really trapped, but cosseted. Protected. Excited by his masterful touch.
She yelped when he lifted her off her feet and deposited her on the countertop. He spread her legs and moved between without ever breaking their kiss. Hot damn. That move had taken her by surprise and tickled every nerve ending in her entire body. She’d known he was strong, but the easy way he handled her made her rethink exactly how much stronger he was than her.
Yet, she wasn’t afraid he’d use his strength against her. She knew him well enough—even in this short time—to know he’d only ever use his overwhelming power to safeguard her. He had a caring soul and a warrior’s body. She really liked the combination.
Billy tugged her closer to him, and she felt the heat of his hardness against the apex of her thighs. There was a lot of fabric between them, and right now, it only annoyed her. She wanted to feel his skin on hers. In hers. All the way.
But for now, the way he rubbed her in all the right spots was sending her senses into orbit. Damn, the man had talent. And he definitely knew how to treat a woman.
There was no time for words, but they both seemed to be on the same wavelength. She pushed at his shirt, and he helped her by unbuttoning the fiendishly small buttons and tugging it out of his waistband. He had a white T-shirt beneath, but that came out from under his waistband just as easily, and then, her hands were under the hem, stroking upward over his rock-hard abs and up to his chest.
She could feel the strong beat of his heart, and his labored breathing matched her own. Oh, yes. They were definitely on the same page.
Then, he pulled her blouse upward, and his hands went around to her back to release the clasp of her bra. He broke the kiss and leaned back, shrugging out of his shirt and then allowing her to help him peel the T-shirt upward and off over his head. Then, it was her turn.