“Jesus, I’ll never forget what You’ve done for me.”
I am so glad for the continuous support of numerous book clubs across the country, including my Guilty captains: readers, church members, including First Lady of Bethesda Temple in St. Louis, Missouri, Sister Juana Johnson, who has been a fan since book one. Thank you, Bishop Johnson, for preaching and teaching the Word of God with no compromises. God Bless you!
My family, as well as the descendants of Coles, Browns, Carters, Wilkerson/Wilkinsons, Jamiesons, Brownlees, Wades, Jordans, Palmers, Lamberts, Thomases … and in-laws: Simmons, Sinkfields, Crofts, Sturdivants, Stricklands, Downers …
To my wonderful agent, Amanda Luedeke, with the MacGregor Literary Agency. You have been a blessing to me! It’s your birthday.
The Jamieson Legacy is brought to readers by Acquisition Editor Cynthia Ballenger; without her enthusiasm, the legacy of the Jamieson men would not have continued. I praise God for the staff at Life Every Voice Books/Moody Publishers for the opportunity to tell this story. May God bless you! Special thanks to freelance editor Chandra Sparks Taylor who has helped get me to this point in my career. Much love!!!!
Thanks for sister-girls/fellow writers Lisa Watson and Vanessa Miller. Who else is willing to pitch in when I have to meet deadlines?
Finally, I thank God for a good husband, Kerry Simmons, and my son and daughter.
O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good:
for his mercy endureth for ever. —Psalm 107:1 KJV
If you want to know about my connection with the Jamison/Jemison slaveholders, please visit my website at www.patsimmons.net and click on the genealogy table. Or visit my blog and leave comments at talkgenealogy.blogspot.com.