Talise now had an excuse. Dr. Sherman’s request for Ace’s medical history gave her a reason to meet with Sandra. Deep down inside, she wondered if his mother would blatantly state why Talise didn’t make the cut to maintain a relationship in Ace’s life.
At this stage, it didn’t matter whether he wanted her or not, but the curiosity was still lurking in the back of her mind. Making the call, Talise didn’t waste time in small talk but got straight to the point.
“Sandra, how about meeting me at the Boston Market on Mass Ave at five-thirty tomorrow evening?”
“I’ll be there,” Sandra didn’t hesitate to reply. There was a hint of relief in her voice. “Thank you.”
“How will we recognize each other?” Sandra interrupted the awkward moment. She chuckled. “My first thought was to hold a sign, saying ‘Ace’s mother,’ but I figured that would make me an easy target in case you want to shoot darts at me.”
Talise smiled at the woman’s sense of humor. If it was Ace standing in front of her, then she would use anything she could find to throw at him.
Sandra suggested wearing a shade of green and to wait outside the entrance. What Talise felt like wearing was black to mourn the loss of Ace’s presence in her child’s life, but she agreed and they disconnected.
The woman didn’t need to know that Talise wasn’t coming alone. Nobody in the Jamieson family was above suspicion. She didn’t care if Sandra claimed the last name or not. With Lois present, it would make sure she wasn’t caught off guard.
Although mindful of what Lois had advised Talise about bugging her sister, she still wanted Sinclaire to remain in the loop. She booted up her cumputer and signed in to her email account.
Hi, Claire. I’ve been praying and reading my Bible. I decided to meet with Ace’s mother. I don’t know what to expect, but I’m hoping there won’t be any shockers like he’s married or an escaped convict. His moving away was a big enough blow.
Lois is going with me for support. She says I shouldn’t worry you. I’ll keep my emails short, so as not to distract you on the battlefield. I love you more than anything. I know we both agreed on how we would live our lives and the choices we would make as adults. I’m so sorry I’ve let you down and fallen short of my career objectives. I’ll bounce back, if not for me, then for my baby.
Hitting send, Talise rubbed her stomach. It was becoming a habit whenever she said or wrote the word ‘baby.’ She didn’t care if there was any outward evidence or not.
Sinclaire emailed her back late Friday night: Talise, you’re my sister. I want you to be happy. You’ve already repented. The sooner you stop beating yourself up over this, you’ll have peace.
I’m paraphrasing here, but the Bible says in Romans 3:23 that we, (including me), all have sinned and fallen short. But then Jesus rectified our shortcomings on the cross. I’m praying that soon you’ll want to totally surrender your life to the Lord for all your personal shortcomings.
More on the Bible later. I love you too. And don’t even THINK about keeping stuff from me! I want in on every detail about what’s going on. Lois may be a girlfriend and roommate, but big sisters rule! Love you, Claire. Or should I start writing Aunt Claire?
Smiling, Talise rubbed her stomach again and signed off. At only nine weeks, she still had a couple of months to go until she could feel the baby kick. She couldn’t wait. That night before going to sleep, Talise read the entire third chapter of Romans.
As she closed her Bible, she prayed and hoped that Sandra would have no ulterior motives. But her main concern was that she wouldn’t take out her frustrations on Ace’s mother.
The next day, nothing went according to plan. At the salon, hair chemicals dripped on Talise’s green dress, despite her wearing a smock. Not only was the mishap noticeable, but her dress was ruined.
“Great.” She groaned and called Lois at the apartment. Without any other green garments to wear, she would have to settle for anything. “Bring me something presentable,” she asked.
Suddenly, the fumes from a relaxer made her nauseated. She excused herself again from the same customer. Racing to the bathroom, she threw up. After freshening up, Talise took several deep breaths before she went back to her client. Slowly, but competently, she shampooed, conditioned, and then roller set the woman’s hair before putting her under a dryer.
Things seemed back to normal. Talise had regained her rhythm with the next two clients when another wave of nausea hit. It came after she applied heat to one of her client’s hair to straighten it. Evidence of a rich Italian dish unexpectedly surfaced when the pungent odor of spices, including a strong hint of garlic, seeped from the woman’s hair follicles.
Talise was fully aware that it wasn’t unusual for the telltale signs of medication or some other intense odor to present itself during a hair appointment. It was amazing that agencies spend a lot of money on DNA testing when hair stylists could detect the same outcome without such a sophisticated process. Just barely finishing the customer’s hair, she rushed to the restroom and threw up—again.
After fifteen minutes, a bottle of 7-Up, and some saltine crackers, her stomach settled. Each episode left her weaker and made her move slower. To make matters worse, the next client was a customer referral who decided at the last minute that she wanted curls instead of a bump hair style. The unanticipated change resulted in a prolonged process.
As the day dragged on, Talise went through the motions the best she could. Besides food, her only craving was for rest, which made her contemplate rescheduling with Sandra. Then strangely enough, she experienced a surge of energy that came after finishing her last customer.
Lois arrived at the salon right on time with the change of clothing. Talise glanced at the garment. “Red? You couldn’t find anything in the green family in my closet like blue, purple, or even black?”
Shifting her body, Lois angled a hand on her hip. “Hey, you glow in red. Plus, it’s my favorite color,” she replied with a grin.
“Probably the vitamins.” Talise cleaned up her station, took the garment, and went into the restroom. Behind closed doors, she scrutinized herself in the mirror. Her skin had never appeared quite so flawless without makeup. Maybe Lois was right about having “the glow”—whatever that was.
She rinsed any residue from working with the hair products off her face with cool water. After adding a few strokes of blush, Talise sealed her look with lip gloss. Closing her eyes, she mumbled a prayer, “Lord, prepare me for the unexpected.”
Minutes later, they left the shop. Lois trailed Talise home to drop off her car. She insisted on driving Talise to her dinner meeting.
“If that woman makes you upset, I don’t want you behind the wheel,” Lois said, once Talise was fastened in the passenger seat.
“Good point.” The thought made Talise feel faint, but there was no turning back now. “Why do you think Sandra wants to meet me? I hope there won’t be any ‘mother of the son’s baby drama,’ if there is such a thing.”
“You’ve got money to bail me out, right?” Lois glanced over at Talise with a smirk. When it appeared she didn’t get the joke, she cleared her throat. “I don’t know if you’ve thought of this, but could Ace be behind this stunt and is using his mother as bait?”
Why? Ace knew where she worked, lived, and how to reach her by phone. She doubted if he saved her old number. There was no reason for a go-between, unless there was bad news. Talise’s heart pounded faster.
“I doubt it,” she said, trying to sound convincing. As they were nearing the restaurant, she revealed, “I haven’t spoken to Ace since the Sunday I told him that I was definitely pregnant. He dumped me because of the baby and has never looked back. That hurt will last a lifetime.”
Lois continued her chatter of possible scenarios, but Talise tuned her out. They arrived at the outdoor shopping area in record time, without her friend racing the cabbies. “Hey, I see a parking spot.” Talise pointed.
“Yes!” Lois made it, beating another car to the vacancy. Finished parking, she tried to reassure Talise, “It’ll be fine. Cameron says Sandra’s cool people.”
“Yeah, isn’t that what he told you about Ace? And look what happened. I think something was wrong with your hearing that day. Cameron probably said ‘Ace fools people,’ not ‘he’s cool people.’ Anyway, I’m not blaming Ace for me being pregnant. I should have said no to his seduction and taken the advice of those anti-drug commercials.”
Talise dropped the subject. She was already nervous. It felt like she was moving in slow motion when they got out of the car and mingled in with the crowd. Crossing to the other side of the outdoor mall, they headed to the restaurant. People darted in and out of their pathway. Talise’s heart began pounding with fear.
Do not be anxious about anything. Pray, give thanks and make your requests to Me for I am God. Talise heard the words from Philippians 4:6.
“Sinclaire must be praying for me,” she whispered.
Puzzled, Lois asked, “How do you know?”
“Because God just spoke to me.” Talise took a deep breath and smiled. It had to be better than experiencing the baby’s first kick.
“What did He say—”
Before she could answer, Talise spotted Sandra. Swallowing hard, she almost stumbled. “That’s her.”