Sandra Nicholson?” a striking woman who was approaching the entrance of Boston Market asked with a slight hesitation. Another woman was a step behind her; neither was wearing a shade of green.
“Yes,” Sandra answered with a nod, quickly assessing the woman standing in front of her.
“You’re Ace’s mother?” Talise asked curiously.
“Yes,” she responded again, this time with a chuckle. “Are you Talise?”
Sandra had no preconceived notions about what Ace’s ex would look like. But she was instantly impressed with his upgraded taste in women. It wasn’t just her appearance but the air of confidence that the younger woman projected.
Caught a little off guard, Talise blinked and then managed to say, “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t expect you to be so … young … and pretty.” Then feeling a bit embarrassed, she added, “This is my roommate, Lois.”
The two women exchanged suspicious greetings. Sandra had hoped it would be only she and Talise.
“Yes, I’m often mistaken as his sister, but I have the gray strands to prove I’m his mother.” She laughed nervously, as a few seconds passed. To keep things from getting even more awkward, she regained her composure and motioned toward the door. “Shall we go inside?”
As Sandra reached for the handle, a man came out of nowhere to exercise his chivalry and held the door for them. She nodded her thanks and they stepped inside.
“Hungry, ladies?”
Patting her stomach, Talise breathed in a whiff of the aromas in the air.
“Me too,” Sandra agreed. Getting in line, they scanned the menu board. Once they reached the counter, each woman placed her order.
“My treat.”
Thanking Sandra, Talise and Lois agreed on water as their drink option. Lois accepted empty cups from the cashier and headed to the drink dispenser.
“I’ll find us a table,” Talise offered and walked away.
She seems cordial enough, Sandra thought. So far, so good, Lord.
As Sandra waited for the staff to complete their orders, she glanced over her shoulder. The two friends were whispering. She hoped Talise’s roommate wouldn’t hinder her from getting to know Ace’s ex. Sandra was starting to have second thoughts about this encounter.
Silently, she prayed, Lord, I approach Your throne of mercy and grace. I believe Your perfect will to be done in my son and this young woman’s life. You know what went on between them. Guide my words for her to look past me and see You. Amen.
“Miss?” The server called for Sandra’s attention.
Suddenly, Lois appeared by her side to help.
“Thanks for coming to the rescue.”
While Lois balanced two trays, Sandra grabbed napkins and silverware and carried her own tray. Lois dutifully placed Talise’s meatloaf dinner in front of her and then chose a table nearby to eat alone.
“There’s plenty of room here,” Sandra said to be polite. Secretly she hoped Lois wouldn’t accept the invitation.
“This is fine. I figured you two need some privacy.”
Thank you, Sandra mouthed, appreciating the young woman’s insight. Taking her seat, Sandra smiled at Talise and then bowed her head, “Lord, in the Name of Jesus, we thank You for Your mercy and grace. We ask that You provide for those who are in need and please bless our food, conversation, and fellowship.”
The pair mumbled their Amens. Seconds later, Sandra amusedly watched Talise scoop a helping of sweet potato casserole into her mouth. The satisfied expression on her face was priceless.
As Sandra sipped her water, she continued to discreetly study Talise. Yes, Ace does have good taste. I could see how he lost his head. I only wish he had Holy Ghost sense to make better decisions, she thought.
Talise’s thick hair was coal-black, glossy, and a few inches past her shoulders. Together with her flawless complexion, she was a stunning picture of health. Her appearance was glowing in the red sundress that complemented her brown skin.
If Talise was pregnant, she was wearing it well. Briefly caught staring, Sandra hurried and broke the crust on her chicken pot pie. Whether it was piping hot or not, she didn’t hesitate to find out. Taking the first bite, she wondered, Where do we begin?
Wiping her mouth, Talise took a sip from her cup and then jump-started the inevitable dialogue. “Sandra, I’m sure you could understand my confusion when I received your call. Clearly, your son wants nothing to do with me.”
Although Talise’s voice was steady and strong, sadness flashed in her brown eyes. Sandra ached for her.
“So why did you want to meet me?”
Sandra exhaled and gathered her thoughts. The correct phrasing of her answer would be key. “Cameron believes you’re pregnant, and—”
“I’m not having Cameron’s baby. This is Ace’s child.”
“Yes, that’s what he told me.” Then attempting to clarify her words, she said, “I’m sorry, what I meant was, Cameron is adamant that you’re telling the truth.”
Lifting a brow, Talise was poised to challenge her. “Excuse me? I know we don’t know each other, so I don’t have any credibility with you, but one thing I am not is a liar,” she countered. “What has your son said?”
“Nothing,” Sandra admitted in disgust and a bit of embarrassment. “Unfortunately, I believe he’s in denial, again.”
Dropping her fork, Talise stared at Sandra. She squeezed her lips together as if holding in a growl. The sadness in her eyes was gone. Fiery darts were taking aim.
“Again? Denial? Number one, Ace flat-out rejected the fact that I’m pregnant. Number two, he deserted me without a backward glance when my doctor confirmed it. And number three, he broke my heart. That’s three strikes. I am definitely out.”
She emphasized her words by making a hitchhiking gesture with her thumb. Then Talise’s eyes narrowed. “And what do you mean by ‘again’?”
Okay, Lord, here it comes, the good, the bad, and the ugly. “Aaron is no saint. I suppose he gets it honestly from his parents. I wasn’t exactly close to being God-worthy myself when I got pregnant not one, but two times.”
Her confession became easier with her testimony. “Since that time, I’ve repented and God forgave me of my sins and has given me the tools I need to live holy. With His gifts, I can honestly say I’m striving to live my life as a saint and no longer a sinner.”
“Not to be rude, but I didn’t realize I was coming for Bible study. What does that have to do with me?”
Sandra wasn’t offended by her curt remark; rather, she attempted to explain, “You’re going to need Jesus as you go through this.” She stalled, picking at her pie. “I’m not trying to be cruel, demeaning, or insulting, but there is no nice way to say this.”
Taking a deep breath, Sandra prayed silently and plowed ahead. “You aren’t the first woman who has claimed to be pregnant by Aaron. The babies either never materialized, or through DNA testing, weren’t his—to my relief.”
From Talise’s body language, it was apparent she was uncomfortable. The blood seemed to drain from her face. Patting her chest, Talise glanced in Lois’s direction.
God, help me to choose my words carefully. Then drawing on her inner strength, Sandra went on, “My oldest son’s wife is expecting, and I look forward to becoming a grandmother. God knows I’ve been praying that Ace would settle down and get married before he fathered a child.”
She finished, slowly releasing her breath and hoping Talise received her words with the humbleness intended.
“Great!” Talise raised her voice and slapped her hand on the table. That got her roommate’s attention. Lois seemed poised to intervene, but she didn’t move.
Sandra wanted to reach across the table, hoping to calm her. But she doubted her touch would be welcomed. Blinking back tears in her own eyes, “Talise,” she said softly.
Talise wasn’t buying any attempt to be consoled, as her bruised feelings rushed to the surface. “Unbelievable. Ace has set up his own reproductive clinic, a male gigolo who just uses women and then casts them aside. I was no more than a number on his chart,” she said more to herself.
A look of horror, disappointment, and shame glared on Talise’s pretty face before she covered it with her hands. Moments later, when she removed them, her face was flushed and her eyes wet.
Bowing her head, Sandra began to pray silently as old memories came flooding back. Somehow it didn’t seem so long ago when she had to face the reality that Samuel wasn’t going to be an active part of her sons’ lives. Samuel had no intention of marrying her either.
If Talise was pregnant, then Sandra prayed her situation wouldn’t become part of a generational dysfunction. She didn’t want this to be “like father, like son,” with Ace unwilling to marry Talise. God, let her see I’m on her side. Help!
“Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt,” the Lord spoke a portion of Colossians 4:6 to Sandra.
Leaning closer with her own set of misty eyes, Sandra whispered, “You’re not alone.”
“Unless your son is crawling through those doors, begging my forgiveness, and putting a ring on every single toe and finger, then I am alone. I’m a twenty-nine-year-old, single, pregnant woman.”
“I was a twenty-year-old when I had my first son and became a single mother. Five years later and still single, I had my second son. I didn’t know Aaron’s father was already a married man … but deep down inside, I had my suspicions.”
She looked down at her hands. “There were no words to describe how deceived, betrayed, and utterly alone I felt. There was no one to help me out of the hole I had dug for myself—and my children. I lived it.”
“Are you telling me that Ace is married?”
Sandra shook her head. “What I’m trying to say is I have been in your shoes. If you’re carrying Aaron’s child, I don’t want you to feel that you’re alone.”
Talise wore a blank expression. Sandra couldn’t decipher if she had broken through to Talise’s heart. Anchoring her elbows on the edge of the table, Talise cradled her chin in her hands. “You’re ten weeks too late from that happening.”
Sandra’s heart dropped. Her frustration at failing to convey her heartfelt desire to reach out to Talise battled with the bitterness the young woman had for Ace. She glanced away, trying to regroup her thoughts.
Although she was talking on her cell phone, Lois had her eyes trained on them.
Turning back to Talise, Sandra tried again, “Over the years, Aaron latched on to role models who were irresponsible men. Unfortunately, he has mimicked that behavior.”
“I see. So your purpose of this meeting is to give me the heads-up that Ace is a shallow, irresponsible human being. As a result, he’s destined to go through life breaking hearts.”
Speechless, Sandra bit her tongue in defense of her son. The woman made him sound like a mere dog.
Looking away, Talise nodded her head as if she had reached a decision. Then her expression hardened. “Thanks for the insight. Please don’t take this as an insult, but it is what it is—Ace is a jerk. I got that. So I basically could go on Craigslist and find a more responsible father figure. Got it,” Talise said sarcastically.
Remaining silent, Sandra continued to take the tongue-lashing that was meant for her son. She connected with Talise’s pain.
“Do you mind if I ask you a question? Did you seek out Ace’s other false positive baby mama girlfriends?”
“Why me?
“God stirred my soul the moment I heard about you. If you’re pregnant with Ace’s baby, I want a relationship with you and my grandchild.”
“If?” Talise repeated indignantly. “There’s that word again. Evidently, Ace has you brainwashed.”
Maybe Sandra’s actions were premature and she should have waited for DNA results. Yet she felt God urging her to reach out to Talise. Even if there were too many ‘ifs,’ such as: if Talise is pregnant, if the child is Ace’s, and if Sandra should get involved.
“I’m not trying to hurt or offend you by saying if, but please try to understand this from my point of view. I’ve gone down this road before with Aaron—”
“And it seems like Ace’s GPS has avoided dead ends and he’s on a collision course to destroy lives, and I’m just one of many obstacles who got in his way.” Talise finished the thought her way.
“Listen, I can understand your anger and hurt, but he is still my son. I reared him right and I’m proud of the good things I’ve done in his life.” Sandra snapped her lips shut.
Temper, temper, she did not come prepared for battle.
“Talise, I’m sorry. The bottom line is, I want all my grandbabies. I promise you that once the paternity test proves Aaron is the father, I won’t abandon my grandchild. However, I don’t need a test for us to be friends.”
“But you’re not willing to believe me until then, is that what you’re saying?”
Sandra eyed the younger woman with remorse. Slowly, she shook her head. “I’m sorry …”
Pushing back from the table, Talise gathered her purse and stood. Lois quickly disposed of her tray and was at her friend’s side, as if summoned.
“Ready?” Lois asked.
“Thank you for dinner, Ms. Nicholson. Sweet potato casserole is my favorite,” Talise said sweetly. “However, it sounds like I’m on trial, and I’m supposed to prove that I have something that belongs to Ace Jamieson.”
Talise grunted. “None of this will matter at the end of forty weeks. Ace already severed the umbilical cord. For the sake of my son or daughter, I am so through with the Jamiesons. Period.”