Chapter Thirty-Six

I’ve got great news!” Lois announced with a grin, as she drove Talise to her doctor’s appointment.

“Okaaaay,” Talise said, drawing out the word. Eying her friend suspiciously, she added, “And please don’t tell me that sorry line, ‘you just saved a lot on your car insurance.’”

“How did you know? No seriously, I’ve got a solution to the rent problem.”

“Sinclaire said she would work it into her budget to—”

Tsking, Lois shook her head. “Didn’t I tell you to stop worrying your sister? One of my coworkers needs temporary shelter, and I offered her our apartment.”

Somehow, Talise had the strangest feeling she wasn’t going to like hearing the rest of her roommate’s idea. Unable to ignore that she was the cause of the problem, Talise had to hear Lois out. Her choices were definitely limited, so she asked, “Okay, for how long does she plan stay?”

“Six months.”

That’s temporary? It sounds like she’s a day away from permanent to me. “Six months!” Talise exclaimed in protest. “Our shared living space is large enough, but our bedrooms aren’t.”

“Hey, beggars can’t be choosy. I’m giving up the privacy of my bedroom for you.” She stuck out her tongue.

“Thank you. I know. I’m just cranky, I guess. I feel guilty putting you in yet another predicament because of my condition.”

“Nonsense. I’ve got this.”

“Thanks again. So when is she moving in?”


“Tomorrow! So soon? Dr. Sherman is going to have to check my blood pressure as soon as I get to her office.”

“Myra already gave me her first and last month’s rent money, so hey. When we come back from the doctor’s, I need to clean out my room and my closet. I’m also going to rearrange my bed. That’s something I’ve been planning to do for a while. I may have to store some of my stuff in your closet, if that’s okay.”

“Sure. You’re really going above and beyond what you signed up for when we became friends.”

“Girl, we’re friends to the end, and don’t you forget it.”

When they walked through the building to Dr. Sherman’s office, Lois was still pitching the benefits of a short-term third roommate. She only had one unspoken concern in the back of her mind. By now, Lois was used to her mood swings, heavy appetite, and restless nights. Would Lois’s friend be so forgiving?

“She does know I’m pregnant, right?”

“Of course.”

“How come I’ve never met her?” Talise didn’t get an answer. Just then, her name was called and she was shown to a room. Lois trailed.

“So how’s Mommy today?” Dr. Sherman greeted Talise, as she came into the room. She and Lois then exchanged greetings. As soon as the doctor placed the stethoscope on Talise’s stomach, the baby moved. All three women laughed.

Dr. Sherman went down a checklist of what Talise should expect going into her twenty-second week. “You may experience some slight contractions. Don’t be concerned unless they become regular or painful. Otherwise, they’re harmless. Braxton-Hicks contractions occur when your uterus begins to practice for delivery.”

“This early?” Talise asked.

Her doctor smiled and nodded.

“I’ll be so glad when this is over, so I can move on,” Talise said, staring up at the ceiling.

Dr. Sherman consoled her before asking more questions. “How’s your stress level?”

“Stressful. I just knew my blood pressure would be sky high …”

That’s when Lois jumped in and informed the doctor of the latest happenings. Listening to her chattering on and on, Talise thought, If this new roommate is half as irritating as Lois is being at the moment, then I’m in some serious trouble.

The rest of the examination was uneventful.

At work on Friday afternoon, Talise was relieved when Gabrielle arrived. Talise knew she’d be there because the coworker who was sick actually quit and Gabrielle was in the process of hiring someone.

Even with that stress, Gabrielle was all smiles. The woman truly had a calming effect. Talise wished Gabrielle could be her “temporary” new roommate. The idea had been making her anxious all morning, thinking about another person living with them.

“You are free to move about the cabin,” Gabrielle said, as she waited for Talise to sign off her terminal.

Kendall was standing next to them with a slight scowl and an evil eye. She was waiting impatiently for her replacement. Since it was almost time for her shift to end, she asked to be excused for a quick potty break.

All day her coworker had made comments about Talise’s weight. At one point, Kendall stopped just short of coming right out and asking her if she was pregnant. It was obvious for even a blind man to see that her waistline had expanded. Talise was growing increasingly uncomfortable about it. Already under stress, this wasn’t the day for her to get into a question and answer period with her coworker.

Watching Kendall walk away, Talise whispered to Gabrielle, “Do you have a few minutes to pray for me … silently? I don’t want a pilot coming in for a landing to hear us.” Her eyes pleaded along with her indirect request that Gabrielle not make a scene.

“I don’t do things for show.” Grabbing hands, Talise didn’t bow her head or close her eyes. Instead, she anxiously scanned the terminal. Very soon, Gabrielle finished with a soft Amen.

Bewildered, Talise stared. “That’s it?”

Smiling back at her, Gabrielle nodded. “God is already here. He was waiting for us to petition Him for what He was already going to do anyway. Now you go on and start your weekend.”

Gabrielle reached into her purse and felt around for a pen. As a passenger walked up to the counter, she scribbled her number on a piece of paper. “Call me if you need to.” Dismissing Talise, she greeted the customer with a dazzling smile.

Talise’s bright spot on the way home was her baby moving around more. She found herself smiling when she wanted to frown at the unexpected. Lois was a good judge of character, except for Ace. Actually, Talise blamed that infraction on Cameron.

Getting off at her bus stop, she strolled the short walk to her apartment. When she turned the corner on Durham, a U-Haul truck was double-parked in front of her building. “She’s here.”

A few minutes later, Talise climbed the stairs to the third level where she could hear hearty laughs and music in the background. She groaned. The only thing she longed for was a quick bite, a shower, and her bed.

“Excuse me,” a sweaty, short guy said, passing her on the stairs.

She almost gagged from his odor, as he beat her into the apartment. The door was ajar and Talise pushed it open. Boxes littered the living room. Talise eyed the large pieces of furniture she was going to have to navigate around to get to her bedroom.

A group of three women were chatting near the kitchen. “Hello, I’m Talise, Lois’s roommate.”

Immediately, all eyes traveled to her stomach. When it looked like her “temporary” guest wasn’t going to identify herself, Talise asked, “And which one of you is Myra?”

“Oh. Hey girl, I’m Myra.” A petite dark-skinned woman stepped forward and identified herself. Now it was Talise’s turn to do the scrutinizing. Myra was definitely not dressed for moving—in her strappy sandal heels, shorts, and tank top. But then, judging from the two taller guys taking orders from the short, musty one, she didn’t need to lift a finger.

After politely listening to Myra’s mindless chatter for longer than she should have, Talise excused herself to her bedroom and closed the door. Changing out of her uniform, she washed up and slipped on a sundress instead of the pajamas she preferred. Opening her door, she walked hesitantly to the kitchen.

“Help yourself, there’s plenty,” Myra offered.

“Thank you.” At least they brought food. Maybe, this will work, she thought. Opening the boxes, Talise would have helped herself if there was something healthy to eat. Thick pan pizza oozing with cheese and various pasta dishes were the only choices. She declined and warmed up some chicken stir fry leftovers.

On Saturday, the chaos remained when she got home from the salon. Lois was usually never home on the weekends. She wondered if Myra was a homebody. However, it did appear that she loved to entertain. To make matters worse, more of Myra’s things had arrived.

By Sunday, Talise had to escape. Sitting in her car in the parking lot of Sandra’s church Talise needed a good cry but contained herself to sniffles. Rubbing her stomach, she wondered how her mental state was affecting the baby.

She had long ago abandoned those five-minute prayers Sinclaire had suggested. The prayers and Bible reading helped some, but her utopia feelings didn’t last very long. Unfortunately, she didn’t know what to do to hold on to them.

To be truthful, Talise hadn’t expected to return to Sandra’s church so soon. However, she had nowhere else to turn to escape the chaos at home. A few minutes later, she turned off her car and repaired her makeup. At least this time she remembered to bring her Bible. Talise got out and started walking toward the church. It wasn’t long before she spotted Sandra’s minister friend. He stood outside the door, as if he was waiting for someone.

When he glanced her way and recognized her, he left his post and met her halfway. “You came back.”

“Yes. I don’t really know why, but I’m here.”

“God knows before we know.” Falling in step with her, Minister Thomas escorted her the rest of the way.

“How are you? Talise, right?”

“You remembered my name,” she said, somewhat impressed. By the same token, she didn’t know if she was unconcerned or embarrassed that she didn’t remember his.

“How could I forget a person so unique and fascinating? How is the baby?” He grinned, which made him more handsome, even though he didn’t have a dimple.

Talise almost tripped, but he reached out and steadied her. Forgetting that was the last thing she had told him when she was there a few weeks ago, she replied, “My baby’s fine, Minister…”

“My name is simple, Richard Thomas. After church, do you mind having dinner with me?”

“Huh?” She stopped and stared. Talise wanted to say Are you crazy? I’m pregnant, but he already knew that. “Why?”

“Maybe because I find you lovely, mysterious, and so much more.”

“What you should find me is pregnant, dumped, and friends with my child’s grandmother. Not to mention I’m hormonal and hostile at times. If that isn’t enough to run you the other way, then I don’t know what is,” she said as Sandra drove by, waved, and turned into the parking lot.

Sandra hurried through the parking lot to meet them. She and Minister Thomas went through their greeting ritual before he smiled at Talise and walked away.

“What was that all about?”

“He wants to take me out to dinner.”

“Really?” The color seemed to drain from Sandra’s face. She swallowed and held her breath. “What did you say?”

“I didn’t.”