Chapter Thirty-Nine

Although Sandra trusted Minister Thomas, she was going to have to trust God on the young man’s attraction to Talise. The minister did have a good reputation, was well-liked, and stayed away from controversy.

She hadn’t heard of any reports that he had strung along a sister in the church and then broke her heart. Sandra doubted there was any man more than her own son who could break Talise’s heart.

It was Sunday night and she hadn’t heard from Talise. She was itching to find out “what happened” between her and Minister Thomas. Sandra had to remind herself that she sought Talise out for friendship before she was really sure if the woman was pregnant, or if it was Ace’s child.

She smiled, recalling when Talise told her that she loved her. That came from her heart and so did Sandra’s words of affection. If Sandra truly loved Talise, then she had to root for her happiness.

When she knelt to pray before climbing into bed, she made sure to praise the Lord Jesus for the souls that repented earlier, who were buried in His name, and who rejoiced under His anointing. Then she poured out her soul, “God, You said You are not slack concerning Your promises. I reached out to Talise when I heard Your voice’s command. But I’m uncomfortable with being the matchmaker to the mother of my son’s baby.”

Sandra’s heart was in distress as she cried out, “God, can’t You do something to fix this? Please?” She didn’t want her flesh to rise up in rebellion against Talise or Minister Thomas. Clearly, they were innocent in God’s plan.

“I am concerned about man’s soul; then his happiness will follow,” God spoke.

Comforted, but not fully satisfied, Sandra said Amen and then got under the covers. She prayed that God would give her an excuse to call Talise.

The next day at work, she called Eva. Her daughter-in-law was in high praise about Talise’s salvation. On the outside, Sandra was praising God too. On the inside, she was hurting, chiding herself for being the cause of drawing Talise even farther away from Ace.

Eva must have suspected something when she ceased her chatter.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing Jesus can’t fix. You know how it is when God sends His blessings and the devil is on your heels to snatch your joy.”

“Then maybe it’s a good thing we plan to come to Boston next weekend for a shopping spree!” Eva said, surprising her.

The news lifted her spirits, yet Sandra sighed with one reservation.

“All of us, except Ace, of course.”

That’s the one who should be coming, she scolded silently.

“The husbands are coming too. Kidd, Parke and his family, Malcolm and his, and maybe even Grandma BB. I’m calling it a school shopping trip.”

“Count me in. I wish Aaron would turn his life around and come.”

“So do I. But I don’t see an end in sight with his refusal to make things right with Talise. I hate to say this, but I think she may need to move on because I don’t think Ace will ever make her happy,” Eva stated.

Hidden in her office, Sandra stood and walked over to close the door. Tears began to steam down her cheeks. The evidence Eva felt in her heart may already be in the works.

“Do you mind asking Talise if she can handle doing our hair?” Eva paused. “You know what, I’ll call her because I want to congratulate her and ask—”

Sandra had an excuse to call now. “No. I’ll call. I want to check up on her anyway.”