
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

Act for the Better Security of the Crown and Government of 1868

Act for the Temporary Government of Rupert’s Land and the North-western Territory When United with Canada of 1869

address to court amnesty, question of; analysis of; concluding remarks; exile of Riel; immigration; Manitoba Act not fulfilled; mission from God; objective of; preface to; rhetorical analysis; service and compensation; “seventh,”; structured nature of; verdict, reaction to. See also trial speeches

address to jury; allusion; arms and self-defence; on character; communion with audience; conclusions of; contending positions, stasis analysis; court and government, criticism of; defence lawyers; defence of character; defence of necessity; defence on merits; factors affecting; impact of; ineffectiveness of; last remarks; logical order; mission from God; narrative order; North-West Rebellion (1885); objective of; opening remarks; opinions on; personal grievances; political actions, reasons for; preface to; prophetic abilities; representation of responsibility; rhetorical analysis; rhetorical situation; rhetorical strategies; various remarks. See also arguments (address to jury); insanity defence; trial speeches

allusion, in speeches

American expansionism

amnesty; for execution of Scott; Manitoba Act and

André, Father Alexis; kindness to Riel’s family; quarrel with Riel; relationship with Riel

Anishinabek; prophecies; Prophecy of the Seven Fires; Seven Grandfather Teachings

Apology (Plato)

Archibald, Governor Adams George

arguments (address to jury); argument from action; argument from authority; argument from sign; ethotic argument; insane-government argument; jurisdiction argument; justice argument; justification argument; logical order; narrative order; narrative vs logical order; no-treason argument; proceedings argument; rhetorical strategies; sanity argument; self-defence argument; substantive argument, reconstructing; sympathy argument

Aristotle: ethos; Rhetoric

asylums; Riel’s confinement to; Riel’s fear of

Batoche, Battle of; defeat at; prisoners

Batoche, Saskatchewan; Natives, relations with; Riel as prophet, recognition of; Riel’s return to


Beauport Asylum

Big Bear

Bill of Rights

Blake, Edward

Blavatsky, Madame

Bourget, Archbishop Ignace; as pope, proposal for; Riel’s holy mission

Boyden, Joseph; foresight of Riel; Louis Riel and Gabriel Dumont

British Columbia British Constitution; Riel’s reliance on

British North America Act of 1867; province vs territory; provincial control of resources; public domain, ownership of

British North America Act of 1930

Brown, George

Bruyneel, Kevin, Exiled, Executed, Exalted

Bumsted, J.M.; address to jury; “Another Look at the Riel Trial for Treason,”; defence lawyers; Guiteau case; spirituality of Riel; unfairness of trial

Busby, Brian, Great Canadian Speeches: Words That Shaped a Nation

Canada: colonialism in; expansionist movement; Manitoba and Confederation; natural resources, control of; North-western Territory and Rupert’s Land, acquisition of. See also Confederation

Canadian Constitution

Canadian government. See Government of Canada

Canadian Pacific Railway

Canadian Parliament; British North America Act; governance of North–west and Rupert’s Land

Cartier, George-Etienne; defeat of; as delegate to Red River; List of Rights, displeasure with

Catholic Church; and Indigenous populations; influence on Riel; reform of, Riel’s vision of

Cave, Alfred A., Prophets of the Great Spirit

Charles II

Clergy Endowments (Canada) Act of 1791

Collins, Joseph Edmund, The Story of Louis Riel the Rebel Chief

colonialism: in Canada; impact of

Confederation; defined; Manitoba’s entry into; province vs territory; public domain, control over; Riel’s ideas of

Confederation Act

Connor, Ralph, Patrol of the Sundance Trail

Conselheiro, Antônio

Conservative Party

Constitution Act of 1791

Cooper, Frederick, Colonialism in Question


Crozier, Superintendent Lief

Day, David, Visions and Revelations of St. Louis the Métis

Deane, Captain Richard Burton; letters to; as lieutenant governor, Riel’s proposal; Riel’s confinement under

Declaration Which Offences Shall Be Adjudged Treason of 1351, A

defence lawyers: ethical and professional issues; members of team; merits of case, refusal to defend; refusal to let Riel speak; Riel’s cause, acknowledgment of; Riel’s frustration with. See also insanity defence

defence of necessity

defence speeches, genre of


Dred Scott v. Sanford

Dubuc, Joseph

Duck Lake, Battle of

Dumont, Gabriel

Durham Report

Edward III

Epitome of Parliamentary Documents in Connection with the North-West Rebellion, 1885


ethotic argument


expansionist movement

Fenian Act of 1866

Fenian Act of 1867

Fenian invasion of Manitoba (1871)


First Nations; confederacies; extinguishment of Indian title; and Métis, relations with; prophetic traditions of; Riel and. See also Natives

Fiset, Jean-Baptiste Romuald

Fish Creek, Battle of

Fitzpatrick, Charles; appeal to jury; insanity defence; political future; on Riel’s cause. See also defence lawyers

Flanagan, Thomas; address to jury; Aristotelian analysis of speeches; The Collected Writings of Louis Riel, volume 3, 1884–1885; criticism of Macdonald; on fairness of trial; on legitimacy of government actions; Louis ‘David’ Riel: Prophet of the New World; Louis Riel’s Religious Beliefs: A Letter to Bishop Taché; Métis rights and Riel; religious delusions of Riel; religious influences on Riel

Fort Garry

Fourmond, Father Vital; kindness to Riel’s family

Frog Lake

Garfield, James

geopolitical legitimacy

Ghost Dance

Gladstone, William


Glorious Revolution of 1688–89

government, responsible. See responsible government

Government of Canada: delegation to Red River; financial incentives offered to Riel; “insane and irresponsible,”; legal strategy of 1885; manipulation of trial; North-West, acquisition of; petitions to; refusal to negotiate; Riel’s personal grievances against; sovereignty in North-West. See also Macdonald, Sir John A.

Granville, Lord

Great Law of Peace

Great Peace of 1701

Greenshields, James

Gruending, Dennis, Great Canadian Speeches

Guiteau, Daniel


Haudenosaunee Confederacy

House of Commons

Hudson’s Bay Company: financial compensation of; and North-West Rebellion (1885); Rupert’s Land, monopoly of; sale of Rupert’s Land

immigration: American, threat of; Riel’s vision, in North-West

Indians. See Natives

insanity defence; ethics of; lawyers’ arguments; M’Naghten Rules; in nineteenth-century law; Riel’s denial to speak; Riel’s rejection of; ruling on; tactical nature of

Interior Salish

Iroquois League of Nations

Irvine, Major Acheson Gosford

Jackson, W.H.

Jukes, Andrew

jury; composition of; mercy, recommendation of; Riel’s dissatisfaction with; and Riel’s fate

Laurier, Wilfrid

Lavell, Michael

Law of Nations

lawful rebellion, doctrine of

Lawless Aggressions Act

Lemieux, François-Xavier; political future; Riel’s speech, nonaccountability for. See also defence lawyers

Lépine, Ambroise

Liberal Party of Canada

Linder, Douglas; Famous Trials website

List of Rights



Longue Point Asylum

Lyotard, Jean-François; litige vs différend; polis vs pagus; Socrates vs Protogaras

Macdonald, Sir John A.; criticism of; delegation from Red River; examination of Riel’s mental state; List of Rights, displeasure with; Manitoba Act; need for Riel’s execution; North-western Territory and Rupert’s Land, acquisition of; Red River Resistance; Riel’s petitions to; trial of Riel; view of Riel

Mackie, John, The Rising of the Red Man

Manitoba: and Confederation; Fenian invasion; List of Rights; as province vs territory; resources, control over; Riel as founding father. See also Manitoba Act of 1870

Manitoba Act of 1870; extinguishment of Indian title; Métis land rights; non-fulfilment of Métis rights; provisional government and; provisions to Métis; Riel’s views

Métis: background of; belief in Riel’s prophetic ability; contributions to Canada; culture and economy of; emigration from Red River area; as “half-breeds,”; history of; injustices suffered by; land rights; leadership of Riel; multiplicity and absence; and Natives, relations with; petitions to Ottawa; political nature of; punishment of, Riel’s prophecy; Red River delegation; Riel’s immigration vision; Riel’s return, invitation for; spiritual beliefs. See also Manitoba Act of 1870; North-West Rebellion (1885); Red River Uprising (1869–70)

Middleton, General Frederick D.; North-West Rebellion (1885); promise of fair hearing; on Riel’s character; on Riel’s sanity; surrender of Riel

M’Naghten case (1843)

M’Naghten Rules

Morton, Desmond; The Queen v Louis Riel; Riel’s first speech

National Policy

Natives: Battleford, invasion of; beliefs, influence on Riel; injustices suffered by; and Métis, relations with; prosecution of. See also First Nations

“natural allegiance,” principle of

natural resources, control of

Ness, George

New Nation

Nietzsche, Frederick


Nolin, Charles; denial of Riel to question; Riel’s prophetic ability; testimony against Riel

North-West Council

North-West Mounted Police (NWMP)

North-West Rebellion (1885); Battle of Batoche; Canada’s legal strategy; charges laid; contending positions, analysis of; cynical view of; defeat of; Frog Lake; hostages; justification for; in literature; origins of; personal motivations of Riel; Red River Uprising (1869–70) and; self–defence; support for Riel; white rebels

North-West Territories Act of 1875

North-western Territory: immigration, Riel’s vision of; irresponsibility of government; legal system of; as pagus; sovereignty over; transfer of, to Canada; as trial venue

Olbrechts-Tyteca, Lucie, New Rhetoric

Ontario: compared to North-West; execution of Scott, reaction to; persecution of Riel; proclamation for Riel’s arrest; Protestants, power of. See also Upper Canada

Orange Order; hatred of Riel; Scott, execution of; Scott, as martyr

Osler, Britton Bath; crime, description of; legitimacy of trial; white rebels, search for

pagus vs polis



Peel, Sir Robert

Perelman, Chaim, New Rhetoric

Pitblado, Charles Bruce

Plains Indians

Plato; Apology; Crito; Euthyphro; trial of Socrates

polis vs pagus


Prickert, Corporal

Primeau, Father Jean Baptiste

Prince Edward Island

Prophecy of the Seven Fires


Protestants: dominance in North-West; favouritism of; influence on Riel; land endowments of clergy; in “New World,”; in Riel’s jury

provinces: constitutional inequality among; resources, control over; and territories, constitutional differences

provisional government (1869)

provisional government (1885): arrest of members; Bill of Rights; formation of; List of Rights; members of; Red River delegation

Queen v Louis Riel (1886)

Queen Victoria

Rebellions of 1837 Red River (community): demographics; emigration from; rights of

Red River Uprising (1869–70); Bills of Rights; execution of Scott; and North-West Rebellion (1885); origins of

Reid, Jennifer, “Faire Place á une Race Métisse,”

responsible government: development of, in Canada; “insane and irresponsible,”; meaning of; public domain, control over; in trial speeches, reference to

Revolutionary Bill of Rights of 1885

Richardson, Judge Hugh; address to jury; background of; immovability of; insanity defence; on jurisdiction

Riel, Louis: accomplishments of; American citizenship; on American immigration, threat of; amnesty; ancestry; arrest of; asylums; Canadian confederation, vision of; character of; charges against; colonialism in Canada, critique of; compensation to abandon cause; complexity of; constitutional thought; différend; education of, 107; English-speaking skills; execution of; exile of; extinguishment of Indian title; family, hardships of; as founding father of Manitoba; geopolitical legitimacy; grievances against government; hardships suffered by; helplessness of; historical transformation of; immigration in North-West, vision of; imprisonment of; Indigenous influence on; insane-irresponsible government; insanity of; issues related to; on Jews; justification for actions; King David, identification with; land rights; Law of Nations; List of Rights; in literature and writings; Macdonald’s opinion of; megalomania of; as Métis Robespierre; mission from God; Montana, life in; and Natives, relations with; “New World,”; Ontario’s persecution of; origin of nations; petitions to Ottawa; political accomplishments; political justice, search for; as political reformer; politico-spiritual vision for Métis; poverty of; progressiveness of; prophetic abilities; Red River delegation; religious beliefs; and responsibility; return to Canada; Scott, execution of; self-defence; the “seventh,”; and Socrates, comparison to; as spokesperson for Métis; stereotyping of; surrender of. See also North-West Rebellion (1885); Red River Uprising (1869–70); trial of Riel; trial speeches

Ritchot, Abbé Noël-Joseph

Robinson, Christopher; legitimacy of trial venue; white rebels, search for

Rouleau, Judge Charles A.

Rupert, Prince

Rupert’s Land: Canada’s acquisition of; Hudson’s Bay Company, initial acquisition of

Rupert’s Land Act of 1868

St Laurent petition of 1884

Salamis, Leon of

Saul, John Ralston, A Fair Country

Scott, Thomas, execution of; consequences of; justification for; Orange Order, response of


Siggins, Maggie

Simpson, Leanne: Dancing on our Turtle’s Back; “Oshkimaadiziig, the New People,”

Sioux Indians

Socrates: in Apology; in Crito; Phaedo

Socrates vs Riel; calling from on high; conviction; defence of necessity; mental states of; outsider vs insider; overview; poverty, virtuous; textual sources; trial speeches; value of truth over life

South Saskatchewan River

speeches of Riel. See trial speeches

Sprague, D.N., Canada and the Métis

Stanley, George F.G.; address to court, impact of; address to jury; Bill of Rights; The Birth of Western Canada; The Collected Writings of Louis Riel; complexity of Riel; “The Last Word on Louis Riel,”; Louis Riel

Statute of Treasons of 1352

Supreme Court of Canada; legal mandate of; Métis land rights; as Riel’s proposed venue for trial

Swedenborg, Immanuel

Taché, Archbishop Alexandre-Antonin; as pacifist of North-West; petitions Riel to depart; prophetic visions of Riel

Toronto Board of Trade

treason charges

trial of Riel: controversy surrounding; debatable issues; defence lawyers; dilemma of Riel; ethical and professional issues; ethos; government’s manipulation of; jury; language issues; litige vs différend; M’Naghten Rules, ; polis vs pagus; prosecution; Riel’s preparation for; vs Socrates; unfairness of; venue. See also address to court; address to jury; insanity defence

trial speeches; ethos; importance of; ineffectiveness of; preparatory thoughts; rhetorical analysis; rhetorical situation; Socrates vs Riel; textual sources; versions of. See also address to court; address to jury

United States: American expansionism; Canada’s fear of immigration from; exile of Riel; Ottawa, encouragement to; persecution of Riel in; Riel’s citizenship; Riel’s emigration to; support for Riel’s cause

United States Supreme Court

Upper Canada; expansion into North-West. See also Ontario

Valade, François-Xavier

Vitoria, Francisco de

Warwaruk, Larry, Sundog Highway

Wittgenstein, Ludwig

Wolseley, General Garnet Joseph


Young, Captain George H.