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That Friday David was woken up by his phone vibrating on his nightstand. He hoped that it would be Carrie, but instead, he was looking at his mother’s name flashing across his screen. He ran his hand over his face to try to feel more alive before sliding his thumb across the screen and holding the phone up to his ear.
“Hey, Mom,” he answered.
“Oh, my God. I actually do have a son. It’s been so long since I’ve heard from you, I was starting to think you were a figment of my imagination,” she joked dryly.
He rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help but feel a tad bit guilty that he wasn’t putting more effort into talking to his family. He vowed to be different; family was one of the most important things in his life. With his new relationship, he’d kind of put them on the back burner... He was a horrible son.
“I’m sorry about that. This job’s kind of kicking my ass,” he replied.
She huffed, but didn’t say anything about his language. “Well, I was just calling to make sure you were still able to make it to Thanksgiving dinner this year.” He closed his eyes as he had to hold in a groan. He’d completely spaced the holiday. “It’s going to be at my sister’s again this year. I’ve already invited John, Taylor, and Christopher, so it’s bound to be a packed house.”
He wasn’t too surprised to hear her say that she had invited his best friend before her own son. Before John had even met Taylor, she had been having his mom babysit Christopher whenever she needed. Needless to say, his mom had a huge soft spot for that little guy. What he wanted more than anything for that holiday was to spend it with Carrie, though.
As she crossed his mind, he realized that if John was going to his family gathering again this year, she either would have to eat with her friends or get an invitation from her brother, which wasn’t how he wanted her to meet his family. As he thought of her sitting next to him at the family table, he realized how much he wanted that picture to come to life.
“I’ll be there, Mom.” She called out excitedly, but before she could say anything else David asked her, “Is it okay if I bring someone with me?”
He could picture her jaw falling to the floor at his question. She’d bugged him countless times about settling down with a fine young woman before all of the “good ones were taken.” She’d even attempted to set him up on a few blind dates, but he’d never gone through with them. He hadn’t wanted to hurt anyone’s feelings when he knew that he just wasn’t ready for a relationship.
“Is this someone a girl?” she asked carefully.
“It is. Um, it’s actually John’s younger sister, Carrie.”
She was silent as she processed that information. To his knowledge, she’d never met her, but he knew that John had told stories of their childhood before. With how important his mom was to him, he really hoped that she liked Carrie.
“Is this a relationship?” she finally questioned.
“It is.”
“Is it serious?”
“It is,” he said again.
He could hear her smile in her voice as she spoke next. “Well, then she is completely welcome. I can’t wait to finally meet her.”
“Me too.” He couldn’t help but think that there was a small chance that she wouldn’t even want to come to the gathering in the first place. He just had to cross his fingers and figure out the best way to ask her.
CARRIE WAS SO GLAD to see the weekend arrive. With her homework load, she made sure to carve out the morning to finish the few papers she needed for class, but after that, she would be all David’s. She couldn’t wait.
She was typing up her final thoughts when Lex knocked on her door.
“Are you going over to David’s again tonight?”
Carrie nodded. “Yeah. I will when I’m done with this. Why?” She really hoped that Lex didn’t feel like she was being pushed aside for this new relationship. Carrie made sure that throughout the week, she gave Lex plenty of her time so she could freely spend her weekends with David.
“Just wondering,” she said coyly. Carrie could tell that there was more to her agenda than she was saying.
“Why are you wondering?”
She gave Carrie a large smile as she sat down on the edge of her bed. “Are you going to tell him you love him yet?”
Carrie opened her mouth and closed it a few times as she tried to figure out what to say. Was she really that obvious?
“What—what are you talking about?”
Lex shook her head. “It’s obvious to everyone except David, I think.”
“Oh, God,” Carrie moaned before dropping her head into her hands.
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Lex told her before putting a hand comfortingly on her shoulder to get her to lift her head. “It’s sweet. After so long of pining over him and thinking that he could never feel the same way, you’re finally able to love him and be loved by him.”
Carrie looked away shyly. “Who’s to say that he even loves me anyway?” She couldn’t count how many times she’d been tempted to tell him her feelings ever since she’d realized what she’d been feeling, but she didn’t want to be the one to say it first just in case she’d seriously miscalculated the situation.
Lex just gave her a small smile. “That man loves you so much. He would jump in front of a bullet for you.”
Carrie couldn’t help but feel a warmth spread through her chest at the thought that someone could love her that much.
“Well, let’s hope it doesn’t have to come to that,” she said dryly. She’d just gotten David; she didn’t want to live in a world without him.
NEEDLESS TO SAY, CARRIE was a bundle of nerves when she drove to David’s half an hour later. She couldn’t stop thinking about what Lex had told her. Should she just say the words and hope for the best or wait for him to say them? What if he was worried about the same things she was? By the time he opened the door, she still hadn’t decided what she was going to do.
“There you are,” he said seductively before pulling her into his arms and shutting the door behind her. “I’ve missed you, sweetheart.” His lips met hers, and she soon forgot all of her worries. She almost forgot her name.
“What’s the plan for tonight?” she gasped out when their lips finally parted. If she wasn’t careful, she could lose all of her train of thought and end up giving herself to him against the front door. Which wasn’t a completely horrible idea, she thought.
“I made us dinner and then thought we could watch a movie, or we could just skip right to the good part,” he said softly as he trailed open-mouthed kisses from her chin down to her neck so she couldn’t misconstrue what he was talking about.
“Won’t the food get cold?” she asked softly. She was actually impressed that she could put an entire sentence together with the way that her thoughts were scattered.
“The food can wait.”
She sighed. She wanted to skip to the good part, but when her stomach grumbled, she couldn’t help but laugh.
He joined her. “I’m failing here as a boyfriend; you’re practically going to waste away if I don’t get you anything to eat first, right?”
She chucked and nodded her head. He took her hand and led her to the kitchen where she was met with an amazing smell.
She groaned. “What did you make? It smells wonderful.”
He smiled a little self-consciously. “It’s one of my mom’s favorite dishes. She made sure to teach it to both me and my sister before we left for college. It’s just chicken enchiladas with some rice on the side.”
“Well, whatever it is, I want to marry it.”
“Hey, now,” he said with a smile. “Let’s not get crazy here. It may taste good, but it’s not going to keep you warm at night, is it?”
She hemmed and hawed for a few seconds before breaking down and shaking her head.
He smirked at her before pushing her against his counter and wrapping his arms around her waist. “You’re going to pay for that later, you know that?” She felt a chill climb her spine at the obvious threat that was in his voice. She loved his gentleman side, but she had to admit that when he acted like this, like he wanted to punish her, her pussy clenched with need.
She absolutely loved it.
“Promises, promises,” she said quietly.
“God, little minx...” he groaned. “You’re going to be the death of me, you know that?”
She gave him a mischievous smile. “What a way to go.”
DINNER WAS AMAZING; Carrie was very impressed with his cooking. They sat next to each other at the table, talking about their weeks.
“My mom called me a few days ago,” he told her.
“How’d that go?” She’d never met his mom, but from what she’d heard from both David and John, she was a very kind woman.
“Good. She was just double checking with me that I was going to be able to make it to family Thanksgiving.”
“Will you?” The last time she’d been to a family holiday dinner was when her parents were still alive. Ever since then, she and John just had a quiet meal together. It wasn’t much, but it was special. This year, her brother had told her that they were going to a friend of Taylor’s for the holiday. He’d invited her, but she didn’t feel comfortable tagging along to someone’s house that she didn’t even know. With David going to his own family, it looked like she would be spending the holiday alone. She tried not to let that thought take root in her mind because she didn’t want to ruin this moment with David.
“I am... I did want to ask if... maybe... you would come with me?”
Her eyes rose quickly from her plate to meet his nervous gaze.
“You want me to come with you?”
He swallowed. “Yes. I’d really like you to meet my family. We’ll be at my aunt’s house again this year, so you’ll get to meet everyone.”
“Are you sure about this? Would your mom be okay with me essentially crashing your family dinner?” She didn’t want to give his mom a bad first impression.
“I already cleared it with her, and she was more than happy.” He walked around the table, pulled her chair around, and knelt in front of her. “I want you to come. I want to show you off to everyone that’s close to me.” He took a deep breath before continuing, “I want them to meet the woman that I’m in love with.”
She was pretty sure her jaw needed to be picked up off the ground.
“You’re in love with me?” Her voice was so quiet that she could barely hear herself. She was too scared to say the words in case she’d heard wrong. She was tempted to pinch herself to make sure that she wasn’t dreaming.
He smiled so wide that his eyes crinkled in the corners. “I’m so in love with you that it’s crazy.”
Unbelievably, tears filled her eyes, but she quickly blinked them away. Happy tears could come later, now she had better things to do—rather, say.
“I love you, too.” Her voice may have come out quiet, but it rang with the truth that was behind those words.
She leaned down and met his lips halfway. This kiss seemed to hold more meaning than their other ones. This one spoke of their newfound love and trust that they’d found in each other.
He pulled away before things could progress any farther.
“So will you come with me?”
She’d been so shocked by his admission that she’d forgotten the question he’d asked her before.
“Yes. I’ll come.”
He smiled blindingly. “There’s something else. My mom said that she’d already asked John and them if they could come, so you’ll have your family with you too.”
She gasped softly. “Damn him. He told me that they were spending the holiday with one of Taylor’s friends.”
David shrugged, but she could see the laughter he was trying to hold back.
“Maybe he didn’t feel comfortable inviting you to my family’s dinner? It’ll fucking shock him when he sees you with me.”
It definitely would, she thought.
“That just makes me look forward to that night even more,” she told him.
They laughed together at the thought of John’s face but quickly moved on to other, more fun activities. Their lips met again, and soon their tongues were twisting around each other as they fought for dominance. When his lips left hers and trailed down her neck, she felt her pussy clench with need. All she wanted at this moment was his cock inside of her.
“Should we take this upstairs?” she gasped out.
He shook his head against her neck before moving his hands to her hips and popping the button on her jeans.
“I want you right here. Every time I look at this table I want to think of you bent over it, screaming my name,” he told her roughly.
She had to hold a moan back as she pictured what he was describing. She had to admit that she wanted that too. She lifted her hips as he slid her jeans down along with her underwear. He didn’t stand up from his spot on the floor. Instead, he drew her legs around his shoulders and feasted on her soaked pussy.
“Fuck,” she screamed out at the feeling of his tongue on her clit. She was already so close.
He seemed to sense her imminent release. He pushed two of his fingers inside her and pushed against her G-spot in just the right way to get her squirming on the seat and pulling at his hair until she was worried that she might tear the strands out.
“Come on my tongue,” he demanded. At his words, she could feel the string unravel, and she was falling. He sucked up all of her juices and, when she was back down to Earth, he stood up and looked at her with eyes that were completely black with desire. “Strip.”
She didn’t waste a moment before shedding the remainder of her clothing. He followed suit and, not long after she had thrown her shirt and bra to the ground, his own clothing met hers.
He fisted his cock as he looked her over. For anyone else before him, she would’ve felt nervous and self-conscious, but with him, she felt sexy and beautiful.
“God, little minx, you don’t know the things I want to do to you,” he growled out.
She bit her lip. “Show me then.” She wanted him to feel comfortable enough with her to be able to talk about any fantasies—the darker, the better.
His eyes flashed eagerly. “Are you sure?”
She nodded her head. She’d never been more sure about anything in her entire life.
“Bend over, and no peeking,” he demanded.
She did as he told her. She laid so her front was completely against the wood of the table. Their plates were next to her, but she didn’t give them any thought. She tried to listen to what he was doing to get a clue as to what he wanted to do with her, but all she heard were a few drawers closing before his footsteps got closer.
He took her arms and tied something soft just underneath her elbows.
“What’s your safe word?” he asked darkly.
She swallowed down a gasp at his question. Fuck... what was he going to do to her?
“Um...” She looked around herself for some inspiration. When her eyes fell on their dinner plates, she said the first word that popped into her head. “Chicken.”
She could practically see him smile at her choice, but he didn’t laugh. “Good, baby, now if you want me to stop just say chicken and I’ll stop, okay?”
She nodded her head. He didn’t waste another moment before pulling her arms back a little bit, just enough to arch her back and push her chest harder into the table. Without warning, he slammed his thick cock inside her. She screamed out at the intrusion, but soon pleasure overpassed any pain that she was feeling.
He pounded into her so hard, she knew that she would be feeling him for days, if not weeks. She relished the feeling of him losing control and using her body in whatever way he wanted.
She loved every minute of it.
He spoke in broken sentences as he told her how tight she felt around him, how wet she was, and how sexy she looked completely at his mercy. With every dirty word, she could feel herself getting closer and closer to her impending orgasm.
He grabbed her leg and pulled it up so her foot was resting on the table. She wasn’t particularly flexible, but she couldn’t focus on the feeling of her muscles stretching. All she could feel, all she could think about was the pleasure that he was wringing throughout her entire body.
The final straw came when he took his hands from her hips. One went to her hair to grab a fistful and the other one circled around and stopped just above her clit. At the feeling of his finger strumming against her most intimate part, she screamed out as her release hit her with the force of a one-hundred-ton car.
As she floated in her bliss, he continued to use her body until he followed her off the proverbial cliff. He stilled inside her and groaned aloud. After a moment of trying to catch his breath, he finally landed a sweet kiss on her spine.
“Are you okay?”
She smiled dreamily. “More than okay.”
He untied her hands and dropped the towel next to her head. He massaged her arms until she could once again feel her fingers. He then picked her up bridal style and brought her upstairs to clean her up before laying her down in his bed. She was floored as she had to remind herself that this was the same man that had his way with her not even five minutes ago. The two sides of him were complete opposites, but, to her, she wouldn’t have him any other way.
He was perfect.