
Many thanks to the people who helped this book along its circuitous path:

Members of the Big Brain Trust for reading drafts and providing feedback, sometimes on the stormy coast of Oregon: Marc Acito, Courtenay Hameister, Storm Large, Christine McKinley, and Cynthia Whitcomb.

My editors at Bloomsbury, Melanie Cecka and Margaret Miller, for hanging on patiently while this book figured out what to be when it grew up.

My literary agent, Laurie Fox, and manager, Justin Manask, for always bringing their A game.

Dan Stern for his etymological skills.

My wife, Anna, for pointing out the bad stuff before the good stuff.

And finally, my heartfelt thanks go out to everyone who visits Mekhos. Remember not to stay too long in the Toparian Wyldes, and try not to startle the atomic slaughterbots—they’re more delicate than they look.