A short while later, Crystal studied the arsenal of Bane’s personal weapons spread out on the table and glanced over at him. “I thought a person couldn’t travel on a plane with one weapon, much less a whole suitcase full of them.”
He met her gaze. “They can’t.”
She lifted a curious brow. “Then, how did you get through the security checkpoint when you flew to Dallas?”
“I didn’t. Bailey figured I might need them and brought them with her to the cabin. I’m glad she did. And there was no problem bringing them with me on Garth’s private plane.”
Crystal watched how he checked each one out, making sure there was enough ammunition for each. It was close to one in the morning. “You have some awesome teammates, Bane. I enjoyed reading about them, and they have been here for you. For us. Throughout this ordeal. I can’t wait to meet Coop. You mentioned him a lot in your letters.”
She noticed Bane’s hands go still, and when she glanced into his face she saw pain etched in his features. “Bane? What is it? What’s wrong?”
He looked at her. “You won’t get a chance to meet Coop, Crystal. We lost him during one of our covert operations.”
“Oh, no!” She fought back tears for a man she’d never met. But in a way she had met him through Bane’s letters and knew from what he’d written that he and Coop shared a special bond. “What happened?”
“I can’t give you the details but it was a setup. I’m not sure how it was done but he was taken alive. Then a few days later they sent our CO Coop’s bloody clothes and military tag to let us know what they did to him.”
She wrapped her arms around Bane’s waist. “I am so sorry for your loss. After reading your letters I know what a special friendship the two of you shared.”
Bane nodded. “Yes, he was a good friend. Like a brother. I’m sorry you didn’t get to meet him.”
Hearing the sadness in his words, Crystal leaned up on tiptoe and pressed her lips to his. It was a quick kiss, because they didn’t have much time and the situation wouldn’t allow anything else. She released him, took a step back and glanced at the clock on the wall. “That’s strange.”
“What is?”
“I’m surprised no one has called. I would think Oakwood would be keeping tabs on us, letting us know what’s going on or how close those people are to here.” When Bane didn’t say anything she studied his features. “You noticed it, too. Didn’t you?”
“Yes, I noticed it and I think I know the reason.”
“Someone blocked any calls coming in or out of here. Whoever did it assumes they have us cornered, but I was able to text Walker and the Outlaws right after talking with Oakwood to apprise them of what’s going on. I have every reason to believe they are on their way if they aren’t here already.” He looked down at her. “I’m asking you again to go down below, Crystal.”
“Only if we’re down there together.”
She heard his deep breath of frustration before Bane said, “Then take this,” and passed her one of the smaller handguns off the table. “Not that you should need to use it,” he added. She inserted it into the pocket of her jacket.
At that moment the light in the room flickered a few times before going completely out, throwing the entire house into darkness. “Bane?”
“I’m here,” he said, wrapping an arm around her.
She jumped when suddenly there was a hard knock at the door.
“Seriously? Do they think we plan on answering it?” Bane said in an annoyed tone.
“But what if it’s Walker or the Outlaws? Or even Oakwood?”
“It’s not,” he said. “Too soon to be Oakwood. And as far as Walker and the Outlaws, we agreed to communicate by a signal.”
“What kind of signal?”
“The sound of a mourning dove’s coo. I didn’t hear the signal so you know what that means.”
She nodded. Yes, she knew what that meant.
* * *
Bane wished like hell that Crystal had done what he’d said and gone down below. He needed to concentrate and wasn’t sure he could do that for worrying about her.
Suddenly a loud voice that sounded as if it came through a megaphone blared from outside. “Mr. Outlaw. Miss Newsome. We are members of the Department of Homeland Security. We’re here to take Miss Newsome to safety.”
“Like hell,” Bane whispered in a growl. “Those bastards expect us to just open the door and invite them inside in total darkness. They figure we’re stupid enough to fall for that?”
“If you don’t respond to our request,” the voice continued, “we will assume the two of you are in danger and will force our way in.”
Your decision, Bane thought. Bring it on.
“You think they really will force their way in?” Crystal asked softly.
“That’s evidently their plan, so let’s get prepared,” he said, lowering her to the floor with him. At that moment his cell phone vibrated in his pocket. Someone had gotten past the block. He quickly pulled the phone out and read the text message from Walker. 5 of them.
“Somehow Walker got through the block to let me know there are five men surrounding the cabin. At least that’s all they see. There might be others.”
“At least Walker and the Outlaws are here.”
“Yes, and they know to stay low and not let their presence be known unless something serious goes down. We need to get the ringleader.”
“So for now it’s five against two.”
He frowned. “I want you to stay down, Crystal. They won’t do anything that will harm you since you’re valuable to them. That means they’ll try to get inside to grab you.”
Suddenly there was a huge crash. It sounded like the front door caving in. “Shh,” Bane whispered. “Someone just got inside.”
* * *
Male voices could be heard from another room. “Miss Newsome, let us know where you are. We know you think you’re safe here with Cash Outlaw, but we have reason to believe he can’t be trusted. We need to get you out of here and get you to safety.”
Multiple footsteps could be heard going from room to room, which meant more than one man had gotten inside. Suddenly the lights came back on. “Stay down,” Bane ordered her as he moved to get up from the floor.
“Not on your life.” The moment she eased up with Bane, who had his gun drawn, two men entered the room with their guns drawn, as well. Bane shoved her behind him.
“Miss Newsome? Are you okay?” one of the men asked. Both were dressed in camouflage. One appeared to be well over six feet and the other was five-nine or so.
“I’m fine,” she said, poking her head from around Bane to size up the two men. Both looked to be in their forties, with guns aimed right at Bane. He in turn had his gun aimed right at them.
“Then, tell your friend to put his gun down,” the shorter of the two men said.
“Why can’t the two of you put yours down?” Crystal retorted. She tried to block from her mind the sudden thought that this was how things had played out in the dream she’d had a few nights ago.
“We can’t. Like we told you, Homeland Security has reason to believe he’s dangerous.”
As far as Crystal was concerned, that wasn’t an understatement. She could feel the anger radiating off Bane. “Who are you?” she asked the one doing all the talking.
“We’re with Homeland Security,” the taller man said.
“I want names.”
She could tell from his expression that he was getting annoyed with her. “I’m Gene Sharrod, head of the CLT division, and this is Ron Blackmon, head of DMP.”
“You’re both heads of your divisions. I’m impressed. Why would the top brass personally come for me?”
“The people after you want you for insalubrious reasons. Reasons that could be a threat to our national security.”
“I got the note.”
“Yes, and we believe you did the right thing by disappearing like it told you to. But now we’re here to handle things and keep you safe.”
Crystal lifted her chin. “How did you know what the note said?” She could tell from the look on the man’s face that he realized he’d just made a slip.
“Let’s cut the BS.” Bane spoke up in an angry voice. “Bottom line is she isn’t going anywhere.”
“You aren’t in any position to say anything about it, Mr. Outlaw,” the shorter of the two men said with a sneer. “In case you haven’t noticed, there are two guns aimed at you so I suggest you drop yours.”
“And I suggest the two of you drop yours,” Bane responded tersely, looking from one man to the other.
The taller man had the audacity to snicker. “Do you honestly think you can take the both of us down, Outlaw?”
A cocky smile touched Bane’s lips. “I know I can. And the name isn’t Outlaw. Cash Outlaw is my cousin. I’m Brisbane Westmoreland. Navy SEAL. SE348907. And just so you know, I’m a master sniper. So be forewarned. I can blow both your heads off without splattering any blood on that sofa.”
The shorter man seemed taken aback by what Bane had said, but Crystal could tell by the look that appeared in the taller man’s eyes that he thought Bane was bluffing.
“Trust me,” she said. “He’s telling the truth.”
The taller man’s eyes darkened in anger. “We’re not leaving here without you.”
“Wanna bet?” Bane snarled. “My wife isn’t going anywhere with either of you.”
“Wife?” Sharrod asked, shocked.
“Yes, his wife,” Crystal confirmed, holding up the finger of her left hand, where her diamond ring shone brilliantly.
“I’m tired of talking,” Bane said. “Put your damn guns down now.”
Blackmon narrowed his gaze at Bane. “Like Sharrod said. You’re in no position to give orders.”
Suddenly shots rang out and before Crystal could blink, Bane had shot the guns right out of both men’s hands. “I am now,” Bane said easily.
The two men bowed over, howling in pain. One of them, Crystal wasn’t sure which one, claimed one of his fingers had gotten shot off. Then they heard the mourning dove coo just seconds before Walker, Bailey and Garth stormed into the room with their own guns drawn.
“You guys okay?” Bailey asked, rushing over to them, while Walker and Garth went over to the two men, who were wailing at the top of their lungs, sounding worse than babies. “Sloan and Maverick are outside taking care of the men who came with these two.”
“You’re going to regret this, Outlaw…Westmoreland, or whatever your name is,” Blackmon snarled. “Homeland Security is going to nail your ass. This is treason. You are betraying your country.”
“No, I think the two of you are betraying yours,” Oakwood said, charging in. “Gene Sharrod and Ron Blackmon, you are both under arrest. Get them out of here,” he told his men as they rushed forward.
“We need medical treatment,” Blackmon screamed, holding his bloodied hand when agents came to grab him.
Bane frowned. “Better be glad it was just your hands and not your damn heads like I threatened to blow off. So stop whining.”
After Oakwood and his agents had taken both men out the door, Bane turned to Crystal and frowned. “I told you to stay down.”
She reached up to caress the angry lines around his jaw. “I know, but you forgot what you also said.”
“That we were in this together.”
And then she leaned up to place a chaste kiss on his lips, but he evidently had other ideas and pulled her into his arms and deepened the kiss. She wrapped her arms around him and returned the kiss, not caring that they had an audience.
When one of the men cleared his throat, they broke off the kiss and Bane whispered against her moist lips, “Come on, Mrs. Westmoreland. Let’s go home.”