Sparkling Shoujo Eyes

I know, this is the part you’ve been waiting for! Nothing says manga so much as the eyes. They spotlight the charisma and sheer brilliance of these popular, expressive characters: The shoujo style is famous for its big-eyed personalities.

Let’s start with the basics that apply to both male and female eyes: Begin with ovals for the irises (the colored part of the eyeball), not circles. Frame the eyeball with a heavy top eyelid and a thin lower eyelid. Note that the upper eyelids travel in toward the bridge of the nose, as if they’re bending toward each other.

Female Eye Details

The iris in female manga eyes is larger than it is in male eyes, taking up much more of the eyeball area. As a result, the surrounding white areas are smaller. Eyelashes are more pronounced on the upper eyelid than on the lower one. The eyebrows are thin.

Male Eye Details

The iris in male manga eyes is smaller than it is in female eyes, taking up less of the eyeball area. So, use a smaller oval to draw it. There are no—or only the barest minimum of—eyelashes. The eyebrow, while still not too bushy, is thicker than the female eyebrow.

Secrets of Shoujo Eyes

Because shoujo is famous for its glamorous eyes, we’ll spend a little extra time on this feature.

The top box shows how a beginner might draw manga eyes. They’re quite plain and are black and white with no variation. The eyes in the bottom box are done like a professional manga artist would draw shoujo eyes: with a lighter touch and “feathered” to give a softer, glistening look. The lashes, too, are thicker and more profuse.



Gallery of Shoujo Eyes

There’s no single right way to draw manga eyes. Use these examples to find the types of eyes that suit your taste. You can pick from what’s here or improvise to make them your own. Some eyes will feature long lashes, some short, and some none at all. Some eyelids press down on the eyeball, and some arch above the eye, leaving a space between eyelid and eyeball. But in every case, the eye is large and round, with plenty of shines.