ON 2 OCTOBER 1869, A SON WAS BORN INTO A MIDDLE-CLASS family in Gujarat, a collection of princely states under British authority on the western coast of India. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi had an ordinary childhood, culminating, as ordinary childhoods often do, in a teenage rebellion. This revealed a boy whose desire to experiment was usually halted by an immobilizing timidity in the actual act of defiance. He tried smoking, and stole gold from his family to finance it; but this upset him morally, and so he stopped. Though from a strictly vegetarian family, he tried eating meat; but this upset him physically, and then morally as well, and then he dreamt of a live goat trapped in his stomach, bleating, so he stopped that too. Once he was egged on to visit a prostitute, but stood in the brothel having a crisis of confidence until the woman shouted at him to go away. On another occasion, he and a cousin ventured into the jungle to kill themselves by overdosing on datura, the narcotic seeds of the thorn apple – but, once they found the plant, they lost their nerve.1
This boy’s family was reasonably well off and of a middling but respectable caste. Hindu society had been divided for over 1700 years into four main castes, reflecting second-century social groups: Brahmins (priests), Kshatriyas (warriors), Vaishyas (merchants), and Sudras (farmers). Within each of these were hundreds of minute subdivisions, and below them a mass of outcastes, or ‘untouchables’ – those unfortunates who, condemned by the bad karma of previous incarnations, were destined to spend their lives sweeping, begging, scrubbing latrines and cleaning up corpses. The Gandhi family were Vaishyas, and within that were of the Bania subdivision. Banias were notorious for being hard-bargaining salesmen, a trait which young Mohan evidently inherited, and would one day apply to spiritual and political ends with unprecedented effect.
Mohan’s rebellion was perhaps more unusual because the supposed cure for youthful misbehaviour had already been administered. Karamchand and Putliba Gandhi had already married their thirteen-year-old son to a girl from a staunchly religious family. The girl who had been chosen, Kasturbai Makanji (known according to local tradition as Kasturba later in life, when she became matriarch of the household) was also just thirteen.2
During daylight hours, etiquette decreed that Mohan and Kasturbai should ignore each other completely. Even an affectionate word between husband and wife was considered taboo. As darkness fell, they were left to their own devices – though neither had much idea what those should be. Mohan went to the bazaar to buy pamphlets, hoping to learn about his conjugal rights and duties. He was taken with the concept of fidelity, and decided it should be his task to extract this from little Kasturbai. He told her that she could no longer leave the house without his consent.
But, despite her youth, Kasturbai had already mastered the most effective technique available to women who live in extremely restrictive societies: that of passive resistance. She was a devout Hindu from a very traditional background, and would not openly disobey her husband. Instead, she found a loophole.
Mohan’s mother asked Kasturbai to accompany her to the temple every day. Because this request was made in the daytime, when the young spouses were not supposed to communicate, Kasturbai was unable to ask Mohan’s permission. To disobey the command of the matriarch, on the other hand, would have been a terrible sin. So Kasturbai went with Putliba to the temple, and returned to have her first fight with her husband, which she won by the sheer power of logic. Mohan was forced to remove the restrictions he had placed on Kasturbai.3
This small incident would hardly be worthy of note, except for the fact that it formed the basis for Gandhi’s entire political method. In later years, when he found that he was at a disadvantage being an Indian in a white world, he would remember and develop the tactic of a woman in a man’s world. All Gandhi’s most famous tactics – passive resistance, civil disobedience, logical argument, non-violence in the face of violence, emotional blackmail – had came from Kasturbai’s influence. He freely admitted this: ‘I learned the lesson of non-violence from my wife.’4
Though his father had been Prime Minister of the princely state of Porbandar, young Mohan had not yet found any reason to involve himself in politics. Porbandar was over 800 miles from Bombay, where, in 1885, a Scotsman called Allan Octavian Hume founded the Indian National Congress. Congress enjoyed no legal status, but acted as a forum and a mouthpiece for Indian (as well as progressive British Indian) opinion. It was far from being a revolutionary organization; its foundation was approved by the Viceroy.5 Its modest claims included a greater share of government for educated Indians, along with citizenship and equal rights with other members of the British Empire.
In Gujarat, Mohan and Kasturbai went through adolescence, and Kasturbai became pregnant for the first time. But their lives were to be disrupted by the illness of Mohan’s father, Karamchand, who was consigned to his bed with a fistula in 1885. The son took on the duty of nurse. ‘Every night whilst my hands were busy massaging my father’s legs, my mind was hovering about the bedroom,’ he admitted. It was an ill-fated juxtaposition. One night, Mohan’s uncle offered to massage Karamchand. Eagerly accepting, Mohan went to Kasturbai. Though it was considered a sin against God to have sex with a pregnant woman, Mohan did so; and, just five or six minutes afterwards, received the most horrible shock of his young life. A servant knocked at the door to tell him his father had died.
Mohan rushed to Karamchand’s room, overwhelmed with grief and, more importantly, with guilt. ‘I saw that, if animal passion had not blinded me, I should have been spared the torture of separation from my father during his last moments’, he later wrote. In the boy’s distraught mind, his lust had killed his father. Pleasure was immediately conflated with destruction. In the development of his philosophy and his life, Mohan began to look for salvation in self-denial and discomfort. His father’s death was ‘a blot I have never been able to efface or forget’, he confessed at the age of fifty-six.
As if to confirm Mohan’s sense that he had brought a curse upon himself, Kasturbai gave birth to a weak and ailing infant. ‘I may mention that the poor mite that was born to my wife scarcely breathed for more than three or four days,’ wrote Gandhi. ‘Let all those who are married be warned by my example.’6
In June 1888, the couple had a healthy baby, Harilal. Three months after his son was born, Mohandas Gandhi set sail for London.
Going to London was a brave move for the nineteen-year-old Mohandas. He faced opposition from his mother, who made him swear a solemn vow in front of a Jain monk to abstain from what she correctly imagined were the corrupting influences of London life: eating meat, drinking and whoring. He faced even more daunting opposition from the Bania community. When the elders in Bombay heard that Mohandas was planning to cross the Arabian Sea, they met to discuss the matter – and concluded that, because none of them had ever been to Britain, it must be ‘polluting’ to do so. If Mohandas went, he would be rejected by his caste, and would forever rank among the outcaste sweepers and scavengers.7 Mohandas ignored these dire pronouncements, and got on the next boat. He would not see his wife and child again for three years.
In 1888, London was one of the greatest and richest cities on earth. Mohandas was not impressed, finding it expensive and strange, with bland food and incomprehensible customs. ‘At night the tears would stream down my cheeks, and home memories of all sorts made sleep out of the question’, he wrote.8 He had an interest in medicine but, mindful of his family’s opposition to the dissection of dead bodies, instead enrolled at the Inner Temple to study law.9 In London, Mohandas dressed in a very different garb from the one in which he would eventually find fame. He was seen in Piccadilly wearing a pin-striped morning suit, stiff Gladstonian collar, silk topper and spats over his patent shoes, as well as what a fellow Indian student remembered as being ‘a rather flashy tie’.10 But this fashionable rig represented a meticulous nature, not profligacy. Adrift in the decadent luxury of London, Mohandas tended towards ever more stringent economies. He lodged in one room in Baron’s Court. He walked everywhere. He stopped ordering spices from India, and subsisted on a diet of porridge, cocoa and plain boiled spinach. He became popular: with one bottle of wine between each four students at Inner Temple dinners, everyone wanted to sit beside the teetotaller from Gujarat.11
One day he stumbled across one of Victorian London’s few meat-free restaurants, the Centre in Farringdon Road, and joined the Vegetarian Society of England.12 Thanks to his new friends in the Society, he started reading Christian writers, such as Leo Tolstoy and John Ruskin, who would rank among his strongest influences. They also induced him to read the Bhagavad Gita for the first time.13 From this point he began to develop his personal philosophy. It was rooted in Hindu scripture, but incorporated many of the anti-materialistic and abstinent values of early Christianity and Jainism. He considered it to be applicable to all faiths. Central to his message was a motto: ‘God is truth’.14
Mohandas returned to India in 1891. He went through a purification ceremony to re-enter his caste, and began to practise law in Bombay. The results were lacklustre. When, in 1893, a businessman offered him a job in South Africa for three years, he decided it was best to take this opportunity, and left his family again.
The trip to South Africa was to change the course of his life. For the first time, Gandhi would experience the full force of colonial racism. Only a week after his arrival, he was physically thrown from a train at Maritzburg. Having bought a first-class ticket, he had presumed it was his right to sit in the first-class compartment. The conductor thought otherwise, and had him ejected by a policeman. He proceeded by stagecoach, and was beaten up by the coach-leader because he had asked to sit inside the coach, rather than on a dirty piece of sackcloth on the footboard. On his eventual arrival in Johannesburg, the Grand National Hotel refused to let the well-dressed Indian barrister have a room.15
Mohandas Gandhi had arrived in what was, for an Indian, one of the most hostile territories on earth. The 150,000 Indians in South Africa were described in the statute books as ‘semi-barbarous Asiatics, or persons belonging to the uncivilised races of Asia’, and were subject to an array of punitive restrictions designed to make their lives as difficult and unprofitable as possible.16 Gandhi launched a campaign that demanded equal rights for Indians in South Africa as citizens of the British Empire. On 22 May 1894, he inaugurated the Natal Indian Congress – modelled on the Indian National Congress, of which he had read but never yet attended. The suspicion of the authorities was immediately aroused. Two years later, when he brought his wife and children to South Africa, it was made obvious that the Gandhis were not welcome. The port supervisors refused to let their ship dock for twenty-three days. When they disembarked, Gandhi was attacked by a mob of white men, who threw stones, bricks and eggs at him, before setting on him with punches and kicks. He was saved by the wife of the police superintendent, who bravely interposed herself, armed only with a parasol. Later that day, a lynch mob surrounded the house where the Gandhi family was hiding.
For once in his life, Gandhi was persuaded not to confront his enemies, on the grounds that this would put his family and friends in even more danger. Instead he disguised himself as a policeman, with a tin pan wrapped under his turban for defence, and thus attired made it to the local police station.17 He had been so badly beaten after getting off the ship that it was two days before he could make a statement, but he refused to bring charges against his attackers.18 This disinclination to see punishment enacted distinguished Gandhi from other political agitators. Here was something new – and it would attract murmurs of surprise, and even admiration, in the international press.
During 1897, with Kasturba pregnant again, Mohandas invited several young law clerks to live with the family. He started to implement rules inspired by the vision of society offered by Ruskin and Tolstoy, aimed at egalitarian, cooperative living, and a pure devotion to God through asceticism. One of the founding principles was that everyone was supposed to empty and clean their own chamber pots – a task which Hindus normally delegated to the Untouchables. Kasturba was appalled, not least because of the rule that she and Mohandas had to clean any that had been forgotten. One day, when a Christian Indian of Untouchable parentage accidentally left his pot unemptied, she found it. She refused to move it, to which Mohandas replied that he would clean it himself. For a Hindu wife to allow her husband to defile himself is considered an even greater degradation than to pollute her own body. Weeping with anger and humiliation, Kasturba lugged the pot down the stairs outside the house. Little did she realize that Mohandas was watching. He lost his temper, shouting that not only must she carry around buckets of excrement, but that she should do so cheerfully. She threatened to walk out, at which point Mohandas grabbed her roughly by the arm. He dragged her to the gate and tried to shove her through it. She sobbed that she had nowhere to go. At this, he relented, and let her back.19
The incident illustrated Gandhi’s growing belief that personal life was an integral part of politics. He insisted on leading by example, no matter what the consequences were for himself, his family, his friends or his followers. In 1899, he demonstrated this again on a grander scale when the Boer War broke out. In spite of his personal sympathy with the Dutch settlers, Gandhi’s reaction was that the Indians must support the British. If they demanded British rights, he reasoned, they must shoulder British responsibilities. He set up the Indian Ambulance Corps and actively recruited his countrymen in the name of the Queen-Empress. The Indians served without pay, and would march up to twenty-five miles every day, bearing the British Empire’s wounded on stretchers back to their camps. Gandhi’s courage, hard work and patriotism paid off. He was awarded the War Medal, and the Indian Ambulance Corps was mentioned in dispatches.20
The Ambulance Corps was an early example of Gandhi’s flair for the grand gesture. The defining motif of self-sacrifice was important. After the birth of his fourth surviving son, Devadas, in 1900, he attempted to become a brahmachari – a celibate. This decision was strengthened by the family’s move from their villa to the first of his formal ashrams (semi-monastic community retreats) in 1904. Gandhi believed that the community would grow more intimate overall if its members had no special favourites, either through sexual intimacy or family ties.21 There was also the aspect of sin. In his young teens, Mohandas had learnt in the most devastating way to associate sex with moral and physical ruin. In adult life, he began to consider any form of physical pleasure – food, comfort and intoxication, as well as sex – to be degrading, and any form of physical torment – fasting, scrubbing latrines, wearing prickly homespun cloth, being beaten up by the police – to be righteous.
In 1907, Gandhi coined the term satyagraha, a Sanskrit word, meaning literally ‘truth-force’. The intent was to imply a powerful but non-violent energy.22 During October 1908, while he was in prison for civil disobedience, his commitment was to be tested. Kasturba fell seriously ill. It was possible for Gandhi to have himself released at any time: all he had to do was plead guilty, pay the modest fine, and walk out from the prison gates. But Gandhi was not prepared to admit guilt. Friends, family, life and death meant less to him than truth, faith and politics. ‘I am not in a position to come and nurse you’, he wrote to Kasturba; ‘if it is destined that you shall die, I think it is preferable that you should go before me … Even if you die, for me you will be eternally alive.’ He assured her that he had ‘no intentions’ of remarrying after her death, and told her that her demise would be ‘another great sacrifice for the cause of Satyagraha’.23 Kasturba survived.
When Gandhi returned to India in 1915, he still did not appear to be the sort of man who shook empires. He seemed to be exactly the opposite. In the King’s birthday honours of 3 June 1915, Mohandas Gandhi of Ahmedabad was awarded the Kaiser-i-Hind (Emperor of India) medal for services to the British Empire.24 It was Sir Rabindranath Tagore, the Bengali poet and Nobel Laureate, who bestowed upon Gandhi the title by which he would become known. Tagore dubbed him ‘Mahatma’, meaning ‘great soul’. But the great soul would require a great lieutenant to link him to the temporal world. In one of history’s more surprising pairings, the lieutenant would be an upper-class Brahmin lawyer, the sophisticated product of Harrow and Cambridge, who spoke Indian languages only haltingly, and did not believe in God at all. And yet, despite their differences, the combined strength of Mohandas Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru would one day command the attention of the world.
While Gandhi was experimenting with truths, another Indian youth was preparing to go to England for his education. This boy was a far more promising student than Gandhi had been at the same age. He was also more sophisticated, more confident, more charming, much wealthier and conspicuously better looking. It was little surprise that young Jawaharlal Nehru was the apple of his father’s eye – and that father happened to be one of India’s top lawyers and an emerging figure in the Indian National Congress, Motilal Nehru.
Motilal Nehru was a colossus, of broad shoulder and imposing countenance. It was often remarked that, in profile, he resembled a Roman emperor. He dominated any gathering, both physically and intellectually. He was incisive, bullish, witty, warm, and occasionally fiery. He impressed everybody. Even the British attempted to change their own race rules so that they could invite him to join their clubs.25 He presided over a cheerfully integrated, Westernized and lavish household in the grandest mansion in Allahabad, Anand Bhavan. Under Motilal’s roof, no distinction was drawn between Hindus, Muslims, mixed-race Anglo-Indians, Untouchables and Europeans.26
As the beloved only child of a very privileged family, young Jawahar (as he was known) was haughty, refined and more than a little spoiled. Lacking brothers or sisters, and schooled at home without classmates, he soon learned to direct his thoughts and questions inwards. He developed a capacity for merciless self-judgement which, ultimately, would set him apart from other statesmen.
Jawahar only made it to the age of five or six before feeling the full power of his father’s fearsome temper. Motilal had two smart fountain pens in his study; his son took one without asking. A massive search ensued, during which the terrified Jawahar kept silent. The pen was eventually discovered in his possession, and Motilal administered a ferocious beating to the tiny boy. Even forty years later, when he was a veteran of several beatings at the hands of armed policemen, Jawahar’s memory of this first encounter with violence remained raw. ‘Almost blind with pain and mortification at my disgrace I rushed to Mother,’ he wrote, ‘and for several days various creams and ointments were applied to my aching and quivering little body.’27 But he did not hate his father for the pain he had suffered, nor even for the injustice of such a punishment. The explosive Nehru temper was hereditary, and the boy, though naturally of a gentle and even quiet disposition, soon learned to imitate his father’s outbursts. Later in life, he would become notorious for thumping those who irritated him.28
The counterpoint to this awestruck relationship with his father was the simple, comforting love Jawahar had from his mother, Swarup Rani. She cuddled him after Motilal’s thrashings, and offered him the beguiling images of Hinduism while Motilal doggedly maintained his secularism. For a while, Jawahar felt himself pulling towards the softer, more spiritual side of the Nehru household. He experimented with religion and, under the influence of his tutor, Ferdinand T. Brooks, even signed up to one. Theosophy had been invented in 1875 in England, and relied on fusing parts of Hinduism and Buddhism with the late nineteenth-century European fashions for mysticism, esoteric rituals, and attempted communion with the spirit world. Annie Besant, one of the religion’s most notable devotees and later a leading advocate for Indian independence, inducted Jawahar herself. He was thirteen years old.29 Not long afterwards Mr Brooks left, and young Jawahar’s creed departed shortly after.
Initially Jawahar had scorned his father’s strict rationalism as unimaginative. But ultimately, as with the temper, he could not help but emulate it. Faced with the indulgent comforts of his mother’s love, and the hard-headed challenge of his father’s, Jawahar preferred the challenge. Though he adored her, part of him began to look down on his mother. Her love for him, he wrote, was ‘excessive and indiscriminating’. If Jawahar was to become a man, it was clear which path he had to follow; and religion, he concluded superciliously, ‘seemed to be a woman’s affair’.30
In 1900, his first sister was born and named Sarup, which she hated. On marriage, she would rename herself Vijaya Lakshmi, but was always known as Nan. A second sister, Krishna, known as Betty, would follow seven years later. Jawahar doted on Nan, but the gap of eleven years between them prevented her from becoming a confidante until later in life.31 The lonely boy continued to live a large part of his life inside his head, as a recurring dream he began to have at around this time illustrates. ‘I dreamt of astral bodies and imagined myself flying vast distances’, he wrote. ‘This dream of flying high up in the air (without any appliance) has indeed been a frequent one throughout my life; and sometimes it has been vivid and realistic and the countryside seemed to lie underneath me in a vast panorama.’ The Russo-Japanese War was in progress, and news of Asian victories over Europeans sparked Jawahar’s imagination. At night he dreamt of flying over Indian domains; during the day, he pictured himself as a noble knight, sword in hand, freeing beautiful Asia from her wicked European overlords.32
In 1905, when Jawahar was fifteen, he went with his parents and Nan on a journey to the heart of the overlords’ territory. They reached Britain in May, and deposited Jawahar at Harrow School in north London. Following in the footsteps of Winston Churchill seventeen years before, he joined the Head Master’s House, an imposing red-brick building on the High Street. Life at Harrow was designed to confuse outsiders, with its esoteric traditions, colour-coded bow ties, and private language of beaks, bluers, shepherds and philathletes. Initially this made him homesick, but Jawahar soon learned to conform to the school’s eccentricities. ‘I had deliberately not resisted them so as to be in harmony with the place,’ he later acknowledged. But, within this complicit young denizen of the British establishment, there were already hints of a more controversial future. When he received a volume on Garibaldi as a school prize, Jawahar found himself identifying strongly with the revolutionary soldier, atheist and republican, who had made possible the unification of Italy less than half a century before.33
After two years Jawahar became bored with Harrow, though in adult life he remembered it with nostalgia. Many years later, when he had become a revolutionary soldier, atheist and republican, he would dig out a dusty volume of Harrow school songs from the library at Anand Bhavan. There, over six thousand miles from the Head Master’s House, he sat with his nieces Lekha, Tara and Rita, singing rousing choruses of ‘Jerry, You Duffer and Dunce’ and ‘When Grandpapa’s Grandpapa was in the Lower Lower First’.34 Grandpapa’s grandpapa had been a landowner in Delhi, and appeared regularly at the Mughal court.35 But the mature Jawahar would be able to enjoy his European refinements without compromising his Indian identity.
At seventeen, Jawahar persuaded Motilal to let him go up to Trinity College, Cambridge, where he read natural sciences. A lover of nature, he specialized in chemistry, botany and geology. In his spare time, he went riding, learned ballroom dancing, coxed a college rowing boat in the Lent races, and pursued a satisfying social life.36 Jawahar later wrote with a happy sentimentalism of winter evenings spent by the fire, talking about culture, politics, sex and morality until the embers died out, and the sharp cold of a draughty old sandstone college forced him and his friends to bed.37 The conversations about sex struck him in particular. ‘Most of us were strongly attracted by sex and I doubt if any of us attached any idea of sin to it,’ he wrote. ‘Certainly I did not; there was no religious inhibition.’ And, a few lines later, he added: ‘I enjoyed life and I refused to see why I should consider it a thing of sin.’38 His defensiveness on the matter is intriguing, but there are no further clues to follow. Certainly he was not yet the intoxicating draw for women that he would be in his later years.
At around this time, his father’s thoughts were also turning to matters of Jawahar’s heart. The choice of possible brides was not one to be taken lightly, and Motilal asked for his son’s opinion in 1909, causing Jawahar to reply, caustically, ‘I am not violently looking forward to the prospect of being married to anybody.’39 While resisting the idea of marriage in general, Jawahar did note that his enthusiasm would be far greater if the bride could be found from outside the Kashmiri Brahmin community. But this was not to be. Motilal answered legalistically, pointing out that intermarriage between castes was invalid under Hindu law and, because the British had never legislated to overrule that point, a free choice was simply not possible.40
Many letters passed between father and son on this theme, and it became increasingly obvious that Jawahar’s secular upbringing and British veneer were going to make traditional Hindu matchmaking an awkward business. ‘You express a hope that my marriage should be romantic’, he wrote to his father. ‘I should like it to be so but I fail to see how it is going to come about. There is not an atom of romance in the way you are searching [out] girls for me and keeping them waiting till my arrival. The very idea is extremely unromantic. And you can hardly expect me to fall in love with a photograph.’41 But Motilal was not to be put off, and eventually found Kamala Kaul, a girl from Delhi. Pretty though she was, Jawahar found something to object to in the ten-year age gap between them. ‘I could not possibly marry her before she was eighteen or nineteen, and that is six or seven years hence’, he wrote. ‘I would not mind waiting as I am not in a matrimonial state of mind at present.’42
After Cambridge he went to the Inner Temple in London to follow his father into the legal profession. His studies did not grip him; social and political life did, and two years went by as Jawahar ‘hovered about London’, becoming interested in Fabianism, socialism, votes for women and Irish independence. This left-wing awakening was done in the company of some old public-school friends, and expensively. Motilal had always been a generous father. At Cambridge, Jawahar had £400 a year, which was almost half a professorial salary.43 He had proven to be good at spending it, and had often run short of cash. ‘I was merely trying to ape to some extent the prosperous but somewhat empty-headed Englishman who is called a “man about town”,’ he later confessed. ‘This soft and pointless existence, needless to say, did not improve me in any way.’44 Regular requests for another £100 here and there arrived back in Allahabad; sometimes, there was just a cable with the single word ‘Money’.45 This occasioned at least one Motilal fury being delivered in written form; but the debts were always paid. And Jawahar’s easy life in London was not without its uses. In 1911, Motilal commissioned his son to purchase for him a full suit of court dress – buckled knee breeches over silk stockings, a tail coat with gold embroidery, a bicorne hat and a ceremonial sword. Despite his criticism of the British regime, Motilal was both loyal and important enough to have been one of the very few Indian commoners commanded to attend the Delhi durbar of King-Emperor George V.46
In the autumn of 1912, a young English gentleman, Jawaharlal Nehru, returned to India, the land of his birth. He had been away for seven years, punctuated by two trips home. He had received a world-class education of the grandest type, read plenty of fashionable books, developed a raffish interest in radical politics, and spent a large amount of his father’s money. Nehru’s verdict on himself at age twenty-two was characteristically sharp: ‘I was a bit of a prig with little to commend me.’47
In India Jawahar duly began to take on legal cases, and was soon delighting his father with a substantial income. He was interested in politics, but had a crippling fear of speaking in public – especially if he had to do it in Hindustani, rather than English.48 The rest of his time was divided between the bar library and the club, and featured an endless rotation of the same old men discussing the same legal topics in the same stuffy, colonial lounges. It was a life of stupefying tedium, and Jawahar quickly fell into despair. A quote from the pacifist Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson struck him hard: ‘And why can’t the races meet? Simply because the Indians bore the English.’ Jawahar added, darkly, ‘It is possible that most Englishmen feel that way and it is not surprising.’49
This glum lad was hardly cheered by the arrival of what was supposed to be the happiest day of his life on 8 February 1916. The wedding of Jawaharlal Nehru and Kamala Kaul was one of the leading social events of the year, described later by their friend Asaf Ali, with very little overstatement, as the ‘royal wedding’.50 It had been arranged for the first day of spring. A special train, swagged opulently with ribbons and bunting and garlanded with flowers, brought the groom and three hundred guests up from Allahabad to Delhi. A town of tents and marquees was set up outside the walled city, beneath a sign with the words ‘Nehru Wedding Camp’ spelt out in flowers. There were bedroom tents, living-room tents and dining tents, each hung and carpeted with oriental rugs and furnished with Motilal’s usual lavishness. The encampment had a full staff and its own orchestra.
Astrologers chose the hour just after midnight as the most favourable for the ceremony. The groom rode to the Kaul family mansion in Old Delhi on a white horse, followed by a procession of guests. Jawahar wore a brocade sherwani and silk turban; Kamala a traditional pink sari. Because Hindu priests usually took the bride’s jewellery as part of their fee, it was customary for her ornaments to be made of flowers – but the Nehrus were wealthy enough that chains of gold as well as blossom could hang around Kamala’s slender neck. She was, according to the groom’s second sister, Betty, ‘one of the most beautiful women I knew or ever have known’.51 Under a canopy, the couple exchanged vows as the priests chanted and poured ghee into the fire, and plumes of black smoke billowed up into the night sky.
The next day brought more celebrations of an even more sumptuous style back at the Nehru Wedding Camp. Kamala wore a stunning cream-coloured sari, embroidered with real pearls, which had taken a group of craftsmen working on the verandahs of Anand Bhavan several months to bead.52 Motilal had designed the jewellery in which he bedecked her, so much of it that she seemed to be ‘ablaze’ with diamonds, pearls, emeralds and rubies.53 A further ten days of rejoicing was declared for the guests, all at Motilal’s expense.
The only person not enchanted by the festivities was the groom, who looked grumpy in every photograph. In chapter six of his autobiography, Nehru announced curtly that ‘My marriage took place in 1916 in the city of Delhi.’54 The strange turn of phrase admitted him no agency: not ‘I married’, but ‘My marriage took place’; he did not name the bride. Immediately, he moved the subject on to a trip to Kashmir and Ladakh that summer, a sort of honeymoon en famille. Motilal hired a fleet of houseboats on the picturesque Dal Lake at Srinagar. But a lazy married life did not hold Jawahar’s attention, and he persuaded his family to trek up into the mountains. Motilal brought his luxuries with him: the party rode up on horseback, with the frail Swarup Rani carried in a sedan chair, and took a dozen servants to wait on them in their palatial, wooden-floored tents.
Even this expedition did not satisfy Jawahar’s urge to escape. Leaving Kamala with his parents, he set off on a perilous climbing adventure to the Zojila Pass with a cousin, during which he was, to his great excitement, nearly killed when he slipped down a crevasse.55 The newlyweds were not especially happy in their marriage, which was later described by their niece Nayantara Sahgal as ‘a grievous mistake for two profoundly different people’.56 Jawahar, rhapsodizing at elegiac length on the beauty of the Kashmiri landscape, was clearly not so taken with the charms of his wife; and she, now living with his parents in a strange half-Westernized household, began to show signs of distress. Soon after their Kashmiri holiday, Jawahar was called back to Allahabad on business. Kamala stayed in Kashmir, where she did little but eat cherries and develop headaches.
The birth of a daughter, Indira, the following year did little to reconcile Jawahar to family life, for he had at last found a purpose outside it. Mohandas Gandhi had kept a low profile since returning to India the previous year, but had caused a scandal and, nearly, a riot when he spoke freely at the opening of Benares Hindu University in February 1916. In front of an audience of British and Indian eminences, and a large number of students who had been angered by the arrest of some of them that day, he launched into one of the most incendiary speeches he would ever make. ‘I compare with the richly bedecked noblemen the millions of the poor,’ he said, indicating the former on the platform behind him. ‘And I feel like saying to these noblemen: “There is no solution for India unless you strip yourselves of this jewellery and hold it in trust for your countrymen in India”…. Our salvation can only come through the farmer. Neither the lawyers, not the doctors, nor the rich landlords are going to secure it.’57 He went on to discuss violent acts of revolution – in the context of dismissing them, but the audience missed the subtlety, and heard only the Mahatma talking of the throwing of bombs and the assassination of viceroys. Several princes walked out, including the chairman, the Maharaja of Darbhanga. The students were thrilled. The speech brought Gandhi to the attention of the nation, and to that of Jawaharlal Nehru.58
Few political figures have been so widely misunderstood as Gandhi, in his own time or today. He emerged at a time when monarchies were falling, and communism loomed; he was contemporary with Lenin. To many listeners, aware of the march of events in Russia, Gandhi’s speech sounded like a rallying cry to Indian socialism, with its talk of the casting off of jewels, and the power of the workers. This was, indeed, the reason that young radicals like Jawahar were so attracted to him. But a closer examination of Gandhi’s words reveals something different, and much more profoundly religious. He had confronted the moral behaviour of society, not its structure. Gandhi called for the princes to stop wearing their finery and instead ‘hold it in trust’ for their subjects. This is not the same thing at all as telling the masses to rise up and seize it. Gandhi was not challenging the princes’ right to hold wealth, nor even their right to reign. He was asking for a change of heart.
Gandhi’s condemnation of princely luxury was part of a much broader preoccupation with returning India to what he supposed had been a prehistoric ‘golden age’ of godliness, simplicity and humility.59 He had begun to reject Western ideals of progress and technology, and insisted that India’s future lay in a return to simple village life, not industrialization. As a symbol of this, he adopted hand-spinning on a wooden wheel, and used only khadi – handspun – textiles. He developed a distaste for synthesized drugs and surgery, which he associated with Western medicine, describing them as ‘black magic’.60 Doctors, he believed, ‘violate our religious instinct’ by prioritizing the body over the mind, and curing diseases which people had deserved by their conduct. Lawyers, meanwhile, had propped up British rule by espousing British law, and were as ‘leeches’ on the people, their profession ‘just as degrading as prostitution’.61 This position had fuelled continual conflict in his own family life. Unsurprisingly, he was far from supportive of his sons’ ambitions to pursue careers in medicine or law. ‘I know too that you have sometimes felt that your education was being neglected’, Mohandas wrote to his third son, Manilal. But, he contended, ‘Education does not mean a knowledge of letters but it means character building. It means a knowledge of duty.’62 His eldest son, Harilal, fared worse. After Mohandas denied him a legal scholarship to London, he ran away from home, married a woman without his father’s consent, was disinherited, and ended up unemployed, destitute and bitter. When Manilal tried to lend Harilal money, Mohandas was so furious that he banished Manilal from his presence for a year. Manilal ended up sleeping rough on a beach.63
It is not easy being a saint, and it is perhaps even less so to live with one. ‘All of us brothers have been treated as a ringmaster would treat his trained animals’, Harilal wrote to his father in the course of a twelve-page letter deploring Mohandas’s treatment of his wife and sons.64 And yet, to a wider audience beyond his immediate family, Gandhi’s charisma, determination and fearlessness were inspiring.
At the end of the First World War, India found itself subject to a new onslaught of oppression. The subcontinent had been heavily taxed, repeatedly hit for loans, and had given 1.5 million of its men into the service of a distant military effort. Indian harvests had been requisitioned to fill European bellies, with the effect that the bounteous land that produced them suffered shortages. Four out of every five British soldiers engaged in defending the vulnerable North-West Frontier against Afghans and tribal warfare had been called away to fight for the Allies. As a result, militant pan-Islamic fundamentalists were able to gain a strong foothold in the Punjab, as well as in Bengal. Across the rest of India, Hindu nationalism seized the opportunity to capitalize on public discontent.
In March 1915, the Defence of India Act had given the courts extraordinary powers to detain suspects without trial, and to imprison, deport or execute political agitators in the Punjab and Bengal. By this stage, even the moderates of the Indian National Congress began to object. In 1917 Edwin Montagu, the Secretary of State for India, made a vague pronouncement about the object of British policy being towards the ‘gradual development of self-governing institutions’.65 The reality did not match the rhetoric.
It is within the context of this tightening of the imperial shackles that the swift and dazzling rise of Gandhi can be understood. The Indians were a people belittled, starved and fearful. ‘And then Gandhi came’, wrote Jawaharlal Nehru.
He was like a powerful current of fresh air that made us stretch ourselves and take deep breaths; like a beam of light that pierced the darkness and removed the scales from our eyes; like a whirlwind that upset many things, but most of all the working of people’s minds. He did not descend from the top; he seemed to emerge from the millions of India, speaking their language and incessantly drawing attention to them and their appalling condition.66
Gandhi’s satyagraha was an alternative to fear, an option more radical and, crucially, more Indian than that proposed by the moderate Congress. His effect on audiences was breathtaking. Jawahar’s sister Nan heard him speak in Allahabad. ‘I found myself struggling to pull off some gold bangles I had on my wrist so that I could put them into the bag when it came. Afterwards I couldn’t think why I’d been so moved. But he had this quality of magic about him.’67 His triumphal entry into Congress brought in its wake great crowds of new supporters: not just Brahmin lawyers, but peasants, farmers and labourers. He ordered the Brahmin lawyers to the villages, to recruit yet more of the common people: the effect was double-sided, for many among them had never truly seen the poverty of their own countrymen. His arrival changed everything, putting the upper classes in touch with the lowest and raising the lowest to a new status of nobility. For the first time since the Mutiny, India had a widely popular political movement that rejected the way of life imposed upon it from the distant chambers of London.