480 Protect yourself. Since these rooms are often dirty, dusty places, be sure to wear a filtering face mask while you clean to protect your lungs from allergens. Wear gloves to protect your hands from grimy surfaces and sharp objects. In your attic, always walk on floor joists instead of between them to be extra safe.


481 Move stored items to facilitate easy cleaning. Stack all your stored belongings in one area, or move things as you go, so you can easily access the floor and other surfaces to clean more thoroughly. Consolidate boxes if you can to reduce clutter and free up more storage containers for use in the rest of the house.


482 Remove musty smells with an onion. To remove offensive odors throughout your home, cut an onion in half, and place it near the smell. Let it sit overnight. The onion will absorb the odor, and it should be gone by the next morning.


483 Deep clean concrete with soapy water. Scrub really dusty, dirty concrete with soapy water and a scrub brush. Rinse carefully with the garden hose or buckets of clean water, and suck up excess water with a wet/dry vac. Leave the basement door open (if weather permits) and the dehumidifier running to air out the rest of the moisture left from cleaning.


484 Clean up efflorescence. Efflorescence is a white powder that can accumulate on concrete in basements. It’s actually salt that is left behind when concrete floors or walls seep and the water evaporates. Clean it up with a scrub brush, mop, or cleaning cloth and some soapy water. If it returns, you may need to waterproof your basement.


485 Look for mold. Mold is usually black or gray, but it can also be orange, brown, green, or white. Musty smells also indicate moisture and mold and mildew growth.


486 Kill mold and mildew with vodka. Spray surfaces liberally with vodka to kill fungal growth. Let them sit for 30 minutes to an hour, then scrub clean with soapy water. Spray the surface again lightly to serve as a barrier against future growth. You can also use hydrogen peroxide in place of vodka if you prefer.


487 Prevent molds from forming with a dehumidifier. Most basements have too much moisture, so to prevent issues that moisture can cause, such as mold and mildew growth, it’s important to keep a dehumidifier running at all times to absorb moisture from the air.


488 Store belongings in plastic containers. Cardboard boxes are not the best choice for storing items. Moisture can cause the cardboard to break down fast, rendering it unusable, and these boxes offer no protection against mold and mildew growth and pest infestations. To protect your belongings, store them in sealable plastic bags or bins. Stack the containers to preserve space, and consolidate if you can.


489 Use your vacuum hose to suck up cobwebs and dust. Unless you already clean your basement and attic regularly, you’ll probably have to deal with a lot of dust. Instead of wiping surfaces clean with a cloth, first vacuum up dirt and debris, or use a broom to sweep up the mess. Use your vacuum’s attachments to reach smaller spaces. If you see signs of rodent infestation, set up traps, or call an exterminator.


490 Purge your belongings. Now would be a great time to go through everything to see if you can sell it or give it away. If it’s in your attic or basement and not being used regularly, chances are you don’t really need it. Of course, the exceptions are seasonal items like holiday decorations.


491 Keep your basement and attic cleaner longer. Reduce the amount of dirt and dust that accumulates in your attic and basement by sealing cracks and holes that may allow dirt, dust mites, and other pests into your home. Check for leaks, and seal them immediately to keep mold and mildew from getting out of control.