The idea for this book came unexpectedly. One snowy winter evening many years ago, I was out to dinner with a friend and was sharing a medical story that had unfolded in the E.R. earlier that day. My phone rang, and I lost track of the story. When I got off the phone, my friend was still engaged in my story and demanded that I finish it. Right then, it occurred to me that others might have the same reaction, that I could use real-life drama to shine a spotlight on the health crisis in America’s cities and show the potential consequences of bad decisions regarding personal health. We can learn through one another. It is my hope that this book creates ongoing dialogue and sparks a movement that pushes us all to take our fair piece of ownership in helping to heal our homes and communities.
First and foremost, I owe endless thanks to my patients and their families; their stories are all of our stories. To the families of the deceased, know that your loved ones live on through the words in this book, and although their names have been changed to protect their identities, their spirits are forever present to teach and heal.
This book was shaped with the tremendous support of my family, friends, mentors, co-workers, and patients from all walks of life. To you, I am eternally grateful; without you, life’s meaning and purpose would be called into question. I attempt daily to walk in the light and direction of my Higher Power, and to God be the glory. I am ever striving to accomplish all that God has set forth as possible for me.
Thanks to my previous agent, Joann Davis, who introduced me to the agent for this book, Linda Loewenthal. Linda immediately saw the potential in my idea, shared my vision for it, and hit the ground running. Linda, I am forever grateful for your guidance throughout the entire process and your desire to help make this book all it could be. Lisa Frazier Page, who had worked with me as the writer of The Pact, was the obvious choice as my collaborator, and the timing for her was perfect. The two of us spent many hours talking on the phone, meeting in New Jersey and New York, and exchanging countless emails as we embraced the vision and worked to shape this project. Lisa, I remain overjoyed to have had the opportunity to reconnect and bring forth this project. As fate would have it, Spiegel & Grau, an imprint of the Random House Publishing Group, became the home for the book. Cindy Spiegel, senior vice president and publisher of the imprint, had been my editor on The Pact. Cindy, you are the best publisher and editor, hands down. Your brilliance shines through in all that you touch and again is masterfully displayed in this book. Thank you for your personal interest and involvement in this project. To the entire Spiegel & Grau team, especially Julie Grau, another brilliant editor and publisher, I am ecstatic to be a part of your literary reach.
To my mother, words alone can’t express the magnitude and the depth of my love for you. Only you would take public transportation to Newark Beth Israel’s emergency department and linger in the waiting room just to hear my name again and again over the intercom. Actions like this spoke louder than any words ever could about your pride in me. Melissa, from the pavement of Brooklyn our love grew, and our son, Jaxson, is a reflection of our bond. He is the perfect combination of the two of us. How blessed I am to have both of you in my world. To my deceased father and sister, Kenneth and Fellease Davis, I miss you and know you are smiling down from above. To my siblings—Kenny, Roselene, Andre, and Carlton—and my uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, cousins, and family, we have been knocked down, but still together we stand. Love you all.
Carole Jackson, Mary Ann Jackson, and Frankie White, thank you for opening your home to me. My years spent on Hazelwood will be cherished forever. Newark Beth Israel Medical Center, University Hospital, and all of the hospitals where I have treated patients, I am forever thankful for having been part of dynamic crews of individuals who day in and day out give their all to the patients under their care.
Thanks to my circle of mentors, friends, and relatives, including Carla Dickson, Dr. Hsu, Reggie Brown, Camille, Sabu, Dax, Nnamdi, Will, Lawrence, Patrick, Maria, Al-Tereek, Hassan, Serron, Derrick Melba, Aunt Doretha, Darrell Terry, Dr. Dyson, Dr. Borenstein, Dr. Essien, Stephen Dunbar, Dr. Doctry, Anthony Davis, Thelma Davis, Trina, Lisa, Cynthia, Clarise, Renee, Valerie, Angelo, Edwin, Orlando, and Hashim. You have helped to shape my world and are a part of my everyday existence.
And then there are my two best friends, Dr. Rameck Hunt and Dr. George Jenkins, who with me make up The Three Doctors. Our pact is tighter than ever, and I’m thankful to travel this life with you both. To everyone who has embraced our message of health and education, and our pact of triumphing over inexplicable odds, I say “thank you.” To the hundreds of high schools, colleges, graduate programs, special groups, community programs, and corporations that I have visited to share the story of The Three Doctors, thank you for embracing our message.
A handful of people have played a vital role in supporting me as part of The Three Doctors: Dr. Bill Cosby, Tavis Smiley, Sybil Wilkes, Tom Joyner, Cory Booker, Terrie Williams, Meredith Vieira, Joann Davis, Queen Latifah, Faith Evans, Marilyn Ducksworth, Susan Petersen Kennedy, Jake Morrissey, Geoff Kloske, Congressman Chaka Fattah, Dr. Steve Salvatore, Dr. Steve Adubato, Allan Houston, Stephen A. Smith, and Margaret Bernstein. I appreciate your unwavering support. To Windy White, the core group of volunteers for The Three Doctors Foundation, and our sponsors, your efforts are unparalleled; you keep the foundation alive and thriving. Special thanks to Jim Sinegal and Art Jackson for being there from day one. You may never know the lives you have touched.
Lastly, there are many others to whom I am forever indebted, those who have stood by me throughout this journey. I am lucky to call you friend, mentor, colleague, partner, brother, and sister. If I didn’t name you specifically, please know that I hold you close in my heart and pray you understand what you mean to me.
As for my Brick City, we will continue to move forward. So much good exists in Newark, and I know we are capable of reaching new heights. Our people are eager to see and be part of a better today and tomorrow. Together we can soar.
Peace, love, and blessings,
I give all honor and praise to God for working through me to help this book come alive. My prayer is that this work will be received as intended: for good. Dr. Sampson Davis, thank you for never giving up on your vision to see this book in print and for choosing me as your literary partner. My respect for you has only grown as I’ve watched you up close and learned about the acts of kindness that you were too humble to share. To Linda, our literary agent, thanks, as always, for insisting on perfection, no matter how long it took. This project is better for it. Cindy, Julie, and the team at Spiegel & Grau, your collective talent notwithstanding, I most admire how deeply you care—about your books, your authors, and the messages we spread through you to the world. I’m so honored to be under your umbrella.
To my husband, Kevin, and our children, Enjoli, Danielle, Kevin Jr., and Kyle, I love you endlessly. Thank you for your understanding and patience while sharing me with this project for nearly four years. I was blessed with terrific parents, Clinton and Nettie Frazier, and parents-in-law, Richard and Miriam Page. I am strengthened daily by the love and prayers of our entire family, including Melissa and Ezron Moses, Clifford Frazier, April Bruns, Joseph and Joyce Richardson, Zina Page, Kolin and Geraldine Page, and the most supportive nieces, nephews, cousins, aunts, and uncles in the world. I couldn’t have asked for a more generous employer, The Washington Post, which granted without hesitation the time off I needed to finish this book. I learned so much during my nearly seventeen years there as a writer and editor, and despite my departure this year, I still consider myself part of the family.
So many people have helped me along this journey that I can’t call every name, but I have appreciated every kind word and deed. Nonetheless, I owe a special thanks to: Deadra and Stuart Courtney, Lavette Broussard, Tess Snipes, Cassandra and Frank Price, Veronica Smith, Cheryl Thompson, Donald Washington, Karima and Dion Haynes, Keith Woods, Milton Coleman, Vernon Loeb, Wil Haygood, DeNeen Brown, Carla Broyles, Lonnae O’Neal Parker, Avis Thomas-Lester, Monica Norton, Robert Pierre, Miranda Spivack, Erica Johnston, and my former A team of reporters, Tara Bahrampour, Michelle Boorstein, Pam Constable, Annie Gowen, Hamil Harris, and Carol Morello.
To my sisters of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., particularly Beta Gamma chapter alumnae and our own national president, Cynthia M. A. Butler-McIntyre, thanks for always having my back. Congratulations on one hundred years of service.
Finally, I wish to thank all of my teachers and mentors, especially the late Barbara Butler, and her husband, Eugene (Coach Butler), and Mrs. Ada Hannibal Green, who through the Spartanette Service Club opened the world to me when I was a sheltered teenager growing up in the piney woods of Bogalusa, Louisiana.