Today’s world is screaming in pain because it is beginning its childbirth labour. At serious risk, we have to invent new relations between humans and the totality of what conditions life: the inert planet, the climate, living species, visible things and invisible things, sciences and technologies, the global community, morality and politics, education and health … We are leaving our world for other worlds, possible ones, and will have to abandon a hundred passions, ideas, customs and norms brought about by our narrow historical duration. We are entering into an evolutionary branch.1
In previous ages, no knowledge had ever had to conceive or lead projects that were as vital: reinventing the universality of the individual, reconfiguring his habitat, weaving new relations. From having to rethink everything, philosophy changes span and sees its responsibility grow. Either a new human, a citizen of the world, will appear, or humanity will totter. We have to bring about peace between ourselves to safeguard the world and peace with the world in order to save ourselves.