
adaptive preferences 389

advertising and food 1723

affordable housing see housing

anaerobic digesters 112

antibiotic resistance 1234

apples: loss of variety 51, 94

Asda: CSR publicity 77; reducing plastic use 107; square mile initiative 148; see also Walmart

‘Theory of Justice, A’ (Rawls) 42, 46, 49

bags (plastic) 1045

Bakan (psychopathic corporation) 51

Balmore (Tesco) 68

bananas: production 126; rationed in hospitals 170; see also known value item (KVI)

Bangladesh: clothing industry 127

Bartky, S.L.: deformed desires 38

beef: food miles 91

Bisphenols 102

Blue Planet II (TV programme) 27, 33, 102, 171, 182

BOGOF: food waste 11617

Booths supermarket (milk price support) 121

bottled water 934; see also bottle recycling

bottle recycling 1089

bread: food waste 111, 112

Brent Spar 33

Bristol (UK): Stokes Croft Tesco dispute 656

buyers (supermarket) 118

café (supermarket) see Waitrose

California Effect 312

Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) 24, 33

carbon labelling 142; see also greenhouse gases

Carrefour: entry to China 73

Change4Life 37, 3940, 172

charity see food donations

chemicals (harmful) 58; see also exploitation

Chicago (US) food education 171

chicken farming 139, 144

children and diet 401, 149, 15963, 167, 172; see also Oliver, Jamie; school meals

Chile: avocados and water use 93

China: entry of European supermarkets 73; work conditions 128

chocolate producers 1378, 141

clawback of trade 778

coalition on corporate accountability (CORE) 54

Coca-Cola 170, 173

Coles (Australia): autism provisions 146; exploitation of workers 135; fish conservation 96; food waste 111; milk price 122; see also Woolworths (Australia)

Concentration Ratio see supermarkets

Corporate Social Responsibility: common themes of supermarkets 27; increase in reporting 26

Costa Rica: fruit industry 125

cotton: environmental issues 1067

country of origin 141

dairy farming 1204, 134

deskilling: rural employment 95; supermarkets 84

Devinney, T.M.: consumer social responsibility 34

dioxin contamination 19

Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (UK) 145

divorce: consumer from food 4, 62

duty of care 54, 567

economies of scale 89

egg industry 1389, 144

Elkington, J.: Triple Bottom Line 23

energy drinks 1623

environmental costs of food 20, 23

Espigoladors 116

European Union: as world regulatory centre 312

exploitation: of farm workers 1347; fishing crews 136; harmful chemicals 1367; injuries 137; trolley collectors (Australia) 135

Fairtrade 27; bananas 126; meaning of label 141

farmer’s markets: location issues 152; see also farm shops (and markets)

farm shops (and markets): environmental impact 92; food taxes 174

fast food 378

Fish Aggregation Devices 97

food banks 52, 59, 14950

food chain contamination 1920

food deserts 37, 75

food donations 11214, 150

food ethics 42

food justice 37

food labelling 523, 1401

food riots 42

food waste: and plastic packaging 106

France: food waste laws 113

freegans 112

Freidman, M.: duty to make profits 50

Fresh and Easy see Tesco

fruit: loss of biodiversity 51, 58, 94

Gangmaster Bill (UK) 1356

Gather report: defects in CSR 34

gender bias 3941

Germany: Walmart entry 734

Giffen Goods 174

Grampian Condition see planning gain

greenhouse gases 8890; see also carbon labelling

Grocery Code of Adjudication UK (2013) 59, 133

Hampshire (UK): retail changes 256; see also Tesco

High Streets see independent stores

hospitals: food sales 170

housing 489, 712

Iceland supermarket: CSR rating 32; palm oil 989

independent stores: competition with supermarkets 7, 16, 63, 789, 82, 134; costs (fixed and variable) 812; in developing countries 801

India: retail changes 801

Internet of Things (privacy issues) 158

Israel: citrus fruits and water use 92

Japan: Basic Law of Food 167

Kant, Immanuel: categorical moral imperative 45

Kaufland: fishing industry 96

Kimball (USA) see Walmart

kirana see India

known value item (KVI): bananas 124; milk 120, 165

law: hard and soft 212, 4650, 55, 60

lazy foods100

Let’s Move! Campaign (Obama, 2010) 40

Lévinas, Emmanuel 556, 60

Lidl: energy saving 89; plastic bags 1045; Romania CSR 153

limited liability (companies): origins of 1

loyalty cards 1546

Malaysia: palm oil 99

market volatility 11819

Marks & Spencer’s: energy savings 1767; support for homeless 151

Maslow 201

mezzanine floor loophole 70

Migros: energy saving 88; palm oil 98

military and diet 169

milk: food waste 110

minimum wage: in UK 846

misshapen produce 11011, 11516

Morecambe Bay cockle pickers tragedy 1345; see also Gangmaster Bill (UK)

National Living Wage see minimum wage

neighbour principle 557, 178

neuromarketing 173

obesity: costs of 13, 35; diseases from 13; prevalence in UK 14

Oliver, Jamie: Rotherham school 1678

One Stop 25, 85; see also Tesco

Orkney beef 91

palm oil 989

Paracelsus 11

Paris (France): preservation of local retailing 64

Pathmark supermarket 75, 834

pig farming 13940, 167

pineapple price (Costa Rica) 125

planning gain 645, 71

potatoes: Romney Marsh Company 133

prison food 1689

psychopathic corporation 51

Public Health England Report (2018) 37

public houses: decline in UK 79

Rawls, John 426

Red Bull see energy drinks

Red Tractor 140, 177

RFID 153, 1568

Romania (Lidl and road safety) 153

Romney Marsh Potato Company see potatoes

Safeway: attempted closure in Edinburgh 767

Sainsbury: reducing food waste 115

school meals 48, 1668

Seacroft (Leeds) see Tesco

Shareholder see stakeholder

shrinkflation 164

slavery see exploitation

slotting fees 12930

Slow Shopping 147

Smith, Adam 37, 55

social class 3941

social justice 467

social supermarkets 114

stakeholder: duty of care to 535

strawberries: variety in supermarkets 94

sugar tax 174

supermarkets: Concentration Ratio 8; High Street abandonment and partial return 1516; international expansion 17, 19; market share 78, 9; size and sales 9, 15; Sunday opening 1516; supply chain dominance 1718; see also Corporate Social Responsibility

supply chains see supermarkets

sweets at the check-out 159

takeaway food 378

Tesco: CSR 30, 178; Eat Happy Project 1602; energy saving 89; entry to USA 75; food waste disclosure (2013) 182; fruit for children 160; Hampshire (UK) 256; school donations 1501; Seacroft (Leeds) renovation 83; town planning issues 656, 72; wage levels 85

thrifty gene theory 12

Thurlow, Baron 51

Tort Law 589

tuna fish sustainability 967

ugly food see misshapen produce

United Nations ‘right to food’ (2015) 36

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) 36

USA: entry of Tesco 75; health and food education 171

veil of ignorance 43

veil of incorporation 1

Waitrose 49; café 75, 1478; coffee cups 1078; Community Matters (charity donations) 148; elderly shoppers 147; environmental CSR 103; ethical CSR 29; Hotel Chocolat dispute 131

Wales: deprivation 48; housing 48

Walmart: abandonment of Kimball 76; competition strategy 181; education of staff 83; entry to Germany 734; ‘family’ identity 56; supplier conditions 128, 181(Asda); wages 856

Whitchurch (Hampshire, UK) see Tesco

Wolverhampton (UK): supermarket planning issues 67

Woolworths (Australia): dispute with ACCC 1312; pig production 125; scholarships 152; see also Coles (Australia)

World Food Programme (2018) 35

World Growth: fish conservation 967