What Supports Me In My Life
A Daily Record









Pay attention to your environment, relationships, use of time and the choices you are making that support your health.

After you’ve completed this exercise, you might want to take the time to jot down what DOESN’T support your well-being yet is under your control to change. Next to it, write down what YOU CAN incorporate in your life to enhance your well-being and COMMIT YOURSELF to an action plan and timetable. You may change this as you go along, but it is useful to write it down to help you get started implementing these plans.

Be realistic as you do this evaluation. Create a plan with steps that you can implement NOW and be successful in accomplishing. One step builds on another. You might want to take your calendar and your appointment book and schedule in time for this plan so it becomes a part of your day. If there are attitudinal changes you’d like to make, write them down, create a slogan for yourself and place it where you can see it and be inspired to incorporate them in your life.
