Captain Eric ‘Winkle’ Brown, CBE, DSC, AFC, Hon. FRAeS, Royal Navy Officer and Test Pilot (2013, 2014)
Doreen Galvin, WAAF Intelligence Officer, RAF Tempsford (2015)
John Groom, BBC producer, The Secret War (2015)
Flying Officer John Alan Ottewell, DFM, Légion d’Honneur, RAF 115 and 7 Squadrons, Pathfinder (2014)
Flight Sergeant Jack Pragnell, RAF 102 Squadron, Bomber Aimer (2015)
Lieutenant Dietrich Pütter, Luftwaffe reconnaissance pilot (2014)
Wing Commander Len Ratcliffe, RAF 161 Special Duties Squadron (2013)
Lance Corporal Walter Rehling, Luftwaffe Night Fighter Squadron NJG101 (2013)
Professor Dr Bernd Rosemeyer, son of Elly Beinhorn and Bernd Rosemeyer (2014)
Dr Reinhart Rudershausen, son of Jutta Rudershausen, Melitta’s sister (2014)
Dr Heidimarie Schade, niece of Ilse and Otto Schiller, Melitta’s brother (2014)
Konstanze von Schulthess Rechberg, youngest daughter of Claus and Nina von Stauffenberg (2014)
Major General Count Berthold von Stauffenberg, eldest son of Claus and Nina von Stauffenberg (2014)
Flight Lieutenant Russell ‘Rusty’ Waughman DFC, AFC, Légion d’Honneur, RAF 101 Special Duties Squadron (2015)
CHUR 4/460A
Film archive
MTE 291, Focke Helicopter: The First Really Successful Helicopter (1938)
ITN 111, Roving Report – Ghana (1964)
GWY 556, Deutsche Luftgeltung 1937 [German Air Effect] (1938)
GWY 213, Die Deutsche Wochenschrau Nr 712 [newsreel] (April 1944) I & V
GWY 223, Die Deutsche Wochenschrau Nr 712 (June 1944) III
Photo archive
Air Ministry
AIR 34/625 ‘Peenemünde’ (1944)
AIR 40/7 ‘Kutonase Balloon Cable Cutters’ (1942)
AIR 40/21 ‘German Troop and Freight Carrying Gliders’ (1941)
AIR 40/36 ‘BZA-1 German Dive Bombsight’ (nd)
AIR 40/115 ‘German Helicopters, the Focke-Achgelis 223’ (1944)
AIR 40/205 ‘Me 323 “Gigant” Aircraft’ (11/42–5/45)
AIR 40/2840 ‘Launching of the German Flying Bomb, V-1’ (1944)
AIR 40/2834 ‘Flying the German Messerschmitt Me 262 jet-propelled aircraft: practical advice from former German test pilot’ (1945)
AIR 41/7 ‘RAF Narrative: Photographic Reconnaissance’, vol. 2 (1941–5)
War Office
WO 208/4168 (SRGG 961c), interrogation reports of German POWs, General von Thoma
WO 328/36 Statement of Alexandra von Stauffenberg (May 1945)
WO 328/37 Statement of Clemens von Stauffenberg, Capri (May 1945)
WO 328/38 Statement of Markwart von Stauffenberg (May 1945)
FO 371/21737, Nevile Henderson letter (06.09.1938)
FO 954/10 vol. 10/Folio 391 (Ge/44/14/A), Letter Foreign Office/Churchill’s Private Secretary (24.07.1944)
Sound archive
330161: John Searby, Master Bomber, ‘The Great Raids – Peenemünde’ (nd)
Melitta Schiller collection
FB89, Melitta Schiller, ‘Windkanaluntersuchungen von Luftschrauben im Sturzflug’ [Wind Tunnel Studies of the Propeller in a Nosedive] (06.04.1934)
FB106, Melitta Schiller, ‘Auswertung experimenteller Untersuchungen über Verstell-Luftschrauben’ [Analysis of Experimental Studies on Adjusting Propellers] (15.09.1934)
FB506, Melitta Schiller, ‘Windkanaluntersuchungen an einem Flügel mit Rollflügel and Vorflü’ [Wind Tunnel Tests on a Wing with Roll-Wings and Slats] (09.01.1936)
Hanna Reitsch collection, NL 130
18. Correspondence:
— Hanna Reitsch/Wernher von Braun (1947–71)
— Hanna Reitsch/Amnesty International (1973)
Wernher von Braun obituary (unknown newspaper, June 1977)
100. Correspondence:
— Hanna Reitsch/Dr Laternser (17.03.1947)
— Hanna Reitsch/Frau Jodl (1948)
— Hanna Reitsch statement (20.05.1948)
101. Correspondence:
— Hanna Reitsch/Kurt Reitsch (nd)
— Hanna Reitsch/Otto Skorzeny (1974)
— Horst von Salomon/Kaplan Friedel Volkmar (27.04.1947)
— Friedel Volkmar/Dr Kindermann (July 1948)
— Various hand-drawn Christmas and Easter cards (1947)
Mano Ziegler, ‘Die ersten Raketenjäger der Welt’ [The world’s first rocket hunters] (nd)
Walter Stender, ‘Politische Erklärung’ [Political Statement] (01.07.1947)
Richard Homberger (07.07.1947)
Hanna Reitsch, ‘Eidesstattliche Erklärung’ [Affidavit for Otto Skorzeny] (12.04.1948)
101a. Correspondence:
— Hanna Reitsch/Hugh Trevor-Roper (1948)
— Alfred G. T. Wilheim, Die Epoche/Hanna Reitsch (07.08.1947)
— Hanna Reitsch/Die Welt editor (01.12.1947)
Political reports:
— Anon., report on Hanna Reitsch (nd)
— Hanna Reitsch, An den Kommandanten [Statement to Camp Commanders] (March 1946)
— ‘Abschrift’ [Transcript] (Nuremberg, 08.04.1947)
Die Welt, Hugh Trevor-Roper, ‘Hitlers Letzte Tage’ [Hitler’s Last Days] (14.10.1947)
Anon., ‘Conversation with Hanna Reitsch’ (nd)
Captain Musmanno, ‘Private Conversation between Captain M. and H. Reitsch’ (01.02.1948)
Thilo Bode, ‘How History Can Become Falsified: The Example of Hanna Reitsch’ (nd)
109. Correspondence:
— Hanna Reitsch/Heini Dittmar (1934–53)
— Hanna Reitsch/Wolf Hirth (1952–77)
— Hanna Reitsch/Peter Riedel (1960–78)
— Hanna Reitsch/Günther Rall (1975)
— Hanna Reitsch/Hans Baur (1976–9)
— Hanna Reitsch/Carl Franke (1977–8)
— Hanna Reitsch/Nicolaus von Below (1978)
110. Correspondence:
— Hanna Reitsch/Karl Bode (1951–79)
— Hanna Reitsch/Herr Brockmann (1958–62)
— Hanna Reitsch/Fritz Edelhoff (1967–71)
— Hanna Reitsch/Herr von Barsewisch (31.08.1971)
— Hanna Reitsch/Gerhard Bracke (1973)
Karl Bode, ‘Darstellung der Vorführungen der Focke 61 in der Deutschlandhalle durch Frl. Reitsch im ‘Stern’ Nr 43’ [Report of the performances of the Focke 61 in the Deutschlandhalle by Miss Reitsch in ‘Star’ No. 43]
111. Correspondence:
— Hanna Reitsch/Walter Schauberger/Hanna Reitsch (1947)
— Hanna Reitsch/Ernst Straka/Blüm/Hanna Reitsch (29.07.1970)
— Hanna Reitsch/Friedrich Wackersreuth (18.09.1971)
— Fan mail/Hanna Reitsch (1974)
— Hanna Reitsch/Herr Stüper (07.02.1974)
— Hanna Reitsch/Rud. Hèdrich-Winter von Schwab/Hanna Reitsch (24.02.1976)
— Hanna Reitsch/Dr Elfriede Wagner (1976–77)
— Hanna Reitsch/Pater Karl-Theodor Wagner (1976–77)
— Hanna Reitsch/Ull Schwenger (1977)
— Hanna Reitsch/Fritz Stüber (15.06.1978)
Letter Hanna Reitsch/Kurt Reitsch (1946)
136. Correspondence:
— Hanna Reitsch/Brazil Sudeten Club (14.01.1958)
— Hanna Reitsch/Theodore Heuss (1960)
— Hanna Reitsch/Erika Christl Greim (29.08.1974)
Wernher von Braun, ‘Wir Haben Allen Grund – Zu Beten’ [We have every reason – to pray] (nd)
139. Correspondence:
— Hanna Reitsch/Eleanore Baur (1978)
— Hanna Reitsch/Edda Göring (18.10.1978)
Unknown publication, ‘Hanna Reitsch soll nicht in England fliegen’ [Hanna Reitsch should not fly in England] (13.07.1954)
Hanna Reitsch, ‘Ich Flog für Kwame Nkrumah’ [I Flew for Kwame Nkrumah] (nd)
Alte Adler member newsletter, Friedrich Stahl, Alte Adler president, speech at Hanna Reitsch’s sixtieth birthday party (Spring 1972)
Newsprint articles including:
— Frau mit Herz [Woman with Heart] magazine, ‘The life story of the famous pilot Hannah Reitsch: Only up in the air could I feel free’ (nd)
— Luftwelt [Airworld], Peter Riedel, ‘Deutsche Segelflieger in Argentinien’ [German Glider Pilots in Argentina] (1934)
— Illustrierter Beobachter, ‘Segelfliegen! Reichsluftminister Generaloberst Göring hat Hanna Reitsch zum Flugkapitän ernannt’ [Gliding! Reich Air Minister Göring has appointed Hanna Reitsch as Flight Captain] (1937)
— Alte Adler newsletter, ‘Die Geburtstagsfeier Unseres Ehremitgliedes: Hanna Reitsch’ [The Birthday Party of our Honorary Member: Hanna Reitsch] (18.04.1972)
— Süddeutsche Zeitung, letter from Prof. Walter Birnbaum (15/16.09.1979)
Unknown publication articles:
— Dortmund newspaper, ‘Hanna Reitsch, “Alles Schwindel”: Sie soll Hitler nach Argentinien geflogen haben’ [‘Everything vertigo’: you should have flown Hitler to Argentina] (22.3.1950)
— ‘Warum Hanna Reitsch nicht nach England fuhr, Erklärung des Präsidenten des Deutschen Aero-Club’ [Why Hanna Reitsch is not competing in England, a statement by the President of the German Aero-Club] (14.07.1954)
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Permanent exhibition
TUM entrance record for Melitta Schiller (1922)
Correspondence Melitta Schiller/TUM Professor (nd)
US Forces report, ‘Last Letters from Hitler’s Air Raid Shelter’ (08.10.1945)
US Forces report, Hanna Reitsch interrogation, ‘The Last Days in Hitler’s Air Raid Shelter’ (08.10.1945)
Hanna Reitsch Personal File, RG319, 270, 84, 13, 7, box 633 (7362164, XE053525)
‘The Wind of Heaven Goes West’ (nd)
US Forces report, Hanna Reitsch, ‘Condemnation of Göring by Hanna Reitsch’ (16.11.1945)
US Forces report, Hanna Reitsch interrogation (04.12.1945)
Various papers relating to Hanna Reitsch, including:
— Memos relating to Operation Skylark (1946–7)
— US Forces, European Theater PR Division, release no. 794 (05.12.1945)
— ‘Censorship Civil Communications’, R. Storck to G. Rieckmann (21.08.1946)
— US Civil Censorship (Germany) (18.03.1947)
— ‘Hanna Reitsch pleads for General Kesselring’ at Nuremberg Trials (01.04.1947)
— ‘Agent Report’ (19.07.1948)
Newspaper cuttings, including
— Stars & Stripes, ‘German Woman Arrested at Border’ (24.05.1948)
— Overseas Weekly, ‘Adolf’s Flying Femme Back’ (28.02.1954)
Melitta Schiller’s diary (1943, 1944)
— Melitta Schiller/Blenk (17.03.1935)
— Michael and Margarete Schiller/Hermann Göring (1942)
— Hanna Reitsch/Gerhard Bracke (1973)
— H. Schrank/Klara Schiller (14.03.1975)
— Hanna Reitsch/Klara Schiller (1975–7)
— Peter Riedel/Mrs J. Hacker (25.08.1980)
— Peter Riedel/Klara Schiller (1981–2)
Mika Stauffenberg, untitled account of Melitta Schiller (17.02.1962)
Philippa Countess von Thun-Hohenstein, ‘Memories of Melitta: personal impressions of Countess von Stauffenberg’ (07.07.2000)
Audio interviews:
— Klara Schiller, ‘Erinnerungen’ [Memories] (09.10.1982)
— Hubertus von Papen-Koeningen (10.08.1989)
— Peter Riedel and Klara Schiller (late 1980s)
Photos: various
Interview with Captain Hein K. Gering (27.06.2009)
Simon Reiss, ‘Remembering Kristallnacht’ (9.11.1998)
Alexander von Stauffenberg, Denkmal [Monument] (Stefan Georg Foundation, 1964)
Marie-Luise Lübbert, ‘Chronik der Familie Lübbert’ (nd)
Photos: various
Alte Adler, obituary of Georg Pasewaldt (1988)
Georg Pasewaldt, ‘Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse einer Fliegerlaufbahn’, [Experience and Insights from a Flying Career] (nd)
— Michael Schiller/Hermann Göring (26.10.1942)
— Margarete Schiller/Hermann Göring (11.12.1942)
Melitta von Stauffenberg reports:
— ‘Abschrift’ [Report (on the presentation of her Iron Cross II)] (January 1943)
— ‘Vortag gehalten in Stockholm am 6.12.43: Eine Frau in der Flugerprobung’ [A Woman in Test Flying], Stockholm lecture (06.12.43).
Natur und Geist: Monatsheft für Wissenschaft, Weltanschauung und Lebensgestallung [Nature and Spirit: The Monthly Bulletin of Science, Philosophy and Lifestyle] 3.12 (December 1935)
‘Melitta Gräfin Schenk von Stauffenberg Lebenlauf’ [Resumé], DVL reference (23.11.1936)
Hermann Blenk, ‘Erinnerungen an Melitta Schiller’ [Memories of Melitta Schiller] (13.09.1974)
Paul von Handel, ‘Erinnerungen an Litta’ [Memories of Litta] (nd)
Lieselotte Hansen, ‘Memories of Lieselotte Hansen, née Lachman’ (nd)
Jutta Rudershausen, ‘Frau über den Wolken: Ein Leben für Wissenschaft und Fliegen’ [Woman Above the Clouds: A Life for Science and Flying] (nd)
—–, ‘Flugkapitän Melitta Schiller-Stauffenberg: Von keinem Piloter erreicht’ [Peerless Pilot] (nd)
Klara Schiller, ‘Erinnerungen’ [Memories] (nd)
Marie-Luise (Lili) Schiller/Lübert, ‘Zweig Otto Eberstein’ [Otto Eberstein branch of the family]
Georg Wollé, ‘Erinnerungen eines Berufskollegen, der mit Melitta in der Versuchsanstalt für Luftfahrt angestellt war’ [Memories of a colleague of Melitta Schiller at the Institute of Aviation (DVL)] (11.02.1974)
Alexander von Stauffenberg, ‘Litta’ (handwritten poem, nd)
Painting: Gertrud von Kunowski, portrait of Margarete Schiller née Eberstein (1906)
— Margot Heberlein/Sigismund Payne Best (17.06.1946)
— Fey von Hassell (Pirzio-Biroli)/Sigismund Payne Best (28.07.1946)
— Hanna Reitsch/Herr Petzoldt (1957)
— Hanna Reitsch/Herr Brockmann (1958–62)
— Hanna Reitsch/Captain Barry Radley (1975–9)
Newspaper cutting, Barry Radley letter regarding Hanna Reitsch (27.11.1979)
Berthold Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg, Generalmajor a.D., ‘A Childhood in the Third Reich – from System Conformist to Traitor’s Child’. Lecture delivered to the AV Rheinstein Köln-Lindenthal (14.04.2008)
Correspondence with Thomas Medicus (2012)
Otto Philipp von Stauffenberg, ‘Der 20. Juli und seine Folge’ [‘The 20th July and its Consequences’] (talk, nd)
Marie Gabriele ‘Gagi’ von Stauffenberg, ‘Aufzeichnungen aus unserer Sippenhaft 20. Juli 1944–19. Juni 1945’ (Notes from our Sippenhaft experience, 20 July 1944–19 June 1945) (nd)
Aberdeen Journal
‘A German airwoman receives the Iron Cross’ (24.04.1941)
‘Pension for Widow of von Stauffenberg’ (26.11.1945)
Angus Evening Telegraph
‘Plane that Flies Backwards’ (04.11.1937)
Daily Mail
Robert Hardman, ‘Hero who makes Biggles look like a wimp’ (07.05.2013)
Daily Telegraph
Guy Walters, ‘The truth behind The Odessa File and Nazis on the run’ (1.12.2010)
Rob Crilly, ‘Rare German surrender order expected to fetch £20,000’ (26.04.2015)
Derby Daily Telegraph
‘Glider Pilots Fined: Speeding – in Motor Cars’ (08.05.1936)
Dundee Courier
‘Girl Glider Beats Day-Old Record’ (16.05.1938)
‘Overdue Air Girl Lands’ (24.09.1938)
Gloucestershire Echo
‘RAF Bombers Blast New Baltic Target’ (18.08.1943)
‘Himmler at Peenemünde’ (25.08.1943)
Nottingham Evening Post
‘Helicopter’s Amazing Performance’ (05.11.1937)
‘Echoes From Town’ (21.08.1943)
Helen L. Boak, ‘Women in Weimar Germany: The ‘Frauenfrage’ and the Female Vote’, p.1
Aeroplane magazine
‘Women’s Day at Chigwell’ (28.09.1938)
Barbara Schlussler, ‘Melitta Schiller’ (June 1999)
‘Flugkapitän Hanna Reitsch, 1914–79’ (June, July, August, September and October 1985)
Alexander Steenbeck, ‘The Man Who Flew With Stauffenberg’ (October 2011)
Air Classics
Blaine Taylor, ‘She Flew for Hitler! The story of Flugkapitän Hanna Reitsch and her aerial adventures in Nazi Germany’ (February 1989)
American Historical Review
Jean Allman, ‘Phantoms of the Archive: Kwame Nkrumah, a Nazi Pilot Named Hanna, and the Contingencies of Post-Colonial History-Writing’ (February 2013), 118 (1), pp. 104–29
Edit International Articles: A portfolio of some of Ron Laytner’s greatest stories
Ron Laytner, ‘Hanna Reitsch: Greatest Nazi Test Pilot and World’s First Astronaut’ (2010):
German History: The Journal of the German History Society
Bernhard Rieger, ‘The Global Career of a Nazi Celebrity’, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 383–405 (Sage Publications, 2008)
History & Technology: An International Journal
Margot Fuchs, ‘Like fathers like daughters, professionalization strategies of women students and engineers in Germany 1890s to 1940s’ vol. 14, issue 1–2 (1997)
Roger Moorhouse, ‘A Good German? Von Stauffenberg and the July Plot’, vol. 59, issue 1 (2009)
Edgar Feuchtwanger, ‘I Was Hitler’s Neighbour’, vol. 62, issue 6 (2012)
History Workshop Journal
Maya Jasanoff, ‘Border Crossing: My Imperial Routes,’ Issue 64 (Autumn 2007)
Alan Abrahamson, ‘Photos reveal anti-Semitism of 1936 Winter Games’ (1 March 2011)
Modern Judaism
Sarah Fraiman, ‘The Transformation of Jewish Consciousness in Nazi Germany as reflected in the German Jewish journal Der Morgen, 1925–1938,’ vol. 20, pp. 41–59 (OUP, 2000)
New Republic
Richard J. Evans, ‘The Life and Death of a Capital’, review of Thomas Friedrich’s Hitler’s Berlin (27.09.2012),
WWII Magazine
Nigel Jones, ‘Claus von Stauffenberg: the man who tried to kill Hitler’ (, 22.12.2008)
Der Adler [Luftwaffe magazine]
‘The Iron Cross for a Gallant Female Pilot’ (06.04.1943)
Askania-Warte magazine
‘Flight to England with slight problems along the way’ (24.09.1938)
Berliner Illustriete Zeitung
jg. 38, No. 42 (20.10.1929)
Der Speigel
Susanne Beyer, ‘Frau im Sturzflug’ [Woman in a Nosedive] (October 2012)
Die Welt
Hanna Reitsch, ‘Wie klein Mäxchen sich den Untergang des Dritten Reiches vorstellt’ [How the Little Maxes Imagine the Downfall of the Third Reich] (02.08.1973)
Die Zeit
‘Unrecht an Hanna Reitsch’ [Injustice to Hanna Reitsch] (22.07.1954)
Jutta Rudershausen [Melitta’s sister], ‘Täglich funfzehn Sturzfluge – Zu Unrecht vergessen: Flugkapitän Melitta Schenk Schiller war vor vierzig Jahren ein Pionier der Luftfahrt’ [Fifteen nosedives a day, falsely remembered: forty years ago Flugkapitän MSS was a pioneer of flight] (05.01.1973)
Nina Gräfin von Stauffenberg, ‘Wie das Konzept der Männer des 20 Juli 1944 aussah: Sie wollten Hitler nicht mit Stalin tauschen’ [Clarifying the concept of the men of 20 July: They did not want to replace Hitler with Stalin], no. 37, p. 26 (08.09.1978)
Schlesische Flieger Nachrichten 6 [Silesian Pilot News]
Klara Schiller, ‘Melitta Gräfin Schenk von Stauffenberg, née Schiller, 1903–1945’ in pp. 2–6 (05.1988)
BBC, The Secret War (1977)
BBC 2:
Operation Crossbow: How the Allies used 3D photography to thwart the Nazis’ super-weapons (2013)
The Lancaster: Britain’s Flying Past (20.07.2014)
Britain’s Greatest Pilot: The Extraordinary Story of Captain ‘Winkle’ Brown (ed. Darren Jonusas ASE, Exec. Prod. Steve Crabtree (01.06.2014)
Channel Four, Spying on Hitler’s Army: The Secret Recordings (2013)
Sony Picture Classics, Blind Spot: Hitler’s Secretary, featuring Traudl Junge
Me-163 flown by test pilots Hanna Reitsch and Heini Dittmar
BBC World Service:
History Hour: The Death of Mussolini (03.05.2014)
Witness: The Plot to Kill Hitler (18.07.2014)
BBC Radio Four, Desert Island Discs: Eric Brown (14.11.2014)
ZDF (Germany):
Fliegen und Stürzen – Porträt der Melitta Schiller-Stauffenberg, eine aussergewohnlichen Frau [Flying and Nosediving: a portrait of Melitta Schiller-Stauffenberg, an exceptional woman] (6 January 1974)
Himmelsstürmerinnen, Deutsche Fliegerinnen – Ihre Rekorde und Tragödien [Women who stormed the sky, German women pilots, their records and tragedies], ARTE film by Bertram von Boxberg and Karin Rieppel (June 2011)
Interspot Film (Austria), Hanna Reitsch: Hitlers Fliegerin [Hitler’s Pilot] (dir. Gerhard Jelinek and Fritz Kalteis, 2010)
Im Toten Winkel: Hitler’s Secretarin [Blindspot: Hitler’s Secretary], a film by André Heller and Othmar Schmiderer (Traudl Junge interview)
Anonymous, A Woman in Berlin (Virago, 2013)
Constance Babington Smith, Evidence in Camera: The story of photographic intelligence in the Second World War (Sutton, 2004)
Gerda Erika Baker, Shadow of War (Lion, 1990)
Hans Baur, I was Hitler’s Pilot: The Memoirs of Hans Baur (Frontline, 2013)
Isolde Baur, A Pilot’s Pilot: Karl Baur, Chief Test Pilot for Messerschmitt (Schiffer, 1999)
Elly Beinhorn, Premiere am Himmel, meine berühmten Fliegerkameraden [First in the Sky: My Famous Aviator Comrades] (Langen-Müller, 1991)
——, Alleinflug: Mein Leben (Malik, National Geographic, 2011)
Nicolaus von Below, At Hitler’s Side: The Memoirs of Hitler’s Luftwaffe Adjutant 1937–1945 (Frontline, 2010)
Sigismund Payne Best, The Venlo Incident: How the Nazis Fooled Britain (Frontline, 2009)
Nancy Bird, My God! It’s a Woman: The inspiring story of Australia’s pioneering aviatrix (Harper Collins, 2002)
Dirk Bogarde, Cleared For Take-Off (Chivers, 1996)
Gerhard Boldt, Hitler’s Last Ten Days (Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1973)
Tadeusz Bór-Komorowski, The Secret Army: The Memoirs of General Bór-Komorowski (Frontline, 2011)
Eric Brown, Wings on My Sleeve: The World’s Greatest Test Pilot Tells His Story (Phoenix, 2007)
Sarah Churchill, Keep on Dancing: An autobiography (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1981)
Winston Churchill, Great Contemporaries (Odhams, 1947)
——, Step by Step: 1936–1939 (Odhams, 1949)
Otto Dietrich, Mit Hitler an die Macht: Personliche Erlebnisse mit meinem Führer [With Hitler to Power: Personal Experiences with My Leader] (F. Eher nachf, g.m.b.h., 1934)
Kurt Doerry & Wilhelm Dörr, Das Olympia-Buch [The Olympic Book], published on behalf of the German State Committee for Physical Exercise, with foreword by President von Hindenburg (Olympia-Verlag, Munich, 1927)
Walter R. Dornberger, V-2 (Hurst & Blackett, 1954)
Bernt Engelmann, In Hitler’s Germany: Everyday Life in the Third Reich (Schocken Books, 1986)
Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl (Penguin, 2012)
Peter Gay, My German Question: Growing Up in Nazi Berlin (Yale University Press, 1998)
Hans Bernd Gisevius, To The Bitter End (Jonathan Cape, 1948)
Joseph Goebbels, The Goebbels Diaries, 1939–1941: the historic journal of a Nazi war leader, ed. Fred Taylor (Sphere, 1983)
——, The Goebbels Diaries: The Last Days, ed. Louis P. Lochner (Doubleday, 1948)
Elisabeth zu Guttenberg, Beim Namen Gerufen: Erinnerungen [Called By Name: Memories] (Harper, 1996)
——, Sheridan Spearman, Holding the Stirrup (Duell, Sloan and Pearce/Little Brown, 1953)
Reinhild Gräfin von Hardenberg, Auf immer neuen Wegen: Erinnerungen an Neuhardenberg und den Widerstand gegen der Nationalsozialismus [On New Ways: Memories of Neuhardenberg and the resistance against National Socialism] (Stiftung Schloss Neuhardenberg, 2002)
Fey von Hassell, A Mother’s War (Corgi, 1991)
——, Niemals sich beugen: Erinnerungen einer sonder gefangenen der SS [Never Bow Down: Memories of the Special Prisoners of the SS] (Piper, 1995)
Ulrich von Hassell, The Von Hassell Diaries: The Story of the Forces Against Hitler Inside Germany, 1938–1944 (Westview Press, 1994)
Sir Nevile Henderson, Failure of a Mission: Berlin 1937–1939 (Hodder & Stoughton, 1940)
Hajo Herrmann, Eagle’s Wings: The Autobiography of a Luftwaffe Pilot (Airlife, 1991)
Heinrich Hoffmann, Hitler Was My Friend: The Memoirs of Hitler’s Photographer (Frontline Books, 2011)
Traudl Junge, Until the Final Hour: Hitler’s Last Secretary (Phoenix, 2002)
Ursula von Kardorff, Diary of a Nightmare: Berlin 1942–1945 (Hart-Davis, 1965)
Erich Kempka, I Was Hitler’s Chauffeur: The Memoirs of Erich Kempka (Frontline, 2010)
Karl Koller, Der Letzte Monat: Die tagebuchaufzeichnungen des ehemaligen Chefs des Generalstabs der deutschen Luftwaffe vom 14 April bis zum 27 Mai 1945 [The Last Month: The Diaries of Karl Koller, former Chief of Staff of the Luftwaffe, 14 April to 27 May 1945] (Mannheim, 1949)
Heinz Linge, With Hitler to the End: The Memoirs of Adolf Hitler’s Valet (Frontline, 2009)
Bernd Freytag von Loringhoven, In the Bunker with Hitler: The last witness speaks (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2005)
Hilde M., Girls: Your World, The German Girls’ Yearbook (Zentralv., Franz E., Gmbh, 1944), article ‘Hanna Reitsch: A Life for Flying’
Friedrich W. von Mellenthin, Panzer Battles (Tempus, 1956)
Richard Perlia, Mal oben – Mal unten [Sometimes Up – Sometimes Down] (Schiff & Flugzeug-Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2011)
Powys-Lybbe, Ursula, The Eye of Intelligence (William Kimber, 1983)
Hanna Reitsch, Aventures en Plein Ciel [Adventures in the Sky] (La Palatine, 1952)
——, Höhen und Tiefen: 1945 bis zur Gegenwart [Ups and Downs, 1945 to the present day] (Herbig, 1978)
——, The Sky My Kingdom: Memoirs of the famous German WWII Test Pilot (Greenhill, 2009)
Jana Richter and Hermann Graml (eds), Die Tagebücher von Joseph Goebbels: Oktober bis Dezember 1944 [The Diaries of Joseph Goebbels] (KG Saur, 1996)
Peter Riedel, Start in den Wind – Erlebte Rhöngeschichte 1911 bis 1926 [Take-off in the Wind: Rhön History Experienced 1911–1926] (Motorbuch Verlag Stuttgart, 1977)
Leni Riefenstahl, A Memoir (St Martin’s Press, 1993)
Christa Schroeder, He Was My Chief: The Memoirs of Adolf Hitler’s Secretary (Frontline, 2009)
William L. Shirer, Berlin Diary: The Journal of a Foreign Correspondent 1934–1941 (Gallahad, 1997)
Otto Skorzeny, Skorzeny’s Special Missions: The Memoirs of ‘The Most Dangerous Man in Europe’ (Greenhill, 2006)
Wolfgang Späte, Top Secret Bird: the Luftwaffe’s Me-163 Comet (Independent, 1989)
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‘20 July 1944: Memories of a Historic Day’
Aircrew Remembered
‘Hanna Reistch: Luftwaffe Test Pilot and Aviation Record Holder’
Alte Adler association official website
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Monash University website, ‘Hargrave: the pioneers’, collection:
Hanna Reitsch (1912–1979)
Melitta Schiller (1903–1945)
Griffon Merlin: James Holland’s Second World War Forum
Interviews with Eric Brown and Hajo Herrmann
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A People’s History of the Holocaust and Genocide
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Flight in a Twin Astir II, F-CFYI glider at the Aerodrome de Gandalou, Tarn & Garonne (August 2013)
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Alexander Historical Auctions:
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Hermann Historica International Auctions (70th auction catalogue, May 2015):
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Letter Hanna Reitsch/Albert Kesselring (29.02.1948), lot 6017
* Dates in parentheses are when the interviews took place.