Chapter Twenty


Richard and Jim looked at each other. “Go ahead and tell them,” Jim said. “My lip is hurting.”

“You’re going to need a couple of stitches in that. As soon as you give me a statement, I want you both taken to the hospital for a check up.” The chief stated. He took out a tape recorder. “Do you mind if I record this? I want to be sure everything is on the up and up.”

He clicked on the recording. “This is February 21, 2013. We’re in the office of the Lost Cause Detective Agency, owned by Hannah Rutherford. Present are Lt. James McCormack of the Myrtle Beach, South Carolina city Police, Hannah Rutherford, Mrs. Anna Mae Harkins, Elizabeth Richardson, Detective Victoria Stallard, Detective, Herbert Muller, Detective Richard Longbow, Attorney James Bridges and myself, Chief Ed Wingate of the Myrtle Beach city police force. Detective Richard Longbow and Attorney James Bridges were instrumental in apprehending two persons suspected of committing murder and illegally selling body parts. Detective Longbow, would you like to make a statement?”

“Yes, of course.” He cleared his throat. “To begin, I had a problem I wanted to discuss with Jim. We decided to take a walk to talk and pray about it. We each said a short prayer and were talking when we saw ahead of us what looked like some people fighting. We heard a woman’s voice yelling to get away and then she screamed. We saw the larger person raise his hand with what looked like something shiny in it. He looked as if he were going to stab it into the woman. The smaller person was trying to hold the woman and help. We both yelled and took off running toward them. The woman dropped, or was dropped, on the walk and the two people turned to run. We took off after them. I was on the left so I tackled the person on the left and Jim tackled the person on the right. Both of them fought us, but by then others had noticed the altercation and had called for police. They came and placed the two people in handcuffs. We all went back to see about the woman. She was all right but bruised and frightened.

She kept saying, “They were trying to kill me. They had knives.’ We discovered that very sharp scalpels had been dropped during the fight. When the police checked, they found igloos with ice in them near where the woman had been standing. They were arrested and taken to jail. We can only assume they are the ones who have been killing innocent people. The smaller person, dressed like a woman, is actually a man. They are what they called partners. The larger person is an intern and the other one just dressed as a nurse to help him and threw everyone off track.”

“Just as I thought,” Hannah interrupted, “an intern has a lot of college debts and he was probably using this means to pay off his debts.”

“Thank God you caught them,” Victoria breathed a sigh of relief. “Can you imagine what kind of doctor he would have made?”

Everyone was sitting and thinking when Lt. McCormack spoke. “What you guys did was admirable. Not many people would have jumped in when there were weapons involved. In fact, some might have yelled a them, but I doubt if many would have tried to apprehend them.”

Jim tried to smile through swelling and painful mouth. “Who thought of weapons? I just saw two people jumping on one and felt the odds were uneven. I don’t like bullies. Neither do I like to think I might be a coward.” He stopped and placed a wet cloth to his mouth while looking miserable.

“I’m escorting you two to the hospital,” Chief Wingate declared standing.

“I’ll go with them,” Hannah stated.

“No,” Herb butted in, “you stay here. I’ll go with them. It will be less embarrassing to take off their clothes in front of me than in front of you,”

“Why will they need to take off their clothes?” Elizabeth asked. “It’s their faces that are injured.”

“They’ll need to be checked all over for bruises and possible cracked bones.”

“Oh,” she said meekly.

“Well,” Mrs. Harkins jumped up, “now I’m not afraid to walk home alone. We all need to get some rest and be prepared for a full, busy day tomorrow. The press will be over us like ants and media of all kind will be around. There’ll also be a lot of nosey people just wanting to be near the so called action.” She laughed. “I’m off. Good night everyone. Take good care of our boys.” She shook her finger at the Chief. He laughed, put on his hat and followed out after the lieutenant.

Hannah got ready for bed saying a prayer of thanks for the care of Jim and Richard. She smiled thinking that the mayor would be preening in front of all cameras as if she had done the good deed. It would be something to hear her comments.

Two days later Jim and Richard were back at work with stitches, injections and Richard with a cracked rib. They were just grinning at leaving by the back door and avoiding the media. Newspapers and television news continued with the news telling how men who worked at the Lost Cause Detective Agency were the heroes of the hour. Hannah was sorry her friends had gotten hurt, but was thrilled at the great publicity her office was getting.

She was trying to work on a case file when Mrs. Harkins buzzed her phone. “Hannah, I think you’ll want to take this call.” She had done an admirable job of screening calls.

Hannah pushed the correct button, “Hello, this is Hannah Rutherford.”

“Helllooo Miss Rutherford. I owe you so much and I hope someday to do you a favor. You have been a blessing to me.”

“Wait a minute. Who is this, please?”

“Hey. I’m sorry. I’m just so happy I’m forgetting myself. This is Alexander Falls. Remember you sent me to another agency to determine if my wife was trying to have me killed?”

“Oh, yes. How are you? What happened?”

“Tracers were placed on the phone, surveillance was carried out, pictures were taken, they were observed meeting and now all are arrested. I don’t know exactly what they’ll be charged with, but they’ll have to face the consequences of their deeds.” He chuckled. “I’m so relieved and thank you over and over.”

“I’m just happy it turned out well for you. Thank you for telling me.”

She hung up smiling. That’s what this work is all about.

The next week Herb was jumping up in the air and yelling. “Chandler has been sentenced to life in prison without parole. Brian will be too happy to express himself. Hannah, I’m going to offer to drive to Virginia with him and pick up his babies. He wants to go get them himself. Even though he’ll have Mrs. Morton taking care of them, he’ll need some relief. I want to go any way.”

“Be my guest,” she laughed. “Do you have any cases pending?”

“Only one and it’s fact finding. I can take the time, if it’s all right with you.”

“Go ahead. Have you ever been to Virginia?”

“No,” he said sheepishly. “That’s one reason I’d like to go.”

“Take long johns. It gets awfully cold up that way. Bring me some Virginia apples. Stop in North Carolina on the way back and get some good clover honey with the comb in it.”

“You don’t want much, do you?” he teased her.

“Go. Go meet Brian and make your plans. I know he’s more excited than you are.”

Hannah was settling down to work when Victoria came in looking as if she had lost her last friend. Hannah didn’t say anything. She didn’t know what to say not knowing what was on Victoria’s mind.

Victoria sat down with a big sigh and tears in her eyes. “I’ve been for an appointment with my doctor.” She sobbed. Hannah got up and came around the desk to hug her.

“Would you like to tell me what he said, what is so upsetting to you?”

She kept crying until finally she said through sobs. “He said I’ve inherited my mother’s genetic defect in my heart. I’ll need a heart transplant within a year or I’ll di di die“. She sobbed.

“How fortunate you live in these days with all the advances in medicine. Heart transplants are becoming common now. Your mother didn’t have that opportunity.”

“I know. I know I’ll be in good hands, but I’ve just earned my license and now I have to give it up.” She cried harder.

“No, you won’t have to give it up. You’ll take a leave of absence and then return stronger than ever.”

Herb came in and had to be told. He hugged her. “Little sister, we’ll all be beside you fighting with you and God is always with you.”

“Little sister?” she almost giggled.

“Yes, you’ve become very dear to me. All of you have.”

Jim came in and was told the news. He was distressed even though he had not known her long. Victoria was an easy person to know and feel affection for since she was such a caring, sweet person.

It wasn’t long until all the others came in. Richard suggested that they form a circle and have prayer.

Hannah, Victoria, Herb, Mrs. Harkins, Elizabeth, Jim and Richard stood with arms around each other’s shoulders and Richard led in prayer for Victoria to have peace and comfort and for the skill of the doctors. He ended by thanking God for being with Victoria and helping her through this.

The days passed rapidly with Victoria making plans for her surgery as soon as a compatible heart was found.

The last day of February was Victoria’s twenty-sixth birthday. Hannah had arranged a surprise party for her and had her family flown in from Minnesota to surprise Victoria. Even the nieces and nephews were to be included. She had told the family of Victoria’s health problems and they had promised to make it a celebration for her. Victoria’s mother was fifty-one when she died with a heart defect, but everyone was hopeful that Victoria would get excellent medical care.

At six Hannah told everyone to get ready and she was going to take everyone to the Seacoast Grill for a birthday dinner for Victoria. Needless to say, Victoria was surprised and very pleased.

They drove down and parked in a valet area. They went in together in such a way that Victoria and Hannah came in last. Victoria walked innocently and calmly behind the group until they got to the reserved seating area. Everyone stood aside so Victoria could see who was seated at the tables. She gave a cry of joy, hugging her father and the whole family.

Everyone took turn about helping her wipe the tears from her eyes.

“Gee sis, I didn’t know we’d make you so miserable or we wouldn’t have come,” he teased her.

“Shush,” she slapped his chest. “Brother dear, I love you, but you’re not funny. Everyone knows these are tears of joy.”

The lobster and shrimp almost went unnoticed with everyone trying to talk and bring Victoria up-to-date on family business. After the dinner, she hugged Hannah and thanked her and then hugged all her co-workers. She elected to go to the hotel rooms and continue visiting with her family as they were flying home again the next day.

The next day Victoria was bubbling with joy and appreciation for her birthday and for Hannah bringing her family together. “You think I’m dying, don’t you, and you wanted us to have one last time together.”

“No, silly. Get that out of your head this minute. It was just a love gift for all you’ve meant to me. I knew how long it had been since you saw your entire family. The children are precious and the two new babies made me wish I had made different plans.”

Victoria looked surprised. “You mean you wanted a husband and children? Why didn’t you ever get serious about all those fellows that kept fluttering around you?”

“I wasn’t ready because I was concentrating on developing this business. Don’t count me out yet. I’m not too old.”

“I know you aren’t, and you’ll make a wonderful wife and mother.”

Richard came in to hear the last statement. He asked surprised, “Hannah, are you getting married? I didn’t even know you were seeing anyone.”

“I’m not. I’m not.” She assured him. “We’re just talking.”

“Whew. That’s a relief.”

“What do you mean?” Victoria asked with ‘ruffled feathers’. “What does it matter to you what she does?”

Richard looked like a little boy that had been caught in something he shouldn’t. “Maybe it’s because I’m interested and hoped I’d stand a chance with her.”

Hannah was too surprised to speak, but not Victoria. “Well, dummy. All you have to do is ask.”

Richard looked embarrassed. “Hannah, would you consider going to the Civic Center dance with me Saturday? We could have supper somewhere before we go or eat later in the evening.”

“Well, whoop-ti-do. How romantic can you get? Did you expect her to fall at your feet with that invitation?”

“Victoria!” Hannah finally found her voice. “Stop teasing Richard.” She looked at him. “I hadn’t thought about going, but I’d love to go with you and whatever plans you make will be fine.”

With a shy smile and a sigh of relief he ducked his head and walked back to his office.

Hannah let Victoria knew she was disappointed in her behavior. “You’re like my big sister and I love you. I want the best for you.” Victoria explained.

“What makes you think Richard isn’t the best?”

“Not one blessed thing. I guess he just surprised me.”

“He surprised me, too, but now I’m glad he asked. Now let’s all get to work.”

Hannah walked out and told Mrs. Harkins that she was going to see Attorney Archibald Worthington about her will. “After hearing about Victoria’s problems, I thought I should bring my will to current status.”

“There’s nothing wrong with you, is there, Hannah?” Mrs. Harkins asked worriedly.

“Oh, no. I’m just doing what all of us should do and keep everything current.” She left and was gone almost two hours.

When she returned the group was waiting anxiously for her return.

“For pity’s sake,” she was exasperated, “what do all of you think you’re doing?”

“We love you and are worried that there is something you’re not telling us.”

“What ever gave you that foolish idea?”

“You wanted to check your will. We were afraid there might be something wrong that we didn’t know about.” Elizabeth spoke softly.

“And after my glorious news, we’re all concerned about each other.” Victoria declared.

“How many times do I need to reassure you? There’s. Nothing. Wrong.”

“Okay. Okay. We’re sorry,” Herb rushed to say. “We just care.”

“I know and I love you all, but I’m going to be around for such a long time, you’re going to be sick of me.”

Little did she know that this was an untrue statement.