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I twirled the pencil nervously between my fingers as the multiple lines of code stared back at me from the monitor. I was determined to figure out how these damn hackers got through to our servers. Even more concerning was that I hadn’t told Viper—or anyone—about the breach. Don’t get me wrong, I would eventually, but the way I saw it, if I told him now, he’d just tell me to handle it. I did, however, think it was time for me to solicit some help.
“What’s up?” Jemini asked as she popped her head into my office in response to my text to meet me here.
I indicated the chair in front of my desk. “Have a seat.”
She sat and frowned, presumably at the look on my face. “What’s wrong?”
The thing about Jemini was... she was very intuitive. I knew she had a mother for a witch but was never a practicing one before she was turned against her will into a vampire, but I tended to think there was some kind of psychic thing going on with her—and part of me wondered if she even knew she had it. It was like women’s intuition on steroids.
“We’ve been hacked, and I need your help,” I replied.
Her eyes widened. “Oh no. When did it happen?”
I set the pencil down and folded my hands together on the desk. “About a week ago.”
“Show me,” she said, coming around the desk.
I had four computer monitors set up and I pointed to the one on the right. “See this here? It’s some kind of malware.”
She nodded. “You’re correct, it looks like spyware.” She looked down at me. “The antivirus software isn’t booting it out?”
“No, it only detects it,” I said, shaking my head. “Look.” I ran the software and showed that it failed to get rid of the bug. “It’s already wormed into our comms, even after I put patches on everything and updated the firewall.”
She bit her lip and shook her head. “Not good.”
“I can’t manually remove it, either. I tried.” I raked my hand through my hair.
“Obviously, you’ve tried Googling it,” she asked.
“Yes, but I’m not getting anything useful. Results pop up mostly for personal PCs. This isn’t the most complex system, but it’s way more than a simple operating system, and this bug is more than a dumb trojan horse.”
She laid her hand on my shoulder. “We’ll figure it out. Let me call one of my former coworkers, Mack. I’ll be vague. He’s got a pretty big brain.”
“Thanks, Jemini,” I murmured as she walked out, typing on her phone.
I looked back at the screen and blew out a breath. It wasn’t like the answer was just going to pop out at me, no matter how long I stared at it. If Jemini’s friend didn’t have any solutions, I might have to consult the Dark Web, which I really didn’t want to do. Accessing it a few days ago may have been what caused the malware to begin with. I wasn’t sure. I hadn’t downloaded anything suspicious, nor had I even plugged in anything external like a USB. I had backup drives always plugged in, so it couldn’t have come from those. I had only accessed a human trafficking site I’d stumbled on recently. I sometimes sent anonymous tips to the local police whenever I found illegal stuff on the Dark Web. This particular site I was tracking carefully, watching when they’d move their operation location. When they eventually came to New Orleans, there would be no police involved. Nighthawks would be taking care of that, BSI be damned. Those humans weren’t going to continue to get away with that shit.
“Knock, knock.”
I looked up to see Kalissa standing in the doorway. “Come in, take a load off.” I pointed to her large, swollen belly and then to the chair.
“Thanks,” she replied, slowly taking a seat.
I stopped breathing in through my nose in hopes I could tamp down the hunger that rallied in me whenever she was around.
She held up her cell phone and said, “Can you help me with something?”
“Sure,” I said, taking it from her. “What’s wrong?”
“Whenever I access the browser, it just keeps closing on me. It’s frustrating, especially when I’m trying to buy something and have to start over.”
As I located the icon for the browser, I said, “I’ve been meaning to set up a small PC station in the clubhouse for people to use for whatever they need. You’ve motivated me to get that done this week.” I tapped the icon and went to a major online shopping retailer. I put some stuff into the “cart” and sure enough, the browser shut down. “Let me make sure you don’t have a virus, first.”
What was it with me and computer viruses today? I ran a quick scan and found nothing. Then, I logged her out of the browser, uninstalled it, then reinstalled it. I handed the phone back to her and told her to log in and try again.
After pushing a few buttons, she looked up at me and smiled. “I think it’s working now. It’s faster, too. Thanks, Parker.”
I smiled back at her, still breathing through my mouth. “You’re welcome. Just come back if it shuts down again. Oh, and I put a bunch of stuff in your Amazon cart to test the site, so you might want to check that before you check out.”
“Will do,” she said before waddling out.
I sucked in a big breath I really didn’t need and swallowed down the extra saliva in my mouth from when it had been watering. I had obviously learned how to control my thirst for blood while around humans, but her scent was especially strong, and her heartbeat louder than others’ due to her pregnancy. I would never hurt her but being that I mostly stayed at the clubhouse around vampires all the time, human scents were stronger for me. It was the same when Bloome started hanging out here with Shadow. Thankfully she had sensed my unease and now sprayed some kind of pheromone on her that masked her human scent. I wanted to ask her to give it to Kalissa but didn’t know if it was safe for pregnant women. I needed to learn to control it, anyway.
My club brothers seemed to all find wives and girlfriends within the last year. I was grateful for the expensive noise-canceling headphones I’d found online since they were all going at it every single night these days. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be bothered being in a relationship right now, anyway. I was only twenty-six in calendar years and knew I had forever to find someone, so it was low on the priority list.
A beep from the computer brought my attention back to the task at hand. The antivirus software had detected another breach. I immediately opened the notification and saw another piece of malware being threaded into our system. I quickly clicked on it and ordered the antivirus software to get rid of it. The software obeyed, but when I checked the internal systems, the virus was still there. This was the third time today. Who was trying to infiltrate our system? Jemini had been right—it was spyware. So, someone wanted to look at the inner workings of our system. I put up more patches, and another firewall in hopes that would make it difficult for whoever or whatever was trying to get in.
Stretching my back, I realized I had been sitting in this chair too long. A glance at the clock on the computer told me it was almost one a.m. I’d been working on this problem since the sun went down seven hours ago and I needed a break. After snatching my keys and phone from the desk drawer, I walked out into the clubhouse and made my way to the breakroom.
“What’s up?” Venom asked as he sat at the table with Kalissa. They were both eating some kind of pasta with what smelled like seafood in it.
Trying to breathe through my mouth only, I put on a smile. “Nothing. Just needed a break. Gonna grab a drink and head to the gym.” I pointed to the fridge.
I pulled a blood bag from the fridge. After dumping it into an obnoxious coffee mug that read Eat Me with a picture of a mouth depicting fangs dripping blood, I popped it into the microwave and waited for it to warm up. Kalissa tried to hide the revulsion on her face but failed.
“Thank you for helping her out,” Venom said, pointing to his woman with his fork. “She told me you fixed her phone.”
I chuckled. “Her phone was fine. Her browser was corrupted. I just re-installed it. Easy stuff.”
“Easy for you,” Venom said before he forked the food into his mouth.
“You got a little sauce on your shirt,” Kalissa said, reaching across the table with a napkin in her hand. She wiped his black tee with it.
“Don’t you have to be at work in a few hours?” I asked her.
She smiled at me. “I quit the clinic. After the baby’s born, I’ll see about some part-time work, if need be.”
“There will be no need,” Venom replied. Reaching over, he rubbed her big belly while staring at her as if she was the most important person on earth.
Give me a break.
The microwave beeping saved me from replying. I removed the cup, drank all the blood in one long gulp, and put the mug into the sink. “I’m heading to the gym,” I said, not sure why I was repeating myself.
“Have a good workout,” Shadow said as I damn near bumped into his tall ass while he entered the breakroom as I was walking out.
“Thanks,” I murmured, heading up to my room to change into my workout gear.
The whole reason I came to the gym at this time of night/morning was to get in a workout in peace. Yes, it was a twenty-four-hour-type operation, but it was rare to see any more than like four humans here at this time of night. Tonight, there were over a dozen. One male was currently occupying my favorite treadmill, which made me instantly irritated. Why, I wasn’t sure, but that damn malware attack had put me in a bad mood.
With my enhanced eyesight, I could see he had twelve minutes left on his workout. I didn’t want to wait, and I couldn’t very well order him off the machine, so I begrudgingly took the one next to him. His treadmill was my favorite because I’d programmed my own workout speed and set into it and all I had to do was punch a button. Annoyed, I fiddled with the buttons on my machine to start the workout and then pulled my earbuds from my pocket. They were already plugged into my phone, and after starting the techno music playlist, I began a fast jog to get me warmed up.
In truth, I didn’t really need the workout. It had admittedly become part of a routine that I’d started while I was still human four years ago, and it stuck. Being a vampire seriously sucked, if I was honest with myself. I didn’t like the lack of the “high” I used to get from the endorphins and adrenaline coursing through my body after a good forty-five-minute run, but I still did it, nonetheless. As vampires, we lacked fully functioning eccrine glands that caused us to sweat, so occasionally, I would have to remind myself to squirt my water on my face to maintain the façade that I was perspiring like a normal human. I watched the television set right in front of my favorite treadmill that the asshole was currently inhabiting. The pain from exercise wasn’t the same as it had been when I was human. My muscles ached, but it never lasted long. When I was human—even though I was still very young—I would be sore for days after a long run or some weightlifting. Now, it only hurt for a brief time while I’d exercise.
As the techno music blasted in my ears, I kept my eyes fixated on the TV. The sitcom playing helped distract me from checking the time every five minutes. The closed-captioning on the television helped me to get engaged in the program while the techno kept me pumped and running at a good speed. A few minutes into it, a tap on my shoulder bolted me out of the zone. Irritated, I turned to see who’d touched me, and frowned.
“What?” I asked the douche who’d taken “my” treadmill.
“Parker Knight?” he queried.
Panting, I replied, “Yes?”
“This you, dude?” He handed me my Louisiana state driver’s license.
I continued to run but stared down at the ID as my feet pounded on the belt. “Yeah, it is.” I panted as if out of breath. “Where did you get this?”
“It was in the cupholder of the treadmill I was just on. I got here earlier and saw it in there, put it in my pocket, and was gonna hand it into the front desk. But then I seen you look just like the photo there,” he drawled, pointing to the ID.
What in the hell... why was my driver’s license in the cupholder?
I shoved it into my pocket. “Well, thanks. Yes. I must have left it here.”
“No problem, man.” He walked away, wiping a towel over his head and face.
Continuing to run, I racked my brain, trying to figure out why my ID had been in the cupholder. Then I remembered that the last time I was here, a few days ago, I’d had to show my ID to get into the gym, as I couldn’t get their glitchy app to pull up the barcode on my phone to get me into the gym. They’d had to look me up manually in the system. I’d set the license into the cupholder at the time and had obviously forgotten about it. Good thing I hadn’t been pulled over driving here on my bike. I watched the guy walk away. Even though he’d taken my favorite treadmill, the guy wasn’t a douche. That title belonged to me for being so careless.
I used the showers after my workout and headed to the tanning area in the back. Thankful for the 24-hour automated spray tan booth, I put my credit card in, stripped down to nothing, then stepped inside and let the jets do their thing. Being a vampire sucked enough as it was, and I wasn’t ready to embrace the pale yet. One day I was sure I’d stop but for now, it gave me a sense of normalcy, a dash of humanity, and maybe a little control since nothing in my life was as it used to be. When they took notice, I’d told my club brothers this was for my mental health, and they stopped razzing me about it.